四年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2(2)教案 广州版

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四年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2(2)教案 广州版一、教学内容:Work with language, fun with language. Set a birthday party and try to perform it.二、教学重点: Vocabulary: give, card, song, blow out, candle, cut, eat, party Sentence structure: Happy birthday! Thank you so/very much.She/he is ing.三、教学任务: Can arrange a birthday party and talk about the activities in the party. 四、教学步骤:StepsTeachers ActivitiesPupils activitiesTeaching aidsLeading-in 1.Sing a song: Happy birthday!Sing the song with actions togetherWarm-up Pre-task1. Tittle: Unit 2 My BirthdayWork with language2.Show some pictures, review the words and sentences birthday, cake, candle , card What is she/he doing?She/He is3. Set a real task.T: Tomorrow is your birthday. Lets set a birthday party and invite some good friends. OK? Theres a list for the party on your desk of each group. Please discuss with your partners and plete the list.1.look at the Pictures carefully and try to speak out the words. 2.think of the materials that they need then plete the list together 3.write down the words 1.对之前学过的单词进行唤醒记忆。2.让学生在一定的情景下学习语言会比较容易记忆,也可以提高学生的兴趣和动手动口的能力。3.在尽量真实的的情景中训练学生运用语言的能力。While-task and post-task1. Let the pupils discuss with their partners and give some guidance.2. Check the list(投影)3. Encourage the pupils to perform the party4. Let the pupils describe the people and their actions in the party, try to use the present-tense.1.Discuss with the partners and plete the listwrite the words onthe blackboard3.Perform the party1.学生能自主的学习,通过同学之间的交流也是一种很好的学习策略。2.布置任务,让学生在任务中完成语言的运用。3.鼓励学生大胆地走上讲台表演,从老师和同学的表扬中获得英语学习的自信和满足。Homework 1.Listen and read U22.Copy the words and sentences3.Draw a picture of A birthday party(选做)1.抄抄写写的作业也要适当的布置,2.口头的练习也不能少与主题相应的画画、找资料等是一些很能提高学生兴趣和能力的作业。附給学生填写的表格:A Birthday PartyMaterials(材料)we needThe presents(礼物)What are you doing in the party ?What is your friend doing in the party ?Are you happy ?附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 2(3)教案 广州版一、教学内容分析:本节是Module1第二课时,教学内容是一篇关于生日的对话,对话内容非常贴近生活。生日的话题是学生十分感兴趣的话题,学生们已有不少过生日的经历,这对课文教学有利。对话中的祝贺语Happy birthday学生早已掌握。对话中提到的生日礼物是一个puter game,能充分调动学生的兴趣。但对话中的某些表达方法,如This is from your dad and me.和 You are forgetting something.可能会给学生造成理解上的错误,应让学生充分理解其意义。二、教学对象分析:本节教学内容能引起学生很大的兴趣,有利于调动学生的学习积极性,但要防止学生兴奋过头,造成课堂调控上的困难。教师应注意引导,采用评价等手段加强调控,以取得最好的教学效果。三、教学目标:1.语言知识Vocabulary: birthday, so, excited, happy, forget, something, really, grandpa, joke, puter game Sentences: This is from your dad and me. Youre forgetting something. Daily express: Happy birthday! Thank you so much. Im so excited. Really? Only joking.Grammar: Youre forgetting something中的ing 构成。2.语言技能1)能流利朗读课文,语音语调正确,能理解课文意思。2)能在情景中使用所学日常用语。3)能较熟悉地使用how old 句型及现在进行时进行口、笔头操练。3.学习策略通过课文的学习,能大胆在日常生活中使用英语。4.情感态度懂得关心他人,尊重长辈。四、教学重、难点1)本节生词 2)理解对话中的某些表达方法,如This is from your dad and me.和 You are forgetting something.五、教学策略根据课文内容,采用情景教学。六、教学媒体电脑、图片、实物(a puter game)ppt课件七、教学过程Step1. Greetings and warming-up1. Greet the pupils.2.Sing a song: Happy birthday to me(课文磁带)Step 2.Presentation and practiseT:Children. Today we are going to learn something about birthday. Who is having birthday? Our old friend, Yongxian. Today is Yongxians birthday. He is very happy.( 引入课题,板书课题, 学习学生已非常熟悉的新词 happy, birthday Happy birthday!)Free talk. (让学生谈谈自己过生日的情景,鼓励学生大胆开口,必要时可使用中文)T: Last month was my birthday. I had a good time, too. I was very happy. I was also so excited.(配合表情,重复几次,让学生理解 so excited的意思并学习)T: Do you know how old I am? I am 500 years old. Ps: Wow!T:Only joking! I am 30 years old. (当教师说only joking 时,注意多用身体语言及动作表情让学生猜测其意思,当学生理解后学习生词 joke , Only joking!)T:OK, boys and girls. We have talked a lot about our birthdays. But dont forget our old friend, dont forget his birthday! (学习新词forget,同时提问学生forget的ing如何变化,如学生说错,老师稍加解释并板书出来。至此,本节主要新词已呈现并学习完,为课文学习打下了基础,剩余词汇可结合课文学习,学生已接触过,部分词汇如puter game,thank you等学生已非常熟悉,因此应能容易掌握)(教师接上引入课文对话的学习)How is Yongxians birthday? Lets see.呈现课文六幅图,让学生做picture reading, 谈论图中人物可能在说些什么。让学生做picture story telling, 中英结合把大概图意讲一讲。注意让学生理解This is from your dad and me.和 You are forgetting something.的意义。Step 3. Consolidation T: Are you right? Lets see.(使用ppt课件呈现课文)Ask and answer questions. P8 exercise2. Read in different roles.Step4. DevelopmentListen and number the picture. P7 exercise 1.Retell the story about Yongxians birthday.(充许学生根据自己的学习水平参考适当的提示,如看书、看图、看教师提供的key words等)Sing a song: Happy birthday to Yongxian.Step 5. Conclusion与学生一起归纳小结本节所学词汇。与学生一起归纳一些日常用语:Im so excited. Happy birthday! Thank you so much. Really? 等。教师提问是否有同学本月过生日,若有全体师生为他/她唱一首生日歌。Step 6. Assessment对学生的课堂表现作一简要评价,适当给予加星奖励,作为口试评分标准之一。Step 7. Homework Copy the new words. (Activity Book)Listen to the tape and learn the new words and dialogue by heart.Tell your parents about Yongxians birthday.板书birthday Happy birthdayHappy birthdayThank you so muchso excited Really? Only jokingforget This is from your dad and me.something You are forgetting something.really grandpa joke Only joking puter game


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