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Unit 7 What s the highest mountain in the world? 单元检测题一.语法选择(本大题有10小题,每小题1分洪10分)Rosa hurried home from work.It 1 quite warm that day, and it hadn t rained since last week.She was worried that her tiny plants might have got too much sun.When she got to her building, she ran up the stairs, two at a time, up to 2 third floor.“Oh, you poor things! ” thought Rosa when she saw even the 3tomato plant lookedhopeless.It just looked like a 4 one.Rosa got her watering bottle and began 5 .She watered each pot until the water began to come out from the holes in the bottom.She made sure 6 plant got just enough water before she went to cook something to eat.In the kitchen, Rosa bit into an apple and imagined that 7 was a big sweet tomato.Later she carried her dinner out to the balcony which was also her secret little garden to grow many tomato plants.The roof of the apartment building kept the day s hot sun 8 , cooling down the little plants.Rosa sat down and imagined taking her tomatoes to her friends at work.Just imagine how surprised they would be.They would wonder 9 she had so many juicy tomatoes.Rosa watched her garden grow until after dark.Then, she went inside and dreamed of running her own shop filled with green vegetables and baskets of her own garden.10 beautiful the dream was!()1.A.isB.wasC.has beenD.will be()2.A.aB.anC.theD./()3.A.strongB.stronger C.strongestD.more strong()4.A.dieB.deadC.deathD.deadly()5.A.workB.worked C.to workD.to working()6.A.oneB.noC.anyD.each()7.A.theyB.heC.sheD.it()8.A.awayB.downC.backD.up()9.A.thatB.whyC.whetherD.how()10.A.WhatB.What aC.HowD.How aPeople used to see red squirrels everywhere in British forests and countryside. 1there are fewer than 160,000 red squirrels left now and most of them are in Scotland. However, grey squirrels are now so common in Britain that many people don t 2 them.Some people even 3they should kill grey squirrels to protect red squirrels.The two kinds of squirrels are 4when you see them for the first time. They bothhave a long tail. The tail helps them keep balance when they 5from tree to tree.And they have the same large eyes, small ears and strong legs. However, grey squirrels are 6. Their heads and bodies are bigger and their tails are also longer.So why did red squirrels lose in 7with grey squirrels? Size is one reason, butthere are others. Red squirrels live high up in trees, while grey squirrels spend more of their time 8 the ground. This means any loss of forests 9 influences thenumber of red squirrels, but it doesn t have much to do with grey squirrels. Another reason for grey squirrels success is that 10can live in towns and cities, and can get foodfrom humans.()1. A. ButB. AndC. OrD. So()2. A. changeB. leadC. feedD. like()3. A. thinkB. promiseC. wonderD. know()4. A. simpleB. similarC. magicD. strange()5. A. hideB. riseC. jumpD. serve()6. A. largerB. quickerC. clevererD. braver()7. A. researchB. trainingC. communication D. competition()8. A. ofB. onC. forD. with()9. A. carefullyB. luckilyC. hardlyD. greatly()10. A. theyB. weC. heD. she、阅读理解Lasa Weather Forecast(2019-03-28 18:00)Clothes: thickerIn this cold weather, it is advised that you can wear winter clothes such as jackets and sweaters. The elder and the weak should wear thick winter clothes.Travel: suitable(合适的)Fine weather and suitable temperature is good for traveling.DateWeather ForecastTemperatureThursday Mar. 28nightnCloudyLow:2 C(36 F)zriday Mar. 29dayCloudyHigh:16 C(61 F)nightDSunnyLow:3 C(37 F)Saturday Mar. 30dayCloudyHigh:16 C(61 F)nightBCloudyLow:2 C(36 F)Sunday Mar. 31dayE* ICloudyHigh:15 C(59 F)nightBrSunnyLow:3 C(37 F)()1.It is most of the time recently.A.windyB.cloudyC.sunnyD.snowy( )2.The highest temperature on Mar.31 isA.16 CB.15 CC.3 CD.2 C( )3.The 70-year-old Mr.Wang should wear in Lasa today.A.a sweater B.a T-shirt C.a thick coat D.a silk jacket( )4.The night of March 28 is the night of March 30.A.much colder than B.much warmer thanC.as cold asD.as warm as( )5.Which is TRUE according to the weather forecast?A.It is warm in Lasa these days.B.It is not a suitable time to travel to Lasa now.C.The days are much warmer than the nights in Lasa.D.We can see this weather forecast on the night of Mar.29.BIt is possible that in 50 years the only tigers in the world will be in zoos.One hundred years ago, there were maybe 100,000 tigers in the world.Today scientists are not sure how many are left, as it is difficult to count them.There are maybe only between 5,000 and 7,000 tigers in the world.People only find tigers in Asia and Africa.They have already disappeared from many countries.There are no longer any Caspian tigers.They died out many years ago.The livingcondition of tigers in other parts of Asia is also serious.There are perhaps only 100 Chinese tigers left.In southwestern Russia, the number of tigers is a little higher.There are about 450 tigers left.On some islands in Sumatra防门答腊)with many thick forests, there are about 500 tigers.Why are there fewer and fewer tigers? The first reason is that tigers are meat-eaters.They need a lot of land to find enough food.Also they live in forests and people cut down many trees.Many years ago, tiger shooting was a sport, especially in India.Local people sometimes kill tigers because they kill their cows.Another reason is that Chinese people use all parts of the dead tigers for traditional Chinese medicine, including the bones骨头)and so on.People think this medicine will make them live longer.( )6.People can find tigers in.A.Europe B.America C.Australia D.Asia( )7.The underlined word “disappeared” means in Chinese.A.离开 B.出现 C.消失 D.保护( )8.One of the reasons why there are fewer tigers today is that .A.people need forests for their cows B.tigers like living in the zoosC.there are fewer forests for tigers to live in D.people still kill tigers for sports today ( )9.Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.There are some thick forests on some islands of Sumatra.B.People only use some parts of the dead tigers for Chinese medicine.C.There were only 5,000 tigers in the world one hundred years ago.D.Scientists think that Chinese medicine make people live a longer life. ( )10.What s the main idea of the passage?A.People should kill tigers.B.How to save tigers?C.Why are there fewer and fewer tigers?D.The number of tigers is growing.配对阅读。左栏是五个志愿者的喜好描述,右栏是七项活动的介绍,请为每一位志愿者选择最适合的一项活动,并将答案的字母编号填入括号内。A.Join Saving Club ”Do you like animals? Would you like to do somethin g to save the endangered animals? Come and join u We will help charities to raise money for the animals.B.Climb Qomolangma!s!( )11.Tony enjoys climbing the mo untain very much.But he just wants to r elax himself and doesn want to risk hi s life.Come and join us if you want to see the beautiful sig ts from the top of Qomolangma.But you should get y ourself well prepared before the mountain climbing b ecause it is a little dangerous.C.Welcome to a history lecture!()12.Tom loves animals very much and he wants to be a vet in the future He has to go to school on weekdays ar d is free on weekends.Mr.Green is a professor from Sun Yat-Sen University .He is going to give a lecture about Chinese history in cluding the history of the Great Wall.( )13.Mary is a scientist and she is interested in doing some research aboi t desert.D.Welcome to Yinbingzui Mountain !( )14.Mr.Smith is a loyal(忠实 的)fan of China.He wants to find out w hy the ancient emperors built the Great Wall.It is a relaxing trip to climb Yinbingzui Mountain.Yo u can enjoy the beautiful sights and breathe the fresh air without any risk.E.Join a volunteer group !( )15.Mark loves animals very muc h and he is worried about the endange ed animals and really wants to do some thing for them.We need some volunteers to help work at the animal hospital on weekends.You will learn a lot about anim als.F.Welcome to Sahara!We are doing some research about Sahara.There are s everal scientists in our group and we need more scie tists.G.Know more about the desert!Dr.Jefferson is going to give a talk about desert for h gh school students this Sunday at the City Library.Ar yone interested is welcome.请用适当的词完成下面的短文, 并把所缺单词填写在指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Edward likes doing sports so much.1.favorite sport is climbing mountains.Last springhe 2.a decision to climb Qomolangma珠穆朗玛峰)!He knew it was difficult to climb the world s 3. mountain and there were lots of risks waiting for him, but he stillwanted to do so, 4.that was his dream.May 10th was 5. most exciting day for Edward.Edward and his guide started thejourney to the top of Qomolangma seemed good 6.first.There was no wind or snow,and Edward felt it was not as hard as he thought.But when they were close to the 7.,things were totally different.The weather changed quickly.The wind was so cold and it blew 8.Edward just felt like there were many knives cutting his body.He felt sick and hecoughed a lot.The 9. said they should turn back.Edward took his advice, but onthe way back he passed out音倒).When Edward 10.up, he found he was lying in a hospital.He was so sorry that hedidn t make his dream come true.But he decided to try again the next year.五、读写综合(本大题分为A、 B 两部分 ,共25分)A.回答问题(本题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)Animals are people s friends.But many wild animals are facing the danger of dying out, because the environment where they are living has changed greatly.For example, their living area has become smaller and smaller because of the development of cities and pollution.They have no room to live in except zoos.And many of the wild animals now can t find enough food to eat.At the same time, people kill animals just for their skin, teeth and meat.People should realize how serious the situation is and something should be done to protect the animals.We are supposed to set up some nature reserves(然保护区)so that animals can live freely.If we don t take action, the situation will be more and more serious.1 .What s the danger that many wild animals are facing?2 .Why has wild animals living area become smaller and smaller? 3.Where can wild animals live now?4 .What do people kill animals for?5 .What are people supposed to do to make animals live freely?B. 书面表达白鳍豚 (white-flag dolphin) 正处于危险中 (它是世界十二大濒危动物之一) 。它生活在淡水(fresh water)中,长1.5至2.5米,重100至150千克。白鳍豚喜欢吃鱼,它可以活到30岁。由于人类一直捕鱼和越来越多的水污染,白鳍豚越来越少。请简要介绍白鳍豚的以上情况并提出拯救白鳍豚的建议。作文要求:1.内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥。2.语句连贯,注意分段,80 词左右。BCCBC DDABCADABC ADBDA1-5.BBCCC 6-10.DCCAC 11-15.DEFCA四 1.His2.made 3.highest 4.because 5.the6.at7.top 8.strongly/hard 9.guide 10.woke五 .A 回答问题:1 .They are facing the danger of dying out.1.1 t has become smaller and smaller because of the development of cities and pollution.3 .They can live in zoos.4 .They kill animals for their skin, teeth and meat.5 .People are supposed to set up some nature reserves.B.书面表达White-flag dolphins live in fresh water.They are 1.5 to 2.5 meters long and weigh 100 to 150 kilos.White-flag dolphins like to eat fish.They can live up to 30 years old. Because people keep fishing and more and more water is polluted, there are fewer and fewer white-flag dolphins in China. We must stop this.I think people should try their best to keep the water clean.And the Chinese government should make laws to stop people from fishing.If we don t take action, there will be no w-fhlaitge dolphins in the world.


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