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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她北京语言大学22春“英语”大学英语(一)离线作业(一)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.A _ sentence has one or more clauses besides the main clause.A.complicateB.complexC.complicationD.complexion参考答案:B2.Playing violin is my favourite_.A.relaxmentB.relaxationC.entertationD.entertainmen参考答案:B3.If I were you, I _ accept the invitation.A.willB.wouldC.mayD.should参考答案:B4.He was_of selling state secrets and arrested last month.A.doubtedB.suspectedC.respectedD.inspected参考答案:B5.You _ here at 9, but now it is already 10.A.ought to beB.need to beC.ought to have beenD.need have been参考答案:C6.The medicine the doctor gave him_his headache.A.freedB.refreshedC.releasedD.relieved参考答案:D7.A red-hair (A) boy is needed (B) to play the part of Alfred (C) in this (D) new play.选择有错误的一项()。A.red-hairB.neededC.play the part of AlfredD.this参考答案:A8.In _ of his international fame, he is a very easy-going person.A.faceB.steadC.spiteD.front参考答案:C9.Can you lend me the book _the other day.A.about which you talkedB.which you talkedC.about that you talkedD.that you talked参考答案:A10.What_do you like best after class.A.actB.actionC.activityD.active参考答案:C11.Any student who _ his homework is unlikely to pass the examination.A.reducesB.offendsC.practicesD.neglects参考答案:D12.Its said that there are plenty of hotels in that town. There _ be any difficulty for you to find somewhere to stay.A.wouldntB.mustntC.shouldntD.neednt参考答案:C13.I like wearing_at home, for they are comfortable.A.bootsB.sandalsC.slippersD.high heels参考答案:C14.The check fluttered to the floor. Slowly the old lady stooped to _.A.pick it upB.pick upC.pick up itD.picking it up参考答案:A15.I would have come earlier, but I _ that you were waiting for me.A.didnt knowB.hadnt knowC.would have knownD.havent known参考答案:A16.She left very_when her mother forgot her birthday.A.desertedB.desperateC.deceivedD.disappointed参考答案:D17.Ill have a cup of coffee and _.A.two breadsB.two piece of breadsC.two pieces of breadsD.two pieces of bread参考答案:D18.They had been putting_the tolls of my new business.A.in placeB.in place ofC.out of placeD.out of place of参考答案:B19.Some people viewed the findings with caution, nothing that a cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains _.A.to be shownB.to have shownC.to have been shownD.being shown参考答案:A20.I dont think Jack will come today, _.A.nor will MaryB.and Mary doesntC.Mary will eitherD.or Mary does参考答案:A21.The tomato juice left brown_on the front of my jacket.A.spotB.pointC.trackD.trace参考答案:A22.The student took a course in_math.A.elementB.elementaryC.eloquenceD.enbassy参考答案:B23.We could do _ wait for the instructor to arrive.A.nothing onlyB.nothing merelyC.nothing butD.nothing just参考答案:C24.It is required that you _ at six.A.will arriveB.arriveC.arrivedD.would arrive参考答案:B25.Well be only too glad to attend your party _ we can get a baby-sitter.A.so far asB.provided thatC.unlessD.except that参考答案:B26.Because of the heavy fog, we arrived in Shanghai behind_.A.timeB.timetableC.planD.schedule参考答案:D27.As a_actor, he can per,sing,dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.A.flexibleB.versatileC.sophisticatedD.productive参考答案:B28.He does not _ as a teacher of English as his pronunciation is terrible.A.equalB.matchC.qualifyD.fit参考答案:C29.The committee _ over the problem among themselves for two hours.A.has arguedB.has been arguingC.have arguedD.have been arguing参考答案:D30._ the railway station, we had a break, only _ the train had left.A.Arriving at.to findB.Coming to.discovering thatC.On arriving at.finding outD.Hurrying to.to have found out参考答案:A31.Wouldnt you rather your child _ to bed early.A.goB.wentC.would goD.goes参考答案:B32.There was such a long time at the exhibition _ we had to wait for about half an hour.A.asB.thatC.soD.hence参考答案:B33._ the with your name and your address.A.WriteB.Fill inC.Take downD.Cover参考答案:B34.Rain does not _ bring down the temperature.A.certainlyB.undoubtedlyC.necessarilyD.scarcely参考答案:C35.We shall ask for samples_ and then we can make our decision.A.to be sentB.being sentC.to sentD.to have been sent参考答案:A36.Finally I _what I set out to do.A.completedB.finishedC.achieveD.accomplished参考答案:D37.I must tell you how _a letter from you.A.pleased I was to receiveB.pleased I was to receivingC.was I pleased to receiveD.pleased I was receiving参考答案:A38.He still remembers _ to Shanghai when he was very young.A.takingB.being takenC.TakenD.having taken参考答案:B39._ I know him, I like him.A.The better.the moreB.The better.the mostC.The less.the littleD.The more.the most参考答案:A40.We call the man who_the plane“pilot”.A.steersB.stealsC.sneersD.smears参考答案:A41.-do you think he will help me?-As far As I know, he is the last one to help others. he _ be prepared to give you a hand, though.A.canB.mustC.mightD.should参考答案:C42.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _we are working.A.whereB.thatC.whichD.there参考答案:A43.When I went to visit Mrs. Smith last week, I was told she _two days before.A.has leftB.was leavingC.would leaveD.had left参考答案:D44.Where is Jack?I think he is still in _ bed, but he might just be in _ bathroom.A./, /B.the, theC.the, /D./, the参考答案:B45.The little boy, Johnnie, had been up with a _of mints.A.packB.packedC.pocketD.package参考答案:C46._these pictures, I couldnt help thinking of those days when I was in Being and _ from the top of a thirty-storeyed building, Beijing looks more beautiful.A.Seeing seenB.Seen seeingC.Seeing seeingD.Seen seen参考答案:A47.She was _to find that no one admired her perance.A.damagedB.injuredC.woundedD.hurt参考答案:D48.The er focuses on the natural world, the_starts with human beings and studies how human beings and their environments act upon each other.A.secondB.laterC.nextD.latter参考答案:D49.In winter, animals have a hard time_ anything to eat.A.to findB.to findingC.to find outD.finding参考答案:D50.Harold went to school _ his illness.A.besidesB.even thoughC.althoughD.in spite of参考答案:D


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