2022年高中英语 Unit 1 Women of achievement Part III Grammar主谓一致学案新人教版必修4

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2022年高中英语 Unit 1 Women of achievement Part III Grammar主谓一致学案新人教版必修4一、 学习目标 1. 理解主谓一致的规则,并能关上学案,列出相关的规则。2. 灵活掌握及运用主谓一致完成练习。二、 自主预习主谓一致:一个句子的谓语须与主语在人称和数方面保持一致,这叫主谓一致。主谓一致一般采用语法一致,意义一致和就近一致的原则。 一、 There be句型中 & 用or, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also, notbut 等连接的名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词形式要同最近的主语保持一致 (_原则)。(1) One or two friends are ing this evening. (2) Neither I nor he is to blame.(3) There is a desk, two books and three chairs (4) There are two books, a desk and three chairs.实战演练(1) Whether life can live on the Mars depends on _(是否有) much oxygen and water. (exist) (2) Not only _ (我感兴趣) photography but also I once took a course about it in college. (be)二、主语+ as well as / with / together with / along with / no less than / rather than / more than / but / except /besides /including /in addition to /like+, 动词与前面的名词保持一致(_原则)。 (1) The teacher as well as the Ss likes this painting. (2) The father, rather than the brothers, is responsible. *(3) He, not I , is your good friend.实战演练(1) It is I, rather than you,_(该负责) for the accident. (blame) (2) Mr. Green, together with his employees_ (送牛奶) from door to door every morning. 三、定从中:1. 限制性定从: 在“代词+定语从句”结构中(关系代词在从句中作主语),从句谓语的人称、性、数要同被修饰的代词保持一致。(1) Dont trust such men as praise you to your surface. (2) Dont trust such a man as praises you to your surface.2. which, as引出非限制性定从(指代前一个句子),从句动词用_。(1)China is a large country, as is known to all. *(2) I trust them, who are my best friends.3.“one of +the +复数名词+定从”- (定从一般视为修饰复数名词,故从句动词用_数) “the (only / very) one of +复数名词+定从”- (定从应视为修饰单数名词,故从句动词用_数)(1) This is one of the laboratories that have been built this year in our institute.(2) He was the only one of the boys who was given a prize .实战演练(1) Such is Stephen Hawking, (他遭受了许多)but achieved so much.(suffer)(2) She behaves well and live a meaningful life, (这是公众经常观 察地到的) by the public. (observe) (3) Tom is one of the students (非常细心) , but he is the only one of the students (查阅到了) the important information in the class. (refer)四、单个不定式短语、动名词短语、从句或抽象概念作主语,动词用单数。 两个或两个以上并列主语指不同性质的两件事时,用复数。 What主语从句: 谓语动词一般用单数形式; 但若谓语后的表语是复数形式,则用复数。(1) To work hard is necessary. (2) Early to bed and early to rise is healthful.(3) Crossing the Atlantic by plane takes a few hours nowadays.(4) What you said is quite to the point. (5) What we need are qualified teachers.实战演练(1) When to go for the onsalary holiday (没有决定下来)yet. (decide)(2) Listening to music,along with reading to relax, (是很重要的) to senior students.(3) What surprised me most (是他对学习的态度) his study.五、 名词作主语时应注意以下问题1. 有的名词既可被看作一个整体,又可被看作这个整体中的成员。被看作整体时,其谓语动词应用单数形式; 被看作这个整体中的成员时,其谓语动词应用复数形式。这类名词有:group,family,enemy,class,team,government,crew,crowd,audience,mittee2. 有些集体名词只能被看作复数。这类名词有:people,police, cattle3. 有的名词单复数形式相同,要根据具体的意义来确定其谓语动词的单复数形式。 (1) There is a sheep under the tree. (2) Five sheep are eating grass on the hill.4. 当一个名词短语表示时间、度量、距离、金额、书名等时,往往根据意义一致的原则,把这些复数名词看作一个整体,其谓语用单数形式。5. 有的名词表示的是由两个对称的部分构成的物品。如:trousers, glasses, shoes, gloves, shorts, scissors等,这类名词作主语时,谓语常用复数形式。但如果其前有a pair of,a kind of修饰时,则应被看作单数形式。6. 在倒装句中,谓语动词要与后面的主语保持一致。 On the wall hangs a picture. 7. 带修饰语的名词: 1) (a) little / much / a great deal of + (u.) n. - 动词用单数 2) (a) few / many / several / a good many / both / a number of+ (c.)n. - 动词用复数 3) a lot of / lots of / plenty of / a mass of / all / some / the rest + (c. & u.)n. - 取决于名词8. means(方法,手段)用作主语时,若其前有every, a , such a, this, that修饰时,动词用单数;若前有all, such, these, those修饰时,动词用复数。(1)Such a means has been tried. (2) All possible means have been tried.9. 主语由more than one或many a 修饰时,尽管从意义上表示的是复数,但其谓语动词用单数。但是,“more复数名词than one”结构之后的谓语动词用复数形式。(1) More students than one have gone there before. (2) Many a student has gone there.10. 用and 连接两个名词作主语:由and,both . and连接的两个词语作主语时,谓语动词常用复数。但如果and所连接的两个名词指的是同一个人或物,或同一个概念时,谓语动词用单数。a. 指同一人或物(第二个名词前常无冠词)或通常由两个部件配成的物品时用单数谓语动词;指不同的人或物或分开的东西用复数谓语动词。(1) The secretary and manager was present at the meeting.(2) The secretary and the manager were present at the meeting.(3) The poet and singer has e. (4) The poet and the singer have e.b. 两种抽象的东西被人们看作是不可分的一个整体,两个名词已构成一种食品等时,谓语动词亦用单数。如:Egg and rice(蛋炒饭)、Salt and water(盐开水)、a knife and fork(一套餐叉)、a cart and horse (一辆马车)、cheese and wine (奶酪和葡萄酒) (1) Truth and honesty is the best policy.(真诚)(2) War and peace is a constant theme in history.(战争与和平)c. 两个单数名词前面分别有 each, every, no, many a 等修饰,动词用单数。 e.g. In our country every boy and every girl has the right to receive education.No teacher and no student is admitted.Many a boy and many a girl has seen this painting. (=Many boys and girls have)实战演练(1) A poet and artist _(将给我们做演讲) Chinese literature and painting next week. (speak) 。(2) Present at the meeting (是受到尊敬与爱戴的老师们) by the students. (respect) (3) Every boy and girl in the area _ (被邀请参加) to the English party last night.(invite)六、代词作主语时的主谓一致问题1. 复合不定代词 (some / every / any / no + body / thing / one ) 作主语,动词用单数。2. 代词each , every, either, neither, another, the other (接单数名词)作主语,动词用单数。3. such用作指示代词时,应根据其所指的内容来决定其单复数。如:(1) Such is Albert Einstein, a simple man with a warm heart. (Such指Albert Einstein) (2) Such are his words spoken at the meeting. (Such指his words)七、分数、量词作主语时的主谓一致1“分数或百分数 + (of) + 名词”结构作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于其中的名词。(1) Two thirds of the population here are workers. (2) Two thirds of the land is covered by water.2. quantity修饰名词时,谓语动词用单数还是复数形式取决于quantity是单数还是复数形式。 (1)Large quantities of books / cloth are on sale. (2) A large quantity of books (rice) is on sale.八、“the +形容词” 作主语,如果表示某一类可数的人或事物,谓语动词用复数. 如果表示不可数的事物、抽象概念或个别人,动词用单数:如:the poor / rich / deaf / blind / aged / wounded / brave / dead / guilty / innocent / injured / living / wise / unemployed 等。 (1) The old are well looked after by the government. (2) The unknown is bound to e.实战演练(1) (这就是) the Sichuan people, nearly (百分之七 十多都是)farmers. (such, be)(2) The wounded in Yaan Earthquake (已达) more than ten thousand, _(其中大量的人需要) health aid. (reach, quantity) 三 合作探究 完成句子1. A survey of the opinions of experts shows that three hours of outdoor exercise a week _ _. (good) 专家意见调查显示一周三小时的室外锻炼对人的健 康有好处。2. The three children as well as their father_on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter. (go) 父亲和他的三个孩子在冬日的每个星期天的下午在冰冻的河面滑冰。3. The pany had about 20 notebook puters but _ . (use) 公司有大约20台笔记本电脑,但只有三分之一经常使用。4. More forests destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _each year. (wash) 随着更多的森林的毁掉,每年大量的好的土地被冲走了。5. So far e-mail, as well as telephones _ in daily munication. (play) 目前,电话和电邮一样在日常通讯中扮演着重要的角色。6. He is the only one of the students _ for four years. (winner) 他是唯一一个连续四年的奖学金获得者。7. Nobody but the doctor_ the patient s room. (allow)除了医生任何人不准进入病人的房间。8. Every possible means _prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. ( use) 每种可能的方法已用来防止空气污染,但天空依然不是很蓝。9. At present, lots of food, water, tents and medicine _ from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas. (transport)目前许多的食物,水,帐篷和药物正从中国和世界各地运往地震灾区。10. _promises that you are able to keep. (want) 他们想要的是你能信守承诺。 四、【课堂小结】我学会了 _我还不会


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