高考英语试题8、9月分类汇编 S单元(含解析)

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高考英语试题8、9月分类汇编 S单元(含解析)目录S单元湖北1S1 多项选择1S2 完成句子1S1 多项选择S2 完成句子【英语卷(解析)xx届广东省湛江第一中学高一下学期期末考试(xx07)】S2 V. 完成句子: 根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词 (共10小题;每空1分,满分20分) 71. 这个地区以绿茶出名。 The area is _ _ its green tea. 72. 你若不立即付清水费,就要停止向你供水。 If you don t pay your gas bill soon, your water supply will be _ _. 73. 她将主演一部新影片。 She is to _ _ a new film. 74. 他们贫困得根本谈不上度假。 They are too _ _ to have a holiday. 75. 你需要增加蛋白质以增强体质。 You need more protein to _ yourself _ . 76. 你干得不错,我对你很满意。 Youve done well and Im very _ _ you. 77. 当我翻看着旧相片,许多快乐的记忆涌入脑海。 Many happy memories _ _ when I saw these old photos. 78. 他通过了车驾考试。难怪今早他看起来挺高兴地。 He passed the driving test. _ _ he looked delightful this morning. 79. 回到中国后,他每天都在实验室里继续做实验。 After returning back to China, he _ _ doing experiments in his lab every day. 80. 和朋友在一起,我感到很自在。 I feel _ _ in my friends pany . 【答案】71. famous for be famous for 以而出名72. cut off cut off 切断,停止供应73. star instar in在主演74. badly offtoo badly off to 太糟了75. build upbuild up增强(体质)76. satisfied content withbe satisfied/content with 对感到满意77. crowded incrowd in 涌入78. No wonderno wonder 难怪79. carries oncarry on doing 继续做80. at easeat ease 安逸,自由自在【英语卷(解析)xx届湖北省部分重点中学高三上学期起点考试(xx08)】S2 第一节:完成句子(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。71.The number of the people, who have access to their own cars, _ sharply in the past decade.(rise)最近十年,拥有私家车的人的数量一直在急剧上升。72. You seem to know a lot about first aid. Was it when you served in the army _ these skills?(pick)你好像懂得很多急救知识。你是在服兵役时学到这些技能的吗?73. If more attention _ the details in the beginning, we would not meet with so much trouble now.(pay)如果当初更多的注意细节的话,我们现在就不会遇到这么多的麻烦。74. So _ to have a picnic in the open air that they were unwilling to leave when it was dark.(feel)他们觉得在户外野炊是如此有趣,以至于天黑了也不愿意离开。75. Several new subway lines are reported _ in Wuhan, and we are sure this city will be more attractive in the future. (build)据报道武汉将建几条新的地铁线路, 我们相信这座城市在将来会更有魅力。76. We never fail to find that house prices vary from place to place, and they are usually higher _ famous schools. (be)我们常常发现房子的价格根据地方不同而不同,往往在有名校的地方更高。77. In spite of the possibility of cloning extinct wild animals exciting film makers, we are in fact a long way from _ that. ( able)尽管克隆灭绝动物的可能性使电影制片人热血沸腾,但实际上我们还远远不能够做到这一点。78. I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached _ a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions. (look)当我们到达一个看起来像一个大市场的地方时,我看不见王平了。因为有太多的马车从四面八方飞驰而过。79. The pilot lost control with the military base, _ the plane crashed in the desert. ( result ) 那个飞行员和军事基地失去了联系,结果飞机在沙漠里坠毁了。80. Our teacher has said many times that he _ students answer questions with their eyes looking up at the ceiling. ( hate )我们老师说过好几次,他不喜欢学生回答问题时眼晴望着天花板。解析:71.填has been rising, 本题要注意主谓一致,in the past decade 表明用完成时态,再根据句意用现在完成进行。72.填that you picked up, 本句型是强调句型。Pick up 学会73.填had been paid to ,对过去的虚拟,从句用过去完成时态,pay attention to 注意。74.填 interesting did they feel it, 本题考查部分倒装,so+形容词放在句首,用部分倒装。75.填 to be built,sth be reported 后面必接动词不定时,又因为表示将被,故填to be built。76.填 where there are ,地点状语从句。77. 填 being able to do, 尽管克隆灭绝动物的可能性一致让电影导演非常兴奋,而实际情况是我们距此还非常遥远。另介词后面用动名词。78.填what looked like,宾语从句,到达一个看起来像是大市场的地方。Look like 看起来像。79.填as a result of which, 非限制性定语从句,关系词是“介词短语+关系代词”80.填hate it when,此类句型的it是形式宾语,后面的when才是真正的宾语(从句)


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