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WORDPassage1l.A “historica1ly minded” researcher _. A) always keeps an open mind to history B) looks at one historical event without relating it to another C) sees things from a single point of view D) refuses to accept new evidence 2.In Paragraph l the author means to illustrate that _. A) different men think and act differently B) the study of history is not merely a matter of remembering dates C) a statesman can remember the names of voters in his district D) a waiter can remember more names than the great historians 3.The true historian should base his statements on _. A) findings of other historians B) documents created at the present time C) his own inferences D) sound historical materials 4.Which of the following is the topic of Paragraph 3? A) Some historical documents may not be real. B) Some authors may not be honest. C) Historians should be careful about their sources. D) Historians may be influenced by their own backgrounds. 5. It is emphasized in the last paragraph that _. A) wars are accounted for differently in different countries B) the historian needs caution and training in dealing with his sources C) some writers may not be telling the truth D) some writers may not be in a position or frame of mind to tell the truth1. 答案A 译文一个具有历史思想的研究人员总是对历史持虚心坦率的态度。 试题分析细节考察题。 详细解答本文第一段就提出:To be “historically minded” is to see things in relation and in perspective;We must always keep an open mind, ready to receive and weigh new evidence.具有历史思想就是指能够联系各个方面、从各个角度正确地看问题,我们必须总是对历史持虚心坦率的态度,随时准备接收和衡量新的证据,由此可见,答案A)是正确答案。答案B)孤立地看待历史事件C)从单一角度看问题D)拒绝接受新证据都与原文不符。 2. 答案B 译文第一段中,作者意在说明历史研究并不就是记记历史时间。 试题分析综合判断题。 详细解答本文第一段先提出一个具有历史思想的人能够联系各个方面、从各个角度正确地看问题,然后引导出段落的主题句“If we grasp this idea, we will never think that a historian is someone who can remember dates.”,历史学家不是就是只会记记日期的人,所以正确答案是B)。答案A)不同的人想法和做法都不同与问题无关;答案C)政治家能记住选区选民的名字和答案D)侍者比大历史学家记的人名多。只是两个例子,用来说明认为历史学家只会记名字有多么可笑,而不是第一段的主要容。 3. 答案D 译文真正的历史学家的论断应该以可靠的历史资料为基础。 试题分析细节考察题。 详细解答本文第二段第二句话“Today he makes sure that his statements are based on sound “documents” or “sources” which go back to the time of the facts themselves.他要确认他的论断都是以事件发生当时产生的资料为基础的,由此推断出答案D)是正确答案,答案A)其他历史学家的发现B)现在出现的文件C)他自己的推断都与原文不符。 4. 答案C 译文第三段的主要容是历史学家应该谨慎对待资料来源。 试题分析综合判断题。 详细解答本文都是关于真正的历史学家如何对待历史资料的问题,答案A)一些历史文件不真实B)一些作者不诚实D)历史学家可能受自己的背景影响都只是论据论证主题:历史学家应该谨慎对待资料源。 5. 答案B 译文最后一段强调的是历史学家对待资料来源的时候需要谨慎和训练有素。 试题分析综合判断题。 详细解答本文都是关于真正的历史学家如何对待历史资料的问题,答案A)不同的国家对战争的论述都不同C)有些作者可能没说真话D)有些作者由于所处位置和思想模式而不说真话都只是论据,并不是本文强调的观点。Passage 21. What does President Bush think of tapping oil in ANWR ? A)It will exhaust the nations oil reserves. B)It will help secure the future of ANWR. C)It will help reduce the nations oil imports. D)It will increase Americas energy consumption. 2. We learn from the second paragraph that the American oil industry. A)believes that drilling for oil in ANWR will produce high yields B)tends to exaggerate Americas reliance on foreign oil C)shows little interest in tapping oil in ANWR D)expects to stop oil imports from Saudi Arabia 3. Those against oil drilling in ANWR argue that. A)it can cause serious damage to the environment B)it can do little to solve U.S. energy problems C)it will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan region D)it will not have much commercial value 4. What do the environmentalists mean by saying “Not so fast” (Line 1, Para.3)? A)Oil exploitation takes a long time. B)The oil drilling should be delayed.C)Dont be too optimistic. D)Dont expect fast returns. 5. It can be learned from the passage that oil exploitation beneath ANWRs frozen earth. A)remains a controversial issue B)is expected to get under way soon C)involves a lot of technological problems D)will enable the U.S. to be oil independent secureadj. 在北极国家野生动物保护区(ANWR)的土地下是否有足够的石油来确保美国未来的能源安全?布 什总统认为肯定有。 他声称北极国家野生动物保护区(ANWR)的石油将有助于缓解加州的电力危机 并能减少美国对国外石油的依赖。但几乎没人知道在这块冰封的土地下究竟有多少原油。据1998年 政府所做的最新查勘,那里有30亿到160亿桶原油储量。 石油业也随声附和政府报告的乐观看法,他们认为这些石油可以供给美国六年中所需石油总量 的10%。游说者们宣称,如果每天在保护区开采一百万桶原油,美国就可减少从沙特阿拉伯进口 同样数量的石油。听起来还不错吧!石油业的突然繁荣意味着数十亿美元税收和开采费用,同时阿 拉斯加和联邦政府也可得到数额庞大的租金。钻井取油的倡议者认为,钻探并不会给当地生态环境 造成严重的影响。来自阿拉斯加州的众议员斯科特奥冈就说:“我们从未听说输油管能将驯鹿逐 出其栖息地。” 环保主义者却认为,事实并非如此。他们对政府 的评估报告持不同意见。国家能源安全委员会 认为,在国家野生动物保护区(ANWR)海岸边的平原上最多只有32亿桶经济上可开发的原油。这根本 无法缓解美国所面临的能源问题。而且,消费者要等上十年才能用上产自那里的石油。因为,须得经过多轮有关租金的讨价还价 与环境勘测和法定审查后才能钻井取油。针对北极国家野生动物保护区(ANWR)的石油能否缓解加州 的能源危机这一说法,环保主义者指出,北极国家野生动物保护区(ANWR)的石油仅能为加利福尼亚 州供应其所需电力的1%;就对全美国而言,这一数字也仅为3%。 1.C这是一道细节辨认题,问的是布什总统对于开采北极野生物保护区石油的看法。从文 章第二句可知,布什总统对于第一句的问题回答是肯定的,他认为开采北极野生物保护区的石油能 够帮助缓解加利福尼亚州的用电紧,并且能大大促进本国的能源独立。选项C “能够帮助减少石 油进口”符合题意。 A “能够消耗国家的石油储备”意思相反。选项B和D“帮助北极野生物保护 区的未来”,“增加美国能源消费”均未提到。 2A这是一道细节辨认题。问的是有关第二段美国石油企业的信息,这个信息也是本段的 中心容。第二段第一句就提到这些石油企业更愿意相信160亿这个最大数,然后本段展开详细阐 述,提出各种开采所能带来的好处。选项A“相信开采会带来高收益”符合题意。选项B“可能会夸 大美国对外国石油的依赖”;选项C“对于开采没有兴趣”;选项D“希望停止从沙特阿拉伯进口石 油”,这三项均与文章容不符。 3B这是一道细节辨认题。问的是“那些反对在北极野生物保护区开采石油的人”的依据 是什么。答案在第三段:“would do virtually nothing to ease Americaenergy problems. ”选项B几乎是文章原句的复制,符合题意。选项A是干扰项“会导致严重的环境破坏”,虽然这些 人被称为环境保护主义者,但是文章并没有提到对环境可能造成的损害,所以排除。选项C和D也容 易误选,因为它们从道理上仿佛也讲得通,但是C“会耗尽阿拉斯加地区的石油储备”原文并未提 到;D“不会有多少商业价值”,原文说得是“消费者可能会等上十年才会有效益”(consumers would wait up to a decade to gain any benefits),只是说周期长,并未明确说没有商业价值 ,故不予选择。 4C这是一道细节推断题。问题为“环境保护主义者所谓的Not so fast是什么意思 ”?显然不能只孤立地看字面意思,要根据上下文来推断。上文提到开采的好处,下文提的是反 对意见,可见是在否定在北极地区开采石油的价值。选项A“石油开采需要很长时间”;B“石油开 采应该推迟”;D“不要期待很快的回报”,这三项都是针对细节,倘若成立,无法直接否定开采 这个提议。只有C“不要太乐观”最符合上下文。 5.A这是一道主旨题。题干容是“从文章中可以得出在北极野生物保护区开采石油”。 经过对文章的整体把握,第一和第二段容表示赞成,而第三段提出反对意见,最后并没有定论, 因此选项A“仍然还是个有争议的问题”正确。B“预计很快能够开始”;C“涉与很多技术问题” ;D“能够使美国石油供应独立”均不符合原文。Passage31. It is known from the passage that _. A. mark played an active part in community activities B. the city councilwoman was responsible for the falling of life quality C. visual aids were used to display the seriousness of problems D. many people were dis couraged by the many problems facing them 2. In marks opinion , _. A. nobody was so able as to solve the problems B. he was not in the position to solve such problems C. many people were too selfish to think about others D. he already had more than enough work to do3. The word darted in paragraph 5 can be best replaced by _. A. walked B. marched C. wandered D. dashed 4. What is the implication of the words on the bus wall? A. you should be kind to your neighbors and they will treat you the same way. B. everyone can play his own part to make things better. C. all small acts will add up to kindness. D. its a small act to help a person in need5. The passage is mainly about _. A. how individuals can help make a difference B. running a neighborhood meeting to solve its problems C. citizens reactions to the problems they face D. solving problems through group action 1.C 2.B 3. D 4.B 5.APassage41. The author thinks that the trend towards a rapid rise in consumptionwas undesirable because _ .A. people saved lessB. people were wealthyC. people consumed lessD. expenditures on luxuries increased2. Expenditure increased on all the following EXCEPT _ .A. foodB. automobilesC. educationD. entertainment3. It can be inferred from the increase of fruit consumption that _ .A. people had to spend more on transportation and furnitureB. people were more health consciousC. people were more money consciousD. the price of fruit dropped dramatically4. The word registered in the last line most probably means _ .A. markedB. approachedC. listedD. booked5. From this passage, we learn that the people _ .A. spent more money than they earnedB. saved more money than previouslyC. spent their money wiselyD. invested and consumed at an accelerated pace容概要:本文从投资与消费两个方面,罗列了各个领域和部门的经济增长的数据,并通过与前一年度相比较,分析出经济增长的深层原因。36.答案A译文作者认为消费快速增长的趋势是不良的是因为人们的储蓄更少了。试题分析细节题。通过题干返回原文相对应处可以得到答案。详细解答见第二段第三句:.there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving.。这一句既是rapid risen consumption所导致的结果之一,也是作者认为这种trend是非良性的原因,而且在下文中均找不出作者反对这种快速增长的其它理由,故而答案是A。 37.答案A译文消费的增长没有体现在食品方面。试题分析细节题。通过题干与选项返回原文对应处可以马上找到答案。详细解答见文章第二段第五句:Expenditure on food declined in significance, although consumption of fruit increased.本句即表示虽然在水果方面的消费有所增长,但用于食品上的费用下降越明显。可以得知答案为A。38.答案B译文从水果消费的增加可以推断出人们的健康意识更强了。试题分析细节题。通过题干返回原文相对应处,可以得到答案。详细解答见文章第二段的第四句:Once again consumption patterns indicated a swift advance in the standard of living.表明消费方式再次表明生活水平的提高。再看第六句:Spending on furniture and household equipment, health, education and recreation continued to increase.这句中提到了health一词,从侧面表示出上一句(第五句)出现的rise in fruit consumption是由于人们对自身健康的需求,故而答案是B。39.答案C译文题后一行的“registered”一词意为“登记,铭记”。试题分析细节题。通过题干返回文章相对应处可以得到答案。详细解答见文章最后一句:Saturation point was rapidly being approached for items such as the first household radio, gas cookers, and electric refrigerafors, whereas increasing purchases of automobiles and television sets were registered.本句意为每个家庭必需的收音机,煤气灶和电冰箱这类商品正迅速趋于饱和,然而对于电视和汽车的需求却成上升的趋势。40.答案D译文从文中我们可以得知人们投资和消费的速度都加快了。试题分析主旨大意题。通过分析文章结构与各层次意思,可以得到答案。详细解答本文由二段组成。第一段的主题是rapid increase in investment,这从第一段的首句即可看出;第二段讲的是rapid rise in consumption,以下各句均是围绕这一主题:且第一、第二段成平行并列关系,综合起来,可知文章的主旨是关于rapid rise in investment and consumption,故而可知答案是D。Passage51The team of doctors wanted to find out_Ahow to make people live longerBwhy certain people age sooner than othersChow people stay youngDwhich people are most intelligent2On what are their research findings based? AA study of farmers in northern JapanBTests performed on a thousand old peopleCThe study of brain volumes of different peopleDThe latest development of computer technology3The underlined word subjects in paragraph 3 means_Asomething to be consideredBbranches of knowledge studiedCpersons chosen to be studied in an experimentDany member of a stage except the great ruler 4According to the passage,which people seem to age slower than the others? ALawyers BClerksCFarmers DShop assistants1B 2. C 3. C 4. A Passage61. The main purpose of this passage is _.A. to provide some advice for the parents about childrenseducationB. to explain how to prepare a pretty snack for your childrenC. to explain why the parents spoil their childrenD. to describe childrens lives after school2. The words “this way” in the sentence “But most homesarent run this way” in the first paragraph most possiblymeans _.A. to stay on the taskB. to arrange everything in detailsC. to give some lessons to childrenD. to behave in the structured school3. According to the passage, the expert named Martin, appearing in the second paragraph, most probably takes up the following jobs EXCEPT _. A) a specialist in childreneducation B) a professional consultant in a after-school program C) the leader of a research group about sports, such as basketball D) mostly the same as what Freimuth (in the last paragraph) does 4. According to the last two paragraphs, the appropriate snacksthat the parents provide will _.A. upset the childrens momentum(动力)B. exhaust them by lots of dirty dishesC. make the children get addicted to TVD. bring more energy to children5. Which of the following is NOT recommended for the breakduring the childrens study after class?A. Shoot baskets.B. Play some games with parents.C. Go out to drink some beverage in a bar for a long time.D. Relax a bit by using the bathroom.容概要:文章主要讲教育问题。在学校,老师会将学生要做的一切都安排好时间,但他们在家里不是这样。孩子应学会自己安排时间,这样做对他们今后发展有好处。就家长如何在课外教育孩子,作者提出了很多建议。 21. 答案A 译文文章的主旨是就家长如何教育孩子,提供了一些建意。 试题分析主题题。 详细解答文章在多处提到了父母应当怎样教育孩子,并且在文章的第一段中指出“如果父母把孩子的生活细节都设计好了,那么孩子长大后上了大学会发生怎样的情况?”(If parents do plan their childrens lives minute by minute, what happens when that child grows up and goes to college?)在接下来的段落中,文章就上述问题向父母们提出了很多建议。所以选A。 22. 答案B 译文“this way”在句中意味着把每件事都安排得清清楚楚。 试题分析指示代词的理解。 详细解答本句之前的句子说,老师总是将学生要做的一切事都按分钟计算安排好。这便是this way所指的容,即和老师安排学生的学习一样,家长将孩子要做的每件事的细节都设计好。所以选B。 23. 答案C 译文根据原文,Martin不可能是某个体育研究组的负责人。 试题分析推断题。 详细解答从上下文推断,Martin的工作应当和教育有关,所以选项A,B的表述正确。另外,根据最后一段Freimuth所提的建议看,他也可能从事教育工作,因此与Martin的工作性质很可能一样,符合选项D。只有C不能从文章中推断出来。所以选C。 24.答案D 译文根据文章最后两段,父母提供适宜的小吃将会使孩子精神抖擞。 试题分析细节题。 详细解答文章最后一句 .what kind of break will energize them and not upset their momentum.的意思为“怎样的休息方式才能使他们精力充沛而不会打击他们的热情。”结合上下文可知,父母提供的适宜的小吃(snack)将会使孩子们精神抖擞。所以选D。原文中的energize与选项D中的energy词根一样,意思相近,词性不同。 25. 答案C 译文不符合学生课后休息的是长时间待在酒吧里喝饮料。 试题分析细节题。 详细解答文章最后一段中推荐的休息方式包括投篮、喝点饮料、方便一下或者和父母做一次快速的卡片游戏(The types of breaks recommended include shooting baskets, getting a drink, using the bathroom, or even playing a quick card game with parents.),这些与选项C的“长时间待在酒吧里喝饮料”意思不同。所以选项C是正确答案。Passage71. Which of the following statements best expresses the authors view? A) The words people use can influence their behavior. B) Unpleasant words in sports are often used by foreign athletes. C) Aggressive behavior in sports can have serious consequences. D) Unfair judgments by referees will lead to violence on the sports field. 2. Harsh words are spoken during games because the players_. A) are too eager to win B) treat their rivals as enemies C) are usually short-tempered and easily offended D) cannot afford to be polite in fierce competitions 3. What did the handball player do when he was not allowed a time out to change his gloves? A) He angrily hit the referee with a ball. B) He refused to continue the game. C) He claimed that referee was unfair. D) He wet his gloves by rubbing them across his T-shirt. 4. According to the passage, players in a game may_. A) kick the ball across the court with force B) lie down on the ground as an act of protest C) deliberately throw the ball at anyone illegally blocking their way D) keep on screaming and shouting throughout the game 5. The author hopes to have the current situation in sports improved by _. A) regulating the relationship between players and referees B) calling on players to use clean language in the court C) raising the referees sense of responsibility D) changing the attitude of players on the sports field“撕碎他们!”“杀了那些笨蛋!”“干掉裁判!” 这些话语在各种体育赛场上均能听到。 说这些话的人,往往觉得自己很无辜。但我们不是三岁小孩,我们深知如此过激行为常会导致流血冲突。关于言辞如何影响我们的书本卷帙浩繁。业已证实,言语的某些特定含义往往会致使我们以迥异于日常行为的方式做出反应。“对手”一词便是一例,或许将该词从体育术语中删去的时刻已经到来。 词典里关于“对手”一词的定义是:“对抗者”,“敌人”,“一个与自身利益相对立的人” 。因此,当参赛者遭遇对手时,往往会把对方看成敌人。此刻,获胜已主宰了个人理智;因此,不管个人行为多么粗俗,参赛者都会认为合情合理。这让我们回想起发生在一场手球比赛场的事件:裁判拒绝一位参赛者停止比赛去换副手套的请求,因为裁判认为那副手套不够湿,不一定非得要换。此时,那位参赛者把手套在其湿淋淋的T恤衫上擦抹一番后,对裁判吼道:“这下够湿了吧?” 在一场激烈的比赛中,时常会观察到参赛者被罚下场,他们也许未曾想过这种惩罚会对他人产生何种后果。我也曾亲睹一位参赛者蓄意以最狠的方式将球投向他的对手去伤害对方。赛场之外,他们是好朋友。这有何启示呢?可以肯定的是,这证明了球场上的行为举止与日常行为截然不同。 因此,我认为现在需要将比赛提升至一更高水平,从而给体育界树立典。以“伙伴”取代“对手”或许就是一个好的开端。 词典里关于“伙伴”的定义是:“同事”,“朋友”,“同伴”。显然,如此一来,你将不会 把对手当作敌人来看待,赛场风气就会大为改观。1.A这是一道综合推断题,要求考生综合运用已知信息对作者的观点态度做出总结性的判 断。问题是“下面哪一句话能最好地表达作者的态度?”作者在第一段就已经指出“It has been shown that words having certain connotations may cause us to react in ways quite foreign to what we consider to be our usual humanistic behavior.”纵观全文可以看到作者 一直是支持这个观点,并以体育比赛为例提出应该修改体育比赛的用词,以消除体育比赛中的暴力 。 因此B“人们用到的词语会影响他们的行为”符合题意。全文似乎体育比赛占了很大篇幅,但是 应该看到这只是作者用来支持自己论点的一个大的例子。不是文章的最终结论。选项A“体育中的 好斗行为会引发严重后果”;C“体育中令人不愉快的言辞经常被外国运动员用到”;D“裁判的不 公平会导致运动场的暴力事件”。姑且不论它们是否符合原文,单就它们都只是谈到例子中的细节 ,就可以排除。实际上从原文可以看到选项C、D原文根本没有提与。 2B这是一道细节推理题。文章开头提到了一些常见的粗话,并指出这些讲粗话的行为是 因为某些词的含义的误导。第三段以一个特殊的词“opponent”为例,分析了体育比赛中不当行为 的原因是因为“opponent”一词的含义是“敌人”、“对手”,因此“当一名选手遇到他的对手, 他会把他看成是敌人。”因此D项“把他们的对手当成敌人”正确。选项A“太想赢了”也是由于“ 敌人”一词的误导产生的想法,不是说粗话的原因。B“通常脾气不好,容易发火”跟原文容不 符。C“在激烈的竞争中无法保持礼貌”也是原文不曾提与的容。 3D这是一道细节题,题干问“当那名手球运动员没有被允许暂停去更换手套,他是怎么 做的?”答题依据为第三段末尾。选项D“他把手套在自己的T恤上蹭来蹭去”是原文的复制。A“ 他拒绝继续比赛”;B“他怒气冲冲地用球砸裁判”;C“他叫嚷说裁判不公平”。这三个选项都与原文不符。 4C这是一道细节题,答案可在第四段找到:在白热化的赛场上,运动员可能横冲直撞, 可能有人用球去砸别的球员,只因为对方挡人犯规。选项A“故意用球去砸任何一个犯规阻挡他的 队员”原文提到,可选。B“不停地在比赛中尖叫、大喊”;C“躺在地上以示抗议”;D“使劲地 把球踢到球场另一头”。虽然这三个选项中的行为在生活中都很常见,但是在做阅读理解的时候不 能以自己的常识或者生活经验来判断,而应该紧扣原文。 5D这是一道细节推论题。作者提议用 “associate”一词来替换 “opponent”一词, 是因为前者的含义会使运动员改变他们的态度,不再把对手看成是“敌人”,而是“同事”、“朋 友”。选项C“改变运动员在赛场的态度”正是表达了这个意思。A“呼吁运动员在赛场上语言文明 ”,语言文明只是他们改变态度后的另一个可能的结果。B“提高裁判的责任感”,未提与。D“规 选手和裁判的关系”,未提与。 Passage81. According to the passage, the NCC found it outrageous that.A)all the products surveyed claim to meet ISO standardsB)the claims made by products are often unclear or deceivingC)consumers would believe many of the manufactures claimD)few products actually prove to be environment friendly2. As indicated in this passage, with so many good claims, the consumers.A)are becoming more cautious about the products they are going to buyB)are still not willing to pay more for products with green labelingC)are becoming more aware of the effects different products have on the environmentD)still do not know the exact impact of different products on the environment3. A study was carried out by Britains NCC to.A)find out how many claims made by products fail to meet environmental standards B)inform the consumers of the environmental impact of the products they buyC)examine claims made by products against ISO standardsD)revise the guidelines set by the International Standards Organization4. What is one of the consequences caused by the many claims of household products?A)They are likely to lead to serious environmental problems.B)Consumers find it difficult to tell the true from the false.C)They could arouse widespread anger among consumer.D)Consumers will be tempted to buy products they dont need.5. It can be inferred from the passage that the lobby group Consumer International wants to.A)make product labeling satisfy ISO requirementsB)see all household products meet environmental standardsC)warn consumers of the danger of socalled green products D)verify the efforts of nonpolluting products1.B这是一道推理题。题目问“根据文章容,NCC觉得最不能容忍的是?”第二段提到了outrageous一词,但是本段只有具体的例子:标榜为“蚯蚓之友”的德国化肥,“无污染”的英国面粉和宣称对环境无害的英国手纸。紧接着的几段是关于本次调查的更多阐述,直到第七段才得出调查结论:“大约有2000种关于不污染环境的宣称都太含糊,太误导,根本不能达到ISO标准。”选项B“产品所宣称的容通常不清楚或者具有欺骗性”,正是表达了这一含义。其实本题也可以采用排除法。A“所有的调查的产品都符合ISO标准”,跟原文相悖。C“消费者会相信很多厂家的说法”,原文未提与。D“很少有产品最终证明是对环境有利的”,文章最后一段说很多措辞太含糊,根本无法检验,因此错误。2.D这是一道细节辨认题。题干容为“如文章所指出,有这么多美好的说法,消费者。”关于消费者的态度和反应,第四段借Anna Fielder之口指出 “ there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy,”即选项D“消费者仍然无法知晓不同的产品对于环境的影响有多大。”A“对于他们要购买的产品越来越小心”,原文未提与。B“仍然不愿意为标有绿色字样的产品多付钱”,未提与。C“对于不同产品对环境的影响更加有意识”,与原文意思相反。3.C这是一道细节辨认题。要求考生补充题干所缺容“英国NCC所做调查的目的是。”文章第六段明确提出 “The report focused on claims made by specific products It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September, 1999.” 即选项C“用ISO标准来检查产品的说明”。A“找出有多少产品说明没有达到环境标准”,不符合原文。B“告知消费者他们所购买的产品所造成的环境影响”,未提与。D“修改国际标准组织的标准”,与原文相悖。4.B这是一道细节辨认题,题目问“很多家用产品的虚假说明所造成的后果是什么?”选项A“他们可能导致严重的环境问题”,原文未提与。B“消费者很难分清真伪”,正确。参见倒数第二段最后一句“The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading.” C“他们可能在消费者中引起广泛的愤怒”,未提与。D“消费者会被诱惑购买他们并不需要的产品”,与本文无关。5.A这是一道推论题。题目问“议会厅的国际消费者团体想要。” the lobby group Consumer International 正是这次调查的发起者。文章最后一段提到“ what we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO .”即选项A“是产品的商标符合ISO要求”。B“保证所有的家用产品都符合环境标准”,未提与。C“警告消费者所谓绿色产品的危险性”,未提与。D“核实无污染产品的真实性”,与原文相悖。刊登在周五的国际消费者上的一项研究“绿色标签”的报告指称,消费者已被那些无处不在且声称环保的家用产品弄得无所适从。该研究报告所列的那些令人难以容忍的例子有:一家德


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