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Unit 8I. 单项填空(共15小题,计15分)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。1. Some of the students are afraid of the teachers _ strict with them. A. that is B. who is C. that have D. who are2. The movie _ have a few good features. A. does B. do C. / D. dont3. Young man usually enjoys _ this kind of music. A. listening toB. listen toC. hearing toD. hear to4. You must finish the woke as _ as you can.A. quick B. more quickly C. quickly D. most quick5. I took your umbrella _ mistake. A. by B. on C. of D. to6. If I _ you, I would stay in Beijing. A. am B. isC. were D. was7.What would you do if you get into trouble in _ public place?I would ask my parents for _ advice. A. the,不填B. a, 不填 C. a, an D. the, the8. On Sundays Id rather go hiking in the mountains _ watch TV at home. A. to B. or C. and D. than 9. If you have _ questions, please ask your teacher at once.A. some B. something C. anything D. any10. By the end of last year , we _ 20 English songs . A. had learned B. have learned C. learned D. was learning11. I didnt know _ she could pass the exam or not. A. that B. what C. which D. whether12. Nobody knows _ to visit our school. A. when will he come B. when does he comeC. when he will come D. when he does come13. Dont forget _ the letter for me on your way home. A. post B. posting C. to post D. posts14. These books _ in the library for a long time. A. have been kept B. had kept C. have kept D. were keep15. _ of my parents enjoys music.A. Both B. Neither C. All D. Every. 完形填空(共15小题,计15分)阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。Sunlight is made 16 red, orange, 17 , green, black, 18 , and violet (紫色). The 19 are always there when the sun shines, 20 we cant see them most of the time. When they are all together, we see 21 light.When 22 goes through water, the light rays are bent (被折射). As each 23 passes through a raindrop, it breaks up into different colors. Then we can 24 red, orange, yellow, 25 , black, violet, and many colors in between. 26 it rains, the air is 27 raindrops. When the sun 28 and begins to shine, the sunbeams hit these drops. The sunlight is bent, and we see the colors of a rainbow 29 .Next time a rain is over, stand with your 30 to the sun. Look at the opposite side of the sky, and you may see a rainbow.16. A. of B. up C. into D. from17. A. white B. red C. yellow D. orange18. A. blue B. white C. red D. black19. A. clouds B. colors C. snows D. paints20. A. while B. then C. so D. but21. A. yellow B. green C. blue D. white22. A. sunlight B. sunset C. lamp D. moonlight23. A. ray B. rain C. snow D. ice24. A. smell B. look C. break D. see25. A. green B. black C. orange D. yellow26. A. Before B. Since C. After D. For27. A. filled B. becoming C. full of D. changed into28. A. goes away B. comes in C. comes out D. comes from29. A. in clouds B. at home C. in the wind D. in the sky30. A. face B. eyes C. back D. stomach. 阅读理解 (共20小题,计30分)阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目,从各题A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。A There were only a few thousand people in the world long ago. These people moved from place to place over the land, hunting (打猎) animals for food. No one knows how and when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed. They did not have to look for food any more. They could stay in one place and grew it. People began to live near one another, so the first village grew. Many more people came to live and work with one another and more villages appeared (出现). When machines appeared, life in the villages changed again. Factories were built. More and More people lived near the factories. There grew the cities. Today some people are moving back to small towns. Can you tell why?31. There were _ people in the world long long ago. A. much B. not many C. little D. a lot32. Why did people moved from place to place? A. Because they liked to travel. B. Because they tried to find food. C. Because the animals were very dangerous. D. Because there were too many animals.33. _ know how and when men began to plant food. A. Scientists B. None of us C. Few people D. Many people34. The story tells us about _. A. why people likes hunting long long ago B. how cities began C. growing food D. how to work in a city35. Today some people are moving back to small towns. Can you tell why? A. The people living in the small towns are very rich. B. There will be no cities soon. C. The big cities are too noisy and the air is not clean. D. They want to grow food.BThe invention of the camera goes far into the past. In the 1500s, men were experimenting with cameras that made images (图像). But it was not until the early 1890s that men found a way to make the pictures permanent (持久的). Even then, photography (摄影术) was a new field. Most families had their pictures taken by photographers. People did not own cameras because taking pictures and developing the film (冲洗胶卷) were too difficult. In 1884, George Eastman changed photography by inventing a kind of film that could fit into a small camera. Because the new film was easy to use, many people began to buy cameras. When they had used up their films, people returned their cameras to the factory. There, the films were developed, and pictures were made. Then more films were put into the cameras, which were sent back to the owners, along with their pictures. Todays cameras are even easier to use, and people can put in their own films. Photography has become a growing hobby. There are also many new jobs in the field of photography. One of the most important magazines, and television all need pictures to tell their stories. Photographers help scientists by taking pictures through microscopes (显微镜) and telescopes(望远镜). Deep-sea drivers take pictures of oceans plants and animals, while astronauts take their cameras into space. Man finds new uses for the camera every day.36. This passage is about _. A. the history of photography B. the life of George Eastman C. how photographers help scientists D. how George Eastman invented the film37. People sent their cameras to a factory after they had used up their films long ago, because they _. A. wanted other people to clean their cameras B. wanted their films developed C. broke their cameras when taking pictures D. wanted to change new cameras38. Eastman changed photography by inventing a new kind of _. A. image B. factory C. film D. camera39. Why did people begin to buy their own cameras after 1884? A. Because the new film invented by Eastman was easy to use. B. Because the cameras were so beautiful and easy to take C. Because everyone wanted to see what a camera looked like. D. Because everyone wanted to invent a better camera.40. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Deep-sea divers do not use cameras. B. Photographers cannot find jobs today. C. There are different kinds of camera. D. Only newsmen need cameras today.CAn Englishman was showing a foreign visitor around London. “Whats that strange building?” asked the visitor. “Thats the Tower of London.” “I see. How long did it take to build it?” “About 500 years.” “In my country we can build it in five months,” said the visitor. Later, they came to ST. Pauls Cathedral (大教堂). “Very interesting!” said the visitor. “How long did it take to build it?” “Nearly forty years,” said the Englishman. “In my country we can finish it in forty days,” said the visitor. They went on all day. They visited most of the best-known buildings in the city. Every time they saw a new one, the visitor asked what it was and how long it took to build it. Then he said that they could do the same thing much faster in his country. At last the Englishman got angry with the visitor, though he tried not to show it. A few days later they came to the House of Parliament (议会大厦) and the visitor asked his usual question, “Whats that?” The Englishman answered, “I have no idea. It wasnt there last night.”41. The Englishman showed the foreign visitor around _. A. the Tower of London B. ST. Pauls Cathedral C. some famous buildings in London D. the whole city of London42. The visitor said that in his country it would take them _ to build St. Pauls Cathedral. A. only half a year B. forty days C. five hundred years D. forty years43. The Englishman was very angry at last, but he _. A. tried not to show his anger B. tried not to show the visitor around the city C. had no time to tell the visitor D. was happy44. The Englishmans last answer showed he _. A. was sorry that he hadnt seen the building before B. could say nothing because he didnt know anything about it C. was not happy and decided to give the visitor a surprising answer D. didnt know how to tell the visitor the name of the building45. The best title for the passage is _. A. English History B. Around London C. Whats that strange tower? D. How long did it take to build it?DAre you a TV lover? Can you imagine living without TV? Well, you could give it a try. A group of Americans, TV-Turn off Network (网络), have an idea. From April 19 to 25, they are asking children all over the world to turn off their TVs for one week. They hope children will find more interesting things to do. Maybe they can read some books, or learn to swim, or paint a picture. Since 1995, about 24 million people in America have taken part in TV-Turnoff Week. TV-Turnoff Network says watching TV too much can bring children big problems: with school, health and family. They want kids to watch a lot less TV. What do you think? Bad for your studiesAmerican scientists did a study of 1, 300 children. They watched the children for four years. They say that if children watch lots of TV, they dont do well in school.Bad for your healthStudies show that when children watch lots of TV, they eat more unhealthy food. More children are getting overweight (超重的). Overweight children become ill more easily. Watching too much TV is also bad for their eyes. Bad for family lifeAbout 40% of American families watch TV at dinner time. That means that they dont talk very much when they eat together. Also, too many violent (暴力的) thingsAn American study says that before a child turns 18 years old, that child will see 200, 000 violent things on TV. Some kids become violent in real life. If you want to learn more about this unusual week, you can go to this Website, www. Tv turn off. org. 46. When is TV-Turnoff Week? A. Any week in April. B. It doesnt tell us.C. The first week in April. D. From April 19 to 25.47. What do children do during that week? A. They watch TV much less. B. They go to this Website, www. tvturnoff. OrgC. They read some books, or learn to swim, or paint a picture. D. Both A and C. 48. The passage tells people if children watch too much TV, they may _. be overweight know more about the worldbe weak in study become violent in real lifeA. B. C. D. 49. A group of Americans have the idea about TV-Turn off Week because they _. A. think watching TV too much is bad B. think watching TV is a waste of timeC. think the children should study harder D. want to know what else children will do if they dont watch TV 50. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?A. Millions of people have taken part in TV-Turnoff Week since 1995. B. The Website www. tvturnoff. org can tell you more about TV-Turnoff Week. C. Children in America arent allowed to see violent things on TV until they are 18. D. About three fifths of American families don t watch TV when they have dinner. 单词拼写(共5小题,计5分)根据句义,完成句中已给出首字母的单词,将每个完整的单词写在答题页上。51. I get a_ when someone cut in line.52. Young people usually have more e_ than old people. 53. Have you been to the cinema l_? 54. One day a monkey e_ from the zoo.55. Its n_ 9 oclock. We must hurry up. . 短文填空(共7小题,计7分)根据已给出的首字母,在短文空白处填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺。Its a great day to say helloOn November 21, you have to do one thingsay h 56 to everybody you meet. Why? Because it is World Hello Day. People all over the world will try to say “hi” to at l 57 10 people.World Hello Day b 58 in 1973. At that time, Israel (以色列) and Egypt were fight a w 59 . The day was used a 60 a way to help stop the war.A “hello” might be easy, but it could help bring peace (和平). The more people say hello to each other, the l 61 they will fight.So, go out and say hello to people you do not u 62 talk to. Or you could learn how to say “hello” in a new language!. 翻译句子(共4小题,计8分)63. 吉姆上学从未迟到。 Jim has _ been later _ school.64. 你总能提出好的解决人们问题的办法。 You always come up with good _ _ peoples problem.65. 这些照片使我想起了我的学生时代。 The pictures _ me _ my school days. 66. 刚才你跟他谈话的那个人是我的一位朋友。 The man that you just _ _ is a friend of mine. 书面表达(共1题,计15分)假如你叫李刚,是一位14岁的集邮爱好者。5年来你集了五百多张邮票,并把它们保存在一本旧书中。邮票内容各异:有关奥运会的,著名科学家的,动物的等。请根据上述内容写一封交友信,简单介绍你自己。要求:语句通顺。不少于60词。Dear friends,_ Yours Sincerely Li GangUnit8I. 15 DAACA 615 CBDDA DCCABII. 1625 ACABD DAADA 2630 CCCDCIII. 3140 BBBBC ABCAC 4150 CBACD DCCAC. 51. annoyed 52. energy 53. lately 54. escaped 55. nearly. 56. hello 57. least 58. began 59. war 60. as 61. least 62. usually. 63. never; for 64. solutions to 65. reminded; of 66. talked to. My name is Li Gang. Id like to make friends with you. I like collecting stamps. Although Im only 14 years old, I have been collecting stamps for five years. I have collected more than five hundred stamps. I keep all the stamps in an old book. There are many kinds. Some are about Olympic Games, some are about famous scientists and some are about animals. What do you like to do in your free time? Would you like to be my friend? Please write to me.


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