安徽省2022中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 八下 第9课时 Units 5-7习题

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安徽省2022中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 八下 第9课时 Units 5-7习题_第1页
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安徽省2022中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 八下 第9课时 Units 5-7习题.单项选择。(C)1.(原创题)_is the population of your town?About fifty thousand.AHow manyBHow muchCWhatDWhen(A)2.(xx蚌埠模拟) Sorry,Ive forgotten your name.Can you_me? Im Daniel.AremindBreceiveCrespectDremember(A)3.(xx宿州一模)My grandparents_for over 60 years and they love each other very much.Ahave been marriedBgot marriedCwere marriedDhave got married(A)4.(原创题)Chinese people find_our duty to help develop African countries along the Belt and Road.AitBthisCthatDthese(D)5.(预测题)I finished my homework at about nine last night.What about you at that time?I_a wonderful football game between Brazil and Argentina.AwatchedBwould watchChad watchDwas watching(B)6.(原创题)It rained so_that we had to stay at home and did some reading.AbigBheavilyCstronglyDhardly(B)7.(原创题)They all think_impossible to find the answer to the question in such short time.AoneBitCthisDthat(C)8.(原创题)Many people like to go to the countryside to_the fresh air.Aput upBbring outCtake inDmake up(C)9.(原创题)Its seven last night.The Greens_TV happily in the living room.AwatchedBwas watchingCwere watchingDwould watch(C)10.(预测题)Sally dislikes cartoons.She watched a talk show_the cartoon at last.Abecause ofBsuch asCinstead ofDin order to.(xx黔南)完形填空。A rich father took his son on a trip to a village.He wanted to show his son what are the differences_1_their life and the villagers,so that his son could cherish(珍爱) what he had.They spent_2_a few days with a family there.On their way back home,the father_3_about his sons ideas about the trip.So he asked,“_4_was the trip?”“It was great,Dad!”“What did you learn from the trip?” the father couldnt_5_to ask.The son answered,“We have one dog but the family has four.We have a swimming pool.but they have a big river with many_6_swimming in it.We have very expensive lights,but they have_7_stars at night.We buy food in the supermarket,but they_8_food in their garden for themselves.We have walls around the house to protect us,_9_they have friends to protect them.Dad,thank you for_10_me how poor we are.”The father couldnt say anything,and he just stood there quietly.(C)1.AfromBatCbetweenDinto(A)2.AquiteBmanyCquietDmore(A)3.AwonderedBdislikedCworriedDdescribed(C)4.AWhenBWhereCHowDWhat(A)5.AwaitBseemCdecideDtry(D)6.ApigsBhensCbirdsDducks(D)7.AfewBa littleCa lotDlots of(B)8.AorderBgrowCcatchDoffer(C)9.AsoBbecauseCbutDif(B)10.AshowBshowingCtalkDtalking.(改编题)阅读理解。There were many accidents about the students in xx.More and more people start to concentrate on the safety of the students.Nearly 50% students that are done a survey about say they are worried about robbery on the way to and from school.Now in many big cities in China,some schools have taught an unusual lesson,selfprotection.Students like this lesson as there are no exams or boring classes,and they can learn how to save lives and know how to deal with danger.Wang Tao,a teacher at Hefei 168 Middle School and a selfprotection expert,gives young students advice on how to deal with danger.If you are robbed,keep calm.If you cant cry for help or run away,give the robber your money.Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police.Although no one wants to be in a motor vehicle accident,sooner or later almost every driver will be.For that reason you need to know,not only after the collision,but before as well.If you are in a traffic accident and a car hurts you,you should take down the car number.If it is a bicycle,try to contact your parents before you let the rider go.This is because you dont know how seriously you are hurt.When there is a fire,get away as fast as you can,put wet things on your body and try to find an exit.Do not take the lift!If someone is drowning(溺水)but you cant swim,dont get into the water.Cry out for help.Remember that danger is never as far away as you think.Take care of yourself at all times!(C)1.If you see a child fall into the river,but you cant swim,you _.Acan do nothingBcan jump into the river and save himCshould cry for helpDshould try your best(D)2.What does the underlined word “contact” mean in Chinese?A寻找B等候C讨论D联系(C)3.If your house is on fire,you must _.Aput dry things on your bodyBrun quickly and take the liftCrun away and find an exit as quickly as you canDstay at your house and wait for help(B)4.Why do students like the selfprotection lesson?ABecause they like selfprotection experts.BBecause they can learn how to protect themselves.CBecause there are advice on exams.DBecause they can learn for exams.(C)5.Whats the best title for this passage?ASelfprotectionBThe Popular LessonCHow to Take Care of YourselfDA New Survey.(原创题)单词拼写。1Many people expect to travel to thedesert(沙漠) one day.2This river is muchdeeper(更深) than that one.3Hisillness(病) made him feel sick very often.4Its really impolite tomark(做记号) on the things in the famous place.5Many people like to travel to the countryside to enjoy the beauty of thenature(自然)


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