高考英语试题8、9月分类汇编 A单元 单项填空 A5 副词(含解析)

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高考英语试题8、9月分类汇编 A单元 单项填空 A5 副词(含解析)_第1页
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高考英语试题8、9月分类汇编 A单元 单项填空 A5 副词(含解析)_第2页
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高考英语试题8、9月分类汇编 A单元 单项填空 A5 副词(含解析)_第3页
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高考英语试题8、9月分类汇编 A单元 单项填空 A5 副词(含解析)【英语卷(解析)xx届安徽省六校教育研究会高三第一次联考试卷(xx08)】32. Tell your mother not to make a call while driving and her car missed a cyclist when she was on the way to work the other day.A. merely B. narrowly C. closely D. hardly【答案】【知识点】A5 副词 【答案解析】B。解析:句意:告诉你妈妈开车时不要打电话,前几天她上班的路上与一骑自行车的人擦肩而过。A几乎不,简直不;B差点;C亲密地;D几乎不,简直不。根据题意选B。【英语卷(解析)xx届浙江省温州市十校联合体(温州中学等)高三上学期期初联考(xx08)】6. The more _ we take the safety standards, the further we can speed up the development of the school bus industry.A. constantlyB. seriously C. generallyD. immediately【答案】【知识点】A5 副词 【答案解析】B.解析:A. constantly持续不断地;B. seriously严重地;C. generally一般来说;D. immediately立刻;句意:我们越重视安全标准,我们就能加速校车产业的快速发展。Take sth seriously 重视某事,故选B项。【英语卷(解析)xx届浙江省绍兴一中高三上学期回头考试(xx09)】25. Dont defend him any more. Its obvious that he _ destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology.A. accidentally B.carelessly C. deliberately D.clumsily【答案】【知识点】A5 副词【答案解析】C。解析: accidentally,意外地,偶然地;carelessly,粗心地;deliberately,故意地;clumsily,笨拙地,本题根据obvious和even without apology来判断他是故意地。句意:不要再为他辩护了,很明显,他是故意破坏花园的围墙的,甚至连道歉都没有。【英语卷(解析)xx届宁夏银川一中高三上学期第一次月考(xx08)】28. With credit cards _ available, it is more frequent to see consumers pay for their purchases or bills by card instead of by cash. A. occasionally B. merely C. relevantly D. abundantly【答案】【知识点】A5 副词【答案解析】D。解析:A. occasionally偶尔,间或;B. merely仅仅,只是;C. relevantly贴切地;D. abundantly大量地。句意:随着信用卡的大量使用,(我们)更常看到消费者买东西、付账单用信用卡,而不是现金。【英语卷(解析)xx届江西省南昌二中高三上学期第一次考试(xx08)】63. There were restrictions _ the weight of luggage. As a result we decided to travel _. A. on, light B. in, light C. to, lightly D. with, lightly【答案】【知识点】A5 副词【答案解析】A。解析:restriction on 对的限制;travel light轻装旅行light adv. 轻装地【英语卷(解析)xx届浙江省重点中学协作体高考摸底测试(xx08)】A5 19. Chinas exchanges and cooperation with other developing countries reached a new level. Chinas relations with other major countries grew through interaction.A. stiffly B. steadily C. virtually D. entirely知识点:副词辨析解析:选B,A僵硬地,顽固地,坚硬地,生硬地;B稳步地;C实际上,实质上;D全部地。句意:中国与广大发展中国家开展交流合作达到新水平。中国与其他主要国家的关系是通过相互作用稳步发展的。 故选B。技巧点拨:掌握副词的基本含义。【英语卷(解析)xx届浙江省重点中学协作体高考摸底测试(xx08)】A5 14.We must help people to find houses outside the city, but _, we must remember that some city people want to remain where they are.A. virtually B. equallyC. definitely D. naturally知识点:副词辨析解析:选B,A实际上,实质上;B平等地,同样地;C一定地,明确地;D自然地。句意:我们必须帮助人们去城外找房子,但同样重要的是,我们必须记住,一些城市的人都想停留在他们原来的地方。根据句意选B。技巧点拨:掌握常见副词的基本含义。【英语卷(解析)xx届浙江省重点中学协作体高考摸底测试(xx08)】A5 6. If I can help_, I dont like working late into the night. A. so B. thatC. it D. them知识点:副词辨析解析:选C,如果我能做到,我不喜欢工作到深夜。If I can help后面少了一个宾语,这就把A和B都给拔除了,答案就剩下C和D了。工作到很晚是一件事,所以应该选it.故此题答案为C。技巧点拨:掌握it用法典型总结: it的模糊用法及常见句型和短语 It可模糊地指代一般笼统的情况,或指由上下文可以了解的事物。在动词appreciate,dislike, hate, like, love等后,跟由if或when引导的从句时,往往加上it,代替从句的内容。如: I like it in the autumn when the weather isclear and bright.我喜欢秋天,天高气爽。 常见句型和短语1)It looks as if the college is very small.看起来这个学院很小。2)It seems as though our plan will be perfect.我们的计划似乎很完美。3)How is it in the market?市场上的情况怎样?4)So it seems.好象是如此。5)It cant be helped.没有办法了。6)Whose turn is it next?下一个轮到谁了?7)I cant help it.我情不自禁。8)I dont mean it.我不是故意的。9)Ive made it.我做到了。10)I11 see to it.我会留意的。11)You can make it.你会做到的。12)Believe it or not.信不信由你。13)Thats the best (worst) of it!那最好(糟)了!14)Keep at it!继续下去!不要放弃!15)Youve had it.你已够了(从这个情况或经验中再也得不到什么了)。16)Go it!继续努力!17)catch it受责,受罚 18)e it尽自己分内 19)e it strong做得过分 20)walk it步行 21)make it办成 22)get it明白 23)take it out of somebody拿某人出气24)Now you have done it!现在可糟了!25)Now you11 catch it!现在你可倒霉了(你将受责罚) !26)As it happened.碰巧 27)If it hadnt been for your help.倘若没有你的帮助. 28)Its awful - Ive got so much work I dont know where to start.糟透了一一我有这么多工作要做,可我不知从何开始。29)How is it going with you?你近况如何? 30)Take it easy.不要紧张。【英语卷(解析)xx届浙江省重点中学协作体高考摸底测试(xx08)】A5 5. It was _ impossible for anyone to get admitted without the password. A. quite B. pretty C. rather D. fairly 知识点:副词辨析解析:选A,A完全;B很,十分;C相当;D还算。只有quite可修饰impossible,根据句意:任何人都不可能得到承认,没有密码。 故选A。典型总结: quite,pretty,rather,fairly的用法区别1). 以上各词中,只有 rather 可以与比较级以及副词 too (太)连用。如:Its rather warmer today. 今天暖和多了。This one is rather too large. 这个稍大了一点。The exercise was rather too difficult. 这练习未免太难了。注:quite 有时也与比较级连用, 但主要限于quite better (身体好)这一表达中。2). rather 和 quite 有时可直接修饰动词,而其他几个副词一般不这样用。如:I quite agree with you. 我完全同意你(的意见)。We rather like the book. 我们很喜欢这本书。3). rather, quite 与“冠词+形容词+名词”连用时, 通常置于冠词之前,有时也可放在冠词之后。但遇此类似情况,very 或 fairly 则只能放在冠词之后(形容词之前)。如:Its quite rather a good idea. =Its a quite rather good idea. 那可真是个好主意。注:若此结构中没有形容词,则quite和rather 只能放在冠词之前。如:It was quite rather a success. 那事相当成功。The news gave us rather quite a shock. 这消息使我们颇为震惊。Its rather quite a shame that he missed the concert. 他未能参加音乐会真有些可惜。4). 修饰不可分级的形容词(如right, wrong, ready, full, empty, perfect, impossible, alone, unique 等),通常只用 quite,此时quite 并不表示“相当”或“很”,而表示“完全”。如:Youre quite right (wrong). 你完全正确(错了)。Thats quite impossible. 那完全不可能。技巧点拨:体悟题干,把握语境,辨析词义,慎选答案。【英语卷(解析)xx届湖北省部分重点中学高三上学期起点考试(xx08)】A5 30. As is known to us all, success usually results from diligence while laziness and copying others _ can lead to losses and failure.A. blindly B. automatically C. awfully D. annually知识点:副词辨析解析:选A,blindly 盲目地;automatically 自动地 awfully 可怕地;annually 每年。句意:众所周知,成功源于勤奋;而懒惰和盲目地照抄别人导致失败。点拨:词义辨析,注意句意。


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