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-Unit 1 Sports and GamesTopic 1 Are you going to play basketballSection AI. 1-6 BCBABAII. 1. team 2. prefer 3. almost 4. join 5. term 6. win 7. rowingIII. 1. is going to be 2. to play 3. cycle 4. skating 5. am going to seeIV. 1. during the summer holidays 2. Are you going to join 3. have a soccer game againstV. are talking, to play, are going to have, is going to cheer, to winSection BI. 1-6 AABBCBII. 1. player 2. grows 3. active 4. gold 5. dreamIII. 1. when she grows up 2. took part in 3. one of the best 5. broke the recordIV. like , favorite, be , up , isSection CI. 1-4 BABB 5-8 BAACII. 1. weekends 2. healthy 3. popular 4. hour 5. prettyIII. 1. to hike 2. are, going to do 3. to keep 4. healthy 5. does, goIV. 1. much 2. spend 3. a 4. pretty/very 5. good 6. be 7. What 8. jumpSection DI. 1-5 ABBCC 6-10 ABBABII. 1. Are, going to 2. What is, do 3. Why does, like 4. How does , playIII. 1. famous soccer star 2. arrives at / gets to 3. going to be 4. make us stronger 5. half an hour doingIV. 1-5 CCACB 6-10 CBACBV. One possible version: My favorite sport is soccer. I think it is very popular all over the world. It can also make me strong. I play soccer with my friends every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. It helps to keep us healthy. David Beckham is my favorite player. I am going to be a football player like him when I grow up.Topic 2 Would you mind passing me some waterSection AI. 1-5 CBCBAII. 1. somewhere 2. practice 3. myself 4. ill 5. quietly 6. mind 7. throwIII. 1. are going to have 2. loudly 3. myself 4. smokingIV. 1. do me a favor 2. fell ill 3. good at playing 4. mind not talking 5. about it6. make the bedSection BI. 1-4 CABA 5-8 BACAII. 1. careless 2. angry 3. dirty 4. quickly 5. clearly 6. minutes 7. nothing8. readyIII. 1. in a minute 2. is the meaning 3. Dont shout 4. What is, forIV. 1. is angry with 2. shout at 3. do my best 4. With the teachers help 5. turning down the music 6. keeping you waitingSection CI. 1-4 ABBC 5-7 AACII. 1. invented 2. follow 3. score 4. sides 5. evenIII. 1. listening 2. tiring 3. clearly 4. to win 5. inventedIV. 1-5 CBDEAV. 1. so that 2. the other sides 3. more and more popularSection DI. 1-5 BAACBII. 1. habit 2. century 3. instead 4. tired 5.fresh 6. fruitIII. 1. really 2. staying 3. sports 4. listening 5. HealthyIV. 1. build us up 2. instead of 3. gets tired easily 4. Healthy eating habits 5. doing e*erciseV. 1-5 BCCAAVI. One possible version: My friend Jack was fat because he liked eating chocolate and ice cream. He felt tired easily. One day he saw some people running in the park. They looked really active. So he began running in the morning. In the afternoon, he plays basketball with his classmates after school. Now he is healthy. He has great fun doing e*ercise. E*ercise helps to build him up. He wants to be a basketball player in the future.Topic 3 Which sport will you take part inSection AI. 1-4 ABCA 5-7 CCBII. 1. foreign 2. Maybe 3. enjoy 4. PerhapsIII. 1. will be / is going to be 2. asking 3. listening 4. friends 5. bestIV. 1. sports meet 2. first time to 3. make lots of friends 4. are preparing forSection BI. 1-5 CABCAII. 1. Who will 2. What will 3. Where will 4. What time willIII. 1. another e*citing relay race 2. will hold 3. take some photos 4. make itIV. 1. speaking 2. tell 3. pick 4. with 5. better 6. When 7. make 8. BySection CI. 1-5 ABCCAII. 1. finished 2. diary 3. able 4. encourages 5. hosted 6. winnerIII. 1. took 2. grows 3. will host 4. does, go 5. is reading 6. is going to be/will beIV. 1. page from 2. badly in 3. will be able to 4. in the futureSection DI. 1-5 BBCBCII. 1. reading 2. badly 3. visitors 4. hosted 5. ourselvesIII. 1. are a symbol 2. stand for 3. at leastIV. 1-5 TFTTFV. 1-5 ACACC 6-10 ABCCBVI. One possible version: The 29th Olympics has been over. Beijing is getting more and more beautiful. And there will be more foreigners in Beijing. We should plant more trees and grass. We should improve our environment. We should do more e*ercise to build ourselves up. We should make our country strong. Everyone in China should be friendly to the people all over the world.Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 1 Youd better go to see a doctor.Section AI. 1-5 CABCBII 1. coffee 2. fever 3. coughs 4. lift 5. headacheIII. 1-5 CABEDIV. 1. will get well 2. better not drink 3. have a rest 4. Whats wrong withSection BI. 1-4 ACAC 5-8 BCBAII. 1. dentist 2. Internet 3. teeth 4. brush 5. betterIII. 1. take care of yourself 2.lie down 3. day and night 4. feel likeIV. well , matter, take, how, lessSection CI. 1-6 CABCBAII. 1. hurt 2. took 3. will be 4. stay, not move 5. givingIII. 1. What should , do 2. How are, feeling 3. Whats wrong 4. How longIV. Kangkang went to call a ta*i and Jane and Maria looked after him. They took him to the hospital. Michael had to stay in hospital for a few days. I hope he will get well soon and return home.Section DI. 1-5 BAABCII. 1. eating 2. not play 3. times 4. telling 5. weeksIII. 1. too long 2. didnt go to bed until 3. take care of 4. had better not eatIV. 1-5 CCBABV. 1-5 BACBA 6-10 ABCCAVI. One possible version:Dear Miss Wang,Im sorry to tell you that I have a bad cold. I went to see the doctor this morning. He asked me to take some medicine and stay in bed for two days. So Id like to ask for two days leave. I hope Ill get well soon and return to school.Thank you! Yours, KangkangTopic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking.Section AI. 1-5 BAACBII. 1. to hear 2. meals 3. teeth 4. saying 5. tiredIII. 1. Is, good or bad 2. What did, do 3. Clean 4. is badIV. 1. Staying up late 2. before meals 3. do morning e*ercises 4. without breakfastSection BI. 1-6 CACAAAII. 1. enough 2. dustbin 3. cause 4. necessary 5. energyIII. 1. is bad for 2. in the daytime 3. walk on 4. to give up smoking 5. throw aboutIV. 1. Wash 2. Dont stay 3. Does, give 4. Is, good or badV. 1. rela* 2. coughs 3. smoking 4. cause 5. giveSection CI. 1-4 BAAC 5-7 BCBII. 1. empty 2. tidy 3. sweep 4. air 5. publicIII. 1. smoking 2. to see 3. bodies 4. illness 5. yourselfIV. 1. Is, in 2. What will 3. How can , get 4. Dont drinkV. 1. get into 2. keep, fresh 3. on an empty 4. in publicSection DI. 1-4 ABCB 5-7 AACII. 1. wealth 2. beef 3. tomatoes 4. chooses 5. lessIII. 1. (to) keep 2. less 3. eating 4. sleeps 5. kindsIV. 1-5 CABBAV. 1-5 CACAB 6-10 CACCBVI. One possible version:Its important for us to have a healthy eating habit. We need noodles, rice, milk, bread and eggs every day to give us energy. Vegetables and fruit are necessary, too. Doctors say that we should eat vegetables eight to eleven times a week and we should eat fruit seven to nine times a week. Fish and meat have a lot of fat. Wed better eat them three or four times a week. We should eat less junk food like French fries and hamburgers. They are bad for our health. A healthy eating habit can help us work better.Topic 3 Must we do e*ercise to prevent the fluSection AI. 1-5 BBCCAII. 1. hurry 2. questions 3. crowded 4. among 5. FinallyIII. 1. What is, doing 2. What should, do 3. should not 4. No, neednt 5. better notIV. 1. spreading easily among 2. keep away from / not go to 3. work on 4. all the timeSection BI. 1-5 CABABII. 1. closed 2. easily 3. wash 4. to call 5. yourselfIII. 1. ring ,up 2. right now 3. left him a message 4. to call me back 5. forget to closeIV. 1. speak 2. message 3. This 4. have 5. leave 6. give 7. es 8. ByeSection CI. 1-6 ACBCABII. 1. dangerous 2. themselves 3. unhappy 4.unhealthyIII. 1. helpful 2. themselves 3. to keep 4. skating 5. hoursIV. 1. How did,talk 2. Did, have 3. looking after, well 4. had a good timeSection DI. 1-5 BCACAII. 1. themselves 2. himself 3. yourself 4. myself 5. herselfIII. 1-5 BACCB 6-10 CBACAIV. 1-5 CCBCAV. One possible version:The flu spreads easily among people. We should do our best to prevent it. We should go to bed early and get up early. We should also do some running. Its good for us to open the windows to let the fresh air in. Wed better not go to crowded places. We must often clean our houses, wash hands, and change clothes. We should drink more boiled water and eat healthy food.Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 1 What hobbies did you use to haveSection AI. 1-6 BACAAAII. 1. hobbies 2. spare 3. collect 4. hobby 5. fond 6. plantIII. 1. Collecting 2. interested 3. playing 4. actor 5. usedIV. 1. reading novels 2. is interested in 3. is, fond of 4. watching movies 5. used toSection BI1-6 BCBABCII1. share 2. address 3. Dolls 4. coins 5. mailsIII. 1. used 2. watching 3. miss 4. interests 5. actor. 1. am interested in playing 2. walking a pet dog 3. Collecting stamps, great fun4. in their spare time 5. fly kites 6. used to hate 7. be good friends, each otherSection CI. 1-6 CCCABAII1. secret 2. vacation 3. daily 4. painting 5. knowledgeIII. 1. happiness 2. Collecting 3. painting 4. friendly 5. funny 6. me, them7. chattingIV. 1-5 ABACASection DI. 1-5 BCABCII. 1. Nobody 2. lazy 3. hate 4. ugly 5. whether 6. hobbiesIII. 1. acting 2. interesting 3. to swim 4. friendly 5. didnt useIV. 1-5 CEBDAV. 1-5 CBCABVI. One possible versionEveryone has his/her hobbies. Students have many after-class activities at school, such as playing soccer or basketball, singing songs, collecting stamps and playing puter games. I like collecting stamps. Last year, one of my friends gave me a stamp of pandas. You know, I love animals very much. And I keep a cat and a dog at home. But my mom doesnt like them. She thinks they are noisy. How can I keep my hobby I find it great to collect stamps of animals. I have collected stamps of animals since last year. So far, I have collected more than 50 stamps of animals. It makes me happy.Topic 2 What sweet music!Section AI1-5 BCCABII1. price 2. concert 3. lending 4. language 5. tapes 6. violinIII1. paid 2. myself 3. working 4. singers 5. instrumentsIV. 1-5 DACEBSection BI1-6 BCABBAII1. to say 2. quickly 3. musicians 4. them 5. e*citingIII1-5 BABBCIV1. is e*citing 2. taught me how 3.used to, listening to music 4. plays the drum wellSection CI1-5 CCCAAII1. members 2. directors 3. weight 4. height 5.continuedIII1-5 ACCAC 6-10 ACABCSection DI. 1-5 CABBAII. 1. lovely 2. Everybody 3. carefully 4. height 5. birthdayIII. 1. carefully 2. to buy 3. hobbies 4. pleasant 5. myselfIV. 1. What a 2. How 3. What 4. How 5. What anV . 1. Could, lend 2. is famous for 3. set up 4. went on, went on with 5. spent, on / paid, forVI. 1-5 CABCCVII. One possible versionMy name is *u Yang. I was born on January 14, 1995. My hometown is in Guangdong, but I live in Hainan. I like Hainan because the weather here is very nice. I am a tall boy. I am 160 cm in height. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We have si* classes every day. I have many hobbies, such as listening to music, dancing, playing the piano and collecting stamps. Collecting stamps is my favorite. In my spare time, I share the stamps with my classmates and friends. I like my school life.Topic 3 What were you doing from seven to nine yesterdaySection AI . 1-5 CCBACII .1. radio 2. planting 3. ducks 4. practice 5. showersIII. 1. is cooking 2. were playing 3. are eating 4. wasnt dancing 5. Did, go 6. to swimIV. 1. I was, I wasnt 2. What was, doing 3. What were ,doing 4. Were, plantingSection BI. 1. agree with sb. 2. make faces 3. be angry with sb. 4. say sorry to sb. 5. make the classmates laugh 6. nothing serious. 1-6 AACCBBIII .1. sad 2. laugh 3. handsome 4. pleasant 5. agree 6. facesIV. 1. were watching 2. pleasant 3. useful 4. do 5. happilyV. 1-5 CEBADSection CI. 1-6 BCBCBAII. 1. Before 1800, many people spent one day a week at church.2. On Monday morning, they felt too tired to work.3. In 1930, most American offices were closed on Saturday afternoons.4. Kangkang was cleaning the floor at 8:00 yesterday afternoon.III. 1. to have 2. closed 3. were shopping 4. to go 5. unhappyIV. 1-5 BDAECSection DI. 1-6 BBCAACII. 1. factories 2. dishes 3. useful 4. laugh 5. happilyIII . 1. closed 2. happily 3. playing 4. beginning 5. were visitingIV. 1. made faces 2. was taking a shower 3. came into, were reading 4. was, angry with5. agreed withV. 1-5 CBABCVI .One possible versionMikes family were very busy after work. At 5:30 p.m., Mike was taking a shower. His father was washing his car while his mother was washing clothes. At 6:00 p.m., Mike was washing his socks. His father was reading newspapers while his mother was cooking. At 6:30 p.m., they were having supper together. At 7:30, Mike was doing homework. His father was sweeping the floor while his mother was doing the dishes.Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 1 Plants and animals are important to us.Section AI. 1-5 BCACBCII. 1. thinner 2. country 3. sheep 4. vacation 5. clearIII . 1. braver 2. the laziest 3. better 4. the longest 5. fatter 6. biggerIV. 1. nicer than 2. older than, younger than 3. bigger than ours 4. cleverer thanSection BI .1. stronger strongest 2. braver bravest 3. bigger biggest4. lazier laziest 5. better best 6. more interesting most interestingII. 1-4 ABAC 5-8 CBBAIII. 1. joy 2. plants 3. feed 4. roses 5. aboveIV. 1. more dangerous 2. best 3. rivers 4. wolves 5. clearlySection CI. 1. in fact 2. make up 3. fill with 4. feed on 5. thousands of 6. save every drop of waterII. 1-5 CBCCAIII. 1. covers 2. without 3. forest 4. dark 5. protectIV. 1. earlier 2. to learn 3. going 4. wooden 5. leaves 6. wetterV. 1-5 DEBCASection DI1-5 BBBAAII1. south 2. bamboo 3. landed 4. kill 5. dangerIII1. dirtier than 2. in danger 3. fill, with 4. smaller and smaller 5. in the southwest, feed onIV1-5 ACBAC 6-10 BAABAV1-5 BBCBCTopic 2 Are you sure there are UFOsSection AI. 1-4 BCBC 5-7 ABCII . 1. mend 2. Robots 3. scientist 4. Trucks 5. appearedIII. 1. more difficult 2. their 3. to repair 4. boring 5. flyingIV. 1. will be 2. less 3. with 4. dangerous 5. OthersSection BI. 1. mistake for 2. ask for help 3. wake up 4. fly over 5. walk towards6. take the place ofII. 1-4 CABC 5-7 ABCIII. 1. wake 2. towards 3. balloons 4. plates 5. informationIV. 1. woke 2. best 3. was watching 4. flew 5. planetsV. 1. take the place of 2. do some shopping 3. instead of 4. ask, for help 5. mistake, forSection CI .1. look up new words 2. pay attention to 3. for e*ample 4. write to sb. 5. spend time on watching TVII. 1-6 BCABCAIII. 1. dictionaries 2. faster 3. going 4. useful 5. to useIV. 1. information 2. through 3. really 4. such as 5. to seeV. 1-5 EABDCSection DI. 1-4 ABCA 5-7 CACII. 1. useless 2. was washing 3. was writing 4. noisier 5. dictionariesIII. 1-5 BACBA 6-10 CBACBIV. 1-4 FTFTV. One possible version I have a dream. I am going to invent two robots and they will work for people in the future. They can work as workers in the factory. And they do dangerous and hard jobs for people. For e*ample, they can lift the heavy things. Whats more, they can work for the whole family,such as looking after the old men or children, cooking for people and so on. They can also work as librarians in library. I hope my dream will e true.Topic 3 The builders used live models, didnt theySection AI. 1-6 BABBCBII. 1. railway 2. wearing 3. pull 4. government 5. remainIII. 1. pulled 2. am going to buy / will buy 3. werent 4. not wearing 5. playing 6. was sleepingIV. 1. more than 2. useful 3. to be 4. out 5. missSection BI . 1-4 BACB 5-7 CCAII. 1. wonders 2. west 3. underground 4. treasures 5. PalaceIII. 1. workers 2. the most popular 3. to build 4. doesnt 5. leavesIV. 1. dont they 2. is there 3. will you 4. shall we 5. did they 6. wont thereSection CI. 1. be made up of 2. regard as 3. ten meters high 4. it takes sb. some time to do sth.5. from then on 6. millions of 7. find great pleasure in doing sth.II. 1-5 ACABCIII. 1. king 2. weighs 3. ancient 4. regard 5. millionIV. 1. to finish 2. speaking 3. interested 4. less 5. carefullyV. 1-5 DBCAESection DI . 1-6 ACACBCII. 1. were pulled down 2. regard, as 3. the most famous universities 4. ordered, to build5. find great pleasure in playing 6. twenty meters wide 7. learn , from 8. took, to finish 9. is made up ofIII. 1-5 BACAC 6-10 CBCBCIV. 1-5 BACCAV. One possible version Last summer holiday I went to visit the museum in Haikou with my friends. In the museum, we saw many old things on show. We learned a lot about the history of Hainan from the museum. After visiting the museum, we ate some delicious food in a Chinese restaurant. We had a very good time. Besides, we also did different kinds of outdoor activities, such as swimming, playing basketball and so on. We found great pleasure during last summer holiday. 举报 字体:中o 小o 中o 大. z.


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