2022年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 无答案(IV)

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2022年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 无答案(IV)一 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.When I got there, I found them sitting at the table _.A. facetoface B. faceinfaceC. face to face D. face in face2She tried to _ the frightened boy, but failed.A. look down B. calm downC. get down D. go down3I have _ everything that happened, as I remember it.A. set down B. set upC. set out D. set off4We are all tired _ the dull speech; its not interesting at all.A. with B. fromC. of D. at5The teacher told us that light _ faster than sound.A. traveled B. had traveledC. is traveling D. travels6The old lady is very grateful _ the Partys consideration.A. to B. forC. on D. at7All the people _ at the party were his supporters.A. present B. thankfulC. interested D. important 8Pandas are native _West China.A. on B. toC. from D. along9It was very polite _ him to give his seat on the bus to the old man.A. for B. of C. with D. By10I dont like _ you spoke to her.A. the way B. the way in thatC. the way which D. the way of which 11A teacher who is just interested in his teaching but doesnt _ students is not a good teacher.A. argue about B. discuss aboutC. dream about D. care about12He didnt give in _ the enemy even under death.A. for B. withC. to D. on13I prefer studying English at home _ the match.A. to watching B. to watchC. rather than watch D. rather than watching 14He was too _ to admit that he was wrong.A. stubborn B. cleverC. familiar D. Smart15 When will they leave? They _ very soon.A. do leave B. are leavingC. have left D. leave二完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分;满分30分)Were trying to decide where to go on our vacation this summer. We _16_go to Lake Arrowhead for a _17_ of weeks, but wed like to go somewhere else _18_ year. Were tired of doing _19_ things summer after summer. Some _20_ of ours suggested that we go to Hawaii. That would be _21_! Im sure wed _22_ a trip like that, but of course its impossible. In the first place, it would be terribly _23_, and in the second place, there wouldnt be enough _24_. If we were to make a trip like that, I would want to be able to _25_ three or four weeks. If were_26_ enough to save some money between now and next summer, and if Im fortunate enough to get four weeks of _27_ instead of two weeks, maybe we can go to _28_ next year. As a matter of fact,if we wanted to _29_ a trip like that, it might be _30_ to stay home this summer and not to go to _31_ place. _32_, if we were to stay here, I could_33_to work instead of taking two weeks _34_; then maybe my _35_ would remend that I be given four weeks vacation next summer instead of two weeks.16A. sometimes B. frequently C. occasionally D. usually17A. fortnight B. couple C. lot D. number18A. next B. last C. this D. that19A. a different B. many a C. the same D. a tiring20A. customers B. bosses C. guests D. friends21A. useful B. wonderful C. helpful D. surprising22A. enjoy B. have C. get D. stop23A. good B. cheap C. expensive D. convenient24A. money B. place C. reason D. time25A. live B. stay C. pause D. enjoy26A. lucky B. good C. nice D. pitiful27A. rest B. break C. vacation D. leave28A. Hawaii B. New York C. Lake Arrowhead D. any place29A. consider B. go C. need D. plan30A. dangerous B. wise C. foolish D. interesting31A. any B. some C. each D. one32A. However B. But C. Besides D. Instead33A. receive B. ask C. offer D. have34A. period B. leave C. holiday D. off35A. boss B. manager C. parents D. friends三 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) AThen es July with the examinations, but these are soon finished and with them ends the school year. Boys and girls have nearly two months holiday before them as they leave school by train and car to return home to their fathers and mothers. The summer holiday is the best part of the year for most children. The weather is usually good, so that one can spend most of ones time playing in the garden, or, if one lives in the country, out in the woods and fields. Even if one lives in a big town, one can usually go to a park to play. The best place for a summer holiday, however, is the seaside. Some children are lucky enough to live near the sea, but for the others who do not, a week or two at one of the big seaside towns is something which they will talk about for the whole of the following year. In England, it is not only the rich who can take their children to the seaside; if a factory worker or a bus driver, a street cleaner or waiter wants to take his wife and children to Southend or Margate, Blackpool or Clacton, he is usually quite able to do so. Now, what is it that children like so much about the seaside? I think it is the sand, sea and sun more than any other things. Of course, there are lots of new things to see, nice things to eat, and exciting things to do, but it is the feeling of sand under ones feet, of salt water on one s skin, and of the warm sun on ones back that make the seaside what it is.36. The summer holidays start _.A. with July B. as soon as the examinations are overC. in mid June D. in August37. July and August are the brightest months for most children, for they can _.A. do more readingB. stay with their parents for all the vacationC. play out of doorsD. meet their old friends 38. _ can take their families to the seaside.A. Only the richB. Not only the richC. Some workers and driversD. Most cleaners and waiters39. The summer holidays last _.A. as long as two monthsB. more than two monthsC. one and a half monthsD. a little less than two months 40. Southend, Margate, Blackpool and Clacton are_.A. in the United StatesB. places where people can get well againC. beautiful scenic spotsD. seaside towns 41. Children like the seaside so much, because they can _.A. swim in the sea B. play with the sandC. take a sun bath D. do all of the above B Travel more,spend lessTravelling can be a fun way to gain life experiences, especially during Spring Break a weeklong school vacation in the United States.But what if youre a student and dont have enough money for a trip? Dont worry.Here are some useful tips.Save: This probably is the most important preparation for travelling. Cut expenses (花费) to fatten your wallet so youll have more choices about where to go and how to get there.Plan ahead: Dont wait until the last minute to plan your trip. Tickets may cost more when bought at short notice. Giving yourself several months to get ready can mean security and savings.Do your homework: No matter where you go, research the places you will visit. Decide what to see. Travel books will provide information on the cheapest hotels and restaurants.Plan sensibly: Write down how much you expect to spend for food and hotels. Stick to (坚持) your plan or you may not have enough money to cover everything.Travel in groups: Find someone who is interested in visiting the same places. By travelling with others you can share costs and experiences.Work as you go: Need more money to support your trip. Look for work in the places you visit.Go off the beaten path: Tourist cities may be expensive. You may want to rethink about your trip and go to a less known area. Smaller towns can have many interesting activities(活动) and sights.Pack necessary things: The most important things to take are not always clothes. Remember to take along medicine in case you get sick and snacks in case you cannot find a cheap restaurant.Use the Internet: The Net can help to save money. There are some useful websites such as . travelcity. and . economytravel. .By planning sensibly, even students can enjoy their travel. Your travel experiences will be remembered for a lifetime.42Before your trip, the first thing you should do is _.A. to make a plan of the routeB. to get information on the InternetC. to save money by spending lessD. to buy tickets ahead 43The writer advises you _.A. to share costs with any other peopleB. not to go to wellknown placesC. not to visit dangerous placesD. to buy anything you want to buy44During your trip, _.A. you need more medicine than clothesB. you should look for work all the wayC. you should remember to do your homeworkD. you can gain valuable life experiences45By using the Net, people _.A. enjoy their travelB. can save some moneyC. watch the places instead of travellingD. will never forget their experiences C Mr. Grey was the manager of a small office in London. He lived in the country, and came up to work by train. He liked walking from the station to his office unless it was raining, because it gave him some exercise. One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him, “You may not remember me, sir, but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in my pockets, I stopped you in this street and asked you to lend me some money, and you lent me 5, because you said you were willing to take a chance so as to give a man a start on the way to success.” Mr Grey thought for a few minutes and then said, “Yes, I remember you. Go on with your story!” “Well,” answered the stranger, “are you still willing to take a chance?”46. How did Mr. Grey get to his office? A. He went up to work by train. B. He walked to his office. C. He went to his office on foot unless it rained. D. He usually took a train to the station and then walked to his office if the weather was fine.47. Mr Grey liked walking to his office because _. A. he couldnt afford the buses B. he wanted to save money C. he wanted to keep in good health D. he could do some exercises on the way48. Mr. Grey had been willing to lend money to a stranger in order to_ A. give him a start in life B. help him on the way to success C. make him rich D. gain more money49. One morning the stranger recognized Mr. Grey, and_ A. wanted to return Mr. Grey the money B. again asked Mr. Grey for money C. would like to make friends with him D. told Mr. Grey that he had been successful since then50. In the second paragraph, “take a chance” means _. A. Mr. Gray happened to meet a stranger B. Mr. Grey had a chance to help a stranger C. Mr. Grey helped a stranger by chance D. Mr. Grey took the risk that the stranger would not give back the money which he lent him 四补全对话(共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)(Robert - R Jack - J)J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morning?R: Yes. _ (51)J: There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do you want to watch it?R: Sure. _(52)J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.R: _ (53) Lets go to cheer for our team.J: Yeah. No. 1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat.R: So the match will be exciting. _(54)J: 8:30. Do you think you can get up on time?R: Of course. _ (55)J: OK. There will be three school buses waiting for us in front of the library. Lets meet there at 8:30.R: All right. See you then. A. Great! B. What time does it start? C. Id like to watch the game very much. D. Between which teams? E. Whats up/ Why? 卷 非选择题五.基础词汇,将下列英语词组译成汉语。(共40小题,每题2分,满分80分) (附:内容写在答题卡上)六写作(共1小题,满分25分) 我们从生下来起就意味着存在于这个世界了,但是我们所有的人所处的环境也并不完全相同,有时我们会利用自己的假期到各个地方去旅游,现在,请以“A Description of_”为题,描述一个地方。注意:(1)字数120左右 (2)必须包含这个地方的一些特征 (3)可能用到的词汇:beautiful美丽的,wonderful很棒的,mountain山,at first首先,then然后,at last最后(附:作文内容写在答题卡上)


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