Is this your pencil全英教案

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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-dateIs this your pencil全英教案Is this your pencil全英教案Unit 3 Is this your pencil? The First PeriodSection A (1a2d)I. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: Key words: pencil, book, eraser, box, schoolbag, dictionary Target language:A: Is this your pencil? B: Yes, it is. Its mine. / No, it isnt. Its hers.A: Is that your schoolbag?B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its his. A: Are these your books?B: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Theyre hers.A: Are those her keys?B: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Theyre mine.2. Ability aims:Learn to identify ownership .3. Emotion aims: Learn to use English in their daily life .II . Main Points1. Vocabulary: his, mine, hers, excuse, me, thank, teacher, about, yours, for, help, welcome, thank you for .2. Yes/No questions and short answersIII. Difficult points Possessive Pronouns: mine, yours, his, hersIV. Teaching MethodTask-based teaching method, consolidationV. Teaching aidsTape recording, CAIVI. Teaching proceduresProceduresStepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityStep1Warming-up 1. Play the “My family!” song, and get the Ss to sing together.2. Greetings and leading-in.1. Give duty report. 2. Sing the song together.Step2Presentation( 1a )1. Look at the picture in activity 1a. Ask the students to write down the things in the picture.2. Correct the answers. Look and write down the things in the picture . .Step3(1b)1. Have the students look at the pictures.2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the conversations from 1 to 3.3. Check the answers by asking volunteers to read each conversation and say the number.1. Look at the pictures carefully.2. Listen and write the correct number of each conversation in the boxes .3. Listen again and correct the answers.Step4Practice( 1c )1. Ask students to practice the conversations in pairs.2. Encourage Ss to greet their classmates.3. Invite some pairs to role-play their conversations for the class.1. Talk about the conversations in pairs.2. Act out their conversations.Step5Listening( 2a2b )1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and say out the names of the things in English.2. Have them listen and check the things.3. Have Ss work in pairs to correct their answers.4. Have the Ss listen to the recording again and complete the conversation with the word in the box according to the tape.5. Check the answers .1. Listen to the conversations and number the pictures 1 to 4 .2. Listen again and check the things they hear.3. Check the answers by asking a pair of students to read the conversation.Step6Practice( 2c )1. Organize Ss into pairs. Ask them to make conversations using the things in the classroom.2. Encourage Ss to talk about their own things.1. Make conversations with their partners.2. Act out their work .Step7Role play(2d)1. Ask students to read the conversation first by themselves.2. Listen to the tape and repeat after it.3. Give them help if necessary and ask them to work in pairs.4. Ask some pairs to act out and correct their mistakes .1. Practice the conversation in pairs.2. Role-play their conversations for the class .Step8Summary&Homework 1. Listen and read after the tape at home.2. Read and recite Section A, 1b.3. Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences.Do the homework carefully.Blackboard DesignUnit 3 Is this your pencil? The First PeriodA: Is this your pencil? B: Yes, it is. Its mine. / No, it isnt. Its hers.A: Is that your schoolbag?B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its his. A: Are these your books?B: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Theyre hers.A: Are those her keys?B: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Theyre mine. Reflections:The Second PeriodSection A (Grammar Focus 3c ). Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: Key words: its = it is, isnt = is not, arent = are not Target language:A: Is this your pencil? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. A: Is that your schoolbag?B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its his. A: Are these your books?B: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Theyre hers.A: Are those her keys?B: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Theyre mine.2. Ability aims:Learn to talk about their school things .3. Emotion aims: Practict makes perfect .II. Main Points Talk about school things.III. Difficult pointsLearn to say school things in English.IV.Teaching MethodTask-based teaching method , groupworkV. Teaching aidsTape recording, pictures.VI. Teaching ProceduresProceduresStepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityStep1Warming up 1. Greet the class and check the homework.2. Play a guessing game, “Whose pencil is it ?” .1. Show the homework in class.2. Play the game.Step2Grammar Focus1. Ask student to read the Grammar Focus first.2. Point out the short forms of some words, such as: its = it is, isnt = is not, arent = are not 3. Ask students to read them in class. 4. Explain the grammar.1. Read the sentences in the grammar box.2.Understand the contractions. Step3Pairwork( 3a)1. Ask students complete the questions and answers about each picture .2. Give students some minutes to practice it and let them act out. .1. Complete the questions and answers.2. Practice the conversations.Step43b1. Let the students read the questions first.2. Ask them to complete the answers and then act out. 3. Check their answers if they make mistakes. 1. Complete the conversation and practice ist with their partners.2. Check their answers.Step53c (Play a guessing game. )I get a box and ask them to put some things into my box, then take one thing out of the box and find the owner, tell them that they only have two guesses. They should find the owners by asking: Is this your Eraser? The other student should answer: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Listen to the teacher carefully and know the rules about game, then do the game in the classroom.Step6Summary&Homework1. Listen and read after the tape after school.2. Review the Grammar Focus. Finish off the homework carefully.Blackboard Design Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The second periodits = it is, isnt = is not, arent = are notA: Is this your pencil? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. A: Is that your schoolbag? B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its his. A: Are these your books? B: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Theyre hers.A: Are those her keys? B: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Theyre mine. Reflections:The Third PeriodSection B ( 1a 1e )I. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: Key vocabulary: baseball, watch, computer, game, card, ID card, notebook, ring, bag Target language: - Whats this? - Its a - How do you spell it?- W-A-T-C-H.2. Ability aims: Get the students to talk the things in English freely. Get the students to learn to find the owners of the things.3. Emotion aims: Learn to know the meaning of some special numbers like 110, 121, etc. II . Main Points1 .Teach the new words.2. Have the students know the meaning of some things in daily life.III. Difficult pointsGet the students to use the words freely. IV. Teaching MethodTask-based teaching methodV. Teaching aidsTape recording, CAIVI. Teaching proceduresProceduresStepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityStep1Warming up 1. Daily greetings to the students.2. Check the homework .Show the homework in class.Step2Presentation( 1a ) 1. Tell Ss to read the words in 1a. 2. Have them match the words with the things in the picture.3. Check the answers in the class. 1. Read the words in 1a.2. Match the words3. Correct the mistakes.Step3 ( 1b )1. Ask a pair of students to read the conversation in the box.2. Get the students to ask and answer questions about the things in 1a.3. Encourage students to act out their work.1. Listen to the conversation.2. Make their own conversations in pairs.3. Act out their work in class. Step 4(1c)1. Let students read the words in 1a again.2. Play the tape for students to listen and circle the things they hear in 1a.3. Check the answers in class.1. Read the words by themselves.2. Listen and circle the things in 1a.3. Correct the answers.Step5Listening(1d )1. Play the tape for students again. Let students fill in the charts in 1d.2. Ask two students to show their answers in class.1. Listen and write the things that belong to Linda or Mike.2. Correct the answers.Step 6(1e)1. Encourage two students to act the conversation .2. Have Ss work in pairs make conversations about the things in 1d, then change roles. 1. Listen carefully.2. Work in pairs .Step7Summary 1. Go over the conversation.2. Revise the main sentences .Master the conversations.Step8Homework1. Listen and read after the tape .2. Copy the new words.Do the homework.Blackboard DesignUnit 3 Is this your pencil? The Third Period- Whats this? - Its a watch.- How do you spell it?- W-A-T-C-H.Reflections:The Fourth PeriodSection B (2a 2c ). Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: Key words: in, library, ask, find, some, classroom, e-mail, at, call, lost, must Target language: - Is it yours?- Is this your watch? - Call me at 685-6034.2. Ability aims: Train students reading and writing skills.3. Emotion aims: To be interested in taking part in activities in English classes.II. Main Points1. Key vocabulary: askfor, callatIII. Difficult pointsGet the students to write Lost and Found. IV. Teaching Method Task-based teaching methodV. Teaching aidsTape recording, pictures.VI. Teaching ProceduresProceduresStepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityStep1Warming- up Greet the class and check the homework.Show the homework.Step2Presentation( 2a ) 1. Ask Ss to write the things they lose easily.2. Let some students read out their answers.1. Think over and write the things they lose easily.2. Read out their answers in class loudly.Step3Practice( 2b )1. Have Ss read the notices on the board in 2b, and circle the lost things.2. Ask Ss to read the notes again and explain the meanings of “Lost” and “Found”. And teach them to write.1. Read and circle the lost things on the board.2. Read the notes again and learn how to write the Lost and Found.Step4Pairwork( 2c )1. Have Ss read the notes again and check the Lost and Found. 2. Check the answers by asking some students to read the things.1. Read the notes again and check the Lost and Found. 2. Check the answers.Step5Summary 1. Summarize what we learned in this period.2. Revise the way of writing Lost and Found.Master the the way of writing Lost and Found .Step6Homework1. Oral work: Listen to the recordings in Unit 3, then read and recite them. 2. Written work: write a note about the thing that you lost or found. Do their homework carefully.Blackboard DesignUnit 3 Is this your pencil?The Fourth Period- Is it yours?- Is this your watch? - Call me at 685-6034.Reflections:The Fifth Period(3a-Self Check)I.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: Key words: set, a set of Target language: -Please call me at . -Are these yours? 2.Ability aims:To train Ss writing skills .3. Emoyion aims:Please be a careful person and look after your things well.II. Main Points1. New words: set, a set of2. Write their own lost or found notes.III. Difficult points Get the students to read and write the notes.IV. Teaching MethodTask-based teaching methodV. Teaching aidsTape recording, pictures.VI. Teaching ProceduresProceduresStepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityStep1Warming-up Greet the class and check the homework.Show the homework.Step2Presentation(3a ) 1. Ask Ss to read and complete the notices with the words or phone number in the box.2. Encourage students to read out their answers.1. Read and complete the notices with the words or phone number in the box.2. Read the notes with the answers. Step3Writing( 3b) Encourage the students to write their own lost and found notice with their names and phone numbers. Write and read loudly in class.Step4(self check)Have Ss write the school things that they know.Invite them to read their answers.Let Ss complete the chart with pronouns by themselves.Let students look at the picture and write conversations. Then ask some pairs to act out.Write the things.Read loudly. Finish the chart.Look and write. Then act out in pairs in class.Step5Summary 1. Go over the new words and the lost and found notices .2. Revise the main sentences in this unit.Master the new words and the target language.Step6Homework1. Write their own lost and found notices.2. Review Unit 3.Do their homework carefully.Blackboard Design Unit 3 Is this your pencil?The Fifth Period-Please call me at . -Are these yours? Reflections:-


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