九年级复习配套检测题 语法知识盘点 第一部分语法知识盘点 第1讲 名词

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九年级复习配套检测题 语法知识盘点 第一部分语法知识盘点 第1讲 名词_第1页
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九年级复习配套检测题 语法知识盘点 第一部分语法知识盘点 第1讲 名词_第2页
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九年级复习配套检测题 语法知识盘点 第一部分语法知识盘点 第1讲 名词_第3页
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九年级复习配套检测题 语法知识盘点 第一部分语法知识盘点 第1讲 名词考点1可数名词()1.(xx年东营)Mr.Jackson keeps lots of _ on his farm. Asheep Bchicken Cgoose Dpandas()2.(xx年遵义)All the _ in our school enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their own holiday.A.men teachers Bwomen teachers Cwomen teacher()3.(xx年永州)Whose _ are these? I think they are Johns. Akey Bkeies Ckeys考点2不可数名词()1.(xx年广州)Yesterday for dinner I had a piece of beef, vegetables and _. Asome rice Ba few rice Ca little rices Da rice()2.(xx年白银)Just search the Internet, you can get almost all the _ you need.Ainformations Binformation Cpicture Dstory()3.(xx年随州)Mum, I am hungry. May I have some _? Of course.But dont eat too much. Abread Bnoodle Cdumpling Dhamburger考点3名词所有格()1.(xx年长沙)Is the schoolbag under the desk yours? No, its my_.He left it there just now. Abrother Bbrothers Cbrothers()2.(xx年钦州)Tomorrow is _. The students want to buy some flowers for their teachers. ATeacher Day BTeachers Day CTeachers Day Dthe Teachers Day()3.Can you imagine what life will be like in _ time?A.50 years B50 years C50years D50years()1.(xx年安徽)More and more people e to visit Mount Huangshan.Thats true.It has bee the _ of Anhui.A.pride Beffort Cpraise Dcourage()2.(xx年陕西)Oh, a nice photo! Is this your uncles child? Yes, its my_. Acousin Bsister Cbrother Ddaughter ()3.(xx年泰安)I hear you have to get up early every morning. Right.Its one of the_ of my family. Aplans Bjobs Cprograms Drules ()4.(xx年重庆)Lily, could you please pass me the_? I want to cut the apple. Sure, here you are. Apen Bpencil Cbook Dknife()5.(xx年白银)The boy didnt sleep well last night because of the _ from the factory. Avoice Bnoise Cmusic Dsong()6.(xx年云南)My favourite _ is summer.I can swim with my friends. Amonth Bday Cseason Dweekend()7.(xx年梅州)I am very thirsty now.Would you like some _?A.tea B.fish Cnoodles D.potatoes()8.(xx年武汉)He will have to watch his _ because of his serious stomach problem. Astyle Bdiet Csmell Dmenu ()9.(xx年滨州)Do you think the _ of this skirt suits me?Of course! You always look beautiful in red.A.size Bdesign Cprice Dcolor()10.(xx年德州)The people who are more confident have more _ to make themselves successful.A.education Bchances Cpride Dexcuses ()11.(xx年连云港)Its a wise _ to wear the white tie.It matches your shirt well. Thank you very much. Achoice Bsupport Cmixture Dhonour()12.(xx年茂名)_ school is quite near the bus station.A.Ted and Toms BTeds and Toms CTed and Tom ()13.(xx年深圳)What are the _ doing there? They are busy _ their science experiment. Aboys students; to do Bboy students; to do Cboys students; doing Dboy students; doing()14.(xx年日照) After school, I had a long _ with my teacher about my study. A.talk Bword Cspeech Dstory()15.(xx年河北)Id like a _ for dessert.Fruit, you know, is good for health.A.potato Bbanana Ccandy Dpie()1.Did you have a lot of _ in the park yesterday? Afuns Bfun Cinterests Dfunny()2.There is a lot of _ in the street.Be careful when you cross the street. Apolice Bpeople Cthieves Dtraffic()3.Today, we have many other _ to pay besides coins or paper money.A.excuses Bways Cchances Dplans()4.Taking a walk in the evening is a good _.So it is.It keeps us healthy.A.habit Bhobby Crule Dfavor ()5.Look, there are so many _ and _ on the road. Abuses; cares Bbuss; cars Cbuses; cars Dbuss; cares()6.Marys skirt is the same as her _.A.sisters Bbrother Cbrothers Dsisters()7.Can I help you, sir? Id like to have 100 _.I want my students to draw pictures. Apiece of paper Bpieces of paper C.pieces of papers Dpiece of papers()8.Mr.Black gave us _ on how to learn English well.A.an advice B.many advices Csome advice D.some advices()9.They are from _.Theyre _.A.Germany; Germans B.Germans; Germany CGerman; Germany D.Germany; Germen()10._ mothers cant e to the meeting because they have gone to Dalian. ASallys and Jane B.Sally and Janes CSallys and Janes D.Sally and Janes()11.Do you know the _ the school?A.name of Bnames Cname Dnamed()12.He is a friend of _. Amy sister Bmy sisters Cmy sisterss Dmy sisters()13.I have to speak to my grandpa loudly because something is wrong with his _. Aeyes Bears Chands Dlegs()14.How many_ are there in the international village?AJapanese BRussian CAmerican DGerman()15.Can you imagine what life will be like in _ time? A20 years B20 years C20years D20years()16.British people eat _ a lot, and they are usually cooked in different ways. Achicken Bbeef Cfish Dpotatoes()17.Please pick up the _.Dont keep it on the floor.A.paper Bboxes Cbooks Dbottles()18.Are these your _?Atomato Bpotatos Cradioes Dphotos()19.My_ of this weekends activity is going out with some good friends.Aidea Bopinion Cmind Dway()20.You should do more _.Dont always sit at the desk busy doing your_.Aexercise; exercises Bexercises; exercise Cexercises; exercises Dexercise; exercise参考答案第一部分语法知识盘点第1讲名词考点实战演练考点11Alots of修饰可数名词复数形式,也可修饰不可数名词,选项B、C为可数名词单数,选项D“熊猫”也不会养在农场,故选A,sheep单复数同形。2B根据句中提到的三八妇女节,可知是女教师;由于前面有all修饰,因此用复数形式,名词woman修饰复数名词时,本身也要变复数。故选B。3C由are these可知应用复数,key是以“元音字母y”结尾的单词,其复数是直接加s,故选C。考点21Arice为不可数名词,不能用a few或a修饰,同时也没有复数形式,故选A。2B根据句意可知,上网可以获得几乎所有“信息”(information),且information为不可数名词,故选B。3Anoodle, dumpling, hamburger一般表示为复数形式,bread是不可数名词,故选A。考点31B句意是“它是我哥哥的”,单数名词所有格,名词后加“s”,故选B。2C教师节是所有教师的节日,因此teacher要用复数形式的所有格,故选C。3A当名词为复数作定语时, 直接在后面加“”即可,故选A。真题体验感悟15AADDB610CABDB1115AADAB模拟巩固提升15BDBAC610DBCAC1115ADBAA1620DADAA


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