九年级复习配套检测题 语法知识盘点 第一部分语法知识盘点 第10讲 非谓语动词

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九年级复习配套检测题 语法知识盘点 第一部分语法知识盘点 第10讲 非谓语动词_第1页
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九年级复习配套检测题 语法知识盘点 第一部分语法知识盘点 第10讲 非谓语动词_第2页
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九年级复习配套检测题 语法知识盘点 第一部分语法知识盘点 第10讲 非谓语动词_第3页
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九年级复习配套检测题 语法知识盘点 第一部分语法知识盘点 第10讲 非谓语动词考点1动词不定式()1.(xx年重庆A卷)The little girl was crying because her mother didnt allow her _ the ice cream. Aeat Beats Cto eat Date()2.(xx年泰安)Why is Linlin practicing speaking English?_ abroad for further study.AGo BGone CTo go DGoes()3.(xx年滨州)My pen pal Andrew found it difficult _ Chinese well. Alearning Blearn Cto learn Dlearned()4.(xx年孝感)The peaceful music in the CD made the students _ relaxed. Afeel Bfeels Cfelt Dto feel()5.(xx年齐齐哈尔)The math problem is so hard.I really dont know_. Ahow to do it B.how to do Cwhat to do it()6.Which do you prefer, Chinese food or Western food? I would rather _ Chinese food.Lets have noodles. Ato have Bhaving Chad Dhave考点2动名词()1.(xx年龙东)Dont throw away the waste paper.It needs _. A.to recycle Brecycling Crecycle()2.(xx年白银)_ honest is the first thing people should learn.ABeing BLook CBe DBee()3.(xx年福州)It was such a funny show that people couldnt help_ again and again. Alaugh Bto laugh Claughing ()1.(xx年佛山)A British high school is going to allow students _ lessons in the afternoon.A.start Bstarting Cto start()2.(xx年梅州)Paul looks forward to _ his pen pal as soon as possible. Ameets Bmeet Cmeeting Dmet()3.(xx年来宾)Remember to return the book to the library when you finish _ it. Aread Bto read Creading Dreads ()4.(xx年天津)When you leave, please turn off the light_ energy. Asave Bsaving Csaved Dto save()5.(xx年广州)I always tell my students _ on the road because its really dangerous. Anot to play Bto play not Cnot playing Dnot play()6.(xx年佛山)Her mother always persuades her _ her diet properly. Ato reduce Bnot to reduce Creduce()7.(xx年梅州)I found a letter _ on the floor when I came into the classroom. Alying Blay Clie Dlies()8.(xx年茂名)Doctor Norman Bethune gave his life to _ Chinese people. Ahelp Bhelping Cwork()9.(xx年深圳)I think this talk is worth _. Ato listen Bto listen to Clistening Dlistening to()10.(xx年雅安)Students should learn how _ problems. Asolve Bsolving Ccan solve Dto solve()11.(xx年广州)I asked her_the bag because it was too expensive.A.not to buy B.to buy not Cnot buying D.not buy()12.(xx年广东深圳)What are the _ doing there? They are busy _ their science experiment. Aboys students; to do Bboy students; to do Cboys students; doing Dboy students; doing()13.(xx年深圳)Its time for dinner, Linda.Lets _ out this evening. Nice.But I prefer Chinese food _ western food. Aeat; to Bto eat; than Ceat; than Dto eat; to()14.(xx年湛江)Its going to rain.Remember _ an umbrella when you go to school.All right, Mom.Ataking Bbringing Cto take Dto bring()15.(xx年肇庆)How do you feel when you watch the national flag go up? It makes me _ very proud. Afeel Bfelt Cto feel()1.The group found it hard _ the job in time. Afinishing Bfinished Cto finish Dfinish ()2.Its raining heavily.Youd better _ now. Adont go Bdont to go Cnot leave Dnot to leave()3.Im allowed _ on Saturday.A.go to the movies B.going to the movies Cwent to the movies D.to go to the movies()4.We mix the water and flour _ bread. Ato make Bmaking Cmake Dmakes()5.Linda would rather _ than stay here. Aleft Bto leave Cleaving Dleave()6.Did you watch the actor _ the whole play yesterday? Aperforming Bto perform Cperform Dperformed ()7.Why not _ it as soon as possible? Afinish Bto finish Cfinishes Dfinishing()8.Its really a wonderful trip.I have many things _ you. Atelling Bto tell Ctells Dtell()9.No one wants to tell me _. Awhen do it B.when doing it Cwhere to buy the book D.where do they buy the book()10.My mom had me _ a bottle of oil for her. Ato buy Bbuy Cbuying Dbuys ()11.The baby was made _ by his naughty brother. Acrying Bcry Cto cry Dcries ()12.My family invite you _ next Friday for the party. Ae Bto e Cing Dcame ()13.Can you see the girl _ outside the classroom? She is Miss Lis daughter. Astands Bstanding Cstand Dto stand()14.Its too hot.Would you mind my _ the window?_.Do it as you like, please.A.to open; OK Bopening; Certainly not Copening; Of course Dopen; Good idea()15.The doctor told me _ too much, but I find it difficult.The doctor is right.The less you drink, _ you will be.A.dont drink; the healthier Bnot to drink; the healthierCnot to drink; the more healthier Ddont drink; healthier()16.After the earthquake hit Japan, many international organizations offered _.A.to helping Bto help Chelping Dhelp()17.The assistant wont let you _ the cinema if you havent a ticket.A.enter Bto enter Centering Dto entering()18.Would you like _ the Wutong Mountain tomorrow? If my mother _, I will go with you. Aclimbing; will allow Bclimbing; allows Cto climb; allows Dto climb; will allow()19.Would you please _ up the hills with me? Ato climb Bclimb Cclimbing Dclimbed()20.The missing boys were last seen_ near the river.A.to playing Bto be playing Cplay Dto play 第10讲非谓语动词考点实战演练考点11C根据allow sb.to do sth.句型可知选C。2C动词不定式表目的,故选C。3Cfind it difficult to do sth.是“finditadj.to do sth.”句型,it为形式宾语,to do sth.是真正的宾语。故选C。4Amake是使役动词,后加省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,故选A。5Awhat to do等于how to do it,故选A。6Dwould rather后接省略to的不定式。故选D。考点21Bneed doing某东西需要被做(含被动意思),故选B。2A动词作主语时用动名词形式,故选A。3Ccant help doing是固定用法,故选C。真题体验感悟 15CCCDA610AABDD1115ADACA模拟巩固提升15CCDAD610CABCB1115CBBBB1620BACBD


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