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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她北京中医药大学21秋“公共课”英语3期末考核试题库带答案参考一.综合考核(共50题)1.Since it is already midnight, we _ now.A.had better leaveB.had better have leftC.had better to leaveD.had better leaving参考答案:A2.Some people like drinking coffee, for it has _ effects.A.stimulatingB.enhancingC.promotingD.encouraging参考答案:A3.Although he _ learning English a few months ago, he can now speak fluent English.A.commentedB.commencedC.commandedD.committed参考答案:B4.He is a comparatively silent boy. But when he speaks he always talks _.A.mistakeB.meaningC.senseD.progress参考答案:C5.It is good _ you to give me that present.A.forB.ofC.aboutD.over参考答案:B6.Thanks for your help. _A.Never mind.B.My pleasure.C.Quite right.D.Dont thank me.参考答案:B7.Nothing he did was wrong, _?A.was itB.was not itC.were theyD.were not they参考答案:A8.Teaching is a sinking-stomach profession, because I leave the classroom an hour later _ that I was even more boring than usual.A.believedB.thoughtC.consideredD.convinced参考答案:D9.The manager kept a _ silence when the young man was giving his opinion about the company is plan for the new year.A.respectedB.respectableC.respectiveD.respectful参考答案:D10.Hello, how are you? _A.Fine, thank you.B.Thats OK.C.How do you do?D.Hi, how are you?参考答案:A11.Encouraged by his first successful novel, the young man was working _ a new one.A.atB.inC.onD.to参考答案:C12.Every bell has its _ sounds when it is ringing.A.loudB.peculiarC.oddD.strange参考答案:B13.There is no _ about the matter. Take your time.A.emergencyB.urgencyC.useD.point参考答案:A14.Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday? Really? _A.Why was he so careless?B.Who did that?C.Whats wrong with him?D.How did that happen?参考答案:D15.Hello, may I talk to the director now? _A.No, you cant.B.Sorry, you cant.C.Sorry, he is busy at the moment.D.I dont know.参考答案:B16.It turned out that his previous experience was _ to his final success.A.valueB.of valueC.value ofD.for value参考答案:B17.I can not afford the car. It is too _.A.dearB.preciousC.previousD.valuable参考答案:A18._ good boy he is!A.What aB.HowC.How aD.What参考答案:A19.One more shot, _ the man fell to the ground dead.A.andB.soC.butD.then参考答案:A20.You must not let pleasure _ with your study.A.interpretB.interfereC.interruptD.disturb参考答案:B21.Hey, Tom, whats up? _A.Oh, not much.B.Yes, definitely!C.What is happening in your life?D.You are lucky.参考答案:A22.After ten years, all the youngsters became _.A.grown-upsB.growns-upC.grown-upD.growns-ups参考答案:A23.I was so worried. You _ have called us.A.couldB.mightC.oughtD.must参考答案:A24.Since many university graduates have applied, I am afraid I do not _ a chance of getting the job.A.keepB.takeC.makeD.stand参考答案:D25._ everyone expected, Tom did the best in the competition.A.WhichB.ThatC.AsD.What参考答案:C26.You may depend on _ will not repeat his mistakes.A.him thatB.thatC.it thatD.which that参考答案:C27.The old woman is still _ as an authority on this subject.A.thoughtB.respectedC.regardedD.believed参考答案:C28.It was _ for you to have made the remarks at the meeting.A.out of orderB.out of placeC.out of sightD.out of thought参考答案:B29.He told me that he had arrived here on the _ night.A.formerB.previousC.priorD.last参考答案:B30.I was so tired then that I fell _ in class.A.sleptB.asleepC.sleepD.sleeping参考答案:B31.Some students are completely struck down by the _ of the examination.A.pressureB.stressC.tensionD.influence参考答案:B32.His wife had the front door painted green yesterday, _ she?A.didntB.didC.hadD.hadnt参考答案:A33.I am afraid Jack will be punished for his carelessness because last night two prisoners escapedA.watchfulB.off guardC.on guardD.watching out参考答案:C34.Her brother _ to leave her in the dark room alone when she disobeyed his order.A.warnedB.exclaimedC.declaredD.threatened参考答案:D35.I couldnt see the _ of getting the couple to live together.A.gradeB.markC.scoreD.point参考答案:D36.Taking the job will involve _ at weekends.A.workB.to workC.workingD.having worked参考答案:C37.The play was very long, but there were two _.A.intervalsB.restsC.spacesD.spells参考答案:A38.For another year or so, you _ all about it.A.would forgetB.forgetC.have forgottenD.will have forgotten参考答案:D39.Take an umbrella _ it rains.A.in any caseB.in caseC.becauseD.for参考答案:B40.The prices are soaring. Some measures must be taken to _ them _.A.bringaboutB.bringforwardC.bringdownD.bringthrough参考答案:C41.He persisted in spite of difficulties. _, he succeeded in getting what he wanted.A.TemporarilyB.EventuallyC.NeverthelessD.subsequently参考答案:B42.How are you, Bob? _ Ted.A.Im fine. Thank you.B.Nice to meet you.C.How do you do?D.How are you?参考答案:A43.How was your trip to London, Jane? _A.I went there alone.B.Oh, wonderful indeed.C.By plane and by bus.D.The guide showed me the way.参考答案:B44.The frequent social activities got _ his studies.A.hold ofB.rid ofC.down toD.in the way of参考答案:D45.The drought of this spring _ the crops.A.effectedB.affectedC.influencedD.interfered参考答案:B46.A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder.A.attendedB.attemptedC.admiredD.advised参考答案:B47.When he woke up, he found himself _ in a dark cave.A.lieB.layC.lainD.lying参考答案:D48._ the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.A.AsB.ForC.SoD.Why参考答案:A49.He wanted to be moved to a nursing home where he could _ his own room.A.furnishB.supplyC.provideD.live参考答案:A50.I can _ you that the animals are well cared for in our zoo, so you neednt worry about them.A.assumeB.assureC.grantD.suppose参考答案:B


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