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海油工程供应商管理文档 附件3:供应商调查表海洋石油工程股份有限公司产品供应商调查表Offshore Oil Engineering Co。, Ltd。Product Supplier Survey厂商名称(Company name): 产品名称(Product name): 调查单位(Survey carried out by): 填 表 人(Form completed by): 填表 年 月 日Date of completion day moth year调查邀请Invitation to Complete a Survey 公司(单位):根据海洋石油工程股份有限公司发展需要,我公司拟与贵公司建立互信互惠的供求关系,以便于今后双方发展贸易合作,特邀请贵公司填写供应商调查表。填写此表时各栏不应为空,如无内容应填写“无”;若需添加附页,附页纸张大小必须与本调查表相同;表格格式、项目、内容等亦必须与调查表中的完全一致,并在附件上加盖公章确认,附于调查表之后.感谢贵公司给予的大力支持! Company (Organization):In order to meet the need for development,offshore oil engineering Co.,Ltd wish to establish a vender-supplier relationship on the ground of mutual trust and mutual benefits wish your company so as to facilitate our future cooperation,We would therefore like to invite you to fill in a Supplier Survey。No fields can be left blank,if a field is not applicable to you,please write “N/A”,if you need to attach additional sheets of paper,their size,format and layout etc should be the same as in the Survey,these sheets should be stamped with your common seal before being attached to the Survey.Thank you for your help!朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典海洋石油工程股份有限公司Offshore Oil Engineering CO。LTD 负责人(Person in charge ): 年 月 日 Day month year注1:该表填写完毕后,请交递或快递到海洋石油工程股份有限公司通讯地址: ,邮编: ,联系人: ,电话: ,传真: Note 1:After filling in the Survey,please hand in or post the form by special delivery to Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd.Correspondence Address: XXXX, Tanggu, Tianjin, P。R. China Postcode: 300451Contact person: XXX Tel: XXX, Fax: XXX填表真实性承诺书(Declaration)海洋石油工程股份有限公司:To :Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd 年 月 日,我单位(公司)向贵公司提交海洋石油工程股份有限公司供应商调查表(包括复印件及有关附件资料)。现郑重承诺:供应商调查表中所涉及的文件、证件、复印件及有关附件资料是真实有效的,复印件与原件是一致的,并对因供应商调查表中虚假所引发的一切后果承担全部法律责任。We hereby submit our Supplier Survey (including relevant photocopies and appendices of related information are genuine and valid, and that the photocopies are true representations of their originals。 We will bear all legal responsibilities for any consequence resulting form an false information supplied in the Supplier Survey。承诺人(Signer by): (公司印章) (seal of the company) 年 月 日 Day Month Year一、供应商基本信息Basic information of the supplier中文名称(盖章)Chinese name(seal)英文名称(盖章)English name(seal)寄送/访问地址Mailing / Visiting Address注册地址Address for Company Registration纳税地址Address for Tax Purposes邮政编码Postcode传真Fax公司网址Website公司专用EmailCompany Email企业性质Legal Status 销售人员EmailSale teams E-mail注册日期/成立日Date of registration/incorporation注册机关/工商注册号Registration Authority/Registration No.注册资本Registered Capital经营期限Period of Business Operation Approved上级主管部门Overseeing Department员工人数Numbers of employees法人代表Legal representative手机Mobile phone联系人Contract person电话Telephone行业类型Type of industry企业规模Corporate Scale 营业收入Operating Revenue净资产Net asset是否上市Listed or not上市地点Listed on 上市号Stock code是否有进出口权Authorized import & export right granted or not进出口许可证号Import / export License Number年进出口额Annual import &export quotas经营范围Business Scope公司发票专用章(盖章):Companys seal for invoicing(seal)公司合同专用章(盖章):Companys seal for contract purposes(seal)注1:企业名称与注册名称要核对一致,以英文名称注册的同时列示中英文名称。Note 1:The company name(given) should be its registered company name,if the company name has been registered in English,both its English and Chinese name should be given.注2:一定要分清注册地址和通讯寄送地址。Notes 2:The address of registration and correspondence address (if different) must be separately indicated.注3:对经营场所不定或没有大型设备房产的供应商,要列出业务负责人和法人代表的私人电话.Note 3:For suppliers who do not operate form fixed premises or a site where large equipment is installed,the private phone numbers of the business owner(s) and their corporate representatives should be included。注4:如果法人代表并非合同签字人,要证实合同签字人是否能代行职权。Note 4:if the signatory of contract is not a legal representative,whether the person is properly authorized to act on behalf of the company should be verified。注5:经营范围必须与现经营内容核对一致。Note 5:The details given in the business scope filed must be reflect the current scope of operation accurately。朗显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典1. 动词 1. stamp2. affix a seal二、供应商发展历史Supplier History of Development发展历史History of Development重大事件变更及 拟发生重大事件变更Significant business events which have occurred recently or will occur近期重大经营事件及拟发生重大经营事件Significant business events which have occurred recently or will occur注1:重大事件包括供应商在所有权、企业性质、改制、合资合作、并购拆分、注册名称、注册地点、法人代表、注册资本、经营范围、行业产品、经营地点、高级管理层方面的重大变动(和发生时间)。Note 1:significant events include significant changes(and their dates)in ownership,legal status of the firm,restructuring,joint-venture and cooperation,merger and split,registered company name ,address of registration,legal management注2:重大经营事件包括可能导致供应商在融资、投资、产品开发、市场开发、经济纠纷、现金流和利润等方面发生较大变化。Note 2:Significant business events include event that might lead to relatively big change in financing,investment,product development,marker development,financial dispute,cash flow,profit and so forth。三、供应商组织结构Organizational Structure of Supplier股东名称Name of shareholders股份Share%实收资本额窗体顶端Actual receipt capital窗体底端内部组织结构简图Simplified diagram of internal structure可在“十四、附件资料清单”中附加The diagram can be added to ”XIV List of Appendices”法人代表姓名Name of legal representative性别Gender法人代表职务Title of legal representative国籍Nationality学历Academic Qualification法人代表专业背景Professional background of the legal representative法人代表在该职务任职时间Length of service as a legal representative法人代表在该企业工作时间total Length of service in the Company法人代表工作经历简述Resume of legal representative采购负责人姓名及电话Name phone number of procurement manager设计研发负责人姓名及电话Name phone number of design and R D Manager生产负责人姓名及电话Name phone number of production manager质检负责人姓名及电话Name & phone number of quality inspection manager售后服务负责人姓名及电话Name phone number of aftersale service manager产品物流负责人姓名及电话Name & phone number of logistics manager四、经营状况Operation Status主营业务Main business供应商主要产品名称Name of main product品牌brand比重()percentage生产能力Product capacity实际产量Actual production volume生产年份Year of production市场占有率Market share产品销售地域(国内%,国外,省内)Geographic area of sales(domestic%,overseas%,provincial)产品销售渠道(批发,零售,代理)Sales channel(wholesale%,retail,agent %)货款收款方式(现收,赊销,易货)Payment method(cash on delivery,sales on credit %,barter)客户类型(国有%,三资,私营)Customer type(sate-owned,foreign-funded%,private%)五、生产状况Manufacture Status原材料采购地域(国内%,国外,省内)Origins of raw materials(domestic%,overseas%,provincial)采购支付方式(即付%,赊账%,易货%)Method of payment for procurement(cash on delivery%,sales on credit%,barter%)原材料Raw materials主要供应商名称Name of main supplier联系人 电话Contact person phone委外检验项目Items which inspected by externally commissioned institution检验单位名称Name of inspection institution联系人 电话Contract person phone工艺技术的先进性Technological edges国际领先 a world leader国际持平 on par with the rest of the world国内领先 a leader in the country国内一般水平 on par with countrys average后续研发资金投入Capital investment in follow-up R&D投入占总利润Investment as a percentage of total profit10% 510 1%5 无 None满足客户技术要求Customers technical requirements满足且能按要求改进 can be met and improved accordingly满足但不能改进 can be met but not improved不满足但改进后能满足 can be only after improvements不能满足 can not be met人员组成staffing专家、管理、技术、检验、操作人员齐全 full teams of experts,as well as managerial,technical,inspection and operation staff无专家其他人员齐全 full teams of staff expect experts缺少 人员lack of members staff持证上岗情况Certified staff全部上岗人员均有上岗证 all members of staff are certified部分上岗人员缺上岗证 only some are certified无上岗证制度 no work certified system in place not applicable固定生产设施Fixed production facilities较新且满足生产需要updated and can satisfy the needs of production一般且基本满足生产需要 average and can satisfy the needs of the production难以满足生产需要can not satisfy the needs of production固定仓储设施Fixed warehousing facilities满足生产销售需要 can satisfy the needs of production & sales不满足生产销售需要 can not satisfy the needs of production & sales工艺流程简Process flow diagram可在“十四、附件资料清单中附加Can be added to “XIV。 List of Appendixes主要生产设备及已投入运行时间Major production equipment and its length of service可在“十四、附件资料清单中附加Can be added to “XIV. List of Appendixes检验、试验设备已投入运行时间Inspection & trial equipment and its length of service可在“十四、附件资料清单”中附加Can be added to “XIV. List of Appendixes自有经营场所地址、面积、用途(办公/生产/仓储)Address,size and purpose(office/production/warehouse)of owned site(s) for business operation租用经营场所地址、面积、用途(办公/生产/仓储)Address,size and purpose(office/production/warehouse)of owned site(s) for business operation六、交货能力Delivery正在执行合同Contract being performed50万元以上合同 个 Number of contracts with value over RMB 500k 30万元以上合同 个 Number of contracts with value over RMB 300k 10万元以上合同 个 Number of contracts with value over RMB 100k 前三年履约交货情况Delivery in the last 3 years交货及时率Delivery on time:95 93%94% 9192% 其它none of the above月平均交易额Average monthly transaction amount货款回笼率(月平均回款额/月平均交易额)Rate of payment recovery for goods(average monthly payment amount/average monthly transaction amount)货款回笼率Rate of payment recovery for goods:95 9094% 85%89 其它 none of the above存货周转率Rate of stock turnover存货周转率Rate of turnover:12 611 15 其它 none of the above产品随机文件Accompanying documents证书及文件齐全随机交all products are accompanied with full sets of certificates and document on delivery证书及文件齐全随后一周交齐 all certificates an documents are sent in the week following delivery证书及文件齐全陆续交齐 all certificates and documents are sent in batches其它 none of the above最快交货周期Shortest turn-around最大交付能力Maximum delivery capacity运输路程Freight distance物流方式Logistics生产调节和扩充能力Ability to adjust increase production注1:最大交付能力指在正常交货期内,一批次交货的最大量.Note 1:Maximum delivery capacity refers to the largest amount of one-batch delivery during a normal delivery period.注2:物流方式指供应商产品交付采用的物流组合(包括:输方式组合、运输价格、稳定物流联盟、物流时间等)。Note 2:Logistics mode refers to the logistics combination (including freight mode combination,freight price,longterm logistics alliance,logistics time etc。)adopted by the supplier for product delivery。七、产品质量保证和售后服务Product Quality Assurance After-sale Service国家法规条例明确必须具备的资质证书State laws and regulations must have certificates of qualification工业产品生产许可证 Industrial Production Permit特种产品许可证 Special Product license经营许可证 Business License强制性认证 Compulsory Certification型式认可 Type Approval辐射安全许可证 Radiation Safety License特种行业许可证 Special Trade LicenseCCC认证 CCC Certification道路运输许可证 Transport Permits充装许可证 Filling Permit危险化学品生产单位登记证 Dangerous Chemicals Production Unit Registration Certificate货运代理资质证 Qualification Certificate for Freight Forwarders国际船舶代理资质证 Qualification Certificate for International Shipping Agency报关/报检资质证 Customs Declaration / Inspection Qualification Certificates其它 Others产品质量保证期Quality assurance period质保期3年 quality assurance period3years1年质保期3年 1yearquality assurance period3years半年质保期1年 6 monthsquality assurance period1 year 其它 others质量问题响应Response on quality issues到达现场时间 Arrival on the scene3天 1天2天 1天 一次检验合格率Pass rates in one go产品使用寿命Product lifespan免费培训Free of charge training注1:免费培训指供应商对客户能做的培训项目及时间情况.Note 1:The “free of charge training “free training field refers to the training programmer provided by the supplier to customer and the lengths.八、资信情况Credit Position开户(人民币和外币)银行名称和帐号Name of deposit(RMB and foreign currencies)bank & account number银行信用评级(选择)Bank credit rating(optional) AAA AA A BBB BB B CCC CC C 无none开户银行状况和评价Status and rating of the deposit bank主诉、被诉记录(经济纠纷)Record of court actions taken and being taken to court(financial disputes)付款和拖欠状况Payment made and default of payment该企业和其他企业的担保抵押记录Records of collaterals pledged and other companies同业评价Peer review银行资信评审报告摘要Summary of reports on credit ratings given by the bank授信额度利用率Utilization rate of credit line行业排名Industry ranking国际排名International ranking全国排名National ranking省内排名Ranking in province行业国际前5名Ranking Top 5 in International Industry全国行业前5名Ranking Top 5 in National Industry省内行业前5名Ranking Top 5 in province Industry信誉不良记录Record of poor standing注:付款和拖欠状况指供应商对其应付账款的付款及拖欠情况和对其应收账款的收款情况说明。Note:The payment made default of payment field requires a description of the suppliers accounts payable and receivable as well as thief default.九、客户关系和业绩Customer Relationship & Achievement近三年在海油系统主要业绩Major achievements in the offshore oil industry in the last 3 years客户customer产品product年均交易金额(万元)Average annual transaction amount(10k)交货及时率 (%)Delivery on time rate ()交易笔数Number of transactions客户评价Customer ratings合作年限length of cooperation近三年在石化行业主要业绩 Major achievements in the petroleum and chemistry industry in the last 3 years客户customer产品product年均交易金额(万元)Average annual transaction amount(10k)交货及时率 ()Delivery on time rate (%)交易笔数Number of transactions客户评价Customer ratings合作年限length of cooperation近三年在其它行业主要业绩Major achievement in other industries in the 3 years客户customer产品product年均交易金额(万元)Average annual transaction amount(10k)交货及时率 ()Delivery on time rate (%)交易笔数Number of transactions客户评价Customer ratings合作年限length of cooperation十、财务状况表Financial Statements资产负债表Balance sheet今年Current year今年Current year货币资金Cash and cash equivalents短期借款Short term loans应收账款Accounts receivable应付账款Accounts payable存货Inventories应付工资福利和税金Wages,welfare and taxes payable其他流动资产Other current assets其他流动负债Other current liabilities流动资产小计Total current assets流动负债小计Total current liabilities长期投资Long-term investment长期借款Long term loans固定资产和在建工程Fixed assets and construction in progress长期应付款Long term accounts payable无形资产和递延资产Intangible assets and deferred assets其他长期负债Other long term liabilities其他非流动资产Other long term assets长期负债小计Total long term liabilities非流动资产小计Total long term assets所有者权益小计Total equity资产合计Total assets负债与权益合计Total liabilities an equity损益表Income statement前年The year before last year去年Last year今年Current year采购收入Income form purchase经营利润Operating profit息税折旧前利润Earning before interest,taxes and depreciation税前利润Earnings before taxes财务比率(计算)Financial ratio(calculated)今年Current year今年Current year存货周转率Inventory turnover rates流动比率Current Ratio流动资产周转率Current assets turnover rates速动比率Quick Ratio总资产周转率Total assets turnover rates资产负债率Assetliability ratio总资产收益率Return on total assets应收账款周转率Accounts receivable turnover净资产收益率Return on net assets十一、价格信息Price Information产品价格在行业中水平Price level in the industry价格较低 low 价格居中 average 价格较高 high十二、质量控制Quality Control认证情况 CertificationISO9000认证ISO9001 Certification认证机构Certificate issued by管理者代表及职位Management representative his/her position质量目标Quality objective 是yes 否no其他认证Other Certification采购物料的控制 Control of materials purchased采购定单是否包含Purchase Orders Includes要求的完整描述 Complete Description图纸与规格 Drawings and Specifications检验要求 Inspection Requirement检测报告 Inspecting Report包装要求 Packing Requirements已认可供应商清单List of Approved Suppliers 有 yes 按清单采购 Dependent on the Procurement Required 定期维护 Updated Regularly来料检验的抽样 Sampling for incoming material inspection来料检验标准与程序Standards Processes for Incoming Material Inspection 有yes 无 no来料检验记录Records of incoming inspection保存2年are kept for 2 years保存1年are kept for 1 year 不保存 are not kept检验物料的状态Status of inspected material 明确标识 clearly labeled 非明确标识 not clearly labeled遵循先进先出的原则Do you follow the principle of first in first out? 是 yes 否 no定期审查物料的储存期限与状态Do you check the shelf life and conditions of materials regularly? 是 yes 否 no仓库内所有的物料是否标识清楚Are all of the materials stared labeled clearly? 是 yes 否 no生产质量控制Product quality control有合适数量的在线检验人员Are there a proper number of line inspectors 是 yes 否 no有相应的在线检验流程与规范Are there corresponding process and standing for line inspection? 是 yes 否 no是否应用数理统计方法对生产过程进行评估In the production process evaluated using mathematical statistics method? 是 yes 否 no原料、成品、半成品等质量文件在过程中是否可追溯Are quality assurance documents concerning raw materials,finished products and semi-finished products traceable during the process 是 yes 否 no工作指引用于生产和检验Are there working guidelines for production an inspection 是 yes 否 no包装与运输Packaging transport专人在付运前对包装进行检验Do specialized personnel inspect packaging before delivery? 是 yes 否 no包装中是否包含有物料清单、检验清单Are list of materials and inspection checklists included in the packaging? 是 yes 否 no包装是否能最大程度的保护产品不受损坏Can the packaging protect products from being damaged as much as possible? 是 yes 否 no培训与资质Training aptitude有无专人或部门负责员工的培训Are there specialized personnel or departments for staff training? 是 yes 否 no培训的相关的程序Are there related procedures for training? 是 yes 否 no上岗证的员工是否有相应的培训项目Are there special training programs provided for certified members of staff? 是 yes 否 no是否保存培训记录Are records of training kept? 是 yes 否 no设备调校与维护Equipment calibration &maintenance工具调校、设备测量的相关控制规程Is there related control procedure for calibration of tools and test of equipment? 是 yes 否 no工具或设备送外校验是否有相应的校验报告Are there inspection reports on the inspection and calibration of tools or equipment by organizations commissioned externally to carry out such inspection or calibration? 是 yes 否 no校验报告包含Inspection and calibration reports include 工具或设备编号与名称 number & name of tool or equipment 调校频率 calibration frequency 调校日期与失效日期 date of calibration & expiry 调校人 operator质量控制改进 Quality control improvement未来一年内质量控制的改进措施Improvement measures for quality control in next year注1:其他认证包括企业获得的其他资质认证和标准认证。可添加行。Note 1:Other certifications include other qualification and standard certifications which have been acquired by the company. Please add further information if needed.十三、产品详细


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