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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她北京语言大学21秋“公共课”大学英语(二)期末考核试题库带答案参考一.综合考核(共50题)1.We had met on a _ occasion.A、beforeB、presentC、previousD、pretentious参考答案:C2.The two companies signed a trade _.A、agreementB、dealC、treatyD、alliance参考答案:A3.A good teacher must know how to _ his ideas.A、conveyB、consultC、displayD、confront参考答案:A4.Can you help me to _ this mathematical problemA、do outB、work outC、find outD、deal out参考答案:B5.He _ his success to good luck more than to ability.A、ownsB、givesC、owesD、believes参考答案:C6.People appreciate _ with him because he has a good sense of humor.A、to workB、to have workedC、workingD、having worked参考答案:C7.You should immediately _, in person or by letter.A、applyB、requestC、seekD、solicit参考答案:A8.Being _ time and equipment, they are not able to finish their task in time.A、shorted ofB、shortingC、short ofD、short参考答案:C9.Meat, vegetables, milk and fruit _ a balance diet.A、constituteB、consist ofC、are composed ofD、include参考答案:A10.My 5-year-old daughter is really _, she can remember everything taught to her.A、activeB、intelligentC、livelyD、intellectual参考答案:B11.He always tends to go from one _ to the other.A、startB、extremeC、handD、end参考答案:B12.No one has yet succeeded in explaining the _ of how life began.A、problemB、causeC、puzzleD、logic参考答案:C13.We _ think seventy was a good age.A、are used toB、used toC、use toD、were used to参考答案:B14.I finally _ the reference in a dictionary of quotations.A、track outB、track downC、track upD、trace down参考答案:B15.There are beautiful clothes _ in the shop windows.A、spreadB、displayedC、exposedD、located参考答案:B16.There is now considerable _ for their safety.A、solicitudeB、careC、concernD、worry参考答案:C17.He has been _ out to represent our district to attent this meeting.A、chosenB、workedC、singledD、pressed参考答案:C18.Janes dress is similar in design _ her sisters.A、withB、likeC、toD、as参考答案:C19.The ancient Egyptians are supposed _ rockets to the moon.A、to sendB、to be sendingC、to have sentD、to have been sending参考答案:C20.He considered it his good _ to have won her love.A、prospectB、fortuneC、opportunityD、chance参考答案:B21.The inquiry was _ of her work.A、criticizeB、criticC、criticalD、criterion参考答案:C22.I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and _ a quiet neighborhood.A、all in allB、above allC、after allD、over all参考答案:B23._ man can now create radioactive elements, there is nothing he can do to reduce their radioactivity.A、AsB、WhetherC、WhileD、Now that参考答案:C24.Circus tiger, although they have been tamed, can _ attack their trainer.A、unexpectedlyB、deliberatelyC、reluctantlyD、subsequently参考答案:A25.Our chances of winning the game are _.A、slimB、lightC、slantD、slender参考答案:A26.She speaks in low _.A、voiceB、soundsC、tonesD、volumes参考答案:A27.Consumers should do _ than simply complain about the poor quality of goods.A、much lessB、some moreC、far lessD、far more参考答案:D28.Many Westerners _ Christianity.A、respectB、admireC、believeD、believe in参考答案:D29.They have _ baby.A、a five month oldB、a fifth-month-oldC、a five-month-oldD、a five-months-old参考答案:C30.If you work hard, youre _ to succeed.A、bindB、boundedC、bondD、bound参考答案:D31.Most people (A) work to earn a living (B) and they produce goods and services(C). Services are such things like (D) education, medicine, and commerce. (选择有误的一项)A、Most peopleB、a livingC、goods and servicesD、such things like参考答案:D32.The sounds of music grow _ in the distance.A、faintB、fadeC、waneD、ebb参考答案:A33.The roots of all these events _ history.A、lie underB、lie upC、lie inD、lie on参考答案:C34.Dont _ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.A、rejectB、preventC、hesitateD、refuse参考答案:C35.An _ between parents regarding the rearing of their children often goes on for years.A、controversyB、argumentC、debateD、dispute参考答案:B36.Unfortunately, very few sheep _ the severe winter last year.A、survivedB、enduredC、spentD、remained alive参考答案:A37.Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe _ by the judge.A、serviceB、sentenceC、crimeD、crisis参考答案:B38.Well, lets put our heads together and find _ to the problem.A、an answerB、a wayC、a solutionD、a参考答案:C39.The _ in this stamp makes it less valuable.A、errorB、mistakeC、faultD、flaw参考答案:D40.Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _ it comes to classroom tests.A、whenB、sinceC、beforeD、after参考答案:A41.Youd better have the bicycle _ immediately.A、repairB、to be repairingC、been repairedD、repaired参考答案:D42.Their friendship _ nothing to him.A、meansB、representsC、standsD、presents参考答案:A43.My driving was suspended for _ a red light.A、ignoringB、neglectingC、overlookingD、disregarding参考答案:A44.This is the first draft of the book. Please feel perfectly free to _ it.A、cope withB、comment onC、complainD、confirm参考答案:B45.We seldom _ about where to stay in Paris.A、wonderB、hesitateC、determineD、choose参考答案:B46.A _ of red arrows on the wall point the way to the meeting room.A、setB、pictureC、seriesD、group参考答案:C47.He was _ into a life of crime by greed and laziness.A、draggedB、temptedC、attractedD、inspired参考答案:B48.Excuse me, but it is time to have you temperature _.A、takingB、to takeC、takeD、taken参考答案:D49.Im not _for typing, but I can learn.A、ableB、capableC、competentD、competently参考答案:C50.At the bus stop _ a soldier and two young men on their way to North Carolina.A、isB、wereC、sits and waitsD、was参考答案:B


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