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group 11. what books do You often read?Why?Different people read different books for their own purposes and interests. In my spare time, I usually read some of book on history, such as those things occurred in the Ming Dynasty. In this book, we can obtain many knowledge about our national culture.2. How to read is the most effective?We should read selectively instead of blindly. Reading is not only relaxation. To keep up with their work, many people must read letters, reports, publications, office documents, a never ending flood of words. In an examination, the ability to read and to comprehend quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. But the fact is that most of us are poor readers. Fortunately, almost anyone can learn to read faster and with greater comprehension. Here are some suggestions on how to deal with some bad reading habits. If you mouth each word as you read, this slows down your reading speed. The best way to correct this problem is to place a finger on your lips and hold them firmly shut till youve broken the habit. If your head swings as your eyes move along a line, lock your head between your hands as you read. If you point to each word with your finger, grip the reading material firmly with both hands or sit on your hands while you read.Here are more suggestions to train you to read better and faster: Read in a quiet spot, as free from distraction as possible. But dont daydream; force yourself to concentrate on what you are reading. If you come across unfamiliar words, try to guess the meaning from the context, and then check the meaning in a dictionary later. Dont reread. Pretend the words disappear as your eyes pass over them. Youll probably be surprised to find that you didnt miss anything important. Try to glance only at nouns and verbs in sentences to see how much you can get out of reading this way.Here, I would offer two suggestions: concentration and reflection. You cannot well understand what is said in books unless you concentrate your mind on what you read. And then you must think over what you have read. This is reflection which helps to summarize your reading. To a great extent, concentration and reflection are interdependent. The secret of success is constant practice. What you get will be worth the effort3.Do you want to go abroad to study?If you do Europe or United States?Yes,I want . First of all, with the development of the economy, my families have the ability and enough money to support me to go abroad. Besides, studying overseas make me more the independent and I can learn more, such as, other countries cultures, languages and the different technology of the specialized subject. It is not only benefit to my study, but also to my lives. Last, but not the least,I could go travel to many interests of place when studying abroad, which is very popular among the overseas student. Traveling is also one of the effective studying methods, which is very benefit to me. Language: when coping with compliments,we generally refuse while foreigners just accept.Action: we cant confess fully to our dreams ,easiy and openly while in America,people can talk freely about their American dream and make it come ture.4.Talk about the differences of the culture between China and Western?.要点:1.The concept of the language and culture : Culture is the all and the one which consist by social behavior, art, beliefs, customs transmission through society conduct and other products of human work and thinking .Language is accompanied by the creation of the human society, it is the direct manifestation of thinking. 2. The relations of language and culture: Language is a means of expressing cultural customs, as a part of culture, and plays an important role in culture. Language can not separate from related culture to be independent.5. What do you think about the postgraduate education currently?How to make it better?1 Every person has his own opinions about the education level.Generally speaking, the higher the better.Postgradation will surely improved the change for you to get a better job in future.But it still depends2 To be sure, there is a clear-cut distinction between the undergraduate and post-graduate (or AmE: graduate) education. Of what use is college training? William James once put forward an interesting answer in his article “The social value of the college-bred”. That is to help you to know a good man when you see him. What talk do we commonly hear about the contrast between college education and the education which business or technical or professional schools confer? The college education is called higher because it is supposed to be so general and so disinterested. At the schools you get a relatively narrow practice skill, you are told, whereas, the college gives you the more liberal culture, the broader outlook, the historical perspective, the philosophic atmosphere, or something which phrases of that sort try to express. In reality, the postgraduates are not students . Masters and doctors are junior and senior research fellows in a sense, respectively. The goal of postgraduate education is to train you to be an inquisitive and thoughtful and qualified researcher. Though I am not satisfied with our postgraduate education program. Many postgraduates candidate take it for granted that post-graduate diploma is more valuable and it will help them to find a better job. The most important task for post-graduate is to make you a qualifed quasi-scientist.3 Well, maybe taking the postgraduate examinations is a kind of fashion. But in my opinion, dont take them just because they are fashionable. We should know clearly why we decide to or have to take these examinations; such as we need to strengthen our knowledge or we need to get promoted. To me, postgraduate study is kind of boring thing and I have no plan for postgraduate study right now so I wont take these examinations in the near future. But if necessary I will. BTW, I hate all kinds of examinations. I dont like to take them unless I have to! 4 In china, I think the examinations are so common that we students are always complain about these boring and sometimes terrible exams, we cant get rid of examinations in the near future. And taking a postgraduate exam seems to be one kind of the most important exams for college students; I dont think it is wrong to attend it. But not everyone need to take it, we should make sure it is helpful to your future job, as we know, many things we learned in our schools seems to never to be used! but nowadays, what we should also see is ,many companies want the students who past this examination! I think this is why taking this examination is a fashion.As to me, I think I will take it to further my study!5 make sure what you really want! Man is the key factor, not the environment. Someone can learn more through his work than in the campus. Everyone has the especial road. The most important thing is to find out which one is yours. I became a postgraduate one year ago. I was wandering the days if I chose to work all the time. I had to admit that the past year was not a happy memory. I know the basic question is on myself, but the education quality in the college, especially the education for postgraduates, is too poor. Well, its different if you are interest in study and research. do not look the postgraduate education as the grantee for work.6 some of my students asked me to suggest them which discipline is easier for them to pass. I sometime will ask them which one do u like best?If u r quite sure about what u want such kind of question is no more a question to you. If the postgraduate is just a help to earn a living, thats quite easy to say have it or not.If it is a personal desire thats easy also.So to be or not to be is the question for hamlet the man with hesitation with knowing what he really wants.7 For my part, I think you should know clearly which occupation you want to choose in your later life before you decide to attend postgraduation examinations. If you can make sure that the three years postgraduation education can do more good to your future career than three years work experiences, then try to do it, and vice versa. Do not draw your arbitrary conclusion just by what your friends say or by what the media say. You future is up to you.听说第一单元1.whatt the difference between English name and chinese name?First of all, first name and family name are in a different order. in chinese name, the family name is in the front , and the given is at behind. for example, ,my name is liu. liu is my family name which is in the front . and is my given name at behind. By contrast , in English name. the given name is in the front, and the family name at behind.such as michel jodon. michel is given name, and jodon is family name. The second , in English name , parents may choose a name because it is passed from generation to generation,for example , firstborn son might be named after his father or grandfather. But in Chinese name, parents usually avoid to use words from their predecessor. They thought that means they dont respect their predecessor.2 Change name or not ?The name is just like a symbol for us, when we were born, our parents would choose a name for us combining with our birth time, their wishes and something else. Later we have our own distinct names as to distinguish and maybe its just easy to call. But as the time flies, when we grow up, we have our own views about our names, we may think that the name is not pleasant to listen to, or not easy to remember, we would like to change the names. some are superstitious and think that the name would bring them bad luck, they take the fortune-tellers words, for example, some fortune-tellers may tell you upon the Five Elements, your destiny lacks of water, so your name should have one character with water. In that case, you can have a bright and good luck or it would be auspicious. We also know many actors and actresses almost changed their names in their acting careers. For example, Wang fei, she also changed her name from the original one. For them, changing names just meets their career demand. So people usually use pen names or stage names to give themselves a professional advantage. Some would change their names to help their career. If they decided to be an actor or a musician, they would definitely change their names to something unusual that people would remember.However, other people stand on a different ground. They dont consider it useful to change names. In their opinion, a name just what people call you. It is not really important. Whether people like you or not does not depend on what your name is. Change your name means changing who you are. I would never change my name, and its a part of me. The necessity of changing ones name should depends on the different conditions youve met with. You should judge the necessity by how much the inconvenience the former one name may or had brought to you. My opinion is, dont be so hurry to change the name if there is no some specifically reason or irresistible issues.group 2Global Language1. Do you really believe that English is the global language?-In todays society, I am sure English is a globe language. English is the dominant language of business, travel and science. When people need a common language, they often use English. Think about it, English is often used at tourist information centers, in international hotels, at airports.At present I am sure English is a globe language, but that does not mean English is a globe language forever. First, English is a globe language the main reason is that those English-speaking countries dominate the world economic in the past. If China is the most powerful country in the world some day,I believe Chinese will be a globe language. Second, according to statistics English is not the main language spoken by most people worldwide. Chinese is the most wildly used language in the world, further more, those figures are still growing.2. Can you tell me the reasons that English could be the global language?- Firstly,English is the dominant language of business, traveling and science. When people need a common language, they often use English. For example: English is often used at tourist information hotels, at airports, whats more ,it is used at business meetings and international sports events ;the European Union uses English and so on. Secondly, it is the official language of more than 75 countries ,English is the official language of the country, like in England, or English may be used along with other official languages, like in the Philippines,Singapore,and India. At last, every year about one billion people study English, people want and need to learn English because it offers them more opportunities. 3. As the global language, how many characters does English contain?A:Good morning, everyone! As the global language, how many characters does English contain?B:In my opinion, it is must be easy to learn. Some foreigners think Chinese is hard to learn.C:Yes, beside this, I agree with the structure of English. Free expressionD:For example, English can explain a sentence in my ways, use different words, there are thousands of words in English dictionary.A:All of you are right. The official language of most countries is English, which is convenient to transfer informationC:We want to get high-tech for developed countries ,so we learn English, actually, it become the global language.B:Yes, it is a precess. English is a language what can adopt the words from other languages. Such as Latin, Chinese, and so on.D:Sometimes, the standard of the country can decide something.A:Yes ,it is the reality, Nice talk.4. Why do you learn English?-When I was young and watching the persons speaking on TV in English, I thought it was cool. It was my first desire to control the English. As time went on, I began to realize the importance of English. Nowadays, English has considered as the global language. I we want to get advanced skills and management methods, we need to learn English. Further more, internet has been widely used among the world, most of information on internet has translated into English. So if we need to communicate with the persons form other countries need English, which is a good stage for us to communicate with each other. Of course, personally speaking, once you have managed English, there will be more opportunity for you when you graduate from college. So we should learn English.Culture2. What skills do you have when you read?-I have some skills when I read the books, for example: 1. Skimming: Some books maybe read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others but that would be only used in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books; 2. Extensive reading: Extensive reading that is widely read, that face should be widely read, to a broad range of knowledge in all aspects, have the common sense. 3. Intensive reading: To read the deep meaning of the context, repeatedly polish and repeated study. 4. Reperusal: The valuable books and magazines can not be read one times, you can repeat the study. Its conducive to deepening the understanding of knowledge.4. Paper books and E-books, which do you prefer to? -Some people claim that E-books will replace traditional books; For one thing, E-books are more convenient and quick to get the latest book information on internet while people may have to wait a long time to see the published book in the book stores. For another thing, E-books can be designed more attractive and beautiful which may enhance readers interests about the book. Furthermore, most E-books are free to readers rather than require lots of money to afford for traditional books.Admittedly, there are lots of advantages that E-books bring to our bookworms. There are still some aspects that traditional books can never replace by E-books. For instance, people cant make notes on E-books as their do in traditional books. Moreover reading on computer or cell phone do harm to peoples eyes. At last, you will enjoy the feelings when you collect lots of book you like on your bookshelf.6. Comparing China with United States, Whose education is better?-The education system in the United States stands apart from the rest of the word, because it operates with a free market spirit in a much less regulated, more laissez-faire climate, its curricular organization is less structured, allowing the students themselves the freedom to make their own education choices. In United States, children are encouraged to follow their own inclinations, allows for a better self-selection in the United States,education is to train students primarily hands-ability and capability of independent innovation, which allows students to adapt an earlier work, reduction of their training time.But in china, the college student are lack of hands-ability and capability of independent innovation, the only thing they are thinking is to pass the exams, beside class, they dont know what to do but to indulge themselves in computer and anything else. Curricular organization is also a problem for the students, even some curricular has no use to their future develop. The students have no enthusiasm to innovate, not to say that can create some fresh things. So I think American education system is totally better that ours.8. Do you approve the education of China at the present time? Is there some disadvantages?-I dont agree with Chinese present education system, which is not proper for the persons who want to have high education. Some foreign expert has made a positive idea about Chinese fundamental education. But I still want to show my complain to Chinese education system especially for high education system. There are many disadvantages about Chinese education system as below:First, Chinese teachers in college seem to ignore the application of the knowledge the students learned. So college students dont know how to use the theories they grasped.Second, the curriculum in college is not so rigid that student wont subject try to learn something, what they think is copping with the final exam and manage to pass it by any ways they can.Third, there is a large loss that the managers have found an effective method to offer a harmonious campus and a hard-working learning atmosphere to the student by now.So I believe we must confront with a momentous reform which is not completely familiar with foreign model in the future. We are looking forward to it group 3A phobia is not a normal fear ; it is an extreme fear-a very strong fearPsychologists have come up with three characteristics of a phobia.First, a phobia is not a rational response, it is a very strong reaction, too strong for the situation. Second , a phobia often lasts for a long time , for months or even years; Third, the reaction is too strong for a person to control。The causes of phobias: There are two causes ,the first is that phobia is learned , learned either by direct experience or by watching the reactions of others; the second is that phobia is only a sign of a deeper problem. this means that the phobia is not the whole problem.The first theory says that the phobia is the problem itself, and the second theory says that the phobia is a sign of a deeper problem the person has.The plan to solve the phobia:If a phobia is learned , perhaps it can be unlearned, we can suggest a psychologist to behave differently when she or he feels afraid.If a person has phobia, he or she should have the courage and faith to get over itIf a phobia is the second theory, we should start by trying to teach the person to react differently,


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