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编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第32页 共32页Shipping、Trading and Chartering and Terms Definitions 国际贸易、航运和租船条款解说 C-DCCabotage Water transportation term applicable to shipments between ports of a nation; commonly refers to coast-wise or inter-coastal navigation or trade. Many nations, including the United States, have cabotage laws which require national flag vessels to provide domestic interport service.(Another expression: Transport of goods between two ports or places located in the same country.) 近海航行/运(权),沿岸航行/运(权), 国内交通运输权” 适用于国内港口之间水上运输术语;一般指沿海航线或两岸间航行或贸易。很多国家,包括美国,有国内交通运输法,要求悬挂国旗的船舶提供内贸(运输)服务。(在国内港口或地方之间的货物运输)CAConf Cargo Agency Conference 货运代理公会国际航空运输协会 Cancelling Latest date by which vessel is to arrive at a loading port 船舶必须到达装货港口的最后日期Capsize (vessel) Vessel too large to fit through the Suez (or Panama ) Canal 好望角/海湾型船舶,无法通过苏伊士运河的船舶 (注:一五万吨以上级)Captains Protest A document prepared by the captain of a vessel on arriving at port; shows conditions encountered during voyage, generally for the purpose of relieving ship owner of any loss to cargo and shifting responsibility for reimbursement to the insurance company. 船长海事声明。当船舶到达港口时船长发表的声明,说明在航程中遭遇的事件。通常是为了免去船东对货物损失的责任并把赔偿的责任转移给保险公司。 Car Pooling Use of individual carrier/rail equipment through a central agency for the benefit of carriers and shippers. 联合租用/雇用的运输工具,为了承运人和发货人的利益通过中间代理雇用(第三方的)自有承运工具/铁路设备。Car Seal Metal strip and lead fastener used for locking freight car or truck doors. Seals are numbered for record purposes. 车封,锁住运货车辆的门的金属锁扣。铅封编号是为便于记录 Cars Knocked Down Automobile parts and subassemblies manufactured abroad and transported to a designated assembly plant汽车拆卸,汽车部件。(汽车零部件出口运输到一个指定的组装工厂)Carfloat A barge equipped with tracks on which up to about 12 railroad cars are moved in harbors or inland waterways. 铁路驳船,一种装有铁轨可以在港口或内陆水道最多装运12节火车车皮的驳船。 Cargo Goods transported or to be transported, all goods carried on a ship covered by a B/L. As per IMO definition: any goods, wares, merchandise, and articles of every kind whatsoever carried on a ship, other than mail, ships stores, ships spare parts, ships equipment, stowage material, crews effects and passengers accompanied baggage. 货物,(车/船)货载,已装运或待装运的所有船舶装运的被提单涵盖的货物。根据国际海事组织的定义:除了邮件、船上生活库存、备件、船舶设备和材料、船员个人物品和乘客随身行李外的任何载运于船舶上无论什么种类的货物、器具、商品和物件Cargo Manifest Document which lists all bills of lading particulars of the goods loaded on a vessel, for official and administrative purpose. 载货清单,为了(政府)商务和行政管理,列明了装于船上,各提单项下所有货物细节的文件Cargo NOS Cargo Not Otherwise Specified. Usually the rate entry in a tariff that can apply to commodities not covered under a specific item or sub item in the applicable tariff (税则)未列名货物,通常税则上列名货物没有包括,而列在明细项目或子项目上的货物Cargo Preference Cargo reserved by a Nations laws for transportation only on vessels registered in that Nation. Typically the cargo is moving due to a direct or indirect support or activity of the Government. 特许货物,受政府法律保护只能由本国登记船舶运输的货物。典型的是(由于)直接或间接的支援或政府的行动而运送的货物。 Cargo Retention Clauses Introduced by Charterers based on shortage of delivered cargo because of increased oil prices 货物留置条款,因油价上涨,承租人采取少卸(交)货物来补偿因油价上涨给船东造成的损失的条款。(油轮租船条款)Cargo Tonnage Most ocean freight is billed on the basis of weight or measurement tons (W/M). Weight tons can be expressed in short tons of 2000 pounds, long tons of 2240 or metric tons of 1000 kilos(2204.62 pounds.) Measurement tons are usually expressed as cargo measurement of 40 feet(1.12 meters) or cubic meters (35.3 cubic feet). (货物)运费吨,大部分的海运费是基于重吨或尺码吨(M/W)计算的。重(量)吨可以用短吨、长吨或公吨表示。尺码吨通常是用货物的立方米(1.12立方米为一尺码吨35. 3立方英尺)体积表示Carload Rate A rate applicable to a carload of goods. 整车运费,以车计的运费。Carnet A Customs document permitting the holder to temporarily carry or send merchandise into certain foreign countries (for display, demonstration or similar purpose) without paying duties or posting bonds. Any of various Customs documents required for crossing some international borders. 海关监管证明/关封,一种允许持有者在不缴纳关税和在受禁止地临时运送或寄送(展览,展示或类似目的的)商品进入外国。为通过国际边境很多种要求要提供的海关文件中的一种文件。Carrier Any person or entity who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of carriage by rail, road, sea, air, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes. 承运人,(运输公司,运输工具)。任何个人或实体以合同形式承担执行或获得执行用铁路、公路、海运、空运、内河水道或这些方式的联合方式运输的人Carrier Certificate and Release Order Used to advise customs of the shipments details. By means of this document, the carrier certifies that the firm or individual named in the certificate is the owner or consignee of the goods 承运人证明和放货单用来报告海关货载的详细情况。用这个文件承运人证明了证明中的公司或个人是货物的所有人或收货人(相当于:Cargo Manifest 载货清单)Carriers Certificate A certificate required by U.S. Customs to release cargo properly to the correct party. 承运人证书,美国海关要求在向真实收货方放货时出具的证书Carriers Haulage An inland transport service which is performed by the Carrier and/or a subcontractor for the account and on behalf of the Merchant, in accordance with the conditions and charges of the relevant bill of lading or transport document. 内陆拖运,一种根据相关提单或运输单据的条件和费用代表贸易商,由承运人和/或转包商执行,由贸易商付费的转运服务。Carriers Owned Containers The containers used for the transportation ofcargoes belonging to the property of the carriers. 承运人箱,船东箱。用于运送货物属于船东财产的集装箱Carrying forward dispatch time namely any hours saved in loading to be added to the hours allowed for discharging) 装港速遣时间并入卸货时间(装港节省时间并入允许的卸货时间)Cartage 货物取送费,(集装箱)短途拖箱费1) charge for pick-up and delivery of goods, 2) movement of goods locally (short distances)1) 货物取送费;2)货物本地移动费(短途)Cartment Customs form permitting in-bond cargo to be moved from one location to another under customs control, within the same customs district. Usually in motor carriers possession while draying cargo. 海关关封。允许监管货物在海关控制下在同一关区内由一个地方移动到另外一个地方的海关封志,在运输过程中(关封)由承运人保管Cash Against Documents Method of payment for goods in which documents transferring title are given the buyer upon payment of cash to an intermediary acting for the seller, usually a commission house. 凭单据付款交单付款,一种以买方付现给代表卖方的中介机构,常是代理行,作为转移物权单证给付条件的付款方法Cash in Advance A method of payment for goods in which the buyer pays the seller in advance of the shipment of goods. Usually employed when the goods, such as specialized machinery, are built to order. 预付现款,一种买方在货物装运前付现款给卖方的付款方式。通常用于货物,诸如特殊的机械已按要求造好时Cash with order A method of payment for goods in which cash is paid at the time of order and the transaction becomes binding on both buyer and seller.订货付款,一种货款支付方式,在订货时付现款,这样的交易对买卖双方都有约束力Cells The construction system employed in container vessels which permits ship containers to be stowed in a vertical line with each container supporting the one above it inside the cargo hold 集装箱栅隔,集装箱船舱内保证集装箱垂直逐层堆放的设施Cellular Vessel A vessel designed with internal ribbing to permit the support of stacked containers 栅隔集装箱船,船舱内设有支撑集装箱堆放隔架的船舶Center of gravity The point of equilibrium of the total weight of a containership, truck, train or a piece of cargo. 重心,集装箱船舶、卡车、火车或货物的重心Certificate -A document certifying that merchandise (such as of inspection perishable goods) was in good condition immediately prior to its shipment. 保鲜品证明,证明商品(如易腐品)在装船时状况良好 -The document issued by the U.S. Coast Guard certifying an American flag vessels compliance with applicable laws and regulations. 合法船舶证明,美国海岸警卫队签发给悬挂美国旗的船舶,证明其符合法律法规Certificate of insurance A negotiable document indicating that insurance has been secured under an open policy to cover loss or damage to a shipment while in transit. 一种可以交易的文件,它表明货物在运输过程中的灭失或损坏已由预约保险承保赔偿Certificate of Origin -A certified document showing the origin of goods which used in international commerce. 原产地证明书,用于国际贸易、证明货物原产地的证明书 -Document certifying the country of origin of goods which is normally issued or signed by the relevant Government Department of the exporting country, or Chamber of Commerce or Embassy. 领事签证原产地证明书,由驻出口国商务参赞或出口国相关部门签发证明货物原产地的证明书CFS/CFS A kind of cargo movement by container. Delivered loose at origin point with vanning by carrier, devanned by carrier at destination, and picked up loose at destination. “箱货运货运站到集装箱货运站”,一种集装箱作业方式。在发货地(点)用卡车收集散装货物、在目的地用卡车分拨散装货物和收集散装货物。(散收散交) Channel of Distribution A means by which a manufacturer distributes products from the plant to the ultimate user, including warehouses, brokers, wholesalers, retailers, etc. 销售管道/渠道,配送渠道。生产厂商从工厂到最终消费者的货物销售渠道,包括:仓储、中间商、批发、零售商等等环节Chargeable weight The shipment weight used in determining freight charges. The chargeable weight may be the dimensional weight(measurement weight) 计费重量 (空运)。决定运输费用的货物重量。计费重量也可以是体积吨(尺码吨)CHART A map used by navigators 海图Charter Party A written contract between the owner of a vessel and the person desiring to employ the vessel (chaterer); sets forth the terms of the arrangement such as duration of agreement, freight rate and ports involved in the trip. 租约(租船合同),船东和打算租用船舶的人之间就诸如租期、运费率和航程中相关港口等达成的书面合同Charterer The legal person who has signed a charter party with the owner of a vessel or an aircraft and thus hires or leases a vessel or part of the capacity thereof. 承租人(租方),与船东或飞机公司签订了租约合同,可以租用或出租船舶或部分舱容的法人Chassis A wheeled flat-bed constructed to accommodate containers moved over the road. Also termed as “Trailers” 集装箱拖架,拖车,一种带车轮承载集装箱在公路上运输的平板架。也称“拖架”Chock A piece of wood or other material placed at the side of cargo to prevent rolling or moving sideways 木楔或楔型物,放在货物旁边防止滚动或测移。 Claim A demand made upon a transportation line for payment on account of a loss sustained through its alleged negligence. 索赔。要求船公司因其疏忽造成的损失赔付 Class Classification Society,organisation-setting standards for design, build, condition of ships船级社,规定船舶设计、制造标准的机构 Classification A publication, such as Uniform Freight Classification(railroad) or the National Motor Freight Classification (motor carrier), that assigns ratings to various articles and provides bill of lading descriptions and rules. 运价表、运价本。如标准铁路运价或国内公路运价,为各类货物制定运价并规定了提单条款和规定 Classification Rating The designation provided in a classification by which a class rate is determined. 分类运价表,分级运价。规定货物的等级,决定每级货物的运价Classification Yard A railroad yard with many tracks used for assembling freight trains. 铁路编组站,一个有很多轨道、用于运输列车编组的铁路车站 Clayton Act An anti trust act of the U.S. Congress making price discrimination unlawful. 美国国会反价格歧视法Clean Bill of Lading A receipt for goods issued by a carrier with an indication that the goods were received in “apparent good order and condition,” without damage or other irregularities. If no notation or exception is made, the B/L is assumed to be “cleaned.” 清洁提单,由承运人签发的运输收据,标明货物表面状况良好没有损坏或混乱。如果(收据上)没有例外的记载,这样的提单可称为“清洁提单”。 Clean on Board When goods are loaded on board and the document issued on respect to these goods is clean. 完整装船,已装船。当货物已装船,(船方)签发有关的单证都是清洁时的(用语)Cleaning in Transit The stopping of articles, such as peanuts, etc., for cleaning at a point between the point of origin and destination. 中途作卫生处理(的货物)。在起运地和到达地之间的一个地点停留,进行卫生处理的货物,如花生等 Clearance A document stating that a shipment is free to be imported into the country after all legal requirements have been met进口通关单(海关进口放行单)。一种说明货物所有合法手续完备后可以进口的文件Cleat A strip of wood or metal used to afford additional strength, to prevent warping, or to hold in place. 夹板,为防止变形或固定货物的木条或钢件。Clip-On Refrigeration equipment attachable to an insulated container that does not have its own refrigeration unit. 集装箱制冷机。依附在集装箱上的制冷机Closing The published deadline for export cargoes to be accepted for a sailing of the carrier. CY Closing is applicable to FCLs and CFS Closing is applicable to LCLs. Nomally, CFS Closing is around 24 hours ahead of CY Closing, depending of the complexities of export customs clearance formalities at the country. “结载时间”,船公司公布的货物受载期限。集装箱堆场结载时间适用于整箱货,集装箱货运站结载时间适用于拼箱货。通常,集装箱货运站的结载时间早于集装箱堆场的结载时间24小时,这取决于出口国海关通关手续的难易。Coastwise Water transportation along the coast. 沿海运输Collect Freight Freight payable to the carrier at the port of discharge or ultimate destination. The consignee does not pay the freight charge if the cargo does not arrive at the destination 到付运费。在卸货港或最终目的地支付给承运人的运费,当货物未到达目的地(或指定付款地点),收货人不付运输费用 Collection A draft drawn on the buyer, usually accompanied by documents, with complete instructions concerning processing for payment or acceptance. 托收,向买方开出的汇票,通常附有完整的相关付款或接受程序的指示单据Collecting A bank that acts as an agent to the sellers bank(the presenting bank). The collecting bank assumes no responsibility for either the documents or the merchandise 托收(银)行,开证(银)行(卖方银行)的代理。托收行即不对单据负责也不对货物负责Collective Paper All documents (commercial invoices, bills of lading, etc.) submitted to a buyer for the purpose of receiving payment for a shipment 收费凭证,收费文件。提交给买方,为收取货物货款的所有文件(如:商业发票、提单等)Combination Export Mgr A firm that acts as an export sales agent for more than one noncompeting manufacturer. 联合出口管理公司,为一家以上(没有出口管理经验的)制造商代理出口的公司Combination Rate A rate made up of two or more factors, separately published. 联合运价,联运运价。综合两种或两种(运输方式)以上分别发布的运价而制定的运费Combined Transport Means the carriage of goods by at least two different modes of transport, from a place at which the goods are taken in charge situated in one country to a place designated for delivery situated in a different country. Combined Transport is also referred to in the USA “Intermodal Transport” and in other parts of the world as “Multimodal Transport” 联合运输,多式联运。用至少两种以上不同运输方式从货物所在地国家提取并接管货物并交付到另一个不同国家的指定交货地点的运输方式。联合运输在美国被称为“联合运输”,在世界其他地方被称为“多式联运”Combiterms Delivery terms for Intl Groupage traffic 国际成组运输交货条款(货运代理人之间)Commercial Invoice A document created by the seller. It is an official document which is used to indicate, among other things, the name and address of the buyer and seller, the product(s) being shipped, and their value for customs, insurance, or other purposes 商业发票。由卖方缮制的文件,是用于表明,在其他项目外,买卖双方的名称和地址、货物已装运、货物的海关申报价值或其他项目的正式文件Commodity Article shipped. For dangerours and hazardous cargo, the correct commodity identification is critical. 运输的商品,货物。对危险品和有害商品要做正确的商品标示Commodity rate A rate published to apply to a specific article or articles. 特定商品(货物)运价,公开发布的适用于一种或一类商品(货物)的运价Common Carrier A transportation company which provides service to the general public at published rates. 公共承运商(人),以公布费率面向公众提供运输服务的公司Common law Law that derives its force and authority from precedent, custom and usage rather than from statutes, particularly with reference to the laws of England and the United States. 习惯法,不成文法,普通法(案例法),根据以前的案例和判决作出裁定的法律,习惯和判例胜过法条,英国和美国适用的法律CONBILL Uniform Bill of Lading Clauses 1946(to be used when no charter party is signed) 1946年标准提单(代号),当租船合同尚未签订时使用的提单Concealed Damage Damage that is not evident from viewing the unopened package. 内部残损,隐蔽性残损,未开包装不能发现的残损Conference An association of ship owners operating in the sametrade route who operate under collective conditions and agree on tariff rates. The purpose of the conference is to standardize shipping practices, eliminate freight rate competition, and provide regularly scheduled service between specific ports (航运)公会,经营同一航线的船东协会,他们集体制定运输规定和运输费率。运价公会的目的是:标准化操作、排出运价竞争和在特定的港口之间提供定期的航运服 Conference Carrier An ocean carrier who is member of an association known as a “conference”. The purpose of the conference is to standardize shipping practices, eliminate freight rate competition, and provide regularly scheduled service between specific ports 公会承运人。运价公会成员的海运承运人。运价公会的目的是:标准化操作、排出运价竞争和在特定的港口之间提供定期的航运服务Confirmed Letter of Credit A letter of credit, issued by a foreign bank, whose validity has been confirmed by a domestic bank. An exporter with a confirmed letter of credit is assured of payment even if the foreign buyer or the foreign bank defaults.保兑信用证,由一家国内银行确认付款、外国银行签发的信用证。出口商有了经过保兑的信用证就有了收款的保证,即使买方或国外银行违约(不付款)。Confirming Bank The bank that adds its confirmation to another banks (the issuing banks) letter of credit and promises to pay the beneficiary upon presentation of documents specified in the letter of credit. (信用证)担保(银)行,在开证(银)行的信用证上加签自己承诺在受益人提交信用证规定单据时保证承兑的银行Connecting Carrier A carrier which has a direct physical connection with, or forms a link between two or more carriers. 中间承运人,在两个或更多的承运人之间直接联结运输或与他们组成运输链的承运人Connecting Carrier Agreement An Agreement of freight rates for connections between feeder ports and the ports of call of vessels. 联运运费协议,(承运人之间关于)支线港和基本港之间的运费协议Consignee A person or company to whom commodities are shipped. 收货人,接收货物的个人或公司Consignee Mark A symbol placed on packages for identification purposes; generally a triangle, square, circle, etc. with letters and/or numbers and port of discharge. ( 收货人)唛头,包装上区别标记;通常是带有文字或数字和卸货港名称的三角型、方型、圆圈等Consignment A stock of merchandise advanced to a dealer and located at his place of business, but with title remaining in the source of supply. 托运、交运(货物),将货物发运到交易对方业务所在地的


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