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职高英语考试题 班级 姓名 成绩 一. 单项选择(每小题0.5分,共计10分):( )1. _ your favorite film star? A. Whos B. How C. What D. Whose( )2. I_ tennis and music. A. am B. have C. like D. do( )3. These are my cousins. _ names are Sue and Linda. A. They B. Their C. Theirs D. Theyre( )4. Theres a poster _ my bedroom wall. A. on B. in C. between D. with( )5. The flowers are _ the vases. A. in the middle B. under C. in D. on( )6. Are there _ books on your desk?A. some B. any C. a few D. a lot( )7. There _ a cooker in the dining room.A. arent B. havent C. isnt D. hasn t( )8. Our school has got a football _. A. room B. ground C. gym D. lab( )9. The canary _ swim. A. isnt B. arent C. may not D. cant( )10. The cat _ now. A. isnt sleeping B. arent sleeping C. dont sleeping D. doesnt sleeping( )11. I go swimming _ a week. A. every B. twice C. always D. usually( )12. We dont go to school _ weekends. A. for B. on C. in D. of( )13. How _ bananas have we got? A. much B. some C. any D. many( )14. Tom _. A. never watch TV B. watch never TV C. never watches TV D. watches never TV( )15. There are a _ chips on my plate. A. few B. lot C. little D. many( )16. John _ visit the museum tomorrow. A. do B. does C. did D. is going to( )17. Lets _ to the beach. A. going B. go C. to go D. gone( )18. Marie Curie is famous _ discovering radium. A. with B. in C. for D. at( )19. Simon _ born in Australia. A. was B. is C. did D. does( )20. Debby _ usually wear dresses. A. isnt B. arent C. dont D. doesnt二. 完形填空(每小题1分,共计10分):During the week Im always in a hurry 1 school, so I usually have a quick breakfast. I have cereal 2 milk and some orange juice. Its a healthy breakfast and its quite good for me. At the weekends I always make pancakes for breakfast. I love pancakes with a lot of jam or butter and honey. I 3 my own lunch to school, so I 4 buy anything from the canteen. I usually take a sandwich with me and 5 I also have a piece of fruit or a bar of chocolate. In the evening, all my family is at home and we have dinner together. We have a hot meal like roast chicken with rice or steak and vegetables, but I 6 eat potatoes because I dont like them. Theres always some 7 and my parents drink some wine. My brother and I usually drink water, but on special occasions we drink cola. 8 Saturday or Sunday evenings, I go to Pizzaland with my friends. Pizza is my 9 food but two of my friends prefer spaghetti. There are different types of pizza, but my favorite food is ham and pineapple. I usually have four or five slices of pizza and I drink a large glass of cola. Its 10 .( )1. A. get to B. gets to C. is getting to D. to get to( )2. A. have B. has C. with D. and( )3. A. get B. take C. make D. have( )4. A. sometimes B. rarely C. often D. always( )5. A. sometimes B. sometime C. some times D. some time( )6. A. not B. often C. never D. usually( )7. A. salad B. salads C. a piece of salad D. pieces of salad( )8. A. In B. At C. On D. Of( )9. A. a favorite B. favorite C. the favorite D. most favorite( )10.A. bad B. awful C. terrible D. delicious三. 阅读理解(每小题1分,共计24分):1. 根据课文,判断正误(“T”表示“正确”,“F”表示“错误”):(A)When you play sports or do exercise in a summer afternoon, will you feel like(想要) some ice-cream? If so, you may be interested to know how ice-cream has become a friend to man.Ice-cream came from the East at the time when Marco Polo saw people eating it there. He brought back the idea later to his home country, Italy. From there the idea was carried to France. People in France like ice-cream so much that they didnt want other people to know about it. However, it didnt take the other countries a long time to love the taste of ice-cream.The first ice-cream factory was started in the United State in 1851. The business of ice-cream grew larger after the refrigeration(冷藏) was developed around 1900. It is now a business all over the world and whenever you go, you may see people eating ice-cream happily.( )1. Ice cream was first invented in China.( )2. Marco Polo taught people how to make ice cream.( )3. French people wanted to tell other people how to make ice cream.( )4. Ice cream becomes very popular.( )5. You can eat ice cream in Western countries.(B)2. 阅读课文,从方框中选择正确句子,填入代码,完成所缺信息。A. At the weekends I do many different things with my friends and family.B. Its a nice and relaxing way to end the week.C. On weekdays Im quite busy and I dont relax much.D. On Sundays I often spend the day with my family.My free time is very important to me. 6) I have to go to school and do my homework. When I have some free time, I usually watch TV, listen to music or read. Sometimes, if my friend Tom isnt busy, we meet and play computer games at home or play soccer in the park near his house. 7) On Saturday mornings I usually clean my room and go shopping with my brother. Saturday evening is my favorite time of the week. I enjoy meeting my fiends and going to a fast food restaurant. There we eat and talk and later we go to the cinema. 8) We go for long drives in the country. I really like the countryside. We go on picnics or have lunch at different restaurants. 9) 3. 阅读短文,从ABCD中选出正确答案。 (C)Lassie was a big dog. She was very clever. She was always helping someone.Once some bad men took some money from an old man. They tied him up with a rope and left him on the floor. They kept Lassie in another room. Lassie tried to open the door of the room. But she couldnt. There was a large window in the room, but it was too high for Lassie to reach. She pulled a chair over to window and stood on it. She pushed and pulled and pulled at the window and at last got it open. With a great jump, she got out.Lassie came back into the house and found the room where the old man was left. She untied the rope round the old mans arms and legs. Then she helped him out of the house and down the road to the nearest house.( )10. Lassie was _. A. a baby B. a cat C. a dog D. a girl( )11. Once some bad men tool some money from _. A. a young man B. a young woman C. an old woman D. an old man( )12. Lassie _ the door of the room. A. didnt open B. opened C. shut D. didnt shut( )13. _ untied the old man. A.A girl B. A cat C. A woman D. Lassie( )14. _ caught the bad men. A. The dog B. Lassie C. The policemen D. The girl (D)Mr. George works at the school lost and found. He works very carefully. Every day, when he gets a lost thing, he takes notes about it. There are pens, books, school uniforms, keys, walkmans and many other things in the lost and found. Most of them are the students. If you lose your things, its easy for you to go to the lost and found for help. But you must tell Mr. George what it is and its color and the day when you cant find it. I think Mr. George is very helpful, and you will be happy when you find the lost there.( )15. Who works at the school lost and found?A. Mr. Brown B. Mr. King C. Mr. George D. Nobody( )16. There are _ things in the lost and found. A. no B. few C. a few D. many( )17. Most things Mr. George takes care of are the _.A. boys B. girls C. students D. teachers( )18. If you lose your things, youd better go to ask _.A. Ben B. Mr. George C. your teacher D. your parents( )19. If you lose your things and go to the lost and found for help, you neednt tell Mr. George _.A. What it is B. how much it is C. its color D. the day when you lost it. (E)The students were having their chemistry(化学)class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that,she asked her students,Whats water?”No one spoke for a few minutesMiss Li asked again,“Why dont you answer my question?Didnt I tell you what water is like?”Just then a boy put up his hand and said,“Miss Li,you told us that water has no colour and no smellBut where to find such kind of water?The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell”Most of the children agreed with him“Im sorry,children”said the teacher,“Our water is getting dirtier and dirtierThats a problem( )20The students were having their _ classAEnglish BChinese Cchemistry Dmaths( )21Miss Li was telling the children what _ was likeAwater Bair Cearth Dweather( )22A boy said,”The water in the river behind my house is always _” Awhite Bblack Cclean Dclear ( )23Most of the children _ the boyAagreed with Bwrote to Cheard from Dsent for( )24The water in the river has colour and smell because it is getting _Amore and more Bless and lessCcleaner and cleaner Ddirtier and dirtier四. 从各组中去掉一个不同类的单词,并补充一个同类的单词(每小题1分,共10分)1. trousers, dress, shirt, short 2. mother, sister, grandfather, friend 3. Ireland, Greek, Italy, France 4. architect, butterfly, giraffe, dolphin 5. polite, shy, wavy, clever 6. cheesecake, carrot, potato, onion 7. singer, dance, invent, direct 8. boring, fishing, fascinating, interesting 9. scientist, secretary, explore, dancer 10. milk, chicken; tea, wine 五. 按要求转换句型(每空一词,每空0.5分,共计16分)1. Iknowtheanswer. (一般疑问句)_knowtheanswer?2. Therearesomeflowersontheteachers desk. (一般疑问句) _flowersontheteachers desk?3. Myfatherseemstobeveryangry.(改为同义句)_seemsthatmyfather_veryangry.4. Theteachershadameetingyesterday.(对划线部分提问) _theteachershave?5. Thestudentsareplantingtreesonthehillsnow.(对划线部分提问)_thestudentsplantingtreesnow?6. Aliceattendsthelectureonceaweek.(改为否定句) Alice_thelectureonceaweek.7. Theproblemistoodifficultformetoworkout.(同义句)Theproblemisnt_formetoworkout.8.Katecameherelastmonth,_?(改为反意疑问句)9. Cantyoufindthemap?(作肯定回答)_,I_.10. Wecanstorealotofinformationinthecomputer.(改为被动语态)Alotofinformation_storedinthecomputer.11. Theyhelpedtheoldladycleanherhouseonceaweek.(对划线部分提问) _ they help the old lady clean her house?12. Iwillfinishtheworkinhalfanhour._you_thework?13. Thelittleboyspenttwohoursindoinghishomework.(用Ittakesb.句型改写句子)It_thelittleboytwohours_homework.六. 将单词、词组重新排序,组成句子(每句2分,共10分)1. important decisions, some, made, during the Civil War, Lincoln_2. wake up, we, very early, and, leave, before sunrise, Every day_3. has got, its fur, a long neck, and, is, It, yellow with brown spots._4. Shes, with straight brown hair, short and slim, and brown eyes._5. opposite, the kitchen, bedroom, My, is._七. 翻译句子(每句2分,共10分)1. 客厅里有一副漂亮的画。_2. 我母亲是一名老师,她很热爱他的工作。_3. Kelly15岁,来自美国。_4. 我今年读高一。_5人们因老虎美丽的毛皮而捕猎老虎。 _八. 作文(10分): 以In My Free Time为题,写一篇短文,描述你在业余时间都做些什么。要求:1.语句通顺,描述清晰,层次分明,语法正确,行文流畅。2.字数:80词左右。 温江区燎原职中2013-2014学年度上期高一年级(13级)升学班英语期末考试试题参考答案 一. 单项选择(每小题0.5分,共计10分):1-5: ACBAC 6-10: BCBDA 11-15: BBDCA 16-20: DBCAD二. 完形填空(每小题1分,共计10分):1-5: DCBBA 6-10: CACBD三. 阅读理解(每小题1分,共计24分):1-5: FFFTF 6-9: CADB 10-14: CDADC 15-19: CDCBB 20-24: CABAD四. 从各组中去掉一个不同类的单词,并补充一个同类的单词(每小题1分,共10分)开放性题,无固定答案1.去掉short, 补充服装类名词;2.去掉friend, 补充家庭成员名词;3.去掉Greek, 补充国家类名词;4.去掉architect, 补充动物名词;5.去掉wavy, 补充性格类形容词;6.去掉cheesecake, 补充蔬菜类名词;7.去掉singer,补充与职业相关的行为动词;8.去掉fishing, 补充对事或事物的评价性ing形容词;9.去掉explore, 补充职业类名词;10去掉chicken, 补充饮料类名词。五. 按要求转换句型(每空一词,每空0.5分,共计16分)1. Do, you 2. Are, there, any 3. It, is 4. What, did 5. Where, are 6. doesnt, attend 7. easy, enough 8. didnt, she 9. Yes, can 10. can, be 11. How, often, did 12. How, soon, will, finish 13. took, to do, his 六. 将单词、词组重新排序,组成句子(每句2分,共10分)1. Lincoln made some important decisions during the Civil War.2. Every day we wake up very and leave before sunrise.3. It has got a long neck and its fur is yellow with brown spots.4. Shes short and slim, with straight brown hair and brown eyes.5. My bedroom is opposite the kitchen.七. 翻译句子(每句2分,共10分)1. There is a beautiful picture in the living room.2. My mother is a teacher and she loves her job very much.3. Kelly is fifteen/15 (years old) and (she) comes/is from America.4. Im in my first year of senior high.5. People kill the tiger for its beautiful fur.八. 作文(10分): 以In My Free Time为题,写一篇短文,描述你在业余时间都做些什么。要求:1.语句通顺,描述清晰,层次分明,语法正确,行文流畅。2.字数:80词左右。作文(10分): 作文范文参考:1.I have lots of things to do in my free time. Sometimes I do exercise. It is good for my health. I like listening to music in my free time. It is relaxing. Jackie Zhou is my favorite singer. On Sunday free time, I often read caricature books. It is very fun. On weekend I usually do housework with my mother. Oh! Sometimes I often go camping with my friends in my free time. So my free time is always very busy and funny.2.As a middle school student, I dont have much free time, but I still have a lot of things to do. I like listening to music and reading, so in my free time, I always listen to music and search the Internet for about half an hour. Its a good way to relax myself. I always do some reading before going to bed. Besides, I always go swimming after school. Exercise helps me to keep healthy and is good for my study. As the same as other students, I often watch TV in the evening, but I have to finish my homework first. At weekends, I will help my mother with the housework, such as clean the house, do some washing and so on. Its also a time to visit my friends. We are always happy together.9


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