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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她福建师范大学22春“英语”英美文学选读在线作业二辅导答案一.综合考核(共30题)1._, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.A.Although he is a socialistB.Even if he is a socialistC.Being a socialistD.Since he is a socialist参考答案:A2.Mr.Smith asked his secretary to _ a new paragraph in the annual report she was typing.A.invadeB.installC.insertD.inject参考答案:C3.For a little while the girl _ for her dead cat, but she got over it after a few days.A.achedB.depressedC.grievedD.upset参考答案:C4.Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _ solar heating device in our home.A.some type ofB.some types of aC.some type of aD.some types of参考答案:A5.The London Marathon is a difficult race. _, thousands of runners participate every year.A.ThereforeB.AccordinglyC.NeverthelessD.Furthermore参考答案:C6.These causes produced the great change in the country that modernized the _ of higher education from the mid-1860s to the mid-1880sA.branchB.categoryC.domainD.scope参考答案:C7.It was no _ that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery.A.coincidenceB.conventionC.certaintyD.complication参考答案:A8.The more a nations companies _ factories abroad, the smaller that countrys recorded exports will be.A.lieB.locateC.spotD.stand参考答案:B9.The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her _ attitude toward customersA.impartialB.mildC.hostileD.opposing参考答案:C10.He is too young to be able to _ between right and wrong.A.discardB.discernC.disperseD.disregard参考答案:B11.The chairman of the board _ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.A.compelledB.posedC.pressedD.tempted参考答案:C12.The old Roman walls may still be seen, but not in their _.A.integrityB.compactnessC.installmentD.flexibility参考答案:A13.The Timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once _.A.thrivedB.swelledC.prosperedD.flourished参考答案:A14.Within two days, the army fired more than two hundred rockets and missiles at military _ in the coastal city.A.goalsB.destinationsC.targetsD.aims参考答案:C15.Politically these nations tend to be _, with very high birth rates but poor education and very low levels of literacy.A.unsteadyB.unstableC.rationalD.reluctant参考答案:B16.Equipment not _ official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop.A.conforming toB.consistent withC.predominant overD.providing for参考答案:A17.He knows the regulations, and if he refuses to _ with them he must take the consequence.A.accordB.assistC.confirmD.comply参考答案:D18.A series of strikes have _ many of the basic industries in that country.A.crippledB.damagedC.changedD.decreased参考答案:A19.American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing to _ enterprises.A.moveableB.changingC.flexibleD.varying参考答案:C20.To speed up the _ of letters, the Post Office introduced automatic sorting.A.treatmentB.transmissionC.departureD.delivery参考答案:D21.The party will _ their leader very determinedly.A.adhere toB.coincide withC.cling toD.depend on参考答案:C22.For three-quarters of its span on Earth, life evolved almost _ as microorganisms.A.preciselyB.instantlyC.initiallyD.exclusively参考答案:D23.Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth _ of American Independence.A.ceremonyB.anniversaryC.occasionD.occurrence参考答案:B24.In no case will they _ with folded arms.A.pass byB.look onC.go byD.hold on参考答案:B25.You dont have to install this radio in your new car. Its an _ extra.A.excessiveB.optionalC.additionalD.arbitrary参考答案:B26.The meaning of this poem is very _; I really do not understand it.A.conspicuousB.intelligibleC.obscureD.dim参考答案:C27.Some people believe that since oil is scarce, the _ of the motor industry is uncertain.A.estimateB.terminalC.fateD.benefit参考答案:C28.She hit the chair and _ the coffee.A.spoiledB.pouredC.spilledD.splashed参考答案:C29.There a canal was being built to _ commerce between the two countries.A.allocateB.facilitateC.induceD.furnish参考答案:B30.The local people were joyfully surprised to find the price of vegetables no longer _ according to the weather.A.alteredB.convertedC.fluctuatedD.modified参考答案:C


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