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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-云南大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题Since teacher behavior is( )for public display, teachers must be cautious in their personal lives.问题1选项A.held upB.used upC.kept upD.dressed up【答案】A【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项hold up“举起”;B选项use up“用完”;C选项keep up“保持、处于”;D选项dress up“打扮、穿戴整齐”,句意:由于教师的行为是公开展示的,教师在个人生活中必须谨慎。hold up“举起”符合题意,因此选项A正确。2.单选题It is hard to imagine how Manhattan, bought from a Native American tribe for so little,( )vibrant financial community in America.问题1选项A.could become the mostB.becomes the mostC.to becomeD.one of the most assuming【答案】A【解析】固定搭配题。固定句型It is hard to imagine how sb./sth. could do sth.表示“很难想象某人/某物是怎么做到”,A选项正确。3.单选题The magician picked out several people( )from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.问题1选项A.by accidentB.on occasionC.at randomD.on average【答案】C【解析】考查固定结构。by accident“意外的”;on occasion“有时”;at random“胡乱的、随便的”;on average“平均的”。本句意为“魔术师随意的从观众中挑选一些人帮助他表演”,at random符合句意,因此选C。4.单选题Obviously, the employers reply bore little( )to employees requirements.问题1选项A.relationshipB.concernC.interestD.relevance【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。relationship“关系”;concern“关心”;interest“兴趣”;relevance“要求”。本句意为“很明显的,雇主的答复与雇员的要求无关”。因此D选项正确。5.单选题Last year, when President George W. Bush announced that federal funds could be used to support research on human embryonic stem cells, he mandated that only those cell lines that existed at the time would qualify for such support. More than a year later, its becoming increasingly clear that these existing cell lines are inadequate. Unless more are created, the research slowdown may exact a staggering cost in terms of human suffering.Since this announcement, the US National Institutes of Health has tried to stimulate research on the existing cell lines with new funding and efforts to streamline the initially cumbersome process of obtaining approved cells. However, whether there are 60 cell lines, as originally stated, or nine, as now appear to be available to NIH-funded investigators, the number is not adequate. Given the genetic diversity within the population, scientists need access to new cell lines if they are to come up with the most effective cell therapies.The issue is partly one of safety. In conducting research with human participants, we must minimize risks. The most effective cell line might not be the safest. When developing a new medicine, a large number of molecules must be screened to find a balance between effectiveness and safety. The same is true with cells. In the context of cell therapy, it will be important to minimize unwanted immune reactions and inflammation this requires selection from a large number of cell lines to obtain the best match.Its clear from experiments with animals that stem-cell therapies can reduce human suffering as Parkinsonian mice have been cured with embryonic stem cells that were programmed to become dopamine-secreting, replacement nerve cells. Soon, cells induced to make insulin in tissue cultures will be used in attempts to treat diabetic mice. Similar successes have been achieved in animal models of spinal-cord injury, heart failure and other degenerative disorders. We are at a frontier in medicine where tissues will be restored in ways that were not imaginable just a few years ago. The ethical issues raised by human-embryo research are profound. The human costs of restricting this research must be taken into account as well. The cost in dollars of delaying new stem-cell research is difficult to estimate. It might measure in the hundreds of billions of dollars, especially if one adds the lost productivity of individuals who must leave work to care for victims of degenerative disorders.A less obvious, but real, cost is the damage to the fabric of Americas extraordinary culture of inquiry and technical development in biomedical science. Our universities and teaching hospitals are unparalleled. We attract the very best students, scientists and physicians from around the world. But these institutions are fragile. Research and education play key roles in attracting the best physicians. A crippled research enterprise might add an unbearable stress with long-lasting effects on the entire system. If revolutionary new therapies are delayed or outlawed, we could be set back for years, if not decades.To steer clear of controversy, some investigators will redirect their research. Others will emigrate to countries where such research is allowed and encouraged. Some will drop out entirely. The pall cast over the science community could extend far beyond stem-cell research. Many therapies have emerged from collaboration between government-sponsored researchers and private enterprise. Few of these discoveries would have emerged if, for instance, recombinant DNA research had been outlawed 30 years ago. We face the same type of decision today with limits placed on human embryonic stem cells. Safeguards will be necessary. But if we do not proceed embracing the values of objective, open, inquiry with complete sharing of methods and results, the field will be left to less rigorous fringe groups here and abroad. Patients and society will suffer.1.It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that the author( ).2.The word “streamline” in Paragraph 2 probably means( ).3.All of the following are the consequences of the research slowdown EXCEPT( ).4.Which of the following statements about the research is TRUE?5.The most suitable title for the passage would be( ).问题1选项A.is in favor of stem-cell researchB.welcomes the research slowdownC.takes a neutral stand on the researchD.thinks it essential to speed up the research问题2选项A.strengthenB.simplifyC.ascertainD.subvert问题3选项A.the negative impact on technical advancementB.the detriment to the culture of inquiryC.the loss of ones productivityD.the collapse of American dreams问题4选项A.Some researchers are dubious of the feasibility of the research.B.Private enterprise doesnt show the interest in the research.C.There should be a balance between caution and audacity.D.Many researchers have given up their research.问题5选项A.The Cell LinesB.The Stem-cell ResearchC.The Dangers of DelayD.Costs on American Patients【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.作者意图题。定位到文章第一段,“Unless more are created, the research slowdown may exact a staggering cost in terms of human suffering”,除非有更多的发明,否则研究速度的放缓可能会导致人类痛苦的惊人代价。由此说明作者认为加速研究是十分必要的,选项D正确。2.语义推测题。A选项strengthen“加强、巩固”;B选项simplify“简化”;C选项ascertain“查明”;D选项subvert“颠覆、推翻”,定位到文章第二段,句意为:美国国立卫生研究院一直试图通过新的资助和简化最初繁琐的获得批准细胞的流程。选项B符合题意。3.推理判断题。定位到文章第四段,It might measure in the hundreds of billions of dollars, especially if one adds the lost productivity of individuals who must leave work to care for victims of degenerative disorders. 这可能会造成数千亿美元的损失,尤其是如果再加上那些必须离开工作岗位去照顾退化性疾病受害者的人的生产力损失的话;第五段A less obvious, but real, cost is the damage to the fabric of Americas extraordinary culture of inquiry and technical development in biomedical science,一个不那么明显但真实的代价是,美国在生物医学领域的探索和技术发展方面的非凡文化结构遭到破坏。the collapse of American dreams“美国梦的破灭”不符合研究放缓带来的后果,因此选D。4.推理判断题。定位到文章第六段,To steer clear of controversy, some investigators will redirect their research. Others will emigrate to countries where such research is allowed and encouraged. Some will drop out entirely. “为了避免争议,一些研究人员将改变他们的研究方向。其他人将移民到允许和鼓励此类研究的国家。有些人会完全退出”,由此说明一些研究者是放弃了他们的研究的,选项D正确。5.主旨大意题。文章主要谈论放缓细胞研究的危害,选项C正确。6.单选题He knew that he was poor, and would admit it; he would have died sooner than confess any( )to the rich.问题1选项A.superiorityB.inferiorityC.priorityD.preference【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。superiority“优越”;inferiority“自卑”;priority“优先权”;preference“偏爱、优先权”。本句意为“他知道自己穷,也愿意承认;他宁愿死也不愿承认自己比富人低一等”,inferiority的意思让本句逻辑成立。选项符合题意。7.单选题Some of the old customs have continued( )politeness although they are no longer thought about now.问题1选项A.in the way ofB.in the eyes ofC.in the face ofD.in the form of【答案】D【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项in the way of“妨碍、在方面”;B选项in the eyes of “在心目中、从来看”;C选项in the face of“面对、不顾”;D选项in the form of “以的形式”,句意为:有些旧习俗以礼貌的形式继续存在着,尽管它们现在已经不再被人想到了。in the form of“以的形式”符合题意,因此D选项正确。8.单选题The students have( )more interesting English classes as they like without any restrictions in any specified field.问题1选项A.committed themselves toB.given way toC.come up withD.signed up for【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。sign up for“报名参加”,本句意为“学生们可以自由选择更有趣的英语课程,不受任何特定领域的限制”。此D选项正确。9.单选题Anderson held out his arms to( )the attack, but the shark grabbed his right forearm and dived.问题1选项A.turn offB.ward offC.trigger offD.call off【答案】B【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项turn off“关掉”;B选项ward off“避开、挡住”;C选项trigger off“引起、激起”;D选项call off“取消、放弃”,句意为:安德森伸出双臂挡住鲨鱼的攻击,但鲨鱼咬住他的右前臂,潜入水中。ward off“避开、挡住”符合题意,因此选B。10.单选题When photographing an object from different viewpoints, the photographers perspective of( )changes.问题1选项A.of what is seeingB.seeing whatC.it sees whatD.what it sees【答案】D【解析】语法题。根据句子结构可知,空格部分为介词of的宾语,所以填入一个宾语从句。特殊疑问词可引导宾语从句,并且要用陈述语序。句意:当从不同的角度拍摄一个物体时,摄影师对它所看到的东西的视觉会发生变化。选项D符合题意。


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