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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-复旦大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题The government is trying to( ) the people into thinking that a war is necessary.问题1选项A.enlightenB.involveC.orientD.brainwash【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。brainwashinto “把思想强行灌输给,强迫相信”。句意:政府正试图给人洗脑让人们相信战争是必要的。选项D符合题意。2.单选题Do you think this jacket and trousers will _ a suit?问题1选项A.pass offB.pass overC.pass upD.pass for【答案】D【解析】考查动词词组辨析。pass off“停止”;pass over“忽略”;pass up“升起,拒绝”;pass for“被认为,当作”。句意:你认为这件夹克和裤子可以看作是一套吗?选项D符合题意。3.填空题As children we start(1) a natural curiosity about everything around us, and during the maturation process this curiosity can be stimulated, buffered or severely attenuated by our environment and experience. The future success of research in science and engineering depends(2) our society recognizing the crucial role played by stimulation of mental processes early in life. Pattern recognition, analytical thinking and similar abilities need to be stimulated from birth onward. To destroy this natural curiosity or to attenuate the joy of discovery is the greatest disservice we do (3)the developing person.For those who reach maturity with their natural curiosity intact and enhanced by education, the joy of discovery is a strong driver of success. But why are so (4)of our capable students pursuing the level of education required for a successful research career? Is it (5)we have dampened their curiosity? Have we failed to let them experience the joy of discovery? Is it because the media sometimes portrays scientists and engineers (6)nerds? Is it because too many of us currently involved (7) the research enterprise have become disenchanted with our circumstances and therefore paint a bleak future for potential scientists and engineers? Perhaps entirely different factors are(8) play in the decision to not become scientists and engineers.We have too frequently portrayed science and engineering as professions that are all-encompassing. We have portrayed research as a profession that requires long and grueling hours in the laboratory to achieve success. We have (9)to promote the excitement and exhilaration of discovery. We have not promoted the fact that it is not only very common (10) very reasonable to have a successful research career and an exciting and normal personal life.【答案】1.with2.on3.to4.few5.because6.as7.in8.at9.failed10.but【解析】1.start后面需要加介词with才能接名词。start with “从开始”2.depend on sth.是固定用法,意思是 “取决于”。3.句意:去摧毁这种天性或者去打击这种发现的喜悦是我们对处于正在发展中的人做出的最大的伤害。填介词to4根据句意和of结构,空格处可填写的词是many或者few,由转折词but可以得出空格处的意思与前文有转折关系,前文提到既然the joy of discovery 是成功强有力的推动力,接下来出现了转折,所以此处应该填few.5.前一句有why提出的疑问,这一句是对前一句的回答,所以填原因。6.portray as “描绘成”7.involve in “涉及,参与”。8.at play “在中起到了作用”9.空格处所在的句子与后面的句子we have not promoted that fact表达的是同乡的意思,所以空格处应该填与not对应的否定词。fail to do sth. “做某事失败”。10.not onlybut (also) “不仅而且”4.单选题When I bent down to tie my shoelace, the seat of my trousers( ).问题1选项A.splitB.crackedC.brokeD.holed【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。split“撕裂,使破裂”;cracked“使爆裂,使破裂”;broke“打破,违犯,折断”;holed“凿洞”。句意:当我弯腰去系鞋带时我的裤子崩裂了。选项A符合题意。5.单选题Western medicine, ( )science and practiced by people with academic internationally accepted medical degrees,is only one of many systems of healing.问题1选项A.rooted inB.originated fromC.trapped inD.indulged in【答案】A【解析】考查动词词组辨析。root in “来源于,起因于”;originate from “发源于,起源于”;trap in “受困于”;indulge in “沉溺于”。句意:西药从科学发展而来,通过人们的实践获得国际认定的医学地位,它只是众多治疗系统中的一种。originate from 指一般意义上的来源于某地。root in有“扎根于,根植于”的意思。所以选项A更恰当。6.单选题The outlying island that belongs to this_ metropolis is an oasis where green prevails and traditions hold fast.问题1选项A.bustlingB.whistlingC.rufflingD.rustling【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。bustling“繁华的”;whistling“发出口哨声的”;ruffling“弄皱”;rustling“沙沙作响的”。句意:属于这座繁华都市的边远岛屿是一片绿洲,到处都是绿色,传统风格盛行。选项A符合题意。7.单选题It is wrong to( )any one of the candidates at the moment,for one of them might turn out to be a dark horse in the general election.问题1选项A.denyB.outshineC.belittleD.grudge【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。deny“否认”;outshine“相形见绌”;belittle“轻视,贬低”;grudge“怀恨,吝惜”。句意:现在轻视任何一个候选人都是不正确的,因为他们中的任何一个都有可能在选举中成为一匹黑马。选项C符合题意。8.单选题Employees knew from the very( )that their jobs would finish this year.问题1选项A.upshotB.outbreakC.outcomeD.outset【答案】D【解析】考查形似词词义辨析。upshot“结局,结果”;outbreak“(战争的)爆发”;outcome“结果,结局”;outset“开始,开端”。句意:员工从开始就知道他们的工作今年就会结束。选项D符合题意。9.单选题Hes color-blind and cant ( )the difference between red and green easily.问题1选项A.detectB.discoverC.distinguishD.determine【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。detect “侦查,发现”;discover “发现”;distinguish “区分,辨别”;determine “下决心”。句意:他是个色盲,他不能轻易区分红色与绿色。选项C符合题意。10.单选题Professor Smith has already retired, but his teachings still( )strong influence on his students.问题1选项A.executeB.forsakeC.exertD.forge【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。execute “实行,执行;处死”;forsake “放弃”;exert “运用,发挥;施以影响”; forge “锻造”。句意:Smith教授已经退休了,但是他的教导依然在他的学生中产生重大影响。选项C符合题意。


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