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对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院 2011-2012学年第二学期 大学英语一复习大纲一、单选题 1. We went home _. A. last weekB. on last weekC. in last weekD. at last week2. Tony is looking at _. A. sheB. heC. herD. here3. Wheres the book? A. Theres it.B. Hes under the chair.C. Its here.D. Theres on a chair.4. These pens are _. A. PatsB. of PatC. PatsD. to Pat5. Kate _. A. gave to Peter the penB. gave the pen to PeterC. give to Peter the penD. give the pen to Peter6. The sun _ in the east. A. is always risingB. always is risingC. rises alwaysD. always rises7. Kim and Fred _ home. A. are atB. are inC. they are inD. they are at8. Yesterday I was too busy to go shopping. I had my sister _. A. to goB. goC. goneD. going9. Leave your umbrella in the stand in the _ . A. stairsB. hallC. stallD. desk10. When it es to _, Joan is the one you should ask for advice. A. collect stampsB. stamp-collectingC. stamp-collectD. both A and B11. She ended the letter _an invitation _the performance the following Sunday. A. with/toB. by/toC. of/inD. to/of12. I am going to watch the tennis _on TV this afternoon. A. contestB. gameC. matchD. sport13. I am disappointed _ the results of the experiment. A. forB. fromC. byD. about14. Jane and Tom _ the door. A. are walking atB. walk atC. walks toD. are walking to15. Toms _ street. A. in theB. at theC. into theD. under16. Jack is standing beside _. A. usB. itsC. theyD. your17. Bill hasnt seen _. A. much boatsB. any boatC. lots boatsD. some boats18. Either of the dictionaries _ a long way towards helping the students learn English. A. goB. have goneC. goesD. going19. Whats his sister doing? A. Reading.B. She reading.C. Hes reading.D. Its reading.20. Im not looking _. A. at sunB. at a skyC. at the sunD. at some sky21. Whose flowers are they? Theyre _. A. to MaryB. of MaryC. MariesD. Marys22. _ live in the town. A. SomebodyB. AnybodyC. Some peopleD. Any people.23. Smith hasnt got your money. Jack hasnt got _. A. it, too.B. them, too.C. it, either.D. them, either.24. I met _ in the theatre last Friday. A. a my friendB. a friend of mineC. a mine friendD. a friend of my25. What we are doing now _ to choose the best answer from the four choices. A. isB. areC. wasD. were26. You will miss the bus _you hurry up. A. unlessB. asC. ifD. until27. He is studying puter in _ university in Beijing. A. XB. theC. aD. an28. The more he tried to help her, _ she seemed to appreciate it. A. lessB. lesserC. the lessD. the lesser29. I cant _ it, because it is too expensive. A. spendB. payC. affordD. cost30. What does that car look like? That is similar in shape_ mine. A. withB. likeC. asD. to31. Theyll hurt_ if we dont stop them fighting. A. one to anotherB. one the otherC. each the otherD. each other32. He doesnt work but he gets a good _ from his investments. A. wageB. earningC. ineD. salary33. There isnt _at the bus-stop. A. anybodyB. peopleC. any personsD. somebody34. Children _eat a lot of sugar often get bad teeth. A. whoB. whichC. theyD. none35. Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar, _write correctly. A. can youB. cant youC. you canD. you will36. I was used _in a noisy room. A. to workingB. to workC. workD. working37. Yet much of the world is still waging war _ women. A. forB. withC. againstD. by38. _, I dont want to study it as my major. A. As I like FrenchB. Although as I like FrenchC. Much as I like FrenchD. I like French as much39. Good economy is the greatest _of goods for the greatest _ of people. A. number/amountB. amount/numberC. number/numberD. amount/amount40. The cat has _. A. the long legsB. long legsC. the legs longD. legs long41. Bill hasnt seen _. A. much boatsB. any boatC. lots boatsD. some boats42. It was not until 1920 _regular radio broadcasts began. A. whenB. whichC. whereD. that43. Keep secret _you have just done in the exam. A. whatB. thatC. whichD. when44. Almost all economists agree _by trading with one another. A. nations that are gainedB. nations they gainC. gaining nationsD. that nations gain45. Egypt is famous _ its pyramids. A. ofB. inC. forD. about46. No matter how hard he studied, _ . A. he could not do any betterB. so he could not do any betterC. but he could not do any betterD. and he could not do any better47. Which war _ in 1939? A. broke outB. broke upC. broke inD. broke down48. We must get in the wheat before the sun _ . A. will setB. was setC. setD. sets49. Lets work hard and pass the exams, ? A. will weB. dont weC. shall weD. arent we50. Bill wasnt happy about the news, and . A. I was neitherB. neither I wasC. I wasnt eitherD. either was I 51. I have no idea _ join us in the discussion. A. if she willB. will sheC. if will sheD. she will52. I like _ sport, especially football. A. theB. aC. XD. my53. That information _ onto the inspector yesterday. A. should have passedB. should passC. should have been passedD. should be passed54. Either of the dictionaries _ a long way towards helping the students learnEnglish. A. goB. have goneC. goneD. going55. Our class rep. suggested _ a discussion on this subject. A. to haveB. should haveC. haveD. having56. Tom and Jim had nothing against it, _ ? A. hadnt theyB. didnt theyC. did theyD. had Tom and Jim57. Tired _ she was, my mother stuck to her post. A. asB. whenC. ifD. after58. It is every evening _ we have English classes. A. whenB. whomC. whoD. that59. Tell me please _ you hope to go. A. with whoB. by whoC. with whomD. by whom60. The two things _ he wasnt sure were the grammar and the idioms. A. about whichB. about thatC. in whichD. at which61. Tom and Anne _ the table. A. are sitting inB. are sitting atC. is sitting inD. is sitting on62. Ann gave _. A. my the flowersB. the flowers mineC. the flowers meD. me the flowers63. Mary _ to school. A. never walksB. walks neverC. is never walkingD. never is walking64. Im not looking _. A. at sunB. at a skyC. at the sunD. at some sky65. Are _ brothers? A. those big boys someB. some those big boysC. those big boysD. big boys those66. Look at _ cat! A. her and shes B. her and herC. she and herD. she and shes67. Whose flowers are they? Theyre _. A. to MaryB. of MaryC. MariesD. Marys68. _ your homework in class! A. DontB. Dont doC. Not doD. Not to do69. Smith hasnt got your money. Jack hasnt got _. A. it, too.B. them, too.C. it, either.D. them, either.70. They have been in the library since _ . A. a long timeB. 2 hoursC. 8 oclockD. it had been opened71. Linda has two _ . A. sister-in-lawB. sisters-in-lawC. sister-in-lawsD. sisters-in-laws72. Do you speak any other foreign language _ French? A. except forB. butC. besideD. besides73. _ hard they have been studying these days! A. WhatB. How C. SoD. Such74. By the time the course ends, _a lot about the United States. A. well learn B. were learning C. weve learned D. well have learned75. The ceremony has already begun. Look! The flag is _ now. A. being raised B. risen C. being rose D. raising76. I have classes _ day, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. A. each other B. every other C. this and the other D. all other77. _ did I understand what she meant. A. WhenB. At that timeC. Only thenD. What78. He studied almost all night _ he would pass the exams. A. so as toB. in order toC. forD. in order that79. The few people who knew the plan included _ . A. yourself and myselfB. you and IC. you and mineD. you and me80. We must keep quiet _ we will be punished. A. orB. ifC. sinceD. unless81. It is reported that the wounded _ been treated and the lost _ been found. A. havehaveB. hashasC. havehasD. hashave82. Theyll hurt_ if we dont stop them fighting. A. one to another B. one the other C. each the other D. each other83. It is very nice _ you to e and meet me at the train station. A. to B. of C. for D. with84. My secretary said that she has made an _ for me to see the sales manager at 5 oclock tomorrow. A. appointment B. interview C. opportunity D. assignment85. He said that he was soon going to visit _ . A. the United StateB. the United States C. United StatesD. United State86. Tom _ be in London, because I saw him here only 20 minutes ago. A. mustntB. may notC. cantD. isnt able to87. All life on the Earth _ on the sun. A. dependsB. carriesC. keepsD. goes88. Whatever I say and do _ none of your business. A. isB. areC. wasD. were89. Jenny will buy the book, _ . A. so will AnnaB. neither will AnnaC. either will AnnaD. also will Anna90. What an interesting book _ ! A. isB. will be itC. it isD. is it91. He is _ teacher that all of us like him. A. a such goodB. such good a C. a so goodD. so good a92. The building at the street corner is the hospital _ last year. A. where I stayedB. Which I stayed onC. that I stayedD. what I stayed93. We arrived after _ had begun. A. second actB. act secondC. the act secondD. the second act 94. Jack is _ John. A. as quiet as B. so quiet asC. less quiet asD. quiter than 95. _ you mention it, I remember seeing him on campus last summer. A. Now thatB. IfC. BeforeD. Until96. Taiwan _ our country. A. is belong to B. belong toC. belongs toD. is belonged to97. I _ you were here. A. dont knowB. not knowC. didnt knowD. wasnt known98. He _ to be very clever. A. saysB. is saidC. saidD. has being saying99. Ive heard her _ about you many times. A. spokeB. spokenC. speakD. speaks100. They used to live on this street, _? A. did theyB. didnt theyC. do theyD. hadnt they101. The plant has 1,000 workers, three fourths of _ are women. A. whichB. whomC. themD. who102. Pauline is the only one of the girls who _ won this years scholarship. A. haveB. isC. hasD. are103. Take this luggage and _ you can find enough space. A. put it whichB. put it in whichC. put it whereverD. put it where104. Only at work _ the importance of mastering a foreign language. A. did I realizeB. I realizedC. did I realizedD. do I realizes105. I am sure that _ you said is a lie. A. whichB. all C. whoD. what106. It was not until I came to the shopping center _ realized I didnt take money with me. A. that IB. when IC. ID. and I107. Id rather you _ anything about it for the time being. A. doB. didnt doC. dont doD. not do108. The puter has affected _ modern people live and work. A. is the wayB. that the wayC. which way doD. the way109. I am interested in _ she has told me. A. everything of whichB. whichC. all whatD. all that110. When can I e to visit you again? Any time you feel _. A. for it B. soC. like itD. likes111. _, he is kind and has a lot of friends. A. Unlike his brothersB. Dislike his brothersC. Alike his brothersD. liking his brothers112. My teacher has _ girl. A. a 18-year-oldB. an 18-year-oldC. a 18-years-oldD. an 18-years-old113. China is famous _ its Great Wall. A. of B. inC. forD. about114. He is _ honest person. A. theB. aC. anD. X115. I was _ tired that I had to lie down for a while. A. so muchB. enoughC. soD. too116. He is anything _ a doctor. A. except that B. except forC. besidesD. but117. The door is still locked. He _ the key. A. lostB. must loseC. can loseD. must have lost118. John _ Henry when we met at the airport. A. shake hand with B. shakes hand with C. shook hand with D. shook hands with119. One of these dictionaries is not _ . A. worth to useB. worth being usedC. worth of usingD. worth using120. The reason for his success is _ he worked harder than anybody else. A. whyB. thatC. becauseD. for121. All my books are here. I have no such books _ you have described. A. thatB. asC. whomD. which122. They live _ the other side of the road. A. on B. in C. for D. by 123. It is usually quiet here _ Sunday mornings. A. on B. in C. at D. to124. Its years _ a picture. A. that I dont paint B. that I didnt paint C. since I painted D. ago I painted二、完形填空 125. One Mans Thought School , I heard about a modern school for small children where the students should do they wanted. The idea was for each to be able to develop without pressure from the teacher or other children.One day, a young girl at the school the teacher, Do I have to do what I want? She was saying what all of us said times - I do not know what I want to do. She needed and guidance the teacher. Many of us have been told that school should be fun, but the truth is that school is not meant to be fun. School is not we are able to do what we want. It means accepting rules we can be understood by others. And it means learning to think.1. A. atB. inC. onD. about2. A. Many years agoB. Many years beforeC. Much years agoD. Much years before3. A. thatB. whatC. whichD. as4. A. childsB. childrenC. childD. a child5. A. toldB. saidC. askedD. informed6. A. inB. onC. atD. for7. A. an adviceB. many advicesC. adviceD. some advices8. A. forB. withC. fromD. in9. A. whatB. whereC. thatD. which10. A. so thatB. in order toC. so whichD. so what126. Saturday NightA new book Saturday Night was published recentlyThe book describes what different Americans do on nightIt says that and everything can happen on the nightPeople go . They visit friends and have parties. They drink of alcohol. They get or kill other people. They sleep or watch TV. The author notes that people do these same things on other nights of the week too,but she says that they do them more often and with more passion and purpose on Saturday nightThere are more parties on Saturday night on any other night of the weekPublic eating places are moreMovie theatres sell more tickets. Saturday night is the biggest night for places sell alcoholic drinks. That is one reason why Saturday night also has the most murders, fights and deadly car accidents. Yet, studies show that people kill themselves on Saturday night than on any other night of the week 1. A. callingB. sayingC. saidD. called2. A. SaturdayB. SundayC. MondayD. Friday3. A. nothing


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