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数词 10 / 10一、本周容概述 表示数目和顺序的词叫数词。数词可分为基数词和序数词两类。二、重点知识归纳与讲解 一基数词 基数词用来表示数目,或者说表示数量的词叫基数词。最根本的基数词如下表所示。 1 one 11 eleven 100 a hundred 2 two 12 twelve 20 twenty 1000 a thousand 3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 1,000,000 a million 4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty 10,000,000 ten million 5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty 100,000,000 a hundred million 6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty 1,000,000,000 a billion 7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy 8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty 9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety 10 ten 说明: 11319是由个位数加后缀-teen构成。注意其中13、15的拼写是thirteen和fifteen。 22090由个位数加后缀-ty构成,注意其中2050的拼写分别是twenty, thirty, forty 和fifty;80的拼写是eighty。 3其它非整十的两位数2199是由整十位数加连字符“-,再加个位数构成。如: 81 eighty-one。 4101999的基数词先写百位数,后加and再写十位数和个位数。如: 691 six hundred and ninety-one。 51000以上的基数词先写千位数,后写百位数,再加and,最后写十位数和个位数。 如:5893 five thousand eight hundred and ninety-three。 在基数词中只有表示“百、“千的单位词,没有单独表示“万、“亿的单位词,而是用thousand千和million百万来表达,其换算关系为:1万=10 thousand;1亿=100 million; 10亿=a thousand million=a billion。 7多位数的读法: 11000以上的多位数,要使用计数间隔或逗号“,。即从个位起,每隔三位加一个间隔或逗号。第一个间隔或逗号前是thousand千,第二个间隔或逗号前是million百万,第三个间隔或逗号前是a thousand million或a billion(十亿)。 2每隔三位分段以后就都成了101999。读的时候十位数或个位数的前面一般要加and。如: 888,000,000读作:eight hundred and eighty-eight million。 二、基数词的用法 1基数词的复数形式表示大量的 的数目。 在这种情况下,表示单位的基数词(hundred, thousand, million, billion)不能在词尾加-s。 例如: two hundred students 二百个学生 five thousand years 五千年 2基数词的复数形式表示大量的 的数目,在这种情况下,表示单位的基数词词尾加-s,要与of短语连用。 3基数词在句中的作用 基数词的作用相当于名词和形容词,它在句子中可充当主语,宾语,表语和定语。 例如: Three and five is eight. 3+5=8 主语 表语 How many oranges do you want?你要多少桔子? I want eight. 我要八个。 宾语 There are eight boats in the lake. 湖里有八条小船。 定语 三序数词 表示顺序的词,叫序数词。序数词用来表示数词顺序。除特殊情况外,序数词一般都由相应的基数词加后缀-th构成。 请见下表: 第一到第十 第十一到第十九 第二十以上 first eleventh twentieth second twelfth thirtieth third thirteenth fortieth fourth fourteenth fiftieth fifth fifteenth sixtieth sixth sixteenth seventieth seventh seventeenth eightieth eighth eighteenth ninetieth ninth nineteenth hundredth tenth thousandth 说明: 1英语中表示第一、第二、第三的序数词属特殊形式,要注意它们的拼写。 2表示“几十的序数词通常是将基数词词尾y变成i再加上后缀-eth。 3其余的二位数序数词是以相应的整十基数词加个位序数词。如:fifty-first第五十一。 4少数序数词拼法不规那么,如:fifth第五,eighth第八,ninth第九,twelfth第十二等。 注意: 1序数词可缩写为阿拉伯数字加序数词最后两个字母。 例如: 第一:(the) first=1 st 第二:(the) second=2 nd 第三:(the) third=3 rd 第五:(the) fifth=5th第九十七:(the) ninety-seventh=97 th 第一百零一:(the) one hundred (and)first=101st2编了号的事物要用基数词表示顺序,但是基数词要后置。 例如: 第一课:Lesson One 第三十二页:Page 32 第305房间:Room 305 第12路公共汽车:Bus No.12 五、序数词的用法 序数词和基数词一样,也能起名词或形容词作用,在句子中作主语、表语、宾语和定语。 例如: The first is bigger than the second. 第一个比第二个大。 主语 Give me the first. 把第一个给我。 宾语 Shes often the first to go to school. 她经常第一个去上学。 表语 Were going to learn the eighth lesson. 我们将要学习第八课。 定语 六、年、月、日和时间的表达法 1年份用基数词表达,分两位一读,年份前用介词in。 例如: 1999 nineteen ninety-nine 2000 two thousand 2001 two thousand and one 2月份的第一个字母要大写,有些月份名称有缩写形式。 例如: 一月January(Jan.), 二月February(Feb.), 三月March(Mar.), 四月AprilApr.,五月May, 六月June, 七月July, 八月August(Aug.),九月September(Sep.), 十月October(Oct.), 十一月November(Nov.), 十二月December(Dec.)。 3日期的表达要用序数词,读时前面要加定冠词the,介词要使用on。 例如: 在6月1日:on June 1 st 读作:on June the first. 年、月、日同时表达时,一般应先写月、日、后写年。 例如: 在2001年5月4日:on May 4 th, 2001。 4年代用基数词的复数表示。 例如: 20世纪90年代:nineteen nineties 21世纪20年代:twenty twenties 5时间表达法:时间可用顺读法或倒读法两种方式表达。 例如: 顺读法 倒读法 5:00 five (oclock) 6:18 six eighteen, eighteen past six 12:15 twelve fifteen, fifteen (a quarter) past twelve 4:30 four thirty, half past four 5:50 five fifty ,ten to six 6:45 six forty-five a quarter to seven 注意: 1表示整点时间,直接用基数词表达,后边可接oclock (也可不加)。表达“几点几分时,绝不能用oclock。 2表达“15分或“45分时,常用quarter刻。 3在倒读法中,如果钟点不过半,须用“分钟数+past+钟点数的形式;如果钟点过半,那么用“差多少分钟数+to+全钟点下个钟点数的形式。 例如: 8:20 twenty past eight 8:40 twenty to nine 6分数的表达法 1分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于1时,分母用复数。 2小数的读法:小数点前面的数按照基数词的读法,小数点后面的数按照数本身读,小数点读point。 例如: 0.38 zero point three eight 96.89 ninety-six point eight nine 3)百分数,在数词后加percent。 例如: 15%读作:fifteen percent 60%读作:sixty percent 7表示语数 1几倍大小长短,数量=几倍或分数+the size(length, amount)。 例如: The earth is forty-nine times the size of the moon. 地球是月球的49倍。 2比几倍=倍数或分数+形容词副词比拟级+than+被比局部。 例如: His house is three times bigger than mine. 他的房子比我的房子大三倍。 3是倍=倍数或分数+as +形容词+as +被比局部。 例如: This factory is four times as big as that one. 这个工厂是那个工厂的四倍。 8表示约数 1“多于用more than或over。 例如: The street is over(more than) 500 metres long. 这条街有500多米长。 2“小于用less than。 例如: Three are less than 30 people in the classroom. 教室里不到三十人。 3“或以上用or more。 例如: The building can hold 5000 people or more. 那座建筑物可容纳5000人或5000人以上。 4“或以下用or less。 例如: We can finish the work in two weeks or less. 我们可以在两周或不到两周完成这件工作。 5“大约用about, around, nearly等。 例如: The box weighs about 50 pounds. 这箱子重约50镑。6“左右用or so. 例如: In the past ten years or so, they have changed a lot. 在过去的十年里,他们改变了许多。 三、随堂监测A组 I. 写出以下基数词相应的序数词: 1. one _ 2. two _ 3. three _ 4. five _ 5. eight _ 6. nine _ 7. twelve _8. twenty _ 9. thirty-one _ 10. forty-four _ 11. fifty-seven _ II. 把以下短语译成英语: 1. 第12课 _2. 304号房间 _ 3. 半小时 _ 4. 每日三次 _ 5. 第25页 _ 6. 20世纪90年代 _ 7. 4路公共汽车 _ 8. 第15中学 _ 9. 21世纪 _ 10. 两吨半 _ 11. 差一刻三点 _ 12. 第二册 _ 13. 在他五十几岁时 _ 14. 二年级八班 _ 15. 10:45 _ 16. 第十五单元 _ 17. 第三册第十三课 _ 18. 三分之一 _ 19. 三百英镑 _ 20. 1994年3月22日 _ 四、随堂监测B组 III. 选择填空: 1. 333 reads _. A. three hundred and thirty three B. three hundreds and thirty-three C. three hundred and thirty-three D. three hundred thirty-three 2. The _ month of the year is February. A. one B. first C. two D. second 3. The beautiful skirts are on show in the shop, Jane likes _. A. the ninth B. the nineth C. nine D. ninth 4. It took me _ to finish my homework. A. a half and two hour B. two hour and a half C. two and a half hour D. two and a half hours 5. December is the _ month of the year. A. twelve B. twelveth C. twelvieth D. twelfth 6. Tom bought _ for himself yesterday. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoes 7. There are _ seconds in a minute. A. fourty B. fortyC. sixteen D. sixty 8. Lin Tao gets up at _ in the morning. A. half past six B. six past half C. past half six D. half six past 9. December _ is Christmas. A. twenty-five B. the twenty-fifth C. the twentieth-five D. twentieth-fifth 10. There are _ stars in the universe. A. millions B. million of C. millions of D. million 11. Monday is the _ day of the week. A. two B. second C. three D. third 12. Mr. Black left here _ ago. A. half a hour B. half an hour C. an half hour D. a half hours 13. There are _ students in their school. A. nine hundred B. nine hundreds C. nine hundred of D. nine hundreds of 14. There are _ words in the text of the _ Lesson. A. hundred of, Fifth B. a hundred of, Fiveth C. hundreds of, Fifth D. hundreds of, Fiveth 15. We had learned about _ English words by the end of last term. A. nine hundreds and forty-five B. nine hundreds of and forty-five C. nine hundred and forty-fiveD. nine hundred and fourty-five IV. 中考题集: 1. About _ people are in the Peoples Park at weekends. A. two hundreds B. two hundreds of C. two hundred D. hundred of 2. The water behind the Three Gorges Dam (三峡大坝) should be _higher than downstream (下游). A. sixty-five meter B. sixty-fifth meter C. sixty-five meters D. sixty-fifth meters 3. In our school several _ students are able to search the Internet for useful information now. A. hundred of B. hundreds for C. hundred D. hundreds 4. I was 8 years old when my father was 31. this year my father is twice my age. How old am I? A. 21 B. 22 C. 23 D. 24 5. When was the PRC founded? It was founded on _. A. July 1, 1921 B. October 1, 1949 C. August 1, 1927 D. May 1, 1922 6. Look at the menu: SNACKSHamburger $ 2.60 Orange juice $1.20 Hot dog $2.15 Coffee $1.00 Ice cream $2.00 Coke regular $0.75 Popcorn $1.00 large $1.00 Jeff wants to buy a hamburger, a large coke and ice cream. How much will he pay? A. Five dollars and sixty cents. B. Five dollars and thirty-five cents. C. Three dollars and sixty cents. D. Two dollars. 7. - How many workers are there in your factory? - There are two _. A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundred of D. hundreds of 8. The film star is going to spend _ dollars on a new dress for the coming party. A. three thousands B. thousands of C. thousand of D. three thousands of 9. There are _ doctors and nurses working hard in that hospital. A. thousand B. two thousand C. two thousands D. two thousands of 10. - How many teachers are there in your school? - _, but Im not sure. A. Hundreds B. Hundred C. Hundreds of D. One hundred 11. I think _ lesson is the most difficult in this book. A. five B. fifth C. the fifth D. fifteen 1. _ travelers come to visit our city every year. A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of C. Five hundreds D. Hundred 2. The Games of _ Olympiad in 2008 will be held in the city of Beijing. A. 29 B. the 29 C. 29th D. the 29th3. Fan Zhiyis transfer to Dundee Football Club at the end of last year aroused_ Chinese peoples interest. A. thousand of B. thousand C. thousands of D. thousands 4. About _ films were shown during the 5th Shanghai International Film Festival. A. two hundred of B. two hundreds of C. two hundred D. two hundreds 5. - Do you have enough men to carry these chairs? - No. I think we need _ men. A. another B. two others C. more two D. two more 6. - Can you write the number eight five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six? - Yes, it is _. A. 85662 B. 85626 C. 58662 D. 58626 7. Therere _ students in our grade. A. hundreds of B. three hundreds of C. three hundreds D. three hundreds 8. _ of the workers in this factory is about two hundred, _ of them are women workers. A. The number, first third B. The number, one third C. A number, half D. A number, three quarters 9. _ Germans come to visit China every year. A. Thousands of B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Two thousand 1、写出以下数字的序数词一,二,三,五,九,十二,20,34 2、写出一十二月份: 3、选择填空: 1.Could you tell us how to read the number 18,306,211? A.eighteen million, three hundred and six thousands, two hundred eleven B.eighteen million, three hundred and six thousand, two hundred and eleven C.eighteen millions, three hundred six thousands, two hundreds and eleven D.eighteen thousand, three hundred and six, two hundred eleven 2.Shakespeare was born in _A.1660s B.1660sC.the 1660s D.the 1660s 3.Bill said they were going to have _ holiday。 A.a two-weeksB.a two-week C.two weeks D.two weeks 4.Over _ of the articles on education have been published。A.two thirds B.two third C.seconds three D.seconds third 5.My father left home at about _。A.six thirty B.thirty si C.thirty to six D.six past thirty 6.We all think that the _ century will bring us more hopesA.twenty-first B.twentieth-first C.twenty-one D.twentieth-one 7.Whats your room number?Its _ A.The 601 RoomB.601 Room C.The Room 601 D.Room 601 8._ the students usually surf on the Internet and get informationA.60 percents of B.60 percent C.60 percent of D.60 percents 9.Several _ new books were sold out last weekA.of thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousand 10.Which is right? A.2009, June 25 B.25th June, 2009 C.June 25, 2009 D.June 25st, 2009 11.Tomorrow is my _ birthday A.sixteen B.sixteenth C.the sixteenth D.the sixteen 12.We have stayed at this school for _ Which following choice is wrong? A.two and a half years B.two years and a half C.two years and half a year D.both A and B 4、写出以下正确情势: 九年级二班2. 第七排3. 515房间4. 在二层楼5. 2009年二月14日6. 50千米长的大桥7. 在第46页8. 第一中学9.四分之三10. 49


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