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会计学1新仁爱英语七年级下新仁爱英语七年级下UT复习复习October是是1.1. 作家作家2.2.小说小说 3.3.出生出生 4.was 4.was 5.5.一月一月 6.6.二月二月 7.7.三月三月 8.8.四月四月 9.9.五月五月10.10.六月六月 11.11.七月七月12.12.八月八月 13.13.九月九月 DecemberbornnovelMarchSeptemberJulyNovemberMaywriter14.14.十月十月15.15.十一月十一月 16.16.十二月十二月 17.17.迷,风扇迷,风扇18.were18.were19.19.千千20.20.生日生日21.21.计划计划 22.22.日期,约会日期,约会 23.23.庆祝庆祝 24.24.日历日历 25.25.聚会,宴会,党派聚会,宴会,党派26.26.第五第五 FebruaryAprilAugustJanuaryJunefan是是thousandbirthdayplandatecelebratecalendarpartyfifth第1页/共21页eighth27.27.第十二第十二 28.28.第三第三29.29.第七第七 30.30.第八第八 31.31.第九第九 32.32.第二十第二十 33.33.担心,害怕担心,害怕 34.tenth34.tenth35.fourth 35.fourth 36.36.礼物礼物 sevenththirdafraid第四第四twelfth37.37.老鼠老鼠 复数复数38.38.球,舞会球,舞会 39.39.圆圈圆圈40.40.星,明星星,明星41.41.形状形状42.triangle42.triangle43.43.正方形,广场正方形,广场44.oval44.oval45.rectangle45.rectangle46.Mrs.46.Mrs.47.centimeter47.centimeter48.48.蛋糕蛋糕twentieth第十第十ninthpresentmouseballcirclestarshape三角形三角形squaremice椭圆形的椭圆形的长方形长方形太太,夫人太太,夫人厘米厘米cake第2页/共21页talk about sth.talk about sth. with sb.after classafter schoolafter work be born inbe born in/ona big fan of sb.the date of birththe place of birthlook at the calendarLet me look at the calendar.be( was/were) born next Sunday last Sundayplan to do sth.plan to celebrate the birthdaya/the present for sbs birthdaythe shape of sth.第3页/共21页be likehow long/ wide/ talluse sth. for doing sth./ to do sth.use the computer to see moviesuse the MP4 to listen to musiccook a big dinnermake a cakedo some cleaningIm afraid you cant.Im afraid that+从句从句have a look (at sth.)black and white第4页/共21页190019041976200020081840eighteen forty hundrednineteennineteen o fournineteen seventy-sixtwo thousand two thousand and eight第5页/共21页180018201903199620092050eighteen hundredeighteen twentynineteen o threenineteen ninety-sixtwo thousand and nine twenty fiftytwo thousand and fifty第6页/共21页JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilJan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayMayJuneJun.JulyJul.AugustAug.SeptemberSept.OctoberOct.NovemberNov.DecemberDec.第7页/共21页Where were you/was he (she) born?-I/She/He was born in +地名地名.第8页/共21页ordinal numberone two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 基数词基数词first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 序数词序数词 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10thth 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three thirty基数词基数词thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth 序数词序数词21st22nd23rd30th第9页/共21页基变序,有规律,词尾加上基变序,有规律,词尾加上th.th. 1 2 3 1 2 3 特殊记,词尾各是特殊记,词尾各是t t,d d,d d。 8 8去去t t,9 9去去e e,veve 需用需用f f替,然后再加替,然后再加thth,整十变化需注意,整十变化需注意,y y用用ieie来代替来代替,然后再加然后再加 thth。 如若遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。如若遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。第10页/共21页 1,使用序数词时多在前面加the. Eg. The first lesson 第一课 The second month of a year is February. 一年的第二个月是二月。 2,序数词之前有 this/that/my 等限定词不加the Eg. Miss Wu is my first English teacher. 吴老师是我的英语启蒙老师。第11页/共21页星期星期一一-What day is it today?-Its Monday.-Whats the date today?-Its May 18th. (May eighteenth) 日期的写法写法可以采用基数词也可以采用序数词。如 March 1 或 March 1st 日期的读法读法只能用序数词形式。如 August 26th 读作 August (the) twenty-sixth.第12页/共21页March twenty-firstMarch eighththe twenty-first of Marchthe ninth of Marchthe twentieth of MarchMarch twentieth第13页/共21页 I do.第14页/共21页squarerectangletrianglecircleoval第15页/共21页How long / wide / high / tall +be +主主语语?主语主语+be+基数词基数词+meters + adj.主语主语+must be +adj./名词名词第16页/共21页MP4 9cm6cmWhat shape is it?Its a rectangle.How long is it?Its 9 centimeters long.How wide is it?Its 6 centimeters wide.What do we use it for?We use it to listen to music.第17页/共21页第18页/共21页7. They live on the _(nine) floor of the building.8. I use the MP4_ (listen) to music.9. Lao She is a famous(著名的著名的) _ (write).partybirthdayplanscalendarcelebratingwereninthto listen/for listeningwriter第19页/共21页nineteen o one seventeen hundred two thousand and fourtwo thousand and fifteeneighteen forty-ninefirstfifththirty-thirdtwentiethnineteentheleventh第20页/共21页


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