新视野大学英语读写教程unit 讲义PPT课件

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solitary creepsaucerpint skaterback up tame poetrylaundrywaterproofself-centeredat length pond dictatecompanionableslipperysealin line inspirationkettleego observationon purposesettle down solitudepriest humble chokecast out for the time beingcommodityrelianceinadequateparcel speak highly of might as well sunlight self-relianceplural parrotseek out benign hutapologysportsman set forth cushionaxesoakskate stretch out partII The second part is Paragraph 2, which tells us what people think of living alone. While many people think living in solitude may be a sort of national disease, others take it as a characteristic of American hero.partIII The third part consists of eight paragraphs, from Paragraph 3 to 10. In this part the writer mentions three famous literary giants who choose to be alone and tells us what message we can draw from them. partIV The fourth part is in fact, the most important part in which the writer tells of some life details of the solitary people. This part made up of 4 paragraphs, from Paragraph 11 to 14.partV The last part is the last three paragraphs in which the writer offers his advice as to the preferable attitude toward living alone.Text structure Analysis One of the main writing techniques employed is making comparisons. In Paragraphs 11 to 13 the writer compares how people living with others feel when they are left alone with the feeling of those living alone, and also the solitary peoples different solutions to the need to talk.Para. 1 Here we are, all by ourselves, all 22 million of us by recent count, alone in our rooms, some of us liking it that way and some of us not. Some of us divorced, some widowed, some never yet committed.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 2a Loneliness may be a sort of national disease here, and its more embarrassing for us to admit than any other sin. On the other hand, to be alone on purpose, having rejected company rather than been cast out by it, is one characteristic of an American hero. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 2b The solitary hunter or explorer needs no one as they venture out among the deer and wolves to tame the great wild areas. Thoreau, alone in his cabin on the pond, his back deliberately turned to the town. Now, thats character for you. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Choose to Be Alone on PurposePara. 3 Inspiration in solitude is a major commodity for poets and philosophers.Theyre all for it. They all speak highly of themselves for seeking it out, at least for an hour or even two before they hurry home for tea. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入释义Para. 4 Consider Dorothy Wordsworth, for instance, helping her brother William put on his coat, finding his notebook and pencil for him, and waving as he sets forth into the early spring sunlight to look at flowers all by himself. How graceful, how benign, is solitude, he wrote.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 5 No doubt about it, solitude is improved by being voluntary.Para.6 Look at Miltons daughters arranging his cushions and blankets before they silently creep away, so he can create poetry.Then, rather than trouble to put it in his own handwriting, he calls the girls to come back and write it down while hedictates.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 7 You may have noticed that most of these artistic types went outdoors to be alone. The indoors was full of loved ones keeping the kettle warm till they came home.Para.8 The American high priest of solitude was Thoreau. We admire him, not for his self-reliance, but because he was all by himself out there at Walden Pond, and he wanted to beall alone in the woods.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 9a Actualy,he live a mile,or 20minutes walk,from his nearest neighbor;half a mile from the railroad;three hundred yards from a busy road.He had company in and out of the hut all day,asking him how he could possibly be so noble. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 9b Apparently the main point of his nobility was that he had neither wife nor servants,used his own axe to chop his own wood, and washed his own cups and saucers. I dont know who did his laundry; he doesnt say, but he certainly doesnt mention doing his own, either. Listen to him: I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 10 Thoreau had his own self-importance for company. Perhaps theres a message here: The larger the ego, the less the need for other egos around. The more modest and humble we feel, the more we suffer from solitude, feeling ourselves inadequate company.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 11a If you live with other people, their temporary absence can be refreshing.Solitude will end on Thursday. If today I use a singular personal pronoun to refer to myself, next week I will use the plural form. While the others are absent you can stretch out your soul until it fills up the whole room, and use your freedom, coming and going as you please without apology, staying up late to read,soaking in the bath, eating a whole pint of ice cream at one sitting, moving at your own pace.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 11b Those absent will be back. Their waterproof winter coats are in the closet and the dog keeps watching for them at the window. But when you live alone, the temporary absence of your friends and acquaintances leaves a vacuum; they may never come back.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 12a The condition of loneliness rises and falls, but the need to talk goes on forever. Its more basic than needing to listen. Oh, we all have friends we can tell important things to, people we can call to say we lost our job or fell on a slippery floor and broke our arm.Its the daily succession of small complaints and observations and opinions that backs up and chokes us. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 12b We cant really call a friend to say we got a parcel from our sister, or its getting dark earlier now, or we dont trust that new Supreme Court justice.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 13a Scientific surveys show that we who live alone talk at length to ourselves and our pets and the television. We ask the cat whether we should wear the blue suit or the yellow dress. We ask the parrot if we should prepare steak, or noodles for, dinner. We argue with ourselves over who is the greater sportsman: that figure skater or this skier. N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 13b Theres nothing wrong with this.Its good for us, and a lot less embarrassing than the woman in front of us in line at the market whos telling the cashier that her niece Melissa may be coming to visit on Saturday, and Melissa is very fond of hot chocolate, which is why she bought the powdered hot chocolate mix, though she never drinks it herself.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 14 Its important to stay rational.Para. 15 Its important to stop waiting and settle down and make ourselves comfortable, at least temporarily, and find some grace and pleasure in our condition, not like a self-centered British poet but like a patient princess sealed up in a tower, waiting for the happy ending to our fairy tale.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para. 16 After all, here we are. It may not be where we expected to be, but for the time being we might as well call it home. Anyway, there is no place like home.N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 短语总结征服广袤的原野 tame the great wild areas最有用的东西 a major commodity自视甚高 speak highly of oneself 毫无疑问 no doubt about it 蹑手蹑脚地走开 creep away 交通繁忙的大路 a busy road有人为伴 have company某人主要的高洁之处 the main point of ones nobility 砍柴 chop wood洗衣服 do a laundry 以某人为伴 to have someone for company 随意 as you please熬夜 stay up late详细叙说 talk at length快乐的结局 happy ending抛弃,驱逐 cast out找出,搜索出 seek out动身,阐述 set forth放松,深处,延长 stretch out安下心来,定居 settle down Para. 1 事实如此,我们孤独无依地生活着。据最近的统事实如此,我们孤独无依地生活着。据最近的统计,共有计,共有2,200万人独自生活在自己的住所里。其中有些万人独自生活在自己的住所里。其中有些人喜欢这种生活,有些却不喜欢。有些离了婚,有些鳏人喜欢这种生活,有些却不喜欢。有些离了婚,有些鳏寡无伴,也有些从未结过婚。寡无伴,也有些从未结过婚。N H C EN H C EPara. 2 孤独或许是这里的一种民族弊病,我们羞于承认孤独或许是这里的一种民族弊病,我们羞于承认它,甚于其他任何罪恶。而另一方面,故意选择独处,它,甚于其他任何罪恶。而另一方面,故意选择独处,拒绝别人的陪伴而非为同伴所弃,却是美国式英雄的一拒绝别人的陪伴而非为同伴所弃,却是美国式英雄的一个特点。个特点。N H C EN H C EPara. 2 孤独的猎人或探险者去鹿群和狼群中冒险,征服孤独的猎人或探险者去鹿群和狼群中冒险,征服广袤的荒野时,并不需要有人陪伴。梭罗独居在湖畔的广袤的荒野时,并不需要有人陪伴。梭罗独居在湖畔的小屋,有意疏离了城市生活。现在,这成了你的个性。小屋,有意疏离了城市生活。现在,这成了你的个性。N H C EN H C EPara. 3 独处的灵感是诗人和哲学家最有用的东西。他们独处的灵感是诗人和哲学家最有用的东西。他们都赞成独处,都因能够独处而自视甚高,至少在他们匆都赞成独处,都因能够独处而自视甚高,至少在他们匆忙赶回家喝茶之前的一两个小时之内是这样。忙赶回家喝茶之前的一两个小时之内是这样。N H C EN H C EPara. 4 就拿多萝西就拿多萝西华兹华斯来说吧,她帮哥哥威廉华兹华斯来说吧,她帮哥哥威廉穿上外衣,为他找到笔记本和铅笔,向他挥手告别,穿上外衣,为他找到笔记本和铅笔,向他挥手告别,目送他走进早春的阳光去独自对花沉思。他写道:目送他走进早春的阳光去独自对花沉思。他写道:“独处多么优雅,惬意。独处多么优雅,惬意。”N H C EN H C EPara. 5 毫无疑问,如果自愿独处,感觉要好得多。毫无疑问,如果自愿独处,感觉要好得多。Para. 6看看弥尔顿的女儿们:她们为他准备好垫子和毯子,看看弥尔顿的女儿们:她们为他准备好垫子和毯子,然后蹑手蹑脚地走开,以便他能创作诗歌。然而他并不自然后蹑手蹑脚地走开,以便他能创作诗歌。然而他并不自己费神将诗歌写下来,而是唤回女儿们,向她们口述,由己费神将诗歌写下来,而是唤回女儿们,向她们口述,由她们记下来。她们记下来。N H C EN H C EPara. 7 看看弥尔顿的女儿们:她们为他准备好垫子和毯子,看看弥尔顿的女儿们:她们为他准备好垫子和毯子,然后蹑手蹑脚地走开,以便他能创作诗歌。然而他并不自然后蹑手蹑脚地走开,以便他能创作诗歌。然而他并不自己费神将诗歌写下来,而是唤回女儿们,向她们口述,由己费神将诗歌写下来,而是唤回女儿们,向她们口述,由她们记下来。她们记下来。Para. 8也许你已经注意到,这些艺术家类型的人,大多是也许你已经注意到,这些艺术家类型的人,大多是到户外独处,而家里则自有亲人备好了热茶,等着他们回到户外独处,而家里则自有亲人备好了热茶,等着他们回家。家。N H C EN H C EPara. 9 实际上,他最近的邻居离他只有一英里,走路也就实际上,他最近的邻居离他只有一英里,走路也就20分钟;铁路离他半英里;交通繁忙的大路距他分钟;铁路离他半英里;交通繁忙的大路距他300码。整码。整天都有人进出他的小屋,请教他何以能够如此高洁。显然,天都有人进出他的小屋,请教他何以能够如此高洁。显然,他的高洁之处主要在于:他既没有妻子也没有仆人,自己他的高洁之处主要在于:他既没有妻子也没有仆人,自己动手用斧头砍柴,自己洗杯洗碟。我不知道谁为他洗衣服,动手用斧头砍柴,自己洗杯洗碟。我不知道谁为他洗衣服,他没说,但他也肯定没提是他自己洗。听听他是怎么说的:他没说,但他也肯定没提是他自己洗。听听他是怎么说的:“我从未发现比独处更好的伙伴。我从未发现比独处更好的伙伴。”N H C EN H C EPara. 10 梭罗以自尊自重为伴。也许这里的启示是:自我梭罗以自尊自重为伴。也许这里的启示是:自我意识越强,就越不需要其他的人在周围。我们越是感觉谦意识越强,就越不需要其他的人在周围。我们越是感觉谦卑,就越受孤独的折磨,感到仅与自己相处远远不够。卑,就越受孤独的折磨,感到仅与自己相处远远不够。N H C EN H C EPara. 11a 若与别人同住,他们的小别会使你感到耳目一新。若与别人同住,他们的小别会使你感到耳目一新。孤独将会于星期四结束。如果今天我提到自己时使用的是孤独将会于星期四结束。如果今天我提到自己时使用的是单数人称代词,那么下星期我就会使用复数形式。其他人单数人称代词,那么下星期我就会使用复数形式。其他人不在的时候,你可以放飞自己的灵魂,让它充满整个房间。不在的时候,你可以放飞自己的灵魂,让它充满整个房间。你可以充分享受自由,随意来去而无需道歉。你可以充分享受自由,随意来去而无需道歉。N H C EN H C EPara. 11b 你可以熬夜读书、大泡浴缸、一口气吃掉整整一你可以熬夜读书、大泡浴缸、一口气吃掉整整一品脱的冰淇淋。你可以按自己的节奏行动。暂别的人会回品脱的冰淇淋。你可以按自己的节奏行动。暂别的人会回来。他们的冬季防水大衣还放在衣橱里,狗也在窗边密切来。他们的冬季防水大衣还放在衣橱里,狗也在窗边密切留意他们归来的身影。但如果你单独居住,那么朋友或熟留意他们归来的身影。但如果你单独居住,那么朋友或熟人的暂时离别会使你感到空虚,也许他们永远也不会回来人的暂时离别会使你感到空虚,也许他们永远也不会回来了。了。N H C EN H C EPara. 12a 孤独的感觉时起时落,但我们却永远需要与人交孤独的感觉时起时落,但我们却永远需要与人交谈。这比需要倾听更重要。噢,我们都有朋友,可以把大谈。这比需要倾听更重要。噢,我们都有朋友,可以把大事要事向他们倾诉。我们可以打电话对朋友说我们丢了工事要事向他们倾诉。我们可以打电话对朋友说我们丢了工作,或者说我们在湿滑的地板上摔倒了,跌断了胳膊。每作,或者说我们在湿滑的地板上摔倒了,跌断了胳膊。每日不断的琐碎抱怨,对各种事情的看法和意见,积在那儿,日不断的琐碎抱怨,对各种事情的看法和意见,积在那儿,塞满了我们的心。塞满了我们的心。N H C EN H C EPara. 12b 我们不会真打电话给一位朋友,说我们收到了姐我们不会真打电话给一位朋友,说我们收到了姐姐的一个包裹,或者说现在天黑得比较早,或者说我们不姐的一个包裹,或者说现在天黑得比较早,或者说我们不信任最高法院新来的法官。信任最高法院新来的法官。N H C EN H C EPara. 13a 科学调查表明,独居的人会对着自己、对着宠物、科学调查表明,独居的人会对着自己、对着宠物、对着电视机唠叨不休。我们问猫儿今天该穿蓝色套装还是对着电视机唠叨不休。我们问猫儿今天该穿蓝色套装还是黄色裙装,问鹦鹉今天晚餐该做牛排还是面条。我们跟自黄色裙装,问鹦鹉今天晚餐该做牛排还是面条。我们跟自己争论那个花样滑冰选手和这个滑雪运动员到底谁更了不己争论那个花样滑冰选手和这个滑雪运动员到底谁更了不起。起。N H C EN H C EPara. 13b 这没什么不妥,也对我们有好处,而且不像有些这没什么不妥,也对我们有好处,而且不像有些人那么令人尴尬:在超市付款处,排在前面的女人告诉收人那么令人尴尬:在超市付款处,排在前面的女人告诉收银员,她的侄女梅利莎星期六可能会来看她。梅莉莎非常银员,她的侄女梅利莎星期六可能会来看她。梅莉莎非常喜欢热巧克力,所以她买了速溶热巧克力粉,虽然她自己喜欢热巧克力,所以她买了速溶热巧克力粉,虽然她自己从来不喝这东西。从来不喝这东西。N H C EN H C EPara. 14 重要的是保持理性。重要的是保持理性。Para. 15 重要的是不再等待,而是安顿下来,使自己过得重要的是不再等待,而是安顿下来,使自己过得舒服,至少暂时要这样。要在我们自身的条件下发现一些舒服,至少暂时要这样。要在我们自身的条件下发现一些优雅和乐趣,不要做一个以自我为中心的英国诗人,而要优雅和乐趣,不要做一个以自我为中心的英国诗人,而要像一个被关在塔楼里的公主,耐心地等待着我们的童话故像一个被关在塔楼里的公主,耐心地等待着我们的童话故事迎来快乐的结局。事迎来快乐的结局。N H C EN H C EPara. 16 毕竟,事已至此,这或许不是我们所期望的局面,毕竟,事已至此,这或许不是我们所期望的局面,但眼下我们不妨称之为家吧。不管怎么说,没有什么地方但眼下我们不妨称之为家吧。不管怎么说,没有什么地方比家更好。比家更好。N H C EN H C E Cast out make sb. leave a place, or refuse to accept sb. as part of a group 赶走,驱逐 He claimed to have the power to cast out demons. 他声称有能力驱鬼。 backVenture outrisk going somewhere that might be dangerous or unpleasantId rather not venture out in pouring rain if I dont have to!如果不是非出去不可,我可不愿冒着倾盆大雨出去。 backA group of policemen was called out to tame the crowds. 一队警察被叫来制服人群。Its hard to tame a tiger.驯服老虎很难。 inspiration n. C, U a sudden good idea about what to do or say 灵感 Wordsworth found (his) inspiration in the Lake District.华兹华斯从湖区获得灵感。 His hard work is a constant inspiration to us all.他刻苦工作的态度不断地激励着我们每个人。back solituden. U the situation of being alone 独居,孤独 People need a chance to reflect on spiritual matters in solitude.人们需要独处的机会来反思精神上的事情。 He enjoys the solitude of his own flat.他喜欢在自己的公寓套间里独居。backcommodity n. 1. C sth. that is useful or necessary 有用的东西;必需品 If youre going into teaching, energy is a necessary commodity. 如果你打算从事教学,精力充沛是个必要的素质。 Water is a precious commodity that is often taken for granted. 水是一种珍贵的东西,可是它往往不被重视。 2. C a substance or product that can be bought or sold 商品,货物 There is an international commodities market in the city. 该城市有一个国际商品市场。 back sunlight n. U the light that comes from the sun 阳光,日光 The early morning sunlight shone through the curtains.清晨的阳光透过窗帘照了进来。 Our garden gets a lot of sunlight.我们的花园充满阳光。backcompanionable a. friendly and pleasant to be with 友善的,友好的 He seldom spoke, but he was never impatient with her, always kind, a companionable father figure. 他很少说话,可是他从来没有对她不耐烦过,总是很善良,是一个友善的父亲型的人。 Hes a nice companionable sort of a person. 他是那种友善易处的人。backhumble a. 1. having a modest opinion of oneself 谦逊的,谦虚的 Many famous people are surprisingly humble.许多名人出人意料地谦虚。 He strikes me as a very humble person.他的谦虚给我留下了深刻的印象。 2. having a low social class or position 地位或身份低下的 I do quite a humble job at the hospital.我在医院从事很普通的工作。 We live in a humble little village.我们住在一个普通的小村庄里。 backinadequatea. not enough or not good enough for a particular purpose 不充分的;不足的 inadequate supplies 短缺的供应品 The system is inadequate for the tasks it has to perform. 这个系统还不完善,没法进行这个工作。backPlural 形容词a. 1. 【语】复数的Data is a plural noun. Data是一个复数名词。 2. 由两个以上的人(或物)组成的;多元的名词 n. 【语】1. 复数U 2. 复数形式(的词)C The plural of a noun is usually made by adding -s to the singular. 名词复数通常以单数加-s构成。backsoak vi. spend a long time taking a bath 长时间泡浴 Soak in a warm bath to relax.泡个热水澡放松。 v. make sth. very wet or become very wet 使湿透;浸湿 A sudden shower of rain soaked the spectators.突如其来的一阵雨把观众淋了个透。 The blood soaked through the bandage.血渗透了绷带。 backapologyn. C a word or statement to say you are sorry for having done sth. wrong or for upsetting sb. 道歉 I made no apology for what I saidit was a fair comment.我不打算为自己说的话道歉我的评论是公正的。 I have an apology to make to youIm afraid I opened your letter by mistake.我得向你道歉我误拆了你的信。backback up1. (cause to) block up (使)积压;(使)拥塞The correspondence has been backing up for several days. 待处理的信件已积压了好几天。 Many vehicles were backed up at the crossroads because of the accident. 由于事故,很多车辆被堵在十字路口。2. support sb., esp. in an argument 支持Harry will back me up wholeheartedly as he used to. 哈里会像过去一样全心全意地支持我。The policeman wouldnt have believed me if you hadnt backed me up. 如果你当时不支持我,警察是不会相信我的。backat length1. for a long time and in great detail 长久地;详尽地 He talked at length about his work and family. 他详细地谈了他的工作和家庭。We have already discussed this matter at length. 我们已详细讨论过这件事了。2. after a long time 最终,终于Yes, I saw him, she said at length, knowing that she had no choice but to admit to it in case she had been seen at the apartment. “是的,我见到过他,” 她终于说了,知道自己只能承认,怕万一有人曾看见过她在那个房间。backin linein a row of people standing one behind the other while waiting for sth. (排)成一行,(排)成一队You are not in line with the others. 你没有和别人排成一行。The children stood in line. 孩子们站成一队.backsettle downbecome quiet and calm or make sb. do this (使)安定下来He settled down to do his homework. 他安下心来做家庭作业。When are you going to get married and settle down? 你打算什么时候成家,安定下来?backfor the time beingfor a short period of time from now, but not permanently 暂时,眼下All is well, for the time being. 眼下一切顺利。He wanted to stop but decided to continue for the time being. 他原想停止,但又决定暂且继续干下去。backmight as well used to suggest that sb. should do sth. because there is no good reason to do anything else 只好;还是.为好I might as well go. 我最好还是去。Since you cant win the race, you might as well quit. 既然你赢不了这场赛跑,倒不如退出比赛。backstretch out 1. lengthen sth. by pulling 拉长,伸长She stretched out the rubber band to one meter long. 她把橡皮筋拉长到1米。The negotiation process was stretched out to several months. 谈判过程延长到了好几个月。2. lie down, usu. in order to relax or sleep 躺平;舒展Just stretch out and relax on the bed while I cook dinner. 我去做晚餐, 你在床上躺好, 好好休息。He stretched out on the grass. 他平躺在草地上。backego ones idea or opinion of oneself, or great feeling of ones own importance and abilityIs success good for ego? 成功对一个人的自尊有好处吗?His criticism injured my ego.他的批评伤了我的自尊心1) having a low opinion of oneself and a high opinion of othersWhy were you so humble in the managers office? 在经理办公室里你为什么那样卑躬屈膝?2) having a low rank or social positionHe held a humble position. 他职位低下backspeak highly of express a good opinion of sb. or sth. 对.给予高度评价;赞扬They spoke highly of his behavior. 他们对他的行为高度称赞。speak ill of say unkind things aboutDont speak ill of the dead. 别说死者的坏话。backseek outfind sb. or sth. by looking for them in a determined way 找到;找出He managed to seek out his friend in the crowd. 他设法在人群中找出了自己的朋友。The magazine is seeking out readers opinions. 这本杂志正在征求读者的意见。backset forth start a journey 出发,动身Columbus set forth with three small ships. 哥伦布率领三只小船出发了。Its getting latetime to set forth. 时间不早了该出发了。back at one sitting 一口气a period of time that a person spends sitting and doing an activityI read the book at one sitting. 我坐着一口气把书读完了。back at ones own paceat the speed at which sb. does sth. as fast as or as slow as he canHe prefers to work at his own pace. 他更喜欢按照自己的节奏工作。 back Inspiration in solitude is a major commodity for poets and philosophers. Theyre all for it. Meaning: Inspiration in solitude is the most useful thing for poets and philosophers. They are all in favor of it. be for: support; favourIm for the chairmans plan. 我赞成主席的计划。Im all for sexual equality but I dont want my wife to work, said the man.那个男子说:“我完全拥护男女平等,但是我不想让我妻子工作。” Language point Here we are, all by ourselves, all 22 million of us by recent count, alone in our rooms, some of us liking it that way and some of us not. (Para. 1) Meaning: We are here, living all alone according to recent statistics up to 22 million of us are living alone in our rooms; some like the solitary way of life and some dont like it. Language point Some of us divorced, some widowed, some never yet committed. (Para. 1) Meaning: Some of us live alone after divorcing marriage partners, some of us live in solitude because the marriage partners passed away, some solitary conditions result from the fact that some of us have not yet married.back Language point Loneliness may be a sort of national disease here, and its more embarrassing for us to admit than any other sin. (Para. 2) Meaning: Loneliness may be a kind of typical American illness and Americans feel more embarrassed to admit this than any other problem. Here the word disease is used figuratively, meaning something unpleasant, usually one that a group of people have. back Language point On the other hand, to be alone on purpose, having rejected company rather than been cast out by it, is one characteristic of an American hero. (Para. 2) Meaning: On the other hand, the deliberate choice of solitude by refusing companions instead of being excluded by others is one special quality of an American hero. back If you live with other people, their temporary absence can be refreshing. Meaning: If other people keep you company in daily life, their short period of leaving can be pleasantly new. back Those absent will be back. Their waterproof winter coats are in the closet and the dog keeps watching for them at the window. Meaning: Those who are staying away form you temporarily will be back. They have their winter coats kept in the closet and even the dog keeps watching at the wind


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