21世纪大学实用英语综合教程2 unit4 课件PPT学习教案

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21世纪大学实用英语综合教程2 unit4 课件PPT学习教案_第1页
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21世纪大学实用英语综合教程2 unit4 课件PPT学习教案_第2页
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21世纪大学实用英语综合教程2 unit4 课件PPT学习教案_第3页
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会计学121世纪大学实用英语综合教程世纪大学实用英语综合教程2 unit4 课课件件Preview This is the fourth unit of Book Two and is about our friends in nature animals. In the Listening and Speaking section, you will learn how to express curiosity. In the Reading and Writing section, Text A argues for the good qualities of animals over humans. Text B tells an interesting story about teaching a horse to count. Practical Reading is a segment from a hospital telephone directory published in the U.S.第1页/共307页. ObjectivesAfter studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to1.master the basic language and skills necessary to express curiosity;2. understand the main ideas of Texts A and B, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions found in the exercises relevant to the first two texts;3. know how to use V-ing;4. know how to take a telephone message;5. read a segment from a hospital telephone directory published in the U.S.;6. understand paragraph development (1). 第2页/共307页. Suggested Teaching PlanSuggested Time and Teaching Plan for Unit 4 Time Contents Plan The teacher begins with the Preview to make sure that the students have a brief idea of what this unit is all about. After that, the teacher activates the listening and Speaking exercises as follows:2 periodsPreview第3页/共307页Time Contents Plan 1) The Language for Expressing CuriosityHave a warm-up activity by asking students what they say if they want to explore the unknown and satisfy their inquisitive interest in the world around them;A.Listening and SpeakingB.Have the students listen to Ex. 1 (2-3 times) and fill in the blanks with the missing words;第4页/共307页C.Ask one student to read aloud the talk so students can check their completed responses;D.Ask other students to do Ex. 2 in class, trying to use the expressions they learned in Ex. 1.Time Contents Plan 2) Expressing CuriosityGo through the new words in the first conversation in Ex. 3;A.第5页/共307页Time Contents Plan B.Have the students listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words;C.Ask students to answer the questions about the conversation;D.Now have them look for the language used to express curiosity;第6页/共307页Time Contents Plan Next, students can role-play the conversation;Then have them either do the same with the second conversation or be creative with it;F.E.Ask the students to do Ex. 4, trying to use the language they have picked up in Ex. 1.G.第7页/共307页Time Contents Plan 3) Listening PracticeBefore ending, the teacher tells the students how to do Ex. 5-10 as their assignment. The teacher also tells the students that they should be prepared to answer the questions in Ex. 9 and give an oral presentation on the topic in Ex. 10 when next they come to class. 第8页/共307页3 periods Review of the listening and speaking skills the studentshave learnedThe teacher begins with the assignment mainly to review the functional and notional language the students picked up in the previous unit. The teacher asks a few students to answer the questions in Ex. 9 of the Listening and Speaking section and invites several students to tell the class their opinions on the topic of “Can we tell students apart Time Contents Plan 第9页/共307页by their curiosity?” Then, the teacher turns to the Reading and Writing section. (These activities should be completed in 15 minutes.)Time Contents Plan Text A & text-relatedexercises 1) StarterAfter a brief explanation of the instructions, the teacher A.gives the students a few minutes to think about the questions in the starter;第10页/共307页Time Contents Plan B. invites some students to tell the class what their favorite animals are and why they like them. (10 minutes)2) Text AA. The teacher lets the students answer the text-related questions, helps them identify the main idea of each paragraph and analyzes some difficult sentences and some language points while 第11页/共307页B. guides the students through the exercises, focusing on certain items or leaving some exercises as the students homework according to the students different levels of English (one period).Time Contents Plan discussing the whole text with the students (one and a half periods);第12页/共307页1 period Grammar Review1) Grammar ReviewThe teacher talks about the use of V-ing, and at the same time asks the students to do the grammar exercises in class.Time Contents Plan 第13页/共307页Practical Writing2) Practical WritingThe teacher tells the students how to take a telephone message by doing Ex.12 of Practical Writing, and then requires the students to do Ex.13 and Ex.14 as their homework.Time Contents Plan 第14页/共307页2 periods Text B, & text-related exercises 1) Text BWhile discussing the text with the students, the teacher calls on them to pay attention to the structure of the paragraphs of the text, introducing briefly the concept of the topic sentence. Exercises 14 and 15 can be done either in or after class.Time Contents Plan 第15页/共307页2) Practical ReadingThis park should either be read by the students themselves as their homework or done in class.Time Contents Plan Basic Reading Skills3) Basic Reading SkillsThe teacher tells the students how to understand paragraph development (1), and asks them to do the exercises in Basic Reading Skills.Practical Reading第16页/共307页Background InformationAnimal Rights Movement & Animal Rights Activists The Animal Rights Movement is a term that refers to organized efforts opposing the use of animals for research, food, and clothing. People who defend animal rights, called animal rights activists, point out that animals feel pain and have reasoning ability. They say that animals deserve greater moral consideration than human beings generally give them. 第17页/共307页 Some animal rights activists work to outlaw laboratory experiments on animals. Others teach that human beings do not need to eat animals for survival. Many activists protest the use of fur coats or leather products. They also oppose hunting and spectator sports in which animals may be treated inhumanely, such as bullfighting and dog racing. (From the 1998 World Book Encyclopedia)第18页/共307页Class list. Class PresentationListening & SpeakingReading & WritingTime for Fun第19页/共307页LSListening & SpeakingThe Language for Expressing CuriosityExpressing CuriosityListening Practice第20页/共307页Listening PracticeListen to the following people talking and figure out the best response to each conversations implication.Listen to the following five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers.Listen to the following short story twice. Listen carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the story you have heard. Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice. 第21页/共307页Listening PracticeListen to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally. Have a discussion on the topic given below.第22页/共307页TL1You are going to listen to an instructor talking about expressing curiosity. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The Language for Expressing CuriosityInstructor:Everybody is born with curiosity. It is an innate(天性的) desire . Out of this curiosity grows to learn. Put in other words, it is our curiosity that pushes us to explore . To express curiosity is to satisfy our inquisitive(好奇的) interest in the world . to know_a strong desire _the unknown_around us_第23页/共307页TL1 Do you happen to know ? Im most curious about . Im very keen to know Id give a lot to know more about . where human curiosity comes from_ Pick up the following language to express your curiosity:global warming_whats going on_this interesting fact_.第24页/共307页 I wonder . I wonder if you could tell me . Id be most interested to discover I wouldnt mind knowing about If only I knew . I hope you dont mind my asking, but ?how the law of gravity works_the secret_the real reason behind this_.how does it work_whats in your mind_why people behavethis way_.第25页/共307页TL3Now come up with some questions reflecting your curiosity about a particular aspect of your specialty, using the language you learned in Ex. 1. The questions are supposed to be specific.第26页/共307页Expressing Curiosity1)Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.impressionism 印象主义,(绘画、文学、 音乐等的)印象派message 思想, 寓意simulate 模仿dab 轻涂stroke 一笔imagination 想象第27页/共307页Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing Words. Wang Ying: Look at this picture. Youve got to be smart enough to . Its really beyond me.Li Ming: I seem to know little about impressionism. Im struggling toWang Ying: Are you? about it, too. Is this a French painter or a Chinese one?Li Ming: It must be a French painter.Wang Ying: How do you know that?understand this_get its message_.Im most curious _第28页/共307页Li Ming: By the name.Wang Ying: Ah. what these natural appearing objects in unmixed colors mean? Li Ming: I dont know. Maybe theyre meant to simulate actual reflected light.Wang Ying: Wow. I hope you dont mind my asking, but what are these dabs and strokesLi Ming: Use your imagination.trying to tell us_?Do you happen to know _第29页/共307页Wang Ying: Mmm-hmm their open possibilities probably reflect of impressionism. Right?Li Ming: I didnt know you have about impressionism.Wang Ying: Now you know Im a really inquisitive person!the beauty _so much curiosity _第30页/共307页Now listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions. 1.Where did this conversation most probably take place?In an art gallery.2. What were they talking about?They were talking about an impressionistic picture.3. What did Wang Ying want to know?She was keen to know about the meaning of the colors, dabs and strokes.第31页/共307页4. What did Li Ming ask Wang Ying to do?He asked her to use her imagination.5. What did Li Ming say about Wang Ying? He said that she is an inquisitive person.第32页/共307页2) Before you listen to the second conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you. fare 车费 fare card 交通卡 store 存储 subway 地铁 scanner 扫描仪 beep 电子装置发出的声音第33页/共307页Listen to the conversation twice, and then complete the passage according to the conversation you have heard. This was for Kathy to visit the city of Shanghai. She took a bus and paid . The bus driver advised her to get herself She wondered what it was, whether it could be used on the subway and . The bus driver answered her questions and explained the use of the card, satisfying her .the first time _the exact fare_a fare card_.how it worked on the bus_inquisitive needs_第34页/共307页Listen to the conversation again, and complete the form as the speaker recounts it. After that, act it out in class.Kathy:Bus Driver:Excuse me. Do I have to pay the exact fare for the bus?_Yes, you do. Its two yuan. Put the coins into the slot of the box. The passenger sits near the bus driver.You ought to get yourself a fare card.Bus Driver:Whats that?_Kathy:第35页/共307页Its a stored value card. You can use it on the bus.Bus Driver:I wonder whether I can use it on the subway._Kathy:Sure can. And also on a taxi.Bus Driver:This is my first time to visit the city of Shanghai. _Kathy:Welcome to Shanghai. Bus Driver:第36页/共307页Thanks. I hope you dont mind my asking, but how does the fare card work here on the bus?_Kathy:Theres a scanner by the door. Did you see it?Bus Driver:Yes. _Kathy:You just place your card on the device. When you hear the beep, youve paid. Bus Driver:Thank you._Kathy:Dont mention it.Bus Driver:第37页/共307页Express your curiosity about a particular mystery and ask the class to answer your question. Try to use the language you picked up in Ex. 1.第38页/共307页Listen to the following people talking and figure out the best response to each conversations implication.1.M: Just give me your drivers license, Miss.W: But what did I do? Just tell me that.Q: Whats the relationship between these two speakers?scriptKEYA) A policeman and a thief.B) A judge and a liar(说谎者).C) A policeman and a driver.D) A lawyer and a defendant(被告).Listening Practice 第39页/共307页2.W: This is a little difficult, so I guess Ill just speak directly. Ive been offered another job, and I think Im going to accept it. Q: Whats the relationship between these two speakers?M: Sure, Anna, come on in. What can I do for you? scriptKEYA) An employer and an employee.B) A manager and a client.C) A professor and a student. D) An examiner and an examinee(参加考试者).第40页/共307页3. scriptKEYA) A teacher and a pupil.B) A painter and a buyer.C) A doctor and a patient.D) A mechanic(机修工) and a driver.W: Can you give me anything for the pain?M: Yes, Ill give you some painkillers. Come back in a week. Q: Whats the relationship between these two speakers?第41页/共307页4.scriptKEYA) A boss and an assistant. B) A cashier and a businessman.C) A teller(出纳员) and a customer.D) A shop assistant and a customer.W: Can I pay for sale goods by credit card? M: No, its cash sale only. Q: Whats the relationship between these two speakers?第42页/共307页5.W: So first I look under ML, then the numbers, then the other letters.M: Thats it. After you find your books, come back to me and well continue your search for periodicals. Q: Whats the relationship between these two speakers?scriptKEYA) A boss and a secretary.B) A librarian and a student.C) A mayor and a citizen(市民).D) A manager and bookkeeper(簿记员).第43页/共307页Listen to the following five short dialogues and choose the appropriate answers.1.W: I cant decide whether to take classes this summer or to find a summer job.M: I think you learn more by working, and youll also make money for next semester if you do.Q: What does the man mean?scriptKEYA) Waiting until later to decide.B) Taking summer classes.C) Working and studying.D) Finding a summer job.第44页/共307页2.scriptKEYA)She will cancel(取消) the party since nobody called.B)She is sure that people will come to the party.C) There is plenty of food for all the people.D) They wont come if they dont call.M: I have no idea if they will come to the party or not.W: Dont worry, we have enough food for all of them.Q: What does the woman mean?第45页/共307页3.scriptKEYA) He will ask someone to do the work.B) He will move into the apartment.C) He will buy a new sink.D) He will fix the sink.W: Mr. Day, Ive just checked this apartment; the bathroom sink is leaking.M: OK, Ill have a maintenance man come over to fix it. Q: What will the man do?第46页/共307页4.scriptKEYA) He is disappointed.B) He is surprised.C) He is anxious.D) He is nervous.W: Im going to give away these books. You can have them if you want.M: Are you sure?Q: What is the man implying?第47页/共307页5.scriptKEYA) Walk to the Science Museum.B) Wait for the next bus.C) Ask someone else.D) Get on this bus.W: Does this bus go to the Science Museum?M: No, but the next one does. Just wait for a few minutes. Q: What does the man suggest?第48页/共307页Listen to the following short story twice. Listen carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the story you have heard. cylinder 汽缸 spot 发现 bike 摩托车 garage 汽车修理部 straighten up 伸直 rag 抹布 valve 活门;瓣膜 how come 口为什么 pittance 少量工资 whisper 耳语第49页/共307页1. The story took place at the mechanics garage.2. The mechanic was busy fixing a motorcycle.3. The mechanic asked the heart surgeon to examine the motorcycles “heart”.4. The mechanic found it unfair(不公平) that he earned much less than the surgeon.5. The surgeon made it fair for him to earn much more by pointing out the complexity (复杂) performing a heart operation. T_T_F_T_T_script第50页/共307页 A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley, when he spotted a world-famous heart surgeon in his shop. The heart surgeon was waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his bike. The mechanic shouted across the garage, “Hey, Doc, can I ask you a question?” The famous surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, “So Doc, look at this engine. I also can open hearts, take valves out, fix them, put in new parts and when ITapescript第51页/共307页finish this will work just like a new one. So how come I get a pittance and you get the really big money, when you and I are doing basically the same work?” The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic: “Try doing it with the engine running!”第52页/共307页Listen to the following talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk is given twice. The world is so bright with color everywhere that its hard to imagine that other creatures(动物) dont see it . But how can we find out whether animals can see color when ? Scientists have made many experiments to to this. The bee has been the subject(研究对象) of hundreds of these tests, because we have been curious to know whether bees tell flowers apart . In one experiment, a bit of syrup(糖浆) was put in front of a blue card, and no syrup . After a while, the bees wouldas we do_they cannot tell us_get the answer _by their color_in front of a red card_第53页/共307页come to the blue card, no matter where it was placed, even if it had no syrup in front of it. This proved they can Two strange things about the bees ability to see in color. The first is that a bee cannot see red . For a bee, its only dark grey or black. The second is that bees can see ultraviolet(紫外线) as a color, while, it is just darkness. as a color_were found out _for human beings_,tell colors apart_.第54页/共307页1. What did scientists try to find out?They tried to find out whether animals can see color.2. Why did they use the bee as the subject?Because they were curious to know whether bees tell flowers apart by their color.Listen to the talk again and then answer the following questions orally.第55页/共307页3. What did they do in the experiment? They put a bit of syrup in front of a blue card, and no syrup in front of a red card.4. What was the result of the experiment?The bees would come to the blue card, no matter where it was placed, even if it had no syrup in front of it.5. What can we learn from the experiment?Bees dont see color as we do.第56页/共307页Have an open discussion on the topic given below.These expressions may help your discussion:Try this discussion: 第57页/共307页Try this discussion: Student A:Student B:Yes, we can. Curiosity shapes people so much. Its what makes them who they are. Its what makes them unique. What subjects and topics interest you? Where will your interests lead you in life? Thats so important to students in their college work. Im afraid I dont agree. Curiosity is only a part of the picture. The big difference in students has to do with study habits. Does a student work hard, or not? Believe me, those differences can be huge. Like night or day. Actually, I think youre both right. Youre just pointing out different aspects of a persons character. Both are very important. Why choose one over the other?Thats true. Neither is completely right or wrong. A persons curiosity says so much. So does his or her capacity for work. You can tell a lot about someone through either aspect.Student C:Student D:第58页/共307页RW listReading & WritingText AText BI Like AnimalsHorse Sense Wilhelm von Osten Tries to Teach Horse to CountPractical ReadingText A Exercises Text B Exercises Basic Reading Skills Grammar ReviewPractical Writing 第59页/共307页StarterIs there anyone who does NOT like animals? The answer is probably no. But people like animals for different reasons. Tell the class what is your favorite animal and why you like it.Text A Now read the following passage and find out what reasons the writer gives for liking animals.第60页/共307页?CH I Like Animals Laura A. Moretti 1 “Why do you suppose you like animals so much?” was the question put to me on Christmas Eve. I knew my family was expecting me to say something like, “I like animals because theyre clever and fun to play with.”2 But instead I said, “I like animals because theyre honest.”NText A第61页/共307页?CH3 “About what?” o


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