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会计学1新概念新概念(ginin)第二册第二册31课课件课课件第一页,共31页。第1页/共31页第二页,共31页。第2页/共31页第三页,共31页。 Thomas Alva Edison (Feb. 11th, 1847- Oct.18th, 1931) was an American inventor who invented many importantinventions. Phonograph 留声机留声机 Dictaphone 录音机录音机 Radio 无线电无线电 Electric bulb 电灯泡电灯泡 Autographic printer 印刷机印刷机(more than one thousand)第3页/共31页第四页,共31页。1. Why can Frank be said to be successful in business?2. What was Franks job in a small shop?3. What did Frank do in 1958?4. What did Franks wife want him to do?第4页/共31页第五页,共31页。【New words and expressions】retire v. 退休company n. 公司bicycle n. 自行车save v. 积蓄workshop n. 车间helper n. 帮手(bngshu), 助手employ v. 雇佣 grandson n. 孙子 第5页/共31页第六页,共31页。retire v. 1) 退休退休(tuxi)(stop working) eg. He retired at the age of 60.2).就寝(jiqn)(正式用语) retire for the night 就寝(jiqn)3). 退下eg.The ladies retired into the drawing room.uretired adj. 退休退休(tuxi)的的ueg.I am retired now so I have time to learn English.第6页/共31页第七页,共31页。company n. 1) 公司(n s),商号firm:指两个(lin )人以上合资经营的商业机构a limited (liability)company 有限责任公司(n s) (Ltd.Co) 2) 陪同,交往,交际eg. I enjoyed his company.3) 伙伴,朋友,同伴eg. A man is known by the company he keeps.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。第7页/共31页第八页,共31页。bicycle n. 自行车(口语自行车(口语(kuy) bike)构成构成(guchng):bi(两个)(两个)+cycle(轮子)(轮子)get on a bicycle 上自行车 get off a bicycle 下自行车eg. It was his job to repair bicycles.第8页/共31页第九页,共31页。save v. 1) 挽救挽救(wnji),救,救 save sb. / save sth. 挽挽救救(wnji) save ones life 救了救了的的命命save ones face 保全(boqun)面子lose ones face 丢脸SOS : save our soul/ save our ship 国际(guj)求救信号eg. He saved an old man from the fire.第9页/共31页第十页,共31页。save v. 2)储存储存(chcn),积蓄,节省,积蓄,节省,省去,省去eg. He save money for years and bought a house.eg. Save your strength for the hard work youll have to do later.savings n. 积蓄积蓄(jx)第10页/共31页第十一页,共31页。helper n. 帮手帮手(bngshu),助手,助手help v. 帮助帮助(bngzh) eg. Help me! 救命救命cant help doing sth. 忍不住做eg. On hearing the news , I cant help laughing.eg.Heaven helps those who help themselves.自助(z zh)者天助。第11页/共31页第十二页,共31页。employ v. 雇佣雇佣(gyng) eg. She is employed in a bank.employ oneself in/ be employed in 从事(cngsh),忙于eg. She was employed in preparing dinner for 5 guests. employer 雇主( zh) employee 雇员employmentn.第12页/共31页第十三页,共31页。 Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. 第13页/共31页第十四页,共31页。Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop.首领,头目(tum),老板(director)eg. He is the head of this firm.as: 当的时候(sh hou)=as he was a boyused to do sth. 过去经常做(现在(xinzi)已不再做,强调过去与现在(xinzi)的明确对比)第14页/共31页第十五页,共31页。eg. He used to smoke a lot.Did he use to smoke a lot?Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.He didnt use to smoke a lot.Used he to smoke a lot?Yes, he used to. / No, he used not to.He used not to smoke a lot.第15页/共31页第十六页,共31页。It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day.It 做形式主语(zhy),to repair bicycles才是真正主语(zhy)eg. Its difficult to learn English.Did he use to work? Used he to work?at that time=just then=at that moment 第16页/共31页第十七页,共31页。He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own.of ones own 属于某人(mu rn)自己的 eg. Children need toys of their own .own adj. 自己的,特有的 eg.Your life is your own affair. n. 自己的东西 (on ones own独自一人) eg. He can be left to work on his own. v. 承认(chngrn),拥有 eg. Who owns this house?第17页/共31页第十八页,共31页。In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grandsons bicycle!第18页/共31页第十九页,共31页。In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes.in ones -ies 在某人(mu rn)几十岁的时候 eg.In his fifties, he learned the second language.in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代 过去(guq)常常做零件(ln jin)eg.I worked/(began the job) in the 1990s. 第19页/共31页第二十页,共31页。1.He used to be alone .( 改为(i wi)一般疑问句 )_ Did he use to be alone? / Used he to be alone?be used to doing 习惯于做某事used to do 过去(guq)经常做某事1Where_live before you came hereA. did you used to B. did you use to C. use he to D. he used to 2. I _get up early .A. use to B. used to C. am used to D. was used to 3. He used to _( stay ) up late , but now he is used to _( go ) to sleep early .staygoing第20页/共31页第二十一页,共31页。be used to do sth. 被用来(yn li)做某事,use是“使用”之意。=be used for doing sth. 被用来(yn li)做某事eg. The dog is used to guard the house. = The dog is used for guarding the house.翻译(fny):这把刀是用来切面包的。 This knife is used to cut bread.=This knife is used for cutting bread.be used as被当做来用eg. The room will be used as our office.第21页/共31页第二十二页,共31页。In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people.先行(xinxng)词关系(gun x)代词定语(dngy)从句几年之后, 小铺子已经发展成了一个雇有728人的大工厂. 第22页/共31页第二十三页,共31页。1His uncle works in a factory bicycles are madeAthat Bwhich Cwhere Dthere2Is there anything else you require?AwhichBthat Cwho Dwhat3The last place we visited was the Great WallAwhichBthat Cwhere Dit 4He talked happily about the men and books interested him greatly in the schoolAwhichBwho Cit Dthat5The railway tunnel, through the train goes, will be completed soonAwhich Bthat Cit Dwhom1 C2 B3 B4 D5 A 定语定语(dngy)从句从句第23页/共31页第二十四页,共31页。Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success.hard early years 早年(zonin)的艰辛经历long road to success 通往成功(chnggng)的长路 My wife came in when I was smiling 强调(qing dio)我妻子进来I was smiling when my wife came in 强调(qing dio)我微笑 弗兰克回想着他早年的艰难经历和走过的漫长的成功之路, 微笑了. 第24页/共31页第二十五页,共31页。successsucceedsuccessfuln.成功(chnggng)v.成功(chnggng)adj.成功(chnggng)的抽象意义讲时,不可数n.eg.Failure is the mother of success.有具体明确的修饰词时,可数n.eg.The new movie is a big success.succeed in doing sth. 成功做成某事他成功的解决了这个问题。He succeeded in solving the problem.eg. The play was very successful.第25页/共31页第二十六页,共31页。第26页/共31页第二十七页,共31页。第27页/共31页第二十八页,共31页。第28页/共31页第二十九页,共31页。第29页/共31页第三十页,共31页。第30页/共31页第三十一页,共31页。


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