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What is Romanticism?Literature, philosophy, music, art.In the late 18th and early 19th century.individual values and aspirations.Direct contact with nature.Promote the national liberation.第1页/共61页Romanticism (literature)The term “romantic” originally means “romancelike”resembling the fanciful character of medieval romances.第2页/共61页Origin By the late 18th century in France and Germany, literary taste began to turn from classical and neoclassical conventions to Romanticism.two great forerunners: RousseauGoethe-Storm & Stress 第3页/共61页Storm and Stress Movement狂飙运动 Strong GermanyAgricultural and economic reformsEducational system improvementThe ruler encourage the development of art and science (Salon).第4页/共61页Classicism古典主义 Classicism in the arts, refers generally to a high regard for classical works, as setting standards for taste which the classicists seeks to follow. The art of classicism typically seeks to be formal and restrained.第5页/共61页古典主义要求简洁、洗练、明朗、精确的文风,反对烦琐、枝蔓、含糊、晦涩,崇尚与模仿古希腊罗马经典。英国在17世纪后期形成了古典主义流派,但直到18世纪初期才得到发展;约翰德莱顿是古典主义的倡导者和实践者。论戏剧体诗(1668)等阐述了古典主义法则。蒲伯的创作使英国古典主义达到高潮。 第6页/共61页Neo-Classicism新古典主义 This term refers to the revival of the attitudes and styles of expression of classical literature. It begins in the late 17th century and lasting until about 1800. In its purest form, Neoclassicism marked a return to order(整齐), proportion(协调), restraint(克制), logic, accuracy, and decorum(得体). 第7页/共61页Romanticism VS Neo-classicismIn a more general sense, Romanticism often stands in contrast with Neo-classicism.第8页/共61页The leading Romanticists in England William Blake Wordsworth, Coleridge Byron, Shelley and Keats Scott in France Hugo Sand in Germany Heine, Goethe, Schiller in Russia Pushkin 第9页/共61页Ithinkofyou,whenIseethesunsshimmerGleamingfromthesea.Ithinkofyou,whenthemoonsglimmerIsreflectedinthesprings.Iseeyou,whenonthedistantroadThedustrises,Indeepnight,whenonthenarrowbridgeThetravelertrembles.我想起你,每当太阳从大海上辉煌照耀;我想起你,每当月亮在泉水中抖动彩笔。我看到你,每当在大路的远方扬起灰尘;每当深夜,浪游者在山间小路哆嗦战栗。Closeness of BelovedGoetheCloseness of BelovedGoethe歌德歌德第10页/共61页Ihearyou,whenwithadullroarThewavesurges.InthequietgroveIoftengotolistenWhenallissilent.Iamwithyou,howeverfarawayyoumaybe,Youarenexttome!Thesunissetting,soonthestarswillshineuponme.Ifonlyyouwerehere!我听见你,每当大海掀起狂涛发出咆哮;在沉静的林苑中,我常去倾听万籁俱寂。我伴着你,即使你在天涯海角犹如身边;太阳西沉,星星很快将照耀我呵,愿你也在这里。第11页/共61页海涅海涅 亨利希海涅(17971856)是19世纪德国伟大的革命民主主义诗人、杰出的散文家和政论家,也是19世纪前期浪漫主义文学和批判现实主义文学范畴在德国的主要代表人物。 第12页/共61页III. Romanticism in England(1) 1. William Blake Two early collections: Songs of Innocence (1789)Songs of Experience (1794) 2. The Lakers Wordsworth and Coleridge The Lakers: Wordsworth and Coleridge Lyrical Ballads 3. George Gordon Byron Isles of Greece Don Juan第13页/共61页William Blake (1757-1827) English poet, painter He created a unique form of illustrated 有插画的 verse. His poetry is inspired by mysticism 神秘主义and complex symbolism 象征主义. His poetry is considered one of the most original原创性的, lyric抒情的, and prophetic预言性的.第14页/共61页Major Works Blake explored issues of divine love in the collection Songs of Innocence (1789)天真之歌, while he considered the nature of evil in Songs of Experience (1794)经验之歌. Innocence and Experience, “the two contrary states of the human soul,” are contrasted in such poems as “The Lamb” and “The Tiger.”第15页/共61页TIGER TIGER, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire? And what shoulder and what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand and what dread feet? 第16页/共61页 What the hammer? what the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? What dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp? When the stars threw down their spears, And waterd heaven with their tears, Did He smile His work to see? Did He who made the lamb make thee? Tiger, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? 第17页/共61页老虎 译:卞之琳 老虎!老虎!火一样辉煌, 烧穿了黑夜的森林和草莽, 什么样非凡的手和眼睛 能塑造你一身惊人的匀称? 什么样遥远的海底、天边 烧出了做你眼睛的火焰? 跨什么翅膀胆敢去凌空? 凭什么铁掌抓一把火种? 什么样工夫,什么样胳膊, 拗得成你五脏六腑的筋络? 等到你的心一开始蹦跳, 什么样惊心动魄的手脚? 第18页/共61页 什么样铁链?什么样铁锤? 什么样熔炉里炼你的脑髓? 什么样铁砧?什么样猛劲 一下子掐住了骇人的雷霆? 到临了,星星扔下了金枪, 千万滴眼泪洒遍了穹苍, 完工了再看看他可会笑? 不就是造羊的把你也造了? 老虎!老虎!火一样辉煌, 烧穿了黑夜的森林和草莽, 什么样非凡的手和眼睛 敢塑造你一身惊人的匀称 第19页/共61页 The Lakers/the Lake PoetsWilliam Wordsworth Samuel Taylor ColeridgeRobert SoutheyThey lived in the Lake District, hence getting the name the Lakers. 第20页/共61页 The preface to the second edition of Lyrical Ballads (1800)抒情歌谣集, by Wordsworth and Coleridge was the manifesto 宣言 of literary romanticism. The two poets affirmed the importance of feeling and imagination to poetic creation and rejected conventional literary forms and subjects. 第21页/共61页 Theory: “poetry is the spontaneous 自发的 overflow 流溢 of powerful feelings recollected 回忆 in tranquillity 宁静.” 第22页/共61页I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Iwanderedlonelyasacloud Thatfloatsonhighoervalesandhills, WhenallatonceIsawacrowd, Ahost,ofgoldendaffodils; 我独游于天际,如一朵流云 凌空于谷峰,飘然然悠闲 忽然间我看见一群 一簇簇金黄色的水仙第23页/共61页Besidethelake,beneaththetreesFlutteringanddancinginthebreeze.ContinuousasthestarsthatshineAndtwinkleonthemilkyway,看在树之荫,湖之缘在微风中,她们舞姿翩翩她们似银河星钻,连延不断在银河里闪闪发光 第24页/共61页Theystretchedinnever-endinglineAlongthemarginofabay;TenthousandsawIataglanceTossingtheirheadsinsprightlydance沿着湖湾的水缘线延伸成无穷无尽的一行一瞥去便是一万朵在欢舞之中起伏颠簸第25页/共61页Thewavesbesidethemdanced;buttheyOutdidthesparklingwavesinglee:Apoetcouldnotbutbegay,Insuchajocundcompany:波光里的涟漪也舞弄清影,却怎比得水仙的欢快伴有这等喜悦诗人如何不快第26页/共61页 IgazedandgazedbutlittlethoughtWhatwealththeshowtomehadbrought:Foroften,whenonmycouchIlieInvacantorinpensivemood,我-久久凝视-但毫无答复可知这景致给予我多少财富每当我久卧不眠心绪空荡,或忧思难抱第27页/共61页 TheyflashuponthatinwardeyeWhichistheblissofsolitude;Andthenmyheartwithpleasurefills,Anddanceswiththedaffodils.她们便闪现在心田正如寂寥中的光照于是我的心儿满溢着欢畅同这群水仙起舞歌唱 第28页/共61页Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) A chief poet in English Romanticism. Famous works:Lyrical Ballads (in collaboration with Wordsworth) “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” 古舟子咏 “Kubla Khan” 忽必列汗第29页/共61页III. Romanticism in England(2)4. Percy Bysshe Shelley Ode to the West Wind Prometheus Unbound5. John Keats Ode to a Nightingale Ode on a Grecian Urn 6. Walter Scott The Heart of Mid-lothian Ivanhoe第30页/共61页George Gordon Byron拜伦 She Walks in Beauty第31页/共61页Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) one of the greatest poets of the English language one of the most influential leaders of the romantic movementIfWintercomes,canSpringbefarbehind? 第32页/共61页 Shelley wrote enthusiastic poems noted for their lyricism and romanticism. He is noted for his radical 激进的 liberal thought and rebellion against the restrictions of English politics and religion. He died in a sailing accident in 1822 shortly before his 30th birthday.第33页/共61页Major worksPrometheus Unbound (1820)-a verse drama His fame comes especially from his lyrics抒情诗, including the familiar short odes “To a Skylark” (1820) 云雀颂 “Ode to the West Wind” (1819) 西风颂 “The Cloud” (1820)第34页/共61页John Keats (1795-1821) A chief figure in English Romanticism. He is known for his melodious曲调优美的, rich verse, and is considered one of the greatest English poets. 第35页/共61页Major works Famous odes: Ode to a Nightingale(1820)夜莺颂 Ode to a Grecian Urn(1820)希腊古瓮颂 Ode on Melancholy 忧郁颂 To Autumn 秋颂第36页/共61页Walter Scott (1771-1832) Scottish novelist and poet His work as a translator, editor, biographer, and critic, together with his novels and poems, made him one of the most prominent figures in English romanticism. His death marked the end of Romanticism in Britain. 第37页/共61页 His novels influenced many later writers, and he established a new form of novel: the historical novel. Major works:Ivanhoe (1820) 第38页/共61页 Romanticism in France第39页/共61页Victor Hugo (1802-1885) French poet, novelist, and playwright the a chief figure of romantic movement in France. Major Works: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831)巴黎圣母院 Les Misrables (1862)悲惨世界 Lhomme Qui Rit (The Man Who Laughs ) (1869)笑面人第40页/共61页 Romanticism in Russia第41页/共61页Pushkin (1799-1837) the greatest Russian and the founder of modern Russian literature one of the first important literary figures in Russia A chief figure in Russian romanticism A forerunner of Russian realism 第42页/共61页 Pushkin wrote poetry, short stories, novels, and plays. His works established the Russian literary tradition. His lyric poetrysaid to be delightful to the Russian ear but untranslatableand his simple, vivid prose were invaluable models for the writers who followed him.第43页/共61页Major works His most famous works include: the drama Boris Godunov (1825) 鲍里斯戈都诺夫 the epic poem Eugene Onegin (1823-1831) 叶甫盖尼奥涅金The Captains Daughter (1836) 上尉的女儿 “The Queen of Spades” 黑桃皇后 “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” 第44页/共61页“If by life you were deceived” If by life you were deceived , Dont be dismal, dont be wild! In the day of grief, be mild Merry days will come, believe. Heart is living in tomorrow. Present is dejected here; In a moment ,passes sorrow; That which passes will be dear.第45页/共61页“假如生活欺骗了你”(年) 假如生活欺骗了你,不要忧郁,也不要愤慨!不顺心时暂且克制自己,相信吧,快乐之日就会到来。 我们的心儿憧憬着未来,现今总是令人悲哀:一切都是暂时的,转瞬既逝,而那逝去的将变为可爱。第46页/共61页 VI. Art and Architecture (1)1. PaintingsGoyaSpanish court painter and etcher(蚀刻家) Best known for his portraits of royalty and nobilityMajor works: 第47页/共61页The Parasol 第48页/共61页The Execution of the Third of May 第49页/共61页VI. Art and Architecture (2)1. PaintingsDavidDavid French Painter Major works:第50页/共61页The Death of Socrates第51页/共61页The Death of Marat第52页/共61页VI. Art and Architecture (3)1. PaintingsDelacroixDelacroix代表着法国浪漫主义绘画的最高成就Major works: 第53页/共61页The Massacre at Chios第54页/共61页VI. Art and Architecture (5)2. ArchitectureThe Houses of Parliament in LandonThe Brandenburg Gate in BerlinOpera House in Paris第55页/共61页The Houses of Parliament in Landon第56页/共61页The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin第57页/共61页Opera House in Paris第58页/共61页VII. Music (1)The Early RomanticsBeethoven(贝多芬) German Composer marked the beginning of 19th century programme musicSchubert(舒伯特)Austrian composer Chopin(肖邦)Polish composer Schumann(舒曼)German composerMendelssohn(门德尔松)German composer第59页/共61页VII. Music (2)The Later Romantics - Middle of 19th CenturyBerlioz(伯辽兹)French composerLiszt(里斯特)Hungarian composerWagner(瓦格纳)German composerBrahms(伯拉姆斯)German composerTchaikovsky(柴科夫斯基)Russian composer第60页/共61页感谢您的观看。第61页/共61页


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