四川省2019高考英语 附录二 任务型阅读常考词汇素材 新人教版

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四川省2019高考英语 附录二 任务型阅读常考词汇素材 新人教版_第1页
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四川省2019高考英语 附录二 任务型阅读常考词汇素材 新人教版_第3页
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任务型阅读常考词汇李仕才附录二 | 高中任务型阅读常考词汇归纳类常用词汇原因和结果reason (for),cause (of);result,effect,consequence异同点与优缺点difference,sameness;advantage,disadvantage观点与态度opinion,view (on/about),viewpoint (on/about),idea;attitude (to/towards)评论,评价comment (on),remark (on/upon),assessment方式,方法means,way,method (of),solution,approach (to doing sth);measures功 能function定 义definition价值观values目的,目标purpose,aim,goal积极和消极positive,optimistic;negative,pessimistic建 议advice U,suggestion,tip概括,总结,结论summary,conclusion特 点feature,characteristic种 类kind,type,category,class精神上与身体上mentally;physically影 响influence;impact,effect (on)情形,状况situation,condition必要,必需must,necessity方面;项目条款aspect;item问题;现象problem;phenomenon材 料material知识;消息knowledge;information日程计划schedule,agenda百分比percentage细 节detail文 化culture责 任(take) responsibility贡 献(make) contributions to重要性value,importance,significance对比,比较contrast,comparison时 期period,time存 在existence位 置location主 题theme背 景setting,background情 节plot同义替换类常考词汇1result fromarise from由导致2at randomrandomly随意地3in particularparticularly尤其,特别4in peacepeacefully平静地;安宁地5in advanceahead of time (schedule)预先6in partpartly在一定程度上7in silencesilently寂静地,沉默地8in harmonyharmoniously和谐地9be accused ofbe charged with被指控10put forwardcome up with提出11on behalf ofrepresent代表12show upturn upappear出现13including sthsth included包括某物14be exposed toexposure to暴露于,接触到15account formake up占据比例16lack sthbe short of sthbe lacking in sth缺少某物17at handhandy在手边18escape fromflee逃离19stand/bear/tolerate/put up with忍受20at the same timemeanwhile同时21make fun oflaugh atteasemock取笑22treat sb badlyabuse sb虐待某人23take pride inbe proud of对感到自豪24be dressed inwear sth穿着25burst into tearsburst out crying突然大哭26look aftertake care ofattend to照顾27compensate formake up for补偿28onlineon the Internet在网上29matter/count/be important重要30catch onpopularize流行31take upoccupy占据32believe intrust信任33take in sthabsorb sth理解,吸收某物34starve to deathdie of hunger/starvation饿死35accompany sbkeep sb company陪伴某人36turn to sb for helpask sb for help向某人求助37100 years1 century10 decades 100年38a fortnighttwo weeks两周39every yearyearlyannual每年的40363 dozen 3打41face sthbe faced with sth面对某事42facing sthfaced with sth(状语)面临某事43supportbe in favor offavorsubscribe to支持44be of use/valuebe useful/valuable对有用45do withdeal withcope withhandle处理46be absorbed inbe lost inbe buried in专心于47object to doing sthoppose doing sthbe opposed to doing sthraise an objection to doing sth反对做某事48convince sbmake sb convinced使某人信服49the remaining moneythe money left剩下的钱50now and thensometimesoccasionally有时51make an apology to sbapologize to sb向某人道歉52a variety ofn.varieties ofn.variousn.各种各样的53make full use ofmake the most (best) oftake advantage of利用54be related tobe associated withbe linked tobe connected with跟有关55put off doingdelay doingpostpone doingbuy time to do推迟做56an approach to doing stha way of doing stha way to do sthhow to do sth做某事的方法57replace B with Asubstitute A for Btake the place of B with A用A替代B58resemblelook likebe similar tobear a resemblance to像,类似于59sb makes sense of sthsb understands sth某人明白某事60be accessible tohave access tobe available to可获得的61be drunk withbe addicted tobe hooked on沉迷于62manage to do sthsucceed in doing sth(设法)做成某事63to be honest/frank/stricthonestly/frankly/strictly speaking坦率地/直白地/严格地说64be tired/sick ofbe bored withbe fed up with对感到厌倦65have an edge/advantage overbe superior tobe better than胜过,比强66be consistent withbe in line withcorrespond toagree with与相一致67take the place of Abe in place of Areplace A取代A68at your conveniencewhen it is convenient for you当你方便时69on ones ownby oneselfalone独自地70be aware/conscious ofrealizerecognize意识到71be responsible fortake responsibility foranswer for对负责72In spite of/Despite短语Though/Although/While/As句子 虽然(用As要倒装)73beyond beliefincredibleunbelievable难以置信的74out of the questionimpossible不可能的out of questionno problem没问题75be unaware offail to noticeoverlookignoreneglect忽视76stress/underline/emphasize the importance of sth强调某事/物的重要性77sth benefits sbsth be beneficial to sbsth be of benefit to sbsb benefits from sth某人从某事中受益78make preparations forbe in preparation forprepare for为做准备79take an active part in sthtake part in sth actively积极参加某事have a positive influence oninfluence sth positively对某物有积极影响80sth kills sbsth costs sb the lifesth claims ones life某物杀了某人81be tired outbe worn outbe exhaustedbe burnt outbe weary累坏了82come into being/existenceform/exist存在,形成83make ones dream come truerealize/achieve ones dream实现某人的梦想84be overendput.to an endcome to an end结束85dont/never doavoid doingkeep away from doing避免做86be able to do sthbe capable of doing sth能够做某事87use uprun out of用光run outgive outbe used up耗尽88cause sb to participate in sthinvolve sb in sth让某人参加某事89A be responsible for BA causes/results in/leads to BA是B的起因90bring about/result in/lead to/contribute to/account for/cause/make for导致 6


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