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三(上)Unit 1 Nice to meet you! 一、 单词: pen钢笔 book书 bag包 pencil 铅笔hello (hi)喂,你好 I 我 you 你 nice 令人愉快的 meet 遇见 too 也 Ms 女士 Mr. 先生 what 什么 my 我的 your你的 name名字 be (am, is ,are ) 是 it 它 goodbye (bye)再见 a (an) 一(个,本.) this 这个 二、 重点句子 Hello! Im Andy. 你好,我是安迪。 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。- Nice to meet you, too! 见到你也很高兴。 Whats your name ? 你叫什么名字?- My name is Wang Li. 我的名字叫王丽。 Whats this? 这个是什么? - Its a book. 这是一本书。三、 对话 Andy : Hello! Im Andy. Whats your name? 喂,你好,我叫安迪,你叫什么? Wang Li : Hi! My name is Wang Li. Nice to meet you! 你好,我叫王丽。很高兴认识你。 Andy: Nice to meet you, too! 我也很高兴认识你。 Wang Li: Whats this ? 这个是什么? Andy: Its an English book. 这是一本英语书。 三(上)Unit 2 Lets play a game!一、 单词eye 眼睛 nose鼻子 ear耳朵 mouth嘴巴good 好 morning 上午 class 班、同学们 Good morning. 早上好! how 怎么样 are 是 fine 好的 Im fine. 我很好。Thank you. = Thanks. 谢谢你。Lets = let us 让我们 play 玩、耍 game 游戏 touch 触摸 look 看 one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4二、 重点句子 How are you ? 你好吗? Im fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢。 Lets play a game! 让我们一起玩游戏吧。 Touch your nose. 触摸你的鼻子。三、 对话 Ms Li: Good morning, class! Class: Good morning, Ms Li! Ms Li: How are you ? Class: Im fine, thanks. Ms Li: Lets play a game. Class: OK. 三(上)Unit 3 It has two big eyes.一、单词arm 手臂 leg 腿 head 头 panda 熊猫 monkey 猴子 in 在里 guess 猜 toy 玩具 turtle 乌龟 have ( has) 有 yes 是,是的no 不,不是 big 大的 small 小的 long 长的 and 和 dad 爸爸 mum 妈妈二、重点句子 Whats in it ? 它里面是什么?Whats in your bag? 你包里面有什么? It has long legs/arms. 它有很长的腿/ 手臂。 It has a small/big head.它有一个小/大脑袋。三、对话 Dad: Zhou Lin, Look! Zhou Lin: Whats in it?Dad: Guess! Zhou Lin: A toy turtle? Dad: No. It has two big eyes. Zhou Lin: A toy panda ? Dad: No. It has long arms and long legs. Zhou Lin: A toy monkey! Dad: Yes. Zhou Lin : Thank you, Dad! 三(上)Unit 4 Is this your pen?一、 单词 ruler 尺子 desk 书桌 eraser 橡皮 teacher 老师 who 谁 she 她 he 他 new 新的 that 那个 pupil 小学生 Mr. 先生 our 我们的二、 重点句子 Who is he/she ? 他/她是谁? He/ She is 他/她是 Is this/ that your ? 这个/那个是你的 ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its my / Its Zhang Jias. 这是我的 / 这是张佳的。三、 对话Amy :Who is she ? Zhou Lin: She is Ms Xu. She is a new teacher. Amy : Zhou Lin, is this your ruler?Zhou Lin: Yes, it is. Thank you. Amy, is that your eraser?Amy: no, it isnt. Its Zhang Jias.三(上)Unit 5 Where is your book?一、 单词table 桌子 chair 椅子 red 红色 blue 蓝色 colour 颜色go 去 school 学校 go to school 去上学 OK 行,好 where 在哪里on 在上面 the 表特指,用于特定的人或物前二、 重点句子 Where is your? 你的 在哪里?-Its in the bag.它在包里。/ Its on the table. 它在桌上。 What colour is your ? 你的. 是什么颜色的? My is red/ blue. 我的 是红色的/黄色的。三、 对话Amy: Hi , Zhou Lin, Lets go to school.Zhou Lin: OK. Wheres your bag?Amy: Its on the table. Is this your book.Zhou Lin: No, it isnt.Amy: What color is your bag?Zhou Lin: My bag is blue. Its a blue bag. 三(上)Unit 6 How many apples?一、 单词 egg 鸡蛋 apple 苹果 green 绿色 yellow 黄色 evening 晚上 Good evening.晚上好。 please 请 Lets see. 让我们想想。 many 许多 how many 多少 there 那里 there is /are. 有 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8二、 重点句子 How many eggs?多少个鸡蛋?- Five eggs. 五个鸡蛋。 How many apples are there ? 有多少个苹果? - There are eight apples. 有8个苹果。三、对话 Mum: Good evening. How are you ? Andy: Im fine, thanks. How many eggs, Mum? Mum: Six eggs. How many apples are there? Andy: Lets see. There are seven apples. Six green apples and one red apples.三(上)Unit 7 How old are you ?一、 单词cake 蛋糕 card 卡片 basketball 篮球 beautiful 漂亮happy 快乐的 birthday 生日 Happy birthday.生日快乐 old 老的,旧的 year 年 year(s) old 岁 for 为,给 look at 看 gift 礼物 they 他(她,它)们 nine 9 ten 10 eleven 11 twelve 12 二、 重点句子Happy birthday! 生日快乐。 - Thank you. 谢谢。How old are you ? 你多大了? - Im nine years old. 我九岁了。三、 对话 Wang Li: Happy birthday! Andy: Thank you. Wang Li: How old are you ? Andy: Im ten years old. Look at my cake.Wang Li: This is for you. A card and a gift. Andy: Oh, thank you. Its beautifu.三(上)Unit 8 I like PE .一 单词 English 英语 Chinese 汉语 PE 体育 Music 音乐 like 喜欢 me 我(宾格) my 我的二、 重点句子。 I like PE. 我喜欢体育。 Do you like English ? 你喜欢英语 吗? - Yes, I do. 是的。我喜欢。/ No , I dont. 不, 我不喜欢。Who is your PE teacher ? 你的体育老师是谁?- My PE teacher is Mr. Yu. 我的体育老师是于老师。He/ She is our music teacher.三、 对话Wang Li: Who is he ?Zhou Lin: Hes Mr. Yu. He is our PE teacher.Wang Li: Do you like PE?Zhou Lin: Yes, I do. I like PE.Wang Li: Me, too. Zhou Lin: Who is your English teacher ?Wang Li: My English teacher is Ms Li. 三(上)Unit 9 This is my fish.一 单词cat 猫 dog 狗 fish 鱼 cute 可爱的ugly 丑 cool 酷 this 这个 that 那个二 重点句子 This is my fish. 这是我的鱼。 That is my cat. 那个是我的猫。 Its cute/ ugly. 它很可爱/丑。 He/ She/ It likes 他/她/它 喜欢三 、对话 Amy: This is my fish. Do you like it ? Wang Li: Yes, I do. Its cute. Amy: This is my cat. Do you like it ? Wang Li: No. Its ugly. Is that your dog? Amy: Yes. It likes cats. Do you like it? Wang Li: Yes. Its cool. It likes me, too. Haha!6


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