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2022年考博英语-福建师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Many soldiers have to remind themselves when they return home not to use( )of the barracks.问题1选项A.vulgarB.grossC.roughD.coarse【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。vulgar意为“庸俗的,粗俗的”;gross意为“不雅的,恶俗的”;rough意为“(态度)粗暴”;coarse意为“粗鲁无礼的”。A、C、D选项一般表示行为,举止粗俗,此处表示使用的语言,gross表示语言的粗鲁不雅,因此选B。句意:许多士兵在回家时必须提醒自己不使用军营里粗鲁的语言。2. 单选题( ), police would not prosecute you.问题1选项A.Provided that you cooperated with usB.Provided that you will cooperate with usC.Provided that you have cooperated with usD.Provided that you would cooperate with us【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。对现在事实进行虚拟,从句:If 主语+过去时(be动词用were),主句:主语+should/would/could/might+do。provided that意为“假如,设若”。句意:假如你和我们合作,警察就不会起诉你的。3. 单选题Your advice would be ( )valuable to him, who is at present at his wits end.问题1选项A.extensivelyB.exclusivelyC.excessivelyD.exceedingly【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。extensively意为“广大地,广泛地”;exclusively意为“唯一地”;excessively意为“过度地”;exceedingly意为“非常,极其”。句意:你的建议对他来说非常的有价值,他现在是无计可施了。4. 单选题They fear it could have a (an) ( )effect on global financial markets.问题1选项A.sizeableB.adverseC.beneficialD.consequential【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。sizeable意为“相当大的”;adverse意为“不利的,有害的”;beneficial意为“有利的,有益的”;consequential意为“随之而来的,重要的”。根据主句中的fear(害怕)可知此处应为具有负面含义的词,选B。句意:他们害怕它会对全球金融市场产生不利的影响。5. 单选题How much a person can earn is not always a good( )of real success in life.问题1选项A.essenceB.decreeC.qualificationD.criterion【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。essence意为“本质,实质”;decree意为“法令,命令”;qualification意为“资格,授权”;criterion意为“(批评、判断等的)标准,准则”。句意:一个人能挣多少钱并不总是判断生活中真正成功的好标准。6. 单选题Leonardo just discovered that his passport had ( )three months ago.问题1选项A.constrainedB.abolishedC.amendedD.expired【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。constrain意为“强迫”;abolish意为“废除,废止”;amend意为“改良,修改”;expire意为“(因到期而) 失效,到期”。句意:Leonardo刚刚发现他的护照已经过期三个月了。7. 单选题Get a shirt one size larger than you usually wear, because this material ( )when you wash it.问题1选项A.fadesB.decreasesC.retreatsD.shrinks【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。fade意为“变暗,衰退,衰落”;decrease意为“减少,降低”;retreat意为“撤退,后退”;shrink意为“收缩,缩小”。句意:穿一件比你平时穿的大一点的衬衫,因为这个材料洗过后会缩水。8. 单选题Europe is following the Dutch lead and taking the green movement to the manufacturers of white goods and electronics. A spate of legislation emerging from Brussels aims ultimately to hold manufacturers responsible for the fate of their products along after theyve left store shelves or car showrooms. Theyre being told they must ensure that as much as 85 percent of their products be recycled or reused, and the remainder disposed of in environmentally sound ways.Something surely needs to be done. In recent decades consumers have grown used to an ever-speedier turnover of hardware. A computer built in the 1960s lasted 10 years on average; now they are scrapped in just four. In the past more than 90 percent of this detritus had been buried in landfills. Europes junk heap of electronic goods now weighs 6 million tons and will double in 12 years. All this waste is taking an obvious toll on the planet.Even at this early stage in Europes recycling experiment, though the new laws have already caused unintended problems. Some European countries have been caught wholly unprepared. Because of the new regulations, waste sites and incinerators(焚化炉)throughout Europe are being inundated with hardware. Recycling facilities now coming online face a backlog of six months. Another problem: replacing bad but essential materials. The EU will soon ban the use of the lead, a hazardous substance thats been used for decades to solder circuit boards. Electronics companies are struggling to find alternatives. “This could be a much bigger challenge for us than the waste-disposal regulation,” says Michelle O Neill, a Hewlett-Packard lobbyist in Brussels.Business leaders also warn of excessive costs. “Society and the politicians have another objective here; to move costs onto industry,” says Viktor Sundberg, European affairs director of Swedish manufacturer Electrolux. Inevitably some of those costs will trickle down to the consumer. And theres the sticky problem of assigning responsibility. Is one manufacturer liable for recycling the products of a former rival that has gone out of business? Should carmakers pay for dismembering vehicles built years before the directive took effect? Europe hasnt worked out these issues.The new recycling laws may not cost as much as one might think. Many of the new targets are only incrementally tougher than existing ones. Carmakers, for instance, will in five years have to recycle or reuse 80 percent, by weight, of their old cars. But in the more eco-conscious northern states, they already voluntarily recycle 60 percent. That may be why manufacturers have greeted the new rules meekly. Ford claims that its latest Fiesta hatchback, newly built for the European market, is already 85 percent recyclable; thats a powerful image for the new eco-friendly manufacturing, provided Europes medicine works without too many side Effects.1.The author says “something surely needs to be done” because ( ).2.The word “inundate” (underlined in paragraph 3) probably means( ).3.What disturbs electronics companies most according to Michelle O Neill?4.We learn from the passage that( ).问题1选项A.the environment has already been seriously polluted.B.some products are replaced at a faster rate than beforeC.Europe doesnt have enough places to bury the discarded goodsD.some electronic goods will not decay if they are buried问题2选项A.overwhelmB.destroyC.floodD.pollute问题3选项A.The production of recycling facilities falls far short of demand.B.The destruction of electronic products will cost a lot of money.C.The waste-disposal process involves advanced technology.D.Some essential materials have to be replaced.问题4选项A.Manufacturers are reluctant to spend a large sum of money on recycling their products.B.Manufacturers will shoulder a larger proportion of the costs of recycling.C.Innovative European laws dont define clearly how to assign the responsibility.D.Innovative European laws are not applicable in many developing countries.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第二段中的Something surely needs to be done. In recent decades consumers have grown used to an ever-speedier turnover of hardware.(一定要做点什么。近几十年来,消费者已经习惯了越来越快的硬件周转)可知B选项“某些产品的更换速度比以前快”符合题意。2.词义题。由文章第三段中的Because of the new regulations, waste sites and incinerators throughout Europe are being inundated with hardware. Recycling facilities now coming online face a backlog of six months.(由于新的法规,整个欧洲的废物场和焚烧炉都被硬件现在即将上线的回收设施面临六个月的积压)可知“inundate”为动词,由后面的回收设备积压时间长,可推测前面的废物长和焚烧炉应该是被硬件覆盖、堆积淹没。flood侧重于被水淹没,而overwhelm则侧重于情感方面,指被强烈的感情淹没而不知所措,因此选C。3.细节事实题。由文章第三段中的Another problem: replacing bad but essential materials.“This could be a much bigger challenge for us than the waste-disposal regulation,”says Michelle O Neill, a Hewlett-Packard lobbyist in Brussels.(另一个问题是:更换坏的但必要的材料“这对我们来说可能是一个比废物处理条例更大的挑战,”位于布鲁塞尔的惠普说客 Michelle O Neill说)可知D选项“必须更换一些基本材料”符合题意。4.细节事实题。由文章第四段中的And theres the sticky problem of assigning responsibility. Europe hasnt worked out these issues.(还有一个棘手的问题就是分配责任欧洲还没有解决这些问题)可知C选项“创新的欧洲法律没有明确规定如何分配责任”符合题意。9. 单选题1. Flattery, Richard Stengel writes by way of defining his terms, “is strategic praise, praise with a purpose. It may be inflated or exaggerated or it may be accurate and truthful, but it is praise that seeks some result, whether it be increased liking or an office with a window.Flattery is also a kind of bribe, an emotional gratuity that we accept and which very often repays the giver with something he wants. It is a bribe we want to pocket.Flattery at its core is language that advances self-interest while concealing it at the same time.”2. All of which is perfectly true, but it needs to be qualified (as in time Stengel does) in one important way: Flattery is almost always recognizable for exactly what it is. If it is true, as probably it is, that most of us are susceptible to flattery and willing to employ it in our own interests, it is equally true that flattery is infrequently subtle and often blatant. In my line of work, for example, when I see in a publishers catalogue that a writer with whom I am acquainted has a new book forthcoming, I can predict almost to the day the letter or call from said author in which, in one fashion or another, my own perspicacity and stylistic elegance will be praised fulsomely, accompanied, perhaps, by an invitation to lunch. Similarly, a letter or e-mail from someone wholly unknown to me will begin with praise for my latest book review or column, followed, apace, with the news that the writer of the letter or a relative, or a friend, or a colleague is about to come forth with . a book.3. It is the way of the world. Though in my case flattery infrequently produces the desired results quite to the contrary, if the truth be known I cannot claim that the silken words whispered in my ear go unheeded. Stengel quotes Lord Chesterfield: “This principle of vanity and pride is so strong in human nature, that is descends even to the lowest objects; and one often sees people angling for praise.” Though we would prefer praise that is offered without ulterior motives, that is heartfelt and generous, we readily settle for mere flattery; we may not deliver the quid pro quo so transparently sought beneath the oleaginous words we may even hold the flatterer in contempt yet we are not impervious to the stroking he or she administers; indeed we may luxuriate in it even as we pretend to ridicule it.4. “To describe someone as a social climber or a self-promoter is generally not considered a compliment. Those two labels seem like particularly modern putdowns (and in the culture of celebrity they have become full-time occupations). But I would make the case that they are simply neutral terms for fundamental human behavior, In fact, Id contend that based on the principles of evolutionary biology, social-climbing and self-promotion. They are in our genes.”5. Flattery, he quite correctly says, “is a form of cooperation, and cooperation is the successful evolutionary principle of reciprocal altruism.” As Sam Rayburn used to say, during his long and productive tenure as speaker of the House of Representatives, “If you want to get along, go along.” To be sure flattery is routinely carried to obscene lengths in this city , which as Stengel correctly points out “is in some ways closer to the courts of Renaissance Europe than it is to our modern era,” yet it is the grease that oils the wheels of politics and often enables the government and its satellites to accomplish worthwhile things. The spectacle that members of the Senate present when they fawn over each other as “honorable” and “distinguished” is hardly a pretty one, yet it is not without purpose.6. In American life, flattering influential individuals is an essential part of the machinery of society and business. In a perceptive chapter called How Dale Carnegie Won Friends and Influenced People, Stengel shows how “the simplest devices of paying attention, offering appreciation and the giving of small flatteries” have become so engrained that it is hard to imagine functioning without them. The rules of flattery or its handmaiden, ingratiation are clear: “avoid complimenting the target.in a way that makes it clear you want a reward; make sure the compliment is plausible; praise an attribute about which the target is uncertain; and dont leave the impression that you are a promiscuous praise.” Do all of that and you too can succeed in business or anything else without really trying?7. All of which should, make clear especially to you, gentle and quick-witted reader that Stengel has written not merely a popular history of flattery but also a guide to its employment. He does the latter with tongue slightly in cheek at times to the point that his prose becomes excessively chatty and breezy yet the truth is that his counsel, and that of the many others whom he quotes, probably can be used to good purpose. If you must flatter - and there are times when flattery is clearly the wisest course then by all means do it well.1.when flattery is clearly the wisest course then by all means do it well.2.According to Richard Stengel, all of the following are true of flattery EXCEPT ( ).3.In the second paragraph, the writer makes the point that( ).4.The main idea of the third paragraph is that( ).5.What can be inferred about the courts of Renaissance Europe (Para. 5)? The writers attitude toward Richard Stengels views regarding flattery can best be described as( ).问题1选项A.it can stretch the truthB.it has a purposeC.it is an unsuccessful bribeD.it can be expressed subtly问题2选项A.flatterers often achieve their objectivesB.flattery is often blatantC.the writer is often flatteredD.we are often tempted by flattery问题3选项A.flattery seldom produces the desired resultsB.humans are vain and proudC.its only human to enjoy flatteryD.we find flattery objectionable问题4选项A.They were very similar to our modern era.B.They banned flattery.C.They encouraged flattery.D.They were not popular with the general republic.问题5选项A.neutralB.favorableC.doubtfulD.critical【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的Flattery is also a kind of bribe, an emotional gratuity that we accept and which very often repays the giver with something he wants.(阿谀奉承也是一种贿赂,一种我们可以接受的情感馈赠,常常会用回报给赠予者他想要的东西)可知阿谀奉承是一种成功的贿赂,因此选C。2.推理判断题。由文章第二段中的Flattery is almost always recognizable for exactly what it is.it is equally true that flattery is infrequently subtle and often blatant.(阿谀奉承几乎总是可以确切地认出它是什么同样的事实是,奉承不那么微妙,常常是明目张胆的)可知选B。A选项为第一段的内容;C选项只是作者用自己的经历举例说明,阿谀奉承很显而易见;D选项在第二段中没有出现,因此选B。3.推理判断题。由文章第三段中的It is the way of the world. indeed we may luxuriate in it even as we pretend to ridicule it.(阿谀奉承是人之常情事实上,即使我们假装嘲笑它,我们也可以尽情享受它)可知C选项“喜欢听阿谀奉承的话是人类的天性”符合题意。4.推理判断题。由文章第五段中的To be sure flattery is routinely carried to obscene lengths in this city, which as Stengel correctly points out “is in some ways closer to the courts of Renaissance Europe than it is to our modern era”(阿谀奉承在这座城市里到处都有,正如Stengel正确的指出“在某些方面更接近文艺复兴时期的欧洲,而不是我们的现代时代”)可推测阿谀奉承在文艺复兴时期的欧洲宫廷也十分流行,因此选C。5.观点态度题。由文章第二段中的All of which is perfectly true(所有这些都是完全正确的)和第五段中的Flattery, he quite correctly says(阿谀奉承,他说得很对)与which as Stengel correctly points out(正如Stengel正确的指出)可知作者对Richard Stengel的观点都是用的正面肯定的词,故可知作者是赞成Richard Stengel的观点的,因此选B。10. 单选题Hes done stupid things before, but to look for the escaping gas with a match really was the( )silliness.问题1选项A.ultimateB.unanimousC.triumphantD.trivial【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。ultimate意为“最好(或坏、伟大、重要等)的,最后的”;unanimous意为“全体一致的”;triumphant意为“成功的”;trivial意为“琐碎的,无价值的”。句意:他以前做过愚蠢的事,但用火柴去寻找什么地方煤气漏气实在是最傻的事了。11. 问答题Wed rather have long waits than (A) no shifting of the scenes, and (B) all the actors on (C) the stage doing (D) nothing.【答案】试题答案:B; with【解析】考查独立主格。with表示伴随状况,其结构为:with+名词/代词+现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语。12. 单选题1. A new study uses an unusual source proverbs reveal cultural differences in how Chinese and American citizens view risks and risk-taking.2. When Chinese and American students compared proverbs from their countries they agreed:Chinese proverbs generally advocated greater risk-taking than did American proverbs.3. These results help explain earlier research that has found Chinese citizens are indeed more willingto take financial risks than are Americans, said Elke Weber, coauthor of the study and a professor of psychology at Ohio State University.4. “Proverbs are part of a nations culture and reflect the nations beliefs and values,” said Weber. “Bylooking at proverbs, we were able to show that long-standing cultural differences are one reason that the Chinese are more risk-seeking than Americans when it comes to financial issues,” Weber said.5. Weber conducted the study with Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago and JoannaSokolowska of the Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. The results were published in a recent issue of the journal Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.6. Students from the two countries rated American proverbs such as “A bird in the hand is worth twoin the bush,” and Chinese proverbs such as “Failure is the mother of success.”7. The study also found some differences in how students from the two countries viewed proverbs.For example, Chinese citizens generally viewed proverbs as advocating more risk in financial situations than in social situations. There was no such distinction made by American participants.8. Weber said the collectivist culture of China a culture that emphasizes commitment to family allows people to take greater financial risks because citizens know their network of friends and family will help them in a crisis. However, because of the importance of their social network, Chinese are less willing to take social risks in which they might alienate friends or family.9. In Americas individualistic culture, people have to be more careful financially because they donthave the “cushion” of a social network to fall back on, Weber said. On the other hand, Americans dont have to worry as much about their social network. “The proverbs of each country reflect these differing cultural values and concerns,” Weber said.10. In one study, 82 American and 87 Chinese college students were asked to rate 34 proverbs 17from each country that had some advice about dealing with risk. The proverbs were translated into the participants native languages and participants were not told which country the proverbs were from.11. The participants were then asked if each proverb promoted risk aversion or risk seeking in twodifferent situations, one financial and one social. They rated the proverbs on a five-point scale in which 1 was risk-averse, 3 was neutral and 5 was risk seeking.12. The participants from each country rated Chinese proverbs as more risk seeking in general thanthe American proverbs, Weber said. For example, in one group of proverbs, American students gave the American proverbs an average score of 2.83, and the Chinese proverbs an average score of 3.07.13. However, Weber said the evidence was clear that Chinese people believe proverbs advocate morerisk seeking in financial situations than they do in social situations.14. In addition, Chinese proverbs seem to deal more with the problems of social risk-taking than doAmerican proverbs, reflecting the countries differing values. For example, American students said 95 percent of American proverbs were applicable to financial decisions, but only 63 percent were applicable to social decisions. But Americans thought 78 percent of Chinese proverbs were applicable to financial decisions and 73 percent were applicable to social decisions.15. “The Chinese are much more interested than Americans in protecting their social networks.”Weber said. “These findings are consistent with the notion that China is, and has long been, a collectivist society and America an individualistic one.”16. A second study, which also included German proverbs, found that people rated German proverbsin between those from America and China but closer to Chinese in terms of risk seeking and risk aversion. That makes sense, Weber said, because German culture is quite collectivist in a social sense, much like Chinas, even tho


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