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Unit 4 1. 唤醒某人 2. 到了(做)的时间 3. 去散步 4. 我们做什么好吗?5. 出去 6. 需要好好休息 7. 做早操8. 做眼保健操 9. 做数学练习 10. 锻炼,做运动11. 上课 12. 开始上课13. 吃早饭/吃午饭/吃晚饭 14. 进行课外活动 15. 做家作16. 开会迟到 17. 从不迟到18. 在八点一刻 19. 如何取乐 20. 在小山里 21. 上午8点开始 22. 从周一到周五上学23. 我 /你 /他 /她 最喜爱的学科 24. 课后互相聊天 25. 有一个读书俱乐部 26. 在你我之间 27. 在周二和周四28. 在周三下午 29. 操练排球 30. 练习讲英语 31. 在学校玩得高兴 32. 放学后踢足球33. 在操场上玩 34. 去学校图书馆 35. 学校游泳队的一员 36. 学校生活37. 晚上看电视 38. 冬天下雪 39. 在九月份 40. 在春季/夏季/秋季/冬季 41. 每年三月份植树 42. 在星期天晚上43. 在儿童节/在五一国际劳动节 44. 在一个清晨 45. 给你讲讲我这儿的生活 46. 上午上三节课,下午上两节课 47. 举行校足球比赛 48. 有许多时间打网球 49. 没有时间做作业 50. 跳半个小时舞 51. 很少去溜旱冰 52. 每周一次/每月两次 53. 和我的家人去野餐 54. 参观博物馆 55. 帮助我们准备好做某事 56. 对有好处、有意义 57. 了解一些有关世界方面的知识58. 太多作业 59. 需要做某事60. 花费时间做某事【7A Unit4重点句子】1. 她学习/工作很努力。She 2.我喜欢读书/放学后踢足球/ I 3.我出生在北京,但现在住在上海。I now.4.你喜欢听音乐吗? music?6. 她擅长于游泳。She is . = She does . 7.我每天带我的狗去散步。I every day. 8.在周末,我通常跑步半个小时。 ,I usually .9. 他为黄河足球队效力(踢球) Huanghe Football Team。10. 他擅长于射门得分。 scoring goals. 11. 你在课内说英语说得越多,你将学得越快。 in class, 12.你对你的新朋友有多了解? your new friends?13. 如果你不知道这个问题的答案,请说“对不起!” this question , please , “Im sorry.”14. 你最喜欢 的运动是什么? sport? 15.做早操使我们更健康。 Doing morning .16.你帮助我使这个工作容易了。You help me . 17.我喜欢音乐,它使我感觉很棒。 I . I . 18.他的故事使我们笑了。 His stories . 19.我希望你的梦想能够很快实现。I hope .20.我希望你们能够赢这场比赛。We hope 21.他很想念他的家人,他常常梦到他的父母亲。She and often 22.去钓鱼如何? 好呀!- What ? - Id .23.你还喜欢别的什么东西? ?24.这些书一定是别人的。These books 25. 我读了很多有趣的书。 books. 26.星期天孩子们经常到公园去玩。 on Sundays. 27.那位老师经常使他的课堂非常有趣。The teacher often . 28.闲暇时我很喜欢读书。 I have in my free time. 29. 欢迎来到我们学校。 our school.30. 今天几月几号? today?31. 让我们1:30在学校门口会面吧. at 1:30. 32.穿白衬衫的那个男的是谁? the white shirt?33.在我们图书馆有各种各样的书. in our library.34.我想向她问好。 to her.35.你从图书馆借书吗?Do you ?36.我们只有几间教室We .37.约花了我一个小时的时间到达学校。It to school.38.我每天去我的碗好几次。 a day.39.他看上去很强壮,足球踢得非常好。He and very well.40.我想参加下一届世界杯足球赛。 the next World Cup.41.该是吃早饭的时候了。 have breakfast/ breakfast.42.祝我们队好运。Wish .43.我们去小山上散步,好吗?Shall we ?44.一些狗不知道如何找乐子。Some dogs .45.我们学校周一到周五上午8点开始。Our school 46.我最喜爱的科目是英语。 English.47.在学校我们总是很开心。 at school.48.放学以后,我们经常互相聊天或在操场上玩。 , we often 49.周末你们喜欢做什么? weekends?50.你们多久去一次博物馆? the museums?51.我们去山里散步好吗? in the hills?52.六点一刻了。该吃早饭了。 six. for breakfast.53.午饭后,我总是需要好好休息一下。 lunch, I always .54.有些狗就是不知道怎样玩乐。 Some dogs .55.我们从星期一到星期五上学。 to Friday.56.我们通常先做早操。We usually .57.他们对我都非常好。 me.58.课后我们经常互相交流或在操场上玩。 After school, we often 59.祝我们队好运。Wish our team .60.我只是在星期二去读书俱乐部。 the Reading Club .61.我们有时在图书馆看书。We sometimes .62.米莉是校游泳队的一员。 Millie is .63.我想要告诉你有关我在这儿的生活。I would .64.每年秋天我们有一个学校足球比赛。We have every year.65.Sandy没有很多时间打网球。Sandy doesnt .66.米莉有时候去溜旱冰,但她并不擅长它。Millie sometimes roller skating, but she it.67.你多久去野餐一次? a picnic?68.周末你喜欢做什么? weekends?69.他们帮助我为那天做好准备。They help me the day.【Unit4 错题集】一、词汇 1. Tom likes drawing, but Daniel_ _(like) playing football.2.Is this one of the_ _(理由) why you are late? 3. Does he teach_ _(we) Chinese?4.Mary always_ _(叫醒) up early in the morning.5.Do you know anything about those_ _(博物馆)?6.Sally_ _(学习) to swim in the river in Summer.7. She does_ _(well) in Maths of all the students.8.She is_ _(总是) late for school.9.We_ _(通常) begin our_ _(one) lesson at 8:00 a.m.10. Therere all kinds of after-school_ _(act) for you to choose in the playground.11. My father_ _(很少) go to work on foot.12. What I want to buy is_ _(只是) a can of cola.13. My mother drives to the school at a quarter_ _(晚于) six.14. Dont come_ _(外出), Amy, it is raining.15. (练习,训练)_ _makes perfect. 16. Marys_ _(愿望) is to get a new bike.17. I enjoy the_ _(生活) in the countryside. 18. Are these watches the_ _(play)?二、动词填空 1. In Hainan it never_ _(snow) in winter.2. Im busy. I dont have much time_ _(chat) with my parents.3. How long does it take him_(ride) to school?4. Thanks for_ _(let) me 5. What time_ _your first lesson_ _(start)?6. Is it time_ _(have) lunch? 7. Mike with his parents_ _(see) a film on Sunday.8. Each of us_ _(have) a good time_ _(eat) dinner.9. Tom_ _(not be) late for school. 10._ _(do) sports is good for our health.11. Sandy,_ _(not make) any noise in class.12. Tom has a little time_ _(chat) with my friends.13. There_ _(be) any orange in the fridge. I want him_ _(buy) some.14. Would he like_ _(eat) some bread? 15. Who_ _(teach) you Maths? Mr. Wang does.三、句型转换1. English is my favourite subject. Subject?2. I do my homework for two hours. do homework?3. There are some pictures on the wall. On the wall?4. My school day starts at 8:15 every day. School day ?5. Tom likes walking after supper. _ _Tom_ _after supper?6. He is my best friend. _ _best friend?7. She does her homework every day.(一般疑问句、否定句)_ she_ her homework every day? She_ _her homework every day.8. He practises playing football every Friday _ _ _he_ playing football?9. Jack likes playing basketball very much.(同义句) Jacks_is_ _10. I am late because I get up late. _ _ _?11. Lucy and I like the red bike best. _ _ _ Lucy and_ like best?12. Daniel eats noodles for supper. _ _Daniel_ for supper?13. The man in the yellow coat looks thin. _ _thin?14. Jacky usually feels very happy at school. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Jacky often feel at school?15. Amy doesnt have much time to play with you.(同义句) Amy_ _ _ _play with you.四、选择题1. We are busy. We have_homework to do.A. many homework B. a lot of homework C. many homeworks D. a lot of homeworks2. She goes to bed_nine_every evening. A. at; at B. in; at C. at; / D. at; in3. _? - -Its two past three. A. What day is it today? B. Whats the date today? C. What time it is? D. Whats the time?4. My classmates_me. And I like them, too.A. like all B. are like C. all like D. all likes5. The girl_long hair comes from Suzhou. A. with B. in C. has D. is having6. We have a class meeting_the afternoon of December 22. A. in B. on C. at D. by7. My friend enjoys_badminton after school. A. practice B. practice playing C. practicing play D. practicing playing8. He,_his friend,_sports very much. A. like; like B. like; likes C. likes; likes D. likes; like9. I do my homework quickly, so I can have some time_fishing.A. go B. to go C. going D. to going10. She_ _goes to school on time. She is_ _late for school.A. always; always B. always; never C. sometimes; never D. never; sometimes11. - Im going to have a holiday next month. -_!A. Have a good time B. Best wishes to you C. Good luck D. Id love to12. -Miss Lee is very popular in our class. -Yes. Her classes are_interesting.A. always B. sometimes C. never D. seldom13. You can come to visit me_2:00_3:00 tomorrow afternoon.A. between; and B. from; to C. at; to D. at; for14. I hope you_ at your new school.A. have a fun B. can have good time C. have great fun D. are have a good time15. I think_of you is great. A. every B. everyone C. each D. all16. The homework is_easy. You dont need to spend_time on it.A. too much; too much B. much too; too much C. much too; much too D. too much; much too17. He_watches TV, so he knows little about the world.A. usually B. often C. seldom D. always18. Thank you for_. A. helping B. help me C. your helping D. your help19. -_does she do morning exercises at school? -Every day.A. How long B. How often C. How many D. How20. -Would you like another cake? -_. Im full now.A. No thanks B. All right C. Never mind D. Thats all right21. Jack is very helpful. He is_ready to help others. A. always B. seldom C. never D. not22. Sandy is a good student. He_talks with his classmates in class.A. often B. always C. seldom D. never23. _these flowers under the tree. Can you_them? A. Look; see B. Look at; see C. Look at; look D. See; see24. -CanIborrow_moneyfromyou? -Sorry,Idonthave_Asome;someBany;anyCsome;anyD.any;some25.-_the door, please. -Please come in. The door_. A. Be open; opens B. Be open; is opening C. Open; is opening D. Open; is open26. _yourteacher_happytoday?A.Is;lookingB.Does;look C.Are;look D.Does;lookat五、句子翻译1. 我和我的同班同学在这所学校一直很开心。My classmates and_always_ _ at this school.2. 你想要告诉我们关于你的学校生活的情况吗?_you_ to_ _ _your_ _.3. 我想要了解一下他的喜好和厌恶,你能告诉我吗?I_ _ _his likes and dislikes. Can you tell me about him?4. 她擅长画画,但不喜欢课外活动。She is_.but_.5. 看太多电视对我们的眼镜有害。_ _ _TV _6. 你多久去上一堂舞蹈课?一周两次。_ _do you_to your_ _. _ a week.7. 有关野餐的一切已准备妥当。Everything_ _ _the _.8. 他每天花一小时训练打排球。It_him an hour_ _ _volleyball every day.9. 你经常在晚餐后帮父母清理桌子吗?Do you often_.10. 你需要在英语上花更多的时间。You_more time on English.11. 我经常在下午和尼克一起打篮球。I often_12. 他们祝愿你在北京一切顺利。They wish you_13. 没有人喜欢从早到晚做作业。Nobody likes_14. 学校图书馆周一开到周五。The school library_15. 我们经常在周末出去吃午饭。We often_16. 这顿晚餐我们每个人都吃得很开心。Each of us_.17.你为什么总是上学迟到? Why_?18. 他没有时间与你聊天。_.2020学年度第一学期期中考试 七年级英语试题二、单项选择( )21. Who is _ boy in a red cap? -He is Tom. He is good at playing _ basketball.A. the, / B. the, the C. a, a D. a, /( )22. Mr. Wang is going to meet Kitty and _ at the school gate tomorrow morning. A. I B. me C. my D. mine( )23. I hope everyone _ our English evening. A. to come to B. come to C. can come to D. to come( )24. The pupils in her class are never late _ school and theyre nice _ each other.A. to; toB. to; forC. for; toD. for; for( )25. Was your cousin born _ the evening _ 31st of January? -Yes! A. in, on B. at, of C. on, of D. of, in( )26. - _the door, please. -Come in please. The door _.A. Be open; opens B. Be open; is opening C. Open; opens D. Open; is open( )27. My deskmate always _ a rubber _me. A. borrows, from B. borrows, to C. lends, from D. lends, at( )28. The new dress makes_ pretty. A. her look B. her looks C. she look D. she looks( )29. Simon is a _ football player. He plays football_. A. good; good B. good; well C. well; well D. well; good( )30. I often talk_ _the phone_ my friends_ home Aon;to;to Bin;with;at Cover;to;from Don;with;at( )31. I seldom take _bus to school. I always go to school by _bike. Aa;不填 B不填;a Ca;the D不填:the( )32. - Can Millie _ English? - Yes, of course. Next she wants to _ you a story in English.A. talk; tell B. speak; say C. say; speak D. speak; tell( )33. _ you free today? Would you like_ shopping? A. Do; going B. Do; to go C. Are; to go D. Are; going( )34. Jack, _ his cousin, _ telling funny stories. A. like, likes B. likes, likes C. likes, like D. like, like( )35. _ many different kinds of fruits _ autumn. A. We have, in B. There is, in C. There are, at D. We have, at三、完形填空 In Nanjing, there are many 36 going around the city, and they cost only 1 or 2 yuan to take a bus. So many people like 37 a bus to school or to work. But when an old man gets on the bus, do you often 38 your seat to him? Some people on the bus dont like to help the old people. They just close their 39 , listening to music without looking at the old people. Some turn their faces to look 40 the windows. When the bus driver keeps(一直)asking them to help the old people, they dont listen to him. However, we should 41 each other 42 we may need others help one day. Next time, please try to help others on the bus. You can let the old people get on the bus 43 you, you can give your seat to an old man, you can also give your seat to a woman 44 a child. Then all the people will have a 45 life.( ) 36. A. bus B. buses C. bikes D. cars( ) 37. A. talking B. take C. driving D. taking( ) 38.A. give B. gives C. let D. borrow( ) 39.A. mouths B. eyes C. doors D. windows( ) 40.A. at B. for C. out of D. after( ) 41.A.help B. ask C. smile D. kind( ) 42.A.so B. because C. and D. but( ) 43.A. before B. behind C. after D. front( ) 44.A. has B. have C. together D. with( ) 45.A.happy B. help C. enjoy D. healthy四、阅读理解 AJim, Kate and Li Ming are doing the homework together. Jims spelling(拼写) of Moday is wrong(错误) Kate tells him about it. Li Ming wants to borrow a rubber from Jim or Kate. Jim says he has one and gives it to Li Ming. Li Ming thanks Jim for his help. Jim says, Youre welcome. Now Jim says Thanks very much to Kate for her help. Kate says Thats all right. The three children are students in a school in Beijing. Jim is from London(伦敦). Kate is from New York. Li Ming is a Chinese girl. They are good friends. They often do homework and play games together. They often help each other. ( )46. Jim is _.A. an English girl B. an American girl C. an English boy D. an American boy( )47. Kate helps Jim with _.A. his spelling B. a rubber C. a ruler D. a pencil( )48. Li Ming borrows _.A. a rubber from Kate B. a rubber from Jim C. a ruler from Kate D. a ruler from Jim( )49. The three students are _ now.A. not in the same class B. in the UK C. in Beijing D. in the USACI am a mother of two children. Like many other parents, I worry(担心) that my children watch too much TV. Why? First, there are lots of bad programmes (节目) on TV. They may learn from them. Second, watching too much TV is bad for their eyes. Many students wear glasses because they watch TV for long hours. Third, wa


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