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2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题“There is a weird power in a spoken word,” Joseph Conrad once said.问题1选项A.mightyB.prospectiveC.oddD.formidable【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。weird表示“奇怪的,不可思议的”;A项mighty“强有力的”,B项prospective“未来的”,C项odd“古怪的”,D项formidable“令人敬畏的”。句意:约瑟夫康纳德(Joseph Conrad)曾经说过:“口头语言拥有神奇的力量。”根据句意可知C项正确。2. 单选题Wheat yield in Europe is highly sensitive to natural variability in temperature and rainfall. In these simulations, climate change alone by 2050 results in significant increases in yield under both scenarios only in three northern European countries. But adding estimated effects of higher CO2 concentrations on plant growth increases that yields considerably, with yield increases now being significant in all of the ten countries included in the study. Whether such increases due to higher CO2 concentration would actually be realized is uncertain, because of problems in extrapolating from idealized laboratory and modeling results to field conditions.The clear message of this work is that greater efforts are needed to take account of the “noise” of natural climate variability when considering the “signal” of climate change. In particular, care must be taken in interpreting the results of impact assessments, especially those which use climate simulations over short periods only.Much more remains to be done. For example, the use of simulated monthly climate data by Hulme et al, even when interpolated to daily data by statistical methods, leaves open the possibility of systematic changes in day-to-day variability and extremes due to climate change. These could well dominate the effects of climate change on both river flow and wheat yield. Taking them into account will require the analysis of daily output from the climate models, especially at fine spatial resolution.More importantly, in understanding the message from Hulme et al, we need to distinguish between confidence levels used for the detectability of simulated or real impacts due to climate change, and those needed to decide if the information about possible future impacts is useful for decision-makers. Detectability, used as evidence of climate change, arguably requires a high level of confidence, say, at the 95% or 99% level. On the other hand, if we take it as a given that climate change is occurring, and we are seeking useful advice as to what the consequences might be, a lower level of confidence may suffice.Studies of the length of a data set is necessary to detect a real change in the mean against a background of variability, for example for detection of trends in total ozone or river flow, indicate that even if the change is real, it may need to have happened for decades before it can be shown statistically to have occurred. In cases such as estimation of flood frequency and of the occurrence of moisture stress in crops, what is needed to identify future “dangerous” levels of climate change, or to plan adaptation measures, is an estimate of changes in the probability of such effects before they happen.1. According to the study, high wheat yields in Europe most significantly need( ).2. A high level of confidence is needed when we( ).3. To identify the possible future impacts of climate change, scientists( ).4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?问题1选项A.higher temperaturetB.heavy rainfalltC.higher CO2 concentrationstD.natural climate changet问题2选项A.take it as a given that climate change is occurringtB.use “detectability” as an evidence of climate changetC.decide if the information is useful for decision-makerstD.estimate the scope of wheat yields increasest问题3选项A.only need an idealized laboratorytB.may spend years to obtain and analyze valid statistical evidencetC.plan adaptation measures after the change occurstD.set new climate modelst问题4选项A.Ways of improving Wheat Yields in EuropetB.Climate Change and Wheat YieldstC.Statistical Evidence of Climate ChangetD.Simulated Experiments on River Flowt问题5选项A.It is important to detect trends in total ozone or river flow.tB.It takes decades to detect climate change statistically.tC.What is more important is to plan adaptation measures against bad effects of climate change.tD.Wheat yield is closely related to climate.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】第1题:细节事实题。题干意思是“根据这项研究,在欧洲高小麦产量最需要的是”。文章第一段前三句提到Wheat yield in Europe is highly sensitive to natural variability in temperature and rainfall. In these simulations, climate change alone by 2050 results in significant increases in yield under both scenarios only in three northern European countries. But adding estimated effects of higher CO2 concentrations on plant growth increases that yields considerably, with yield increases now being significant in all of the ten countries included in the study.(欧洲的小麦产量对温度和降雨的自然变化高度敏感;在这些模拟中,在两种情景下,仅有气候变化,到2050年就会只有三个北欧国家的产量显著增加;但是,增加更高的二氧化碳浓度对植物生长的估计影响,会显著增加产量,研究中包括的所有10个国家的产量现在都显著增加),温度、降雨量和二氧化碳都包括在自然气候变化里,它们都能提高小麦产量,但是添加更多的二氧化碳浓度能使所有10个国家的产量显著增加,所以A项“更高温度”、B项“大降雨量”和D项“自然气候变化”都不选,C项“更高的二氧化碳浓度”符合题意。故该题选择C项正确。第2题:细节事实题。题干意思是“当我们需要有很高的可信度”。第四段第二句提到Detectability, used as evidence of climate change, arguably requires a high level of confidence, say, at the 95% or 99% level.(可探测性,作为气候变化的证据,可以说需要很高的可信度,比如95%或99%的水平),由此可知B项“使用可探测性作为气候变化的证据”正确。第四段最后一句指出On the other hand, if we take it as a given that climate change is occurring, and we are seeking useful advice as to what the consequences might be, a lower level of confidence may suffice.(另一方面,如果我们认为气候变化正在发生,并且我们正在寻求有用的建议,了解可能的后果,低一点的信心可能就足够了)可知A项“认为气候变化正在发生是理所当然的”不正确;C项“决定信息是否对决策者有用”,文中没有提到关于决定信息是否对决策者有用的可信度,所以C项不选;D项“估计小麦产量增加的范围”文章没有提及。故该题选择B项正确。第3题:细节事实题。题干意思是“为了确定气候变化可能带来的未来影响,科学家们”。最后一段第一句指出Studies of the length of a data set is necessary to detect a real change in the mean against a background of variability, for example for detection of trends in total ozone or river flow, indicate that even if the change is real, it may need to have happened for decades before it can be shown statistically to have occurred.(研究数据集的长度是必要的,以检测在变化的背景下的平均值的真正变化,例如检测总臭氧或河流量的趋势,表明即使这种变化是真实的,它可能需要几十年的时间才能被统计出来)由此可知,为了确定气候变化可能带来的未来影响,可能需要花费几十年的时间来统计,故B项“可能花费数年的时间来获取和分析有效的统计证据”正确。A项“只需要一个理想化的实验室”和D项“建立新的气候模型”文章未提及;C项“计划气候变化发生后的适应措施”,文章最后一句话提到what is needed to identify future “dangerous” levels of climate change, or to plan adaptation measures, is an estimate of changes in the probability of such effects before they happen.(要确定未来气候变化的“危险”水平,或计划适应措施,所需要的是在这些影响发生之前估计其发生可能性的变化),可知要想计划气候变化发生后的适应措施,在此之前需要估计其发生的可能性,也就是需要花费几十年来统计数据,C项错误。故该题选择B项正确。第4题:主旨大意题。题干意思是“下面哪个选项是这篇文章的最佳标题?”。通读文章可知,文章主要讲述气候变化对欧洲小麦产量的影响,故B项“气候变化与小麦产量”符合题意。A项“欧洲提高小麦产量的方法”,这是探索气候变化与小麦产量的一个过程,不能概括全文;C项“气候变化的统计证据”和D项“河流流量模拟实验”都只是部分提及,比较片面。故该题选择B项正确。第5题:推理判断题。题干意思是“从最后一段我们可以了解到什么?”。A项“检测总臭氧或河流流量的趋势是重要的”只是文章中的一个例子,不能够表达原文意思;B项“用统计方法检测气候变化需要几十年的时间”,表达太过绝对,文中只是提到it may need to have happened for decades(这可能需要几十年的时间);C项“更重要的是制定应对气候变化不利影响的适应措施”,表述不正确,根据文章最后一句话what is needed to identify future “dangerous” levels of climate change, or to plan adaptation measures, is an estimate of changes in the probability of such effects before they happen.(要确定未来气候变化的“危险”水平,或计划适应措施,所需要的是在这些影响发生之前估计其发生可能性的变化)可知,更为重要的是能够预测这些气候变化对小麦产量带来的影响;D项“小麦产量与气候密切相关”符合原文。故该题选择D项正确。3. 翻译题Color-blind people have problems that people who perceive color never think about. One very real problem is that of traffic signs and signals. Those that are red-green color blind have trouble seeing stop signs found on shady streets because they may not notice them against the leaves. In addition, they have trouble identifying signal lights and must memorize the position of the lights to know which signal is being given. Perhaps less of a problem is that of dressing. Those who are fashion-conscious avoid brightly colored wardrobes so that they will not wear clashing colors. Perhaps the greatest handicap of color-blind persons is evident when they select occupations. For example, they cannot work as interior decorators, commercial photographers, painters, airline or ship pilots, or railroad engineers.【答案】答:色盲群体可能遭遇一些能够正常感知颜色群体从未想过的问题。一个非常现实的问题是交通标志和信号灯。那些红绿色盲的人很难看到在树荫底下的停车标志,因为他们可能不会注意到绿叶下面的停车标志。此外,因为他们在识别信号灯方面有困难,所以他们必须记住信号灯的位置才能知道发出的是哪个信号。或许还有一个没有那么严重的问题,那就是着装。追求时尚的色盲群体会避免色彩鲜艳的衣柜,这样他们就不会穿颜色不协调的衣服。也许在选择职业时,色盲群体所面临的最不利的因素会更加明显。例如,他们不能从事室内装潢师、商业摄影师、画家、航空或船舶驾驶员或铁路工程师的工作。4. 单选题Ships passing on the high seas exchanged salutes by lowering and raising their flags once.问题1选项A.information tB.ceremonies tC.greetings tD.privileges【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。salute表示“敬礼,致敬”;A项information“信息”,B项ceremony“仪式,典礼”,C项greeting“招呼,问候”,D项privilege“特权”。句意:在公海上经过的船只通过降旗和升旗互致敬礼。根据句意可知,该题选择C项正确。5. 单选题The bill was passed unanimously as a result of the intensive lobbying of some senators.问题1选项A.without any objectionsB.in the ultimateC.in the backgroundtD.against heavy odds【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。unanimously表示“全体一致地”;A项without any objections“没有任何异议”,B项in the ultimate“终于”,C项in the background“在后面,在幕后”,D项against heavy odds“敌众我寡”。句意:由于一些参议员的大力游说,这项法案获得一致通过。根据句意可知,“一致”相当于“没有任何异议”,故该题选择A项正确。6. 单选题The visiting professor was so( )in his field that many of our faculty members became nervous in his presence.问题1选项A.imminentB.eminentC.precedentD.prudent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项imminent“即将来临的,迫近的”,B项eminent“杰出的,有名的”,C项precedent“在前的,在先的”,D项prudent“谨慎的,精明的”。根据关键词visiting professor(客座教授)可知,空格部分应该修饰人,A、C选项排除;根据后面的从句many of our faculty members became nervous in his presence(许多教员一见到他就紧张起来)可知,D项不太符合句意,故B项正确。句意:这位客座教授在他的领域内是如此的杰出,以至于我们的许多教员一见到他就紧张起来。故该题选择B 项正确。7. 单选题This old man had trouble expressing the attachment he felt when arriving at his native town.问题1选项A.hospitalityB.affectionC.appealD.frustration【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。attachment表示“附件,依恋”;A项hospitality“好客,殷勤”,B项affection“喜爱,感情”,C项appeal“呼吁,恳求”,D项frustration“挫折”。句意:这位老人难以表达他到达家乡时的依恋之情。根据句意可知B项正确。8. 单选题As( )China and other emerging export powers, efforts to strengthen anti-corruption activities are gaining momentum.问题1选项A.in the light ofB.in the event ofC.in the case ofD.in the course of【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A项in the light of“根据,鉴于”,B项in the event of“万一,如果”,C项in the case of“在情况下,在方面”,D项in the course of“在过程中”;根据句子语意“就中国和其他新兴出口大国,加强反腐败活动的努力正在获得势头”可知,C项符合语境。句意:就中国和其他新兴出口大国方面来说,加强反腐败活动的努力正在获得势头。因此,该题选择C项正确。9. 单选题The American Civil War is believed to have stemmed from differences over slavery.问题1选项A.arisen fromB.contributed toC.patched upD.participated in【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。stem from表示“起源于”;A项arise from“起因于”,B项contribute to“有助于”,C项patch up“修补,平息”,D项participate in“参加,参与”。句意:人们认为,美国内战的起因是在奴隶制问题上的分歧。根据句意可知,选择A项正确。10. 单选题These illegal immigrants have to work long hours a day despite the appalling working conditions.问题1选项A.bewilderingB.exasperatingC.dismayingD.upsetting【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。appalling表示“可怕的,令人震惊的”;A项bewildering“使人困惑的”,B项exasperating“使人恼怒的”,C项dismaying“令人震惊的,令人惊恐的”,D项upsetting“令人心烦意乱的”。句意:尽管工作条件恶劣,这些非法移民每天还是得工作很长时间。根据句意可知,选择C项正确。11. 单选题The FDA was created to( )the safety of products, review applications and grant approvals.问题1选项A.manipulateB.adjustC.regulateD.manage【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A项manipulate“操纵,操作”,B项adjust“调整”,C项regulate“调节,控制”,D项manage“管理,经营”;根据关键词safety of product(产品的安全性)和后面的review(检查)以及grant(承认,允许)可推断,空格部分表示“控制,规范”。句意:FDA的成立是为了监管产品的安全性,审查申请和批准。因此,该题选择C项正确。12. 单选题To achieve sustainable development, the( )of resources is assuming new importance.问题1选项A.conservationB.reservationC.exhaustionD.devastation【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A项conservation“保护,保存”,B项reservation“预定”,C项exhaustion“筋疲力尽”,D项devastation“毁坏”。根据后面的resource可知句意:为了实现可持续发展,储备资源正具有新的重要性。因此A项正确。13. 单选题Global warming poses a threat to the earth, but humans can probably ease the climate threats brought on by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, global climate specialist Richard Alley told an audience at the University of Vermont, Alley said his research in Greenland suggested that subtle changes in atmospheric patterns leave parts of the globe susceptible to abrupt and dramatic climate shifts that can last decades or centuries.Almost all scientists agree that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere created as humans burn fossil fuel is warming the planet. How to respond to the warming is a matter of intense political, scientific and economic debate worldwide.Alley said he was upbeat about global warming because enough clever people existed in the world to find other reliable energy sources besides fossil fuels. He said people can get rich finding marketable alternatives to fossil fuel. “Wouldnt it be useful if the United States were to have a piece of the action. Wouldnt it be useful if some bright students from University of Vermont were to have a piece of the action,” Alley said.Alley said that Europe and parts of eastern North America could in a matter of a few years revert to a cold, windy region, like the weather in Siberia. Such shifts have occurred frequently over the millennia, Alleys research shows. A gradual change in atmospheric temperature, such as global warming, could push the climate to a threshold where such a shift suddenly occurs, he said.Alley told his audience of about 200 people in a University of Vermont lecture hall Wednesday evening that he couldnt predict if, when or where sudden shifts toward cold, heat, drought or water could occur under global warming, but it is something everyone should consider.“This is not the biggest problem in the world. The biggest problem in the world is getting along with each other. But its part of that because were not going to get along with each other if were not getting along with the planet,” Alley said.1. According to Alley the climate threats to the earth brought by global warming( ).2. Alleys research shows that dramatic climate changes may be caused by( ).3. The word “upbeat” (in Paragraph 3) probably means( ).4. What does Alley suggest people do in order to reduce global warming?5. Alley predicts that global warming could turn Europe and parts of eastern North America into( ).问题1选项A.can be easedtB.can be endedtC.will become worsetD.will last for decadest问题2选项A.abrupt changes in atmospheric patternstB.subtle changes in atmospheric patternstC.humans burning of fossil fueltD.increasing levels of carbon dioxidet问题3选项A.pessimistictB.optimistictC.worriedtD.insensiblet问题4选项A.To find other energy sources besides fossil fuels.tB.To start a political, scientific and economic debate.tC.To take action to burn no fossil fuels.tD.To call on people worldwide to protect our earth.t问题5选项A.a region like SiberiatB.a warmer and warmer placetC.a tropical regiontD.a place like North Pole【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。题干意思是“根据Alley的说法,全球变暖给地球带来的气候威胁”。根据题干定位到文章第一段第一句Global warming poses a threat to the earth, but humans can probably ease the climate threats brought on by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, global climate specialist Richard Alley told an audience at the University of Vermont(全球气候专家理查德阿利在佛蒙特大学的一次演讲中表示,全球变暖对地球构成威胁,但人类或许可以缓解大气中二氧化碳含量上升带来的气候威胁),由此可知A项“可以得到缓解”正确。B项“可以结束”和C项“会变得更糟糕”文中没有提及;D项“会持续数十年”,根据第一段Alley said his research in Greenland suggested that subtle changes in atmospheric patterns leave parts of the globe susceptible to abrupt and dramatic climate shifts that can last decades or centuries(阿利说,他在格陵兰岛的研究表明,大气模式的微妙变化使全球部分地区容易受到可能持续数十年或数百年的突然和剧烈气候变化的影响)可知,D项内容比较片面。因此,该题选择A项正确。第2题:细节推断题。题干意思是“阿利的研究表明,剧烈的气候变化可能是由于”。根据第一段最后一句Alley said his research in Greenland suggested that subtle changes in atmospheric patterns leave parts of the globe susceptible to abrupt and dramatic climate shifts that can last decades or centuries(阿利说,他在格陵兰岛的研究表明,大气模式的微妙变化使全球部分地区容易受到可能持续数十年或数百年的突然和剧烈气候变化的影响)可知,剧烈的气候变化可能是由于大气模式的微妙变化;因此B项“大气模式的细微变化”正确。A项“大气模式的突变”,内容与原文相反;C项“人类燃烧化石燃料”和D项“不断增加的二氧化碳含量”是表面现象,故不选。因此,该题选择B项正确。第3题:语义推测题。题干意思是“第三段的upbeat的意思可能是”。根据题干定位到文章第三段开头Alley said he was upbeat about global warming because enough clever people existed in the world to find other reliable energy sources besides fossil fuels.(阿利说,他对全球变暖持upbeat的态度,因为世界上有足够多的聪明人能够找到化石燃料以外的其他可靠能源),从句子的后半部分可以推测,因为有足够多的人能够找到可替代的能源,所以Alley对全球变暖是比较乐观的态度,所以upbeat这里表示的是“乐观的”,故B项“乐观的”正确。A项“悲观的,厌世的”、C项“担忧的”和D项“麻木不仁的”均不正确,无法从文章中推敲出来。因此,该题选择B项正确。第4题:细节事实题。题干意思是“为了减少全球变暖,阿利建议人们做什么?”。根据第三段第二句He said people can get rich finding marketable alternatives to fossil fuel(他说,人们可以通过寻找丰富的有市场价值的化石燃料替代品)可知,A项“寻找化石燃料之外的其他能源”正确。B项“开始一场政治、科学和经济的辩论”没有提到;C项“采取行动不燃烧化石燃料”,这只是一部分,不够全面;D项“号召全世界的人们保护我们的地球”也没有提及。因此,该题选择A项正确。第5题:细节事实题。题干意思是“阿利预测,全球变暖将使欧洲和北美东部部分地区变成”。根据文章第四段第一句Alley said that Europe and parts of eastern North America could in a matter of a few years revert to a cold, windy region, like the weather in Siberia.(阿利说,欧洲和北美东部部分地区可能在几年内恢复到寒冷多风的地区,就像西伯利亚的天气一样),由此可知A项“像西伯利亚这样的地区”正确。B项“一个越来越暖和的地方”和C项“热带地区”内容与原文相反;D项“像北极这样的地方”,原文提到了“就像西伯利亚的天气一样”,所以D项错误。因此,该题选择A项正确。14. 单选题In spite of the taxing business schedule, he managed to take some time off for exercise.问题1选项A.imposingB.demandingC.compulsoryD.temporary【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。taxing表示“费力的”;A项imposing“壮观的”,B项demanding“苛求的,吃力的”,C项compulsory“义务的”,D项temporary“暂时的”。句意:尽管业务繁忙,他还是抽出时间锻炼身体。根据句意可知B项正确。15. 单选题The wages of manual laborers stay painfully low, meaning digitalization could drive an even deeper( )between the rich and poor.问题1选项A.boundaryB.differenceC.wedgeD.variation【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A项boundary“边界,范围”,B项difference“差异,不同”,C项wedge“楔子,不和”,D项variation“变化,变异,变种”。句意:体力劳动者的工资维持在令人痛苦的低水平,这意味着数字化可能会加深富人和穷人之间的隔阂。四个选项中,只有wedge的意思与句意相近;因此,该题C项正确。16. 单选题A farmer must learn the kinds of crops best( )the soils on his farm.问题1选项A.accustomed toB.committed toC.applied toD.suited to【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A项accustom to“习惯于”,B项commit to“把投入,交付”,C项apply to“适用于,应用于”,D项suit to“适合于”。句意:农民必须了解最适合他农场土壤的作物种类。四个选项中,只有suit to最合适;因此,该题D项正确。17. 单选题As an important( )for our emotions and ideas, music can play a huge role in our life.问题1选项A.vesselB.vestC.ventureD.vehicle【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A项vessel“船,器皿”,B项vest“背心,汗衫”,C项venture“冒险旅行”,D项vehicle“车辆,交通工具,运载工具”。后文提到“音乐在生活中发挥重要作用”,根据前文的our emotion and ideas(我们的情感和思想)可知空格处表示“载体”。句意:作为情感和思想的重要载体,音乐在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。因此,该题D项正确。18. 单选题Assumingly that he disagrees with our proposal, what shall we do next?问题1选项A.IfB.What ifC.WhenD.What about【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨析与条件状语从句。Assumingly的动词原形是assume,放在句首表示疑问“假定,假使”;A项if“如果”,一般用法为if that +从句;B项what if“假使将会怎么样”,用法为what if+主语+谓语;C项when“何时”,引导时间状语从句;D项what about“怎么样”,引导特殊疑问句。句意:假如他不同意我们的建议,那我们下一步怎么办?根据句意可知,该题选择B项正确。19. 单选题It is a curious paradox that we think of the physical sciences as “hard”, the social sciences as “soft” and the biological sciences as somewhere in between. This is interpreted to mean that our knowledge of physical systems is more certain than our knowledge of biological systems, and these in turn are more certain than our knowledge of social systems. In terms of our capacity to sample the relevant universes, however, and the probability that our images of these universes are at least approximately correct, one suspects that a reverse order is more reasonable. We are able to sample earths social systems with some degree of confidence that we have a reasonable sample of the total universe being investigated. Our knowledge of social systems, therefore, while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate,


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