DAY 02 Pay by cash? Not for long, report warns自主预习课前预习区自主学习文本 自我思考问题 自行查阅资料 I. 写出下列词汇的汉语释义 (1)第一组形容词4个(adj.):1. viable切实可行的,能办到的 2. dramatic 突然的,巨大的 3. current 现在的,现行的 4. cashless不用现金的 (2)第二组动词5个(v.):1. ensure保证,担保2. conclude断定,推断出 3. offer主动提出,自愿给予4. overtake超过,赶上 5. handle 处理,应付 (3)第三组名词7个(n.):1. guarantee保证,担保2. note 纸币;笔记 3. regulator监管者,监管机构 4. decline 减少,下降,衰落 5. demise终止,失败,倒闭 6. evidence 根据,证明,证据7. infrastructure 基础设施,基础建设II. 词汇拓展积累1. viable adj. 切实可行的,能办到的 viability n. 可行性 同义词:feasible adj. 可行的2. dramatic adj. 突然的,巨大的 dramatically adv. 戏剧地,显著地3. current adj. 当前的;流通的 currency n. 通货,货币4. conclude v. 断定,推断出conclusion n. 结论,推论 5. regulator n. 监管者,监管机构 regulate v. 约束,控制 regulatory adj. 具有监管权的III. 重点短语英译汉1. fall apart 破裂,散架,垮掉= fall to pieces 2.A hard-hitting review 单刀直入的评论 3. finance experts 金融专家 4. market forces 市场力量5. as long as 只要 6. call on 呼吁,号召7. step in 介入,干预,插手 8. council bills 市政税9. essential services 基本服务 10. pay in cash 用现金支付11. debit card 借记卡 12. contactless payments 非接触支付13. account for(数量或比例上)占 14. account for(数量或比例上)占15. owing to 因为,由于 16. beyond ones control 超过某人控制 IV. 翻译下列句子 1. The system allowing people to use cash in the UK is at risk of falling apart and needs a new guarantee to ensure notes and coins can still be used.翻译:允许人们在英国使用现金的系统正面临着“分崩离析”的风险,因此需要新措施来确保纸币和硬币仍然可以流通使用。2. A hard-hitting review by finance experts has concluded that market forces will not save cash for as long as people need it.翻译:一些金融专家发表了一份一针见血的结论声称,即:只要人们需要,市场力量仍会使用现金。 3. The report calls on the government and regulators to step in to ensure cash remains viable.翻译:报告呼吁政府和监管机构介入,以确保现金仍然可行。4. Cash use has been falling dramatically in recent years.翻译:近年来,现金使用急剧下降。5. The report said that the current rate of decline would mean cash use would end in 2026.翻译:报告指出,目前的(现金使用的)下降率意味着现金使用将在2026年结束。6. However, it concluded that notes and coins would still be used in 15 years time, but accounting for between 10% and 15% of transactions.翻译:然而,报告也指出纸币和硬币仍将在15年内使用,但仅占交易量的10%至15%。你的感悟:02现金支付不久会消失吗?课程导读人类使用货币的历史已经有数千年了,纸币的产生也有逾千年的历史了。据史学家研究,世界上最早的“纸币”是在1000多年前我国宋代时出现的,当时称为“交子”,主要流通于四川地区。但现在,人们使用纸币好像越来越少了,从扫码支付到一些商家贴出的“本店不收现金”的标识,现金支付似乎已经悄悄地淡出了我们的生活。英国也面临同样的趋势:近日,英国几位金融学家撰写报告称,以现在的消减速度来看,到2026年将无人再使用现金。他们呼吁政府采取措施保护现金支付。在移动支付更方便的现状下为什么还要保护现金?完全的无现金社会是否成为可能?一起来读今天的文章。本文节选自 BBC文本难度:话题难度:Pay by cash? Not for long, report warns The system allowing people to use cash in the UK is at risk of falling apart and needs a new guarantee to ensure notes and coins can still be used.A hard-hitting review by finance experts has concluded that market forces will not save cash for as long as people need it.The report calls on the government and regulators to step in to ensure cash remains viable. Suggestions include ensuring rural shops offer cash-back. The report also said that essential services, such as utility(公共事业) and council bills council bills =council tax(英国根据个人住房的价值而收取的)市政税。在英国,所有的房产都要向地方政府缴市政税(Counciltax),用来支付公共服务设施费用。比如清扫马路和收垃圾、修地方上的公路、公共绿地和公园的维护、公共设施的保养和维修等等都由各地的市政支付。, should still allow customers to pay in cash.Cash use has been falling dramatically in recent years. In 2017, debit card debit card:借记卡是指发卡银行向持卡人签发的,没有信用额度,持卡人先存款、后使用的银行卡。use - driven by contactless payments contactless payments:是指消费者不再需要输入Pin(密码),将卡放置在相应的端口上“滴”一下就可以直接付款,简单理解就像刷公交卡一样不需要输入密码,放在读卡区上,几秒钟即可完成30镑以下的支付,帮助用户省去找零与输入密码的麻烦环节。 - overtook the number of payments made in cash in the UK for the first time.The report said that the current rate of decline would mean cash use would end in 2026.However, it concluded that notes and coins would still be used in 15 years time, but accounting for between 10% and 15% of transactions.The demise of cash, if unchecked, would be driven primarily by retailers and other businesses refusing to accept cash owing to the cost of handling it.Evidence from Sweden, seen as much closer to a cashless society than the UK, suggested that infrastructure was needed before cash use declined beyond anyones control.8