九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Look into Science Lesson 25 Let’s Do an Experiment教学 (新版)冀教版

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Unit 5 Look into ScienceLesson 25 Lets Do an Experiment1. Do you like science?2. What kinds of experiments have you done in science class? 3. If you hold a jar that is filled with water upside down, what will happen?upside downaa倒置的,颠倒的right side upa正面朝上upside a上边,上部sciencea科学adj.scientifica do an experiment做实验What can they do?jar:广口瓶,罐子fill装满How many strawberries?observe:观察,监视Whats he doing?ingprove 证实; 证明 method 方法; 办法Listen to the tape and answer the questions:1. What will Brain do? 2. Why does Danny say they should do this experiment outside? Brain will do an experimentBecause Danny thinks the floor will get wet. I think:“我认为”,其后可接that引导的宾语从句。在使用时要注意,否定主句,反问从句。get wet意为“变湿”。后接形容词作表语。pour out:“倒出,使流出,涌出”。pourinto:“把倒进”。be sure of:“确信;对有把握”put on:“穿上”,为“动词+副词”构成的短语。“It is+形容词+enough to do sth.”“做某事是足够的”。=tooto=sothat。conclude from意为“从推断,从中得出”。find, find out, discover, invent(1)find意为“找到,发现”,强调“找”的结果,也可指偶然发现、碰到,其后可接名词、复合结构或that从句。(2)find out指“弄清楚,查明”。着重表示通过调查、分析、思考等得出结果。(3)discover意为“发现”,指发现已存在但不为人所知的事物。(4)invent意为“发明”,指发明原来不存在的东西。(1)Where does Danny think they should do the experiment?(2)What keeps the water in the jar?(3)Is Jenny sure of her theory?How do you know?(4)Why does Danny put on his raincoat?(5)What does Danny conclude?Read the lesson and answer the questions.Danny thinks that they should do the experiment outside.The force of the air./The air pressure.Yes,she is.She is so sure of her theory that Brian can do the experiment over Dannys head and he wont get wet.Because he thinks he will get wet.Air is stronger than he thought.Put a piece of cardboard over the jar.The jar of water is upside down, but the water stays in the jar. This is because air pressure pushes the cardboard onto the jar.Fill the glass jar with water.Turn the glass jar over quickly. Hold your hand on the cardboard for a few seconds.Remove your hand from underneath the jar. What happens?There is more air outside the jar than inside, so there is more air pressure outside than inside.Read the experiment.Put the sentence in the correct order.251346What happens when you use less water, more water, wet cardboard, or different kinds and sizes of jars?Try to do the experiment in this lesson yourself.1. Make a list of the materials and tools that we will use in the experiment.2. Write down two different theories. Retell the process of the experiment.3. Write down the steps of doing the experiment.4. Write down the result of the experiment. Summary the experiment.How do we do the experiment? Lets do an interesting experiment. First, I _ a jar _ a desk, _ it _ water, then _the top _ a piece of cardboard. When I _the jar _ _, can you guess what will happen? downputonfillwithcoverwithturnupsideWhat is science?What is science?Can you explain?Please make it easy for my brain.Its about making observations.Why do onions make me cry?Why do clouds go by?What keeps the birds in the sky?Thats just science.Its about matterthe universe.Why does a car stay on the road?Why is there green all over a toad?Why cant I carry a heavy load?Thats just science.1.Listen and read.2.Finish exercises of this lesson.Homework


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