(江苏专用)2021版新高考英语一轮复习 课时提能练41 牛津译林版

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课时提能练(四十一)Unit 3The world of colours and light课时作业A:基础层面.语境语法填空 ABecause they were committed to 1.making(make) a 30 days 2.accommodations (accommodate) for me,I was off to the gallery to do a part-time job in it during last summer vacation.Many abstract oil paintings,3.ranging(range) from the 13th century to the 20th century,were exhibited,some of 4.which are worth upwards of millions of dollars each,making the gallery famous nationwide.Because of the free 5.admission (admit),hardly had many visitors got off the bus when they entered the exhibition hall.It 6.was_calculated(calculate) that each day there were 1,000 people coming here to admire the beautiful oil paintings.To ensure a good environment for visitors,they would reward some of them with some 7.souvenirs(souvenir) for their good behavior and manners.BWe started our trip in Spain and went to Mlaga,1.where Picasso was born. Picasso produced more than 20,000 pieces of art,and he did not just paint,but made sculptures and worked with all kinds of 2.media(medium)After visiting Spain,we went to Paris.In the Louvre Museum we saw the famous Mona Lisa 3.painted(paint) by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci,4.who was also an architect,scientist and engineer.Later we went to the Muse dOrsay 5.to_see(see) the modern works of Claude Monet.His paintings were typical of a style called 6.Impressionism(impression),with which the painter abandons the idea of showing real things.Yesterday we went to 7.the Van Gogh Museum.Van Gogh painted about 800 oil paintings and did 1,600 drawings. But the sad thing is that he only sold one painting when he was 8.alive(live)Today,his paintings are worth upwards of 9.millions(million) of dollars each.Tomorrow we are 10.off to another museum in Amsterdam.根据提示补全句子1她话刚出口,就后悔不迭。Hardly_had she spoken when she regretted it bitterly.2昨天他要是知道你的电话号码,就会给你打电话了。Had_he_known your number yesterday,he would have phoned/called you.3因此,一些观众开始远离电影院,导致(经济)增长放缓。(分词作状语)Consequently,some viewers began to turn away from cinemas,leading_to a slower growth.4多谢你的书,我今晚会浏览一下。(dip)Thank you for the book.Ill dip_into_it this evening.课时作业B:能力层面.阅读理解A(2019重庆适应性测试)Robert Frost(18741963) was the statesman of American letters in the twentieth century,a rare national poet who was read and respected by both university professors and everyday citizens.In his life,Frost won four Pulitzer Prizes for his worksmore than any other poet in American history.His most famous poems include The Road Not Taken,Fire and Ice and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.Though he is widely read,Frost is also one of the most misunderstood writers in the United States for the complexity of his poems.Though born in California,Frost was brought up in New England,where he is inseparably linked.After dropping out of Dartmouth College to seek his literary dream,he remained upset for years,producing collections of works but failing to get enough of them published to make his efforts financially worthwhile.Finally,Frost left the United States in 1912 to see whether his work might be better received in London.It was,and in 1913 his first full collection was published in Great Britain. Fellow American poet Amy Lowell adored Frosts work and brought it back to the United States,publicizing it insistently.Soon afterwards Frosts collections became bestsellers,and he became a famous figure.From then on,Frost was on his way to the lifelong respect and recognition for his achievements in poetry.In 1961,he was invited to read a poem for the presidential inauguration(总统就职典礼) of John FKennedy.He recited his poem,The Gift Outright,from memory at the ceremony.This was perhaps his last poetry reading in front of a wide national audience before his death in 1963.More importantly,Frost became the first poet to read a poem at a presidential inauguration.【语篇解读】文章主要介绍了美国伟大的诗人Robert Frost的文学生涯。1What makes Frost “the statesman of American letters”?AThe comments of other writers.BHis literary achievements.CThe complexity of his poems.DHis political activities.B推理判断题。根据第一段中的“a rare national poet who was read and respected by both university professors and everyday citizens.in American history”可知,他的文学成就很高。故选B项。2What do we know about Frost before 1912?AHe continued writing after his graduation from Dartmouth College.BHe was well received in London for his first collection.CHe failed to make much money with his publication.DHe produced enough works to achieve literary success.C细节理解题。根据第二段的“but failing to get enough of them published to make his efforts financially worthwhile”可知,当时Frost没能靠写作挣到很多钱。3According to the passage,what brought Frost immediate success in the US?AThe literary value of his poetry.BThe publication of his first collection.CThe invitation from John FKennedy.DThe recommendation by Amy Lowell.D细节理解题。根据第二段的“Fellow American poet Amy Lowell adored Frosts work and brought it back to the United States,publicizing it insistently.a famous figure.”可知,选D。4Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?AThe Literary Life of Robert Frost:An OverviewBRobert Frost and the Twentieth CenturyCRobert Frost:A Historical FigureDThe Popularity of Robert FrostA标题归纳题。本文介绍了美国伟大诗人Robert Frost的文学生涯。A选项意为“Robert Frost的文学生涯概述”。故选A项。 B(2019太原市模拟)Were often reminded of the importance of preserving the planet as we see it for future generationsand children at St Oswalds CE Primary School Chester certainly agree.Nineyearold Isobel Kelleher from the schools Hummingbirds class thinks adults need to take note.“Sometimes they can be busy and I dont think they think they can make a difference,but if everyone does a little bit it all adds up,” she tells HuffPost UK.“We started looking at plastic pollution in our oceans and the things like plastic bags that are polluting them,” she says.“Fish can eat the plastic and they can die,or we might even eat the fish ourselves.”Mr.Timms,Isobels teacher,has been spearheading a new project at the school which lets children loose creatively to raise awareness of the need to be more environmentally friendly.The entire Hummingbirds class,which is made up of 9and 10yearold pupils,has been busy writing poems and creating online video adverts to warn adults about the serious situation of our oceans and wildlife.Mr.Timms thinks children have an important role to play in teaching us how to take care of the things around us.“We sometimes overlook how much we can really learn from children,” he says.“It has been really hard to believe having parents come in saying that their children have been asking them to stop using plastic,and to recycle more,and even stopping them using plastic straws.”Mr.Timms is proud of his Hummingbirds class.“The message that they would like to send to world is simple: stopping this isnt someone elses job,and it wont be OK if we just leave it.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了“蜂鸟班”的学生积极参与环保教育活动。5What can we infer about adults according to Isobel Kelleher?AThey just pretend to be busy.BThey havent done their part well.CThey can do nothing to stop pollution.DThey have started to care about the ocean.B推理判断题。根据第二段的内容,尤其是第一句“Nineyearold Isobel Kelleher from the schools Hummingbirds class thinks adults need to take note”可知,学校“蜂鸟班”里九岁的伊泽贝尔认为成年人需要注意环保问题;据此可推知,成年人在环保问题上没有做得很好,故B项正确。6What is the purpose of the school project?ATo help adults to learn more about their kids.BTo remind adults to be friendly to the environment.CTo persuade students to stop using plastic bags.DTo teach students how to write poems creatively.B细节理解题。根据第三段尾句“The entire Hummingbirds class,which is made up of 9and 10yearold pupils,has been busy writing poems and creating online video adverts to warn adults about the serious situation of our oceans and wildlife”可知,整个“蜂鸟班”由9岁和10岁的学生组成,他们一直忙着写诗和制作在线视频广告,提醒成年人关于海洋和野生动物所处的严重处境;据此可知,该项目旨在提醒成年人要注意环保问题,故B项正确。7Why does Mr.Timms mention parents in Paragraph 4?ATo prove kids are creative in teaching.BTo attract people to support his work.CTo have adults care about education.DTo show the effects of the project.D推理判断题。根据第四段尾句“It has been really hard to believe having parents come in saying that their children have been asking them to stop using plastic,and to recycle more,and even stopping them using plastic straws”可知,真的很难相信有父母说孩子们要求他们停止使用塑料,甚至要求他们停止使用塑料吸管;据此可推知,该段提及父母旨在说明该项目对成年人的影响,故D项正确。8What is the text mainly about?AAn inspiring school project.BAn appeal to stop plastic bags.CSerious situations of our planet.DAdults ignorance of the environment.A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章第三段第一句“Mr.Timms,Isobels teacher,has been spearheading a new project at the school which lets children loose creatively to raise awareness of the need to be more environmentally friendly”为全文的主题句,结合全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了“蜂鸟班”积极响应一个环保教育项目,该班由9岁和10岁的孩子组成,他们通过写诗和制作在线视频广告,提醒成年人注意环保问题。故A项正确。.阅读七选五(2019合肥市第二次教学质量检测)Whats the purpose of building patience abilities? In a word,happiness.Better relationships,more success.But indeed it takes efforts to build them successfully._1_ Thus,when the big ones come,we will have developed the patience we need for hard times.Understand the addictive nature of anger and impatience.We,human beings,are still constructed with our old reptilian(爬行动物的) brain that protects our physical and emotional survival.On the emotional survival side,we want our way to get ahead,to achieve,and to “look good”Lets just face it._2_ So the first step in growing patience is to get in touch with the addictive quality of the opposite of patienceanger,impatience,blame and shame.We all have them.And we can grow beyond them.Upgrade our attitude towards discomfort and pain.Pain has its purposes and pushes us to find solutionswe try to change the other person,situation or thing that we think is causing our discomfort.But the problem is that it is not the outside thing thats the source of our pain,but how our mind is set._3_Pay attention when the impatience or pain starts.Most of us dont really realize it when we are feeling even the smallestbut very presentpainful feelings._4_ But to really care for ourselves,get curious about whats actually happening in the moment inside you.Focusing on whats actually happening,you can notice the worry of not wanting whats happening,the resistance._5_ When you find yourself impatient,or angry with yourself,you can remind yourself that you are growing,and that,“Sure,this is understandable; this is what happens to me when Im bothered.” You can say to yourself,“Its true.I dont like this; this is uncomfortable,but I can tolerate it.”APractice positive selftalk.BSo the solution to pain is an inside job.CPatience abilities benefit you in many ways.DLearn to forgive yourself for being impatient in hard times.EWe ignore the fact that were in pain and focus completely on fixing the problem.FThe urge to protect ourselves and what we consider valuable is absolutely habitforming.GEffective ways are recommended to train ourselves to work with little pain and annoyance.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了几个增强耐心的有效的方法。1G根据空前一句以及空后一句“Thus,when the big ones come,we will.hard times”可知,成功地培养耐心需要花费精力,因而推荐一些有效的方法用来训练我们应对痛苦及烦恼的能力,因此当更大的麻烦来临时,我们将已经有耐心应对困难的时刻。故G项符合语境。2F根据空后的“So the first step.blame and shame”可推知,保护我们自己和我们认为有价值的东西的冲动绝对是由习惯养成的,因此要做的第一步就是了解负面情绪根深蒂固的本性。故选F。3B根据空前一句“But the problem is that it is not the outside thing thats the source of our pain,but how our mind is set”可知,问题不是出现在引起痛苦的外在因素上面,而是出现在我们的思考方式上,因此解决痛苦是一种内在的活动。故选B。4E根据空前一句“Most of us dont really realize it.painful feelings”及空后的“get curious about whats actually happening in the moment inside you”可知,我们经常忽略了这样一个事实,即我们处于痛苦之中,而我们的关注的焦点总是全部集中在解决问题上。5A根据文章结构和空处所在位置可知,空处为段落主题句;通读本段可知,本段主要是说要积极地自我对话,故A项符合语境。.语法填空(2019长沙市统一模拟)When we read a poem,we often imagine what the poets 1._(think) when they wrote or what they were doing at the time.These thoughts let us connect with the words better,as if wed created the poem 2._ (we)Will a poem still mean as much if a computer writes it?By 3._(use) algorithms(算法),computers can now create all kinds of texts,including research papers,books,news,stories and even poems. Computer generated poems might be correct in both grammar and style,4._ some say they still lack 5._(create) and true meaning.Australian researcher Oscar Schwartz created a website 6._(call) “bot or not”On his site,you can read poems and guess whether they 7._(write) by a human or a computer.Schwartz recently gave a speech at TEDxSydney,in 8._he stated that some of the websites poems were able to 9._(foolish) 65 percent of human readers.He said that on his website,he hoped people would question the difference between humans and machinesand be able to identify 10._ makes us human.【语篇解读】当我们读诗的时候,我们会很容易跟诗人产生共鸣。澳大利亚研究人员Oscar Schwartz创建了一个用计算机写诗的网站,但此法是否可行呢?1were thinking考查动词的时态。句意:当我们读一首诗时,我们通常会想象诗人在写诗的时候正在想什么或者他们在那个时候正在做什么。根据句意可知,此处表示在过去的某个时刻正在做某事,应用过去进行时,空处与“what they were doing”并列,故填were thinking。2ourselves考查代词。句意:这些想法使我们更好地与这些文字联系起来,好像是我们自己创作了这首诗。根据句意可知,此处表示“我们自己”,故填ourselves。3using考查动名词。介词后可跟名词、代词或动名词,故填using。4but/yet考查连词。空前意为“电脑创作的诗可能在语法和风格上都是正确的”,空后意为“一些人说这样的诗仍缺乏创造性和真实的意义”,根据句意可知,前后句之间是转折关系,故填but/yet。5creativity/creativeness考查词形转换。根据空后的“and true meaning”并结合语境可知,空处与“true meaning”构成并列关系,故填creativity/ creativeness,此处表示“缺乏创造性和真实的意义”。6called考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,动词call和其逻辑主语a website构成动宾关系,故用其过去分词形式作定语。7were written/are written考查动词的语态和时态。分析句子结构可知,动词write和其主语为被动关系,故用被动语态;且动作有可能是在过去发生,也有可能是在现在经常性发生,故用一般过去时和一般现在时均可,故填were written/are written。8which考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,空处指代先行词“a speech”,指物,故用which来引导该从句。9fool考查词形转换。根据空前的“were able to”和语境可知,此处表示这个网站的诗能够骗过65%的读者,此处应该使用动词,故填fool。10what考查宾语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导宾语从句,作及物动词identify的宾语,且空处在从句中作主语,故填what。8


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