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The test of Unit1-3 ( Book 4)Class_ Name_ No._ Mark_听力局部 40%一、 听朗读,选出你听到的单词,把代号填在括号里。 10%1. ( ) A. cool B. cook C. cold2. ( ) A. there B. they C. these3. ( ) A. hall B. hot C. tall4. ( ) A. ofB. for C. with5. ( ) A. kitchenB. garden C. chicken6. ( ) A. shirt B. shoes C. shorts7. ( ) A. ship B. she C. shoes8. ( ) A. beach B. teach C. peach9. ( ) A. office B. school C. gym10.( ) A. where B. what C. how二、 听朗读,用阿拉伯数字给以下句子排序。10%( ) People are dancing arm in arm.( ) Theres a party in the park.( ) Is there a bedroom for everyone?( ) Are they going to the beach?.( ) Shes in black shoes.三、 听朗读,填上所缺的单词。 10%1. Theres a _ and two _.2. We can have _ for _.3. Are there _ _ flowers in the garden?.4. Shes going to the _ _.5. How _ _ are there?四、 听问句选答语。 10%1. ( ) A. No, Im not.B. Of course.C. Yes, there is.2. ( ) A. Theres a gym. B. I have a nice home. C. There are 20.3. ( ) A. No, there arent. B. Its a hall. C. Theres one.4. ( ) A. Shes going to the park. B. Im going to school. C. Theyre going to the beach.5. () A. Im playing. B. Were going to the bank. C. Oh, no.笔试局部 60%一、 选词填空。每词只用一次(10)a , an , to , in , with , swimming pool , singing , These , There , but1. There isnt a garden, _ theres a big living room.2. They have _ good idea.3. Can you play _ me, Gogo?4. Its hot. Were going to the _.5. Theres _ old tree _ my school.6. Lets move the books _ the teachers office.7. _ are my shoes.8. _ are two bathrooms in our new home.9. We are _ at Bens home .二、选择填空,把正确答案的代号写在括号里。15%1. ( ) Where are you _? To the park. A. doing B. going C. play2. ( ) There _ a living room and two bathrooms. A. am B. is C. are3. ( ) How many _ are there? A. room B. teachers C. gym4. ( ) _ is she doing? A. Who B. What C. Where5. ( ) Mom cooks dinner in the _. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. kitchen6. ( ) Look! These are my _ bedrooms. A. sisters B. sisters C. sisterss7. ( ) Is there a new house for_? A. he B. us C. your8. ( ) _ can we go? We can go to the park. A. Where B. What C. Who9. ( ) We can eat some food in the _. A. supermarket B. beach C. restaurant10.( ) _ is it today? Its Monday. A. What day B. How many C. Where11.( ) _ brothers do you have? I have a brother. A. What B. Where C. How many12.( ) They are _ the chairs. A. move B. moveing C. moving13.( ) I dont _ a toy car,but _ a toy car in the room. A. have / has B. have / theres C. theres / have14.( ) They are playing basketball in the _. A. gym B. supermarket C. bank15.( ) There _ some puzzles in the box. A. have B. is C. are三、根据首字母提示把以下句子补充完整10%1. How many b_ are there in your home? There is o_.2. In my school there are t_ classrooms.3. Tony is s_ in the supermarket.4. A_ you going to the park? Yes.5. W_ is she going? Shes going to the r_. Shes hungry.6. I hurt(弄伤)my foot. Im going to the h_.7. listen!Ben is p_ the violin in the m_ room.四、看图,补充句子。一线一词15%12341.A: Hi, Ben. _there a dining room in your new _? B: Yes. And theres a _, a_ and a _ _ too. A: How many bedrooms are there? B: There are _.2._ they going to the park? No, they _. Theyre going to the _.3. _ in your school? Theres a big _.4. _ is Lisa going? Shes going to Bens home. Today is Bens _. Theres a _ in Bens home.五、根据短文容判断以下句子对错。对的在括号写“T,错的写“F。10%This is a picture图画of my dream home. Its very nice and big. I like swimming, so there are two swimming pools in it. One is in the house and one is in the garden. By the way, theres a very beautiful garden behind my house. In my dream home there are many rooms in it. Theres a big living room, two dining rooms, three kitchens, four bathrooms and five bedrooms. Theres a bedroom for everyone. Do you like my dream home?1. ( ) This is my home.2. ( ) There is a swimming pool in the garden.3. ( ) I have a bedroom in my dream home4. ( ) There are many living rooms.5. ( ) My dream home is good.四年级听力材料一、听朗读,选出你听到的单词,把代号填在括号里。 10%1. cool 2. they 3.tall 4. of 5. chicken 6. shirt 7. shoes8. teach 9. office 10. what二、听朗读,用阿拉伯数字给以下句子排序。10%( 2 ) People are dancing arm in arm.( 5 ) Theres a party in the park.( 1 ) Is there a bedroom for everyone?( 4 ) Are they going to the beach?.( 3 ) Shes in black shoes.三、听朗读,填上所缺的单词。 10%1.Theres a hall and two libraries.2.We can have noodles for lunch.3.Are there lots of flowers in the garden?.4.Shes going to the shopping mall.5.How many classrooms are there?四、听问句选答语。 10%1. Do you have a bedroom?2. Whats in your school?3. How many halls are there?4. Tony, where is your mother going?5. What are you doing, Ben?6 / 6


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