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定语从句中考专题复习1.定义:修饰名词或代词的从句称为定语从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后。定语从句在句中相当一个形容词,起定语作用。2.关系词:引导定语从句的关联词称为关系词 关系词有关系代词和关系副词 关系代词:that, which, who, whom, whose 关系副词:when,where, why 3. 关系词常有三个作用: 、引导定语从句 、代替先行词 、在定语从句中充当一个成分关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose 在定语从句中的用法1.who指人,在从句中做主语 (1)The boys who are playing football are from Class One.修饰人 (2)Yesterday I helped an old man who lost his way.2. whom指人,在定语从句中充当宾语,常可省略。 (1) Mr. Liu is the person (whom) you talked about. 注意:关系代词whom在口语和非正式语体中常用who代替,可省略。 (3) The man who/whom you met just now is my friend.修饰物3 which指物,在定语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略 (1) Football is a game which is liked by most boys. ( which 在句子中做主语) (2) This is the pen (which) he bought yesterday. ( which 在句子中做宾语)4. that指人时,相当于who或者whom;指物时,相当于which。 在定语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略。既可以修饰人也可以修饰物 (5) The people that/who come to visit the city are all here. (在句子中做主语) (6) Where is the man that/whom I saw this morning? (在句子中做宾语)5. whose通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语 (1) He has a friend whose father is a doctor. (2) I lived in a house whose roof has fallen in.(3)Do you like the book whose color is yellow?小结:定语从句中关系代词的用法关系代词指人指物主语宾语定语thatwhichwhowhomwhose步骤:1.判断出先行词是指人还是物。 2.判断出先行词在从句中所担任的成分。 3.确定关系代词。练习一 : 用that 、which 、who、 whom 、whose 填空1.This is the man _ wants to see you.2.The man _ you went to see has come.3.The woman _ you saw is our geography teacher. 4.Here is the pen _ you lost the day before yesterday.5.These books _ you lent me were very useful.6.The book _ is on the table is mine.7.Is there anyone _ family is in Beijing?8.Show me the boy _ mother is a well-known singer.9.The boy _ father is a teacher is good at English .定语从句的特殊用法1.下列情况只能用that引导1)当先行词既有人又有物修饰时 Eg: Maria took photos of the things and people that she was interested in.2)当先行词前面有who, which等疑问代词时,为避免重复,用that Who is the man that is standing there? Which is the T-shirt that suits me fine?3)当先行词有the only, the very, the same, the last等修辞时Eg: The only thing that is important is to find our way home.4)当先行词有序数词和最高级修饰时Eg: This is the best film ( that ) Ive ever seen. The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben.5)当先行词是 anything, everything, nothing something , few, all, none, little, some 等代词时,或者是由 every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much 等修饰时 Have you written down everything that Mr. Li has said? There seems to be nothing that seems impossible for him in the world. All that can be done has been done. There is little that I can do for you.6) 在 there be 句型里Eg: There is only one thing that I can do2.当先行词前有介词时,只能用whichEg: This is the hotel in which you will stay.练习: 用 that 、 which 、who、whose 填空1. He did all / everything _he could to help me.2. This is the very thing _ I am after.3. We talked about the men and the things _ we remembered at school.4. He is the only man _ can do the work.5. This is the first thing _ I want to say.6. He is the finest man _ I have ever worked with.7. Who is the man _ spoke to you at the gate.8. Which is the star _ is nearest to the earth.单项选择:( ) 1. Your teacher of Chinese is a young lady _ comes from Beijing. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose( ) 2. He was the only person in his office_ was invited. A. whom B. whose C. that D. which( ) 3. Charlie told his mother all _ had happened.A. that B. what C. which D. who( ) 4. Do you know the student _? A. whom I often talk B. with who I often talk C. I often talk with D. that I often talk( ) 5. I like the house _ windows face south. A. whose B. whos C. its D. its( ) 6. Would you tell me where to get the dictionary _? A. what I need B. I need C. which I need it D. that I need it关系副词when,where,why的用法1. I still remember the day. I first came to the school on the day.= I still remember the day _ I first came to the school .归纳: when指时间,在定语从句中做时间状语2. Shanghai is the city. I was born in Shanghai.= Shanghai is the city _ I was born.归纳: where指地点,在定语从句中做地点状语3. Please tell me the reason. You missed the plane. = Please tell me the reason _ you missed the plane .归纳: why指原因,在定语从句中做原因状语关系副词和先行词的关系: 关系副词 = 介词先行词 = 介词which1. I still remember the day when I came here.on the day = _ = _2. This is the house where I lived last year. in the house= _ = _3. There are many reasons why people like traveling.for the reasons = _ = _注意此类易混情况:1.Ill never forget the days_ we worked together.2.Ill never forget the days _ we spent together.3.I went to the place I worked ten years ago.4.I went to the place _ I visited ten years ago.5.This is the reason _ he was late.6.This is the reason _he gave.关系副词 when,where,why的用法小结先行词 whenwherewhywhich地点名词 地点状语 宾语时间名词时间状语 宾语the reason 原因状语 宾语单项选择填空:1. This is the place _I have ever visited.A. why B. whenC. whereD. which2. Nobody knows the reason _ she didnt come to the meeting. A. where B. which C. why D. when3. The moon is a world _ there is no life. A. that B. which C. where D. why4. He has forgotten the day _ he arrived. A. when B. whereC. why D. which5. He still remembers the days _ he spent with your family. A. when B. where C. that6. He got to the village _ his family once lived 2o years ago. A. why B. where C. when 7. This is the house _ I want to buy. A. when B. which C. why D. where中考定语从句需要注意以下几种易混情况:介词+关系代词1. The man whom you spoke to was a scientist.The man to who you spoke was a scientist. ( )The man to whom you spoke was a scientist. ( )2. The city which she lives in is far away.The city in that she lives is far away. ( ) The city in which she lives is far away. ( )归纳: 可见who、that 不能用与介词之后 3. Is this the watch that you are looking for ?4. The old man whom I am looking after is better .归纳: 在固定短语中介词不能提前2013中考定语从句真题:1What are you looking for? (2013长沙) Im looking for the watch _ I bought yesterday. Awhich Bwho Cwhose2. Dont throw away pens and erasers _ you havent used up. (2013本溪) A. where B. which C. who D. what3. I cant find the book _my mother bought me. (2013鞍山) A. who B. when C. which D. what4Most of my friends like loud music _they can dance to. (2013四川遂宁) Athat Bwhat Cwhen5. Do you know the little boy _ is helping the old man cross the road? (2013吉林) No. But how nice he is! A.which B. who C. whom6.- What kind of music do you like? (2013四川成都) - I like music _ I can dance to. A.that B. where C. who7. - Do you know the old man _ is talking to our head teacher? - Yes, hes my grandfather. (2013营口) A. whom B. whose C. who D. which8. Do you know the girl _ is standing _ the tree? Yes, she is my friend, Zhang Ying. (2013四川达州) A. that, in the front of B. whom , under C. who, in front of D. which, behind9. Ma Yun is now a boss of a famous company, for_life was once very hard. (2013柳州) A. whose B. which C. whom6


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