2019-2020学年高中英语 Module 5 Trip Along the Three Gorges Section Ⅱ Grammar课后篇巩固提升 外研版必修4

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2019-2020学年高中英语 Module 5 Trip Along the Three Gorges Section Ⅱ Grammar课后篇巩固提升 外研版必修4_第1页
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2019-2020学年高中英语 Module 5 Trip Along the Three Gorges Section Ⅱ Grammar课后篇巩固提升 外研版必修4_第2页
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2019-2020学年高中英语 Module 5 Trip Along the Three Gorges Section Ⅱ Grammar课后篇巩固提升 外研版必修4_第3页
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SectionGrammar课后篇巩固提升一、用方框内所给词的适当形式填空ought toneedcanhave tomustmay1.The last bus has gone.We take a taxi.答案have to2.The bookshop is just around the corner and you miss it.答案cant3.You pay more attention to your pronunciation.答案must/ought to4.How you possibly miss the news?It has been on TV all day long.答案can5.Life is unpredictable;even the poorest become the richest.答案may/might6.You finish your homework nowthere is still two days left.答案neednt/dont have to二、用适当的情态动词填空1. you interrupt me now?Cant you see Im on the phone?Sorry,sir,but its urgent.答案Must2.One of our rules is that every student wear the school uniform while at school.答案shall3.He be in his office now.答案may/might4.I thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home.答案cant5.Im going to Europe on vacation together with John if I find a job.答案can6.Some young people these days just go out of their homes to contact the real world.答案wont7.The little girl is shy and she answer questions in public.答案darent8.I dont really like James.Why did you invite him?Dont worry.He come.He said he wasnt certain what his plans were.答案might not三、单句改错1.Will I close the door?Yes,please.答案WillShall2.You dont have to buy a gift,but you must if you want to.答案mustcan3.The girl could pass her exam yesterday,because she had worked hard.答案couldwas able to4.Should I fetch your bag from the next room?答案ShouldShall5.When I reached the bus station,the bus hadnt arrived yet,so I neednt hurry.答案neednt hurryneednt have hurried6.The man must have read my letter,mustnt he?答案mustnthasnt7.Must I go now?No,you mustnt.答案mustntneednt/dont have to8.Would you like to swim in the river?Yes,I do.答案dowould like to四、阅读理解Travelling around the world with children is difficult enough,while attempting it without using motorized transport is even more of a challenge.Even so,Dario Schworer,a 42-year-old climatologist and mountain guide,and his 33-year-old wife Sabine are on a journey to do just that.The Swiss couple want to travel across the worlds oceans and climb the highest mountain on every continent to promote earth-friendly ways of life.“We are collecting good examples of dealing with climate change and living in harmony with nature and we want to spread such ideas,”Schworer said.“We want to help people affected by global warming and to inspire children for the future.”Recently the couple want to show it is possible to travel through the worlds climate zones using just human power and the forces of nature.In the 47 countries they have visited so far they have collected 22 tons of trash,taught people in Ecuador how the suns rays can be used to clean water and inspired a person in Chile to build a house with recycled plastic bottles.They have also collected trash in the mountains of Nepal with school children.So far they have communicated with 45,000 children from South America,Australia and Asia,giving presentations about the importance of recycling and using alternative energy like solar and wind power.When they began their adventure in 2003 they had no children of their own.But since then two has become five:Sabine is now five years old;Andri was born in Chile and Neo was born in Australia.Initially the couple thought they would complete their travels in four years,but now,they believe it could take seven more.“Since our belief is the need to respect nature,we travel only when conditions are good,” Schworer said.1.Why do the Swiss couple travel around the world?A.To inspire their children.B.To prove a travel without motorized transport.C.To promote earth-friendly ways of life.D.To explore the secret of global warming.答案C解析细节理解题。根据文中第二段“TheSwisscouplewanttotravelacrosstheworldsoceansandclimbthehighestmountainoneverycontinenttopromoteearth-friendlywaysoflife.”可知选C项。2.They did a lot during the travel,but they didnt .A.collect rubbish and wasteB.build a house with recycled plastic bottlesC.communicate with childrenD.show people how to use energy答案B解析细节理解题。根据文中“Inthe47countriestheyhavevisitedsofartheyhavecollected22tonsoftrash,taughtpeopleinEcuadorhowthesunsrayscanbeusedtocleanwaterandinspiredapersoninChiletobuildahousewithrecycledplasticbottles.”以及第六段可知选B项。3.Whats the meaning of the underlined word “Initially”?A.At the beginning.B.In a way.C.In the end.D.On the whole.答案A解析词义猜测题。根据后面的“thecouplethoughttheywouldcompletetheirtravelsinfouryears,butnow,theybelieveitcouldtakesevenmore.”可知这对夫妻原本想他们可以在四年里完成旅行,但现在,他们觉得要再花七年时间,故可以判断,initially应该是“刚开始”的意思,故选A项。4.The best title of the passage can be .A.A Swiss familys journey across the worldB.Nature needs respecting and protectingC.How to make a good travelD.An eco-friendly adventure across the world答案D解析主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,全文的主题为“环保”,故选D项。五、完形填空导学号12194039A year back,my friend and I had gone to a nearby town to attend a wedding.After the wedding,we were 1 for a public transport bus to go back home.It was nine oclock at night,and although many buses passed,2 stopped.We waited for an hour and were getting 3.We wouldnt be able to stay overnight because it was a weekday,and we both needed to 4 the next day.It was almost 10 pm when a family who had attended the same 5 passed by in their car.Probably 6 that we were waiting for some means of transport,they stopped and gave us a 7.I was so 8 by their kindness,and I expressed my thanks to them.When we reached my 9,the family dropped us at the nearest 10 from where we could catch a bus or a taxi to get back to the spot we had 11 our bikes.When we were waiting,a poor,cold and tired labourer(工人) 12 an auto(汽车).The driver saw his 13 and asked him whether he had 14.The labourer shook his head and said,“No.”On hearing this,the driver 15 to take him.I remembered my own 16 a few hours earlier,and I told the driver to allow him to 17 with us,as I would pay his fare.What an immediate chance to 18 the act of kindness!That night,I felt a lightness in my heart,and I went to sleep 19 and filled with joy about what I had gotten to do.May this chain of kindness 20!1.A.callingB.waitingC.askingD.looking答案B解析根据下文的“Wewaitedforanhour”可知,作者在“等”车。2.A.noneB.oneC.fewD.some答案A解析although引导让步状语从句。句意:已经晚上九点了,尽管很多车经过,但没有一辆停下来。因此导致了作者他们等了一个小时。3.A.angryB.boredC.hungryD.hopeless答案D解析根据上下文语境可知,作者他们等了一个小时都没有等到车,因而会觉得“绝望”。4.A.restB.leaveC.workD.sleep答案C解析上文提到因为是工作日,作者他们不能逗留一晚上,由此可知,此处指的是第二天还要去“工作”。5.A.showB.celebrationC.meetingD.wedding答案D解析上文提到作者和朋友参加了一场婚礼,所以此处指的是参加了同一场婚礼的一家人。6.A.sensingB.sayingC.hopingD.hearing答案A解析这家人驾车从作者他们身旁经过,很有可能是“意识到”他们在等车。7.A.hugB.callC.liftD.gift答案C解析根据下文的内容可知,那一家人开车将作者和朋友送了一段路,由此可知此处指的是那一家人将车停了下来,并让作者他们“搭顺风车”。8.A.touchedB.annoyedC.puzzledD.shocked答案A解析根据上文作者和朋友等了一个小时的车,以及下文“Iexpressedmythankstothem”可知,作者对于这一家人的帮助很“感动”,并表达了自己的感激之情。9.A.houseB.roadC.townD.workplace答案C解析根据上文的“myfriendandIhadgonetoanearbytowntoattendawedding”可知,作者和朋友是到邻近的城镇去参加婚礼,所以此处指回到了自己的“城镇”。10.A.storeB.airportC.hotelD.station答案D解析根据下文的“wherewecouldcatchabus.”可知,那一家人将作者他们送到了最近的一个车站,以便他们坐公交车或出租车。11.A.boughtB.parkedC.lostD.found答案B解析根据语境可知,此处是指作者和朋友打算坐车去自己“停放”自行车的地方,这样就可以骑自行车回家了。12.A.stoppedB.droveC.rodeD.repaired答案A解析根据下文工人要坐车的内容可知,此处指工人“拦下”了一辆车。13.A.eyesB.walletC.cardD.clothes答案D解析根据上文的“apoor,coldandtiredlabourer(工人)”可知,这是一位又穷又冷又疲劳的工人,因而穿着可能破旧,所以司机会打量他的“衣服”,担心他付不了车钱。14.A.timeB.luggageC.moneyD.experience答案C解析根据下文的“asIwouldpayhisfare”可知,作者提出帮工人付车钱,即此处司机是在问工人有没有“钱”。15.A.preferredB.refusedC.promisedD.advised答案B解析根据下文作者提出帮工人付车钱可知,此处指司机因工人没钱而“拒绝”让他乘车。16.A.failureB.favorC.behaviorD.trouble答案D解析几小时前作者陷入了等不到车的窘境,所以此时看到这个被拒载的工人,作者想到了自己之前的“困境”。17.A.sitB.agreeC.discussD.meet答案A解析根据下文内容可知,此处指作者告诉司机让他允许工人和他们一起“坐在”车上。18.A.deal withB.get throughC.pass onD.give back答案C解析刚刚作者获得了别人的帮助,现在自己又帮助了别人,这是一种友爱的“传递”。19.A.gentlyB.happilyC.eagerlyD.easily答案B解析根据下文的“filledwithjoyaboutwhatIhadgottentodo”可知,作者的内心充满了喜悦,因而是“高兴地”睡去。20.A.startB.continueC.growD.combine答案B解析根据上文作者被别人帮助接着去帮助别人的经历可知,作者希望这样的传递友爱的链条能继续下去。10


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