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2022年考博英语-西安电子科技大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题An enquiring mind can catch _ to a new idea quickly.问题1选项A.onB.uC.atD.out【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. on 在之上 B. up 向上C. at 在 D. out 向外【答案】A【考查点】固定搭配。【解题思路】固定搭配catch on to表示“理解;明白”。由句意“善于探究的人能很快一个新观点。”可知,该搭配符合句意,译为:善于探究的人能很快理解一个新观点。因此选A。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项均不符合搭配。【句意】善于探究的人能很快理解一个新观点。2. 单选题Mr. Smith became very _ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.问题1选项A.ingeniousB.empiricalC.objectiveD.indignant【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. ingenious 精巧的;新颖独特的 B. empirical 经验主义的C. objective 客观的 D. indignant 愤慨的;愤怒的【答案】D【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】句意:当有人暗示史密斯先生犯了一个错误时,他变得非常。根据逻辑,当有人指出自己错误的时候,人们会感到非常愤怒。因此史密斯先生被指出错误时会变得愤怒。因此选D。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均无法与空格前后构成相应逻辑关系。【句意】当有人暗示史密斯先生犯了一个错误时,他变得非常愤怒。3. 翻译题过去,人们并没有充分认识到污染给环境造成的影响。只是把它看成一种会熏黑房屋,弄脏河流的令人讨厌的东西。【答案】In the past, people were not fully aware of the impact of pollution on the environment. We regard it as an obnoxious thing which can blacken house and dirty river.4. 单选题One of the attractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been _ with the theoretical aspects of the subject.问题1选项A.embeddedB.embracedC.integratedD.synthesized【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. embedded 把牢牢地嵌入(或插入、埋入) B. embraced 抱;拥抱C. integrated (使)合并,成为一体 D. synthesized (通过化学手段或生物过程)合成【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】句意:这门课程的一个吸引人的特点是,实践工作与该学科的理论方面。根据句意,这门课的特点应该是理论与实践相结合。因此选C选项integrated“(使)合并;成为一体”,表示两者结合在一起。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不符合句意。【句意】这门课程的一个吸引人的特点是,实践工作与该学科的理论方面相结合。5. 翻译题A baseball (棒球) that lands in an open (开阔地) soon comes to rest because of its interaction with the ground.【答案】由于与地面的相互作用,落在空地上的棒球很快就会停下来。6. 翻译题众所周知,技术革新的速度越来越快。未来社会的变革将超过以往任何时候。作为一个物种,我们人类能否在我们自己发动的这种变革中幸存下来呢?有大量的证据表明我们能。我们人类有巨大的潜能,我们才刚刚开始开发利用。例如,我们才刚刚开始控制环境。将来有一天,技术将使所有的沙漠鲜花盛开。这的确不难。要做到这一点,我们只需要降低海水淡化的成本。接下来的问题是,沙漠变成绿洲后,它们能为我们不断增加的人口提供充足的粮食吗?很可能。最近,我们已经开始发现集约式沙漠农业是可能的。我们已经拥有的技术能将产量提高10倍,用水量减少到从前的1/20。我们知道如何创造农业奇迹。我们需要时间和金钱以便使这项技术为人人所用。在19世纪,人们信仰进步。他们相信科学将带领他们进入一个无限繁荣无限幸福的新时代。然而,事情并没有如他们所想象的那样发展。两次灾难性的世界大战使人们确信了这一点。但是,我们在失望时,在担心科学是一头将来某一天会毁灭我们的巨兽时,却忘记了科学并不是巨兽,我们自己才是巨兽。科学只是一个仆人,像火一样,如果使用得当,它将是个好仆人。尽管现代世界存在着种种问题,大多数人都不会愿意生活在我们之前的任何一个科学欠发达的时代。如果我们不在战争中毁灭白己,未来只会更好。我们每年都将取得令人目不暇接的科学进步:疾病得到根治,太空被征服,运输和通讯取得根本性的变革,农业和工业得到彻底改造等等。对一些人来说,未来听起来令人兴奋;而对另一些人来说,则令人恐怖。但有一点是肯定的:未来不会让人感到乏味。【答案】As we all know, technological innovation is getting faster and faster. There will be more social changes in the future than ever before. As a species, can humans survive in the transformation we have made? A lot of evidence show that we can do. Humans have great potential, but we are just beginning to exploit them. For example, we are just beginning to control the environment. Someday, technology will make all the desert flowers bloom. Its not hard. To achieve this, we only need to reduce the cost of desalination. The next question is whether they can provide enough food for our growing population when deserts become oases. Probably recently, we have begun to discover that intensive desert where farming is feasible. We already have technology that can increase yields tenfold and reduce water use by one-twentieth of what it was before. We know how to create an agricultural miracle. We need time and money to make this technology available to everyone.In the 19th century, people believed in progress. They believed that science would lead them into a new era of infinite happiness. However, things didnt go as far as they thought. Two disastrous world wars convinced people of this. But when we are disappointed, and when we worry that science is a monster that will destroy us one day, we forget that science is not a monster but we are. Science is only a servant, like fire, and if used properly, it will be a good servant.Despite the problems of the modern world, most people do not want to live in any of the underdeveloped times before us. If we do not destroy ourselves in the war, the future will be better. Every year we will make greater progress, like continual scientific advance, cured diseases, and conquered space, natural changes in transport and communications and radical changes in agriculture and industry and so on. For some, the future sounds exciting, while for others its scary. But one thing can be sure: the future will not be boring.7. 翻译题输出随输入的变化是很大的。【答案】The output varies greatly from the input.8. 单选题Under the present system, state enterprises must _ all profits to the government.问题1选项A.turn downB.turn upC.turn outD.turn in【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. turn down 减小;关小;调低 B. turn up 出现;发生;开大C. turn out 最后是;结果是 D. turn in 上交;归还【答案】D【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】句意:在现行制度下,国有企业必须将所有利润政府。国营企业上缴利润收入指国营企业以利润等形式上缴给国家的预算收入。因此根据句意,国有企业所获得的利润要交给政府。因此选D。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合句意。【句意】在现行制度下,国有企业必须将所有利润上缴政府。9. 单选题The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally _improvements in diet.问题1选项A.attributed toB.adjusted toC.adapted toD.accustomed to【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. attributed to 归因于;被认为是所为 B. adjusted to 调节;调整以适应C. adapted to 适合;适应于 D. accustomed to 习惯于【答案】A【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】句意:心脏病死亡人数的下降通常是饮食的改善。根据逻辑,因为改善饮食,所以心脏病的死亡人数会下降。由此可知,心脏病死亡人数下降是由于饮食的改善也就是归因于饮食的改善。因此选A。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项均无法与空格前后构成相应逻辑关系。【句意】心脏病死亡人数的下降通常归因于饮食的改善。10. 翻译题在日常生活中,力似乎是靠“直接接触”(direct contact)来传递的。【答案】In daily life, power seems to be transferred by direct contact.11. 单选题Despite his _ planning, the exposition turned out to be a failure.问题1选项A.exquisiteB.exhaustedC.elaborateD.insufficient【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. exquisite精美的;精致的 B. exhausted筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的C. elaborate详尽的;精心制作的 D. insufficient不充分的;不足的【答案】C【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】句意:尽管他的计划,博览会还是以失败告终。根据逻辑,这里存在一个转折关系,后半句讲博览会是失败的,则可以推测前半句中他的计划应该是精心制作的,但是博览会以失败告终。因此选C。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均无法与空格前后构成相应逻辑关系。【句意】尽管他精心策划,博览会还是失败了。12. 单选题Penny had dropped the large towel, which was flung around her shoulders, and was running into the sea. “Come on,” she said. “Ill race you.”Nicholas took off his beach-wrap and followed her into the water. It was chilly enough to make him gasp but he steeped in bravely, and continued until he was up to his waist and then dived, coming up close to her side. Then he set off at a steady rhythmic crawl for the boat, about fifty yards away.“Hi!” shouted Penny, chasing after him. “I thought you couldnt swim!” “I never said so.” Nicholas called back and he went faster, finding to his joy that his injured hands were moving easily in the water. The early morning sun shone warmly on his wet head and the sea sparkled. He reached the boat a little breathless, but happier than he had ever been since the night of the crash. He knew he swam well. He had been taught by a professional teacher when he was only seven and since then he had bathed in most of the oceans of the world. It was the only sport allowed to him and he had made the most of it.Penny pulled herself up into the boat and sat beside him, laughing. “You little monkey!” she said. “And there was me saying Id teach you to swim.”“It was very kind of you,” said Nicholas sedately, but his eyes smiled.“Youll have to go in for the races in August,” she told him. “Youll beat anyone weve got here!”“Oh, I dont think Id be allowed,” began Nicholas, but Penny broke in, “Why on earth not? Dont forget youre Nicky Field now, not anyone special. Why shouldnt you go in for races if you want to?”Not anyone special! Nicholas Wakefield turned this over in his mind. Did he like it or didnt he? For as long as he could remember he had been someone very special indeed. The greatest people in the world of music had watched him at the piano, and wherever he went he had to be protected from pressmen and photographers. In television studios all over the world he had received VIP treatment. But now, just for a few weeks he was not special at all, and only good at swimming. He was going to like it! Somehow it all seemed a wonderful joke.1. To enter the water Nicholas _.2. Why did he feel satisfied?3. When he reached the boat he felt _.4. Penny called Nicholas a “little monkey” because _.5. What did Nicholas Wakefield find funny?问题1选项A.dived in head firstB.jumped in up to his waistC.crawled into the waterD.walked in gradually问题2选项A.Hed done really fast for the crawl.B.He felt hed impressed his girlfriend.C.Hed done exactly what hed been taught.D.He found his hands werent stiff anymore.问题3选项A.a little bit tiredB.short of breathC.painful in his handsD.proud of winning the race问题4选项A.he had played tricks on her in the waterB.he had let her think he couldnt swimC.he had dived in and chased herD.he had pretended he didnt like swimming问题5选项A.The TV men and photographers hadnt been able to find him.B.Pennys way of getting into the boat.C.He was going to give concerts for a few weeks under the name of Nicky Field.D.He was just going to be an ordinary person for a few weeks.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1. 【选项释义】To enter the water Nicholas _. 为了下水,尼古拉斯_。A. dived in head first A. 头朝下跳入水中B. jumped in up to his waist B. 跳到了到他腰部的水中C. crawled into the water C. 爬进了水里D. walked in gradually D. 慢慢地走了进去【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到第二段“天冷得他倒抽了一口气,但他还是勇敢地浸入水中,一直浸到腰部,然后潜入水中,靠近她的身边。”由此可知他是浸入水中的,可推断他是慢慢走到水里然后让腰部浸入水中。因此选D。【干扰项排除】A选项“头朝下跳入水中”,根据推断可知,他是慢慢走进水中然后浸入水中的,并不是跳入,该选项属于反向干扰;B选项“跳到了到他腰部的水中”,根据推断可知,他是慢慢走进水中然后浸入到他腰部的水中的,并不是直接跳到水中,该选项属于反向干扰;C选项“爬进了水里”,他是先浸入水中,然后再爬进水里,该选项属于本末倒置。2. 【选项释义】Why did he feel satisfied? 为什么他感到满足?A. Hed done really fast for the crawl. A. 他爬得非常快。B. He felt hed impressed his girlfriend. B. 他觉得他给女朋友留下了深刻的印象。C. Hed done exactly what hed been taught. C. 他完全按照老师教的去做。D. He found his hands werent stiff anymore. D. 他发现自己的手不再僵硬了。【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到第三段第三句“他高兴地发现,他受伤的手在水里轻松地移动着。(finding to his joy that his injured hands were moving easily in the water)”由此可知,他的手在水中移动着,可推断,他的手不再僵硬不动了。因此选D。【干扰项排除】A选项“他爬得非常快。”,文中没有提及,属于无中生有;B选项“他觉得他给女朋友留下了深刻的印象。”,文中没有提及,属于无中生有;C选项“他完全按照老师教的去做。”,文中提到“他七岁的时候就被一位专业的老师教过,从那时起,他就沐浴在世界上大部分的海洋中。”,但是在此处并没有说他完全按照老师教的去做,也并不是因为此原因而感到满足,该选项属于过度推断。3. 【选项释义】When he reached the boat he felt _. 当他到达船上时,他感到_。A. a little bit tired A. 有点累了B. short of breath B. 呼吸急促C. painful in his hands C. 双手疼痛D. proud of winning the race D. 因为赢得了比赛而自豪【答案】B【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到第三段第五句“他上气不接下气地来到船边(He reached the boat a little breathless),但从撞船的那天晚上以来,他从来没有这么高兴过。”由此可知他到达船上以后有点呼吸急促。因此选B。【干扰项排除】A选项“有点累了”,文中没有提及,该选项属于无中生有;C选项“双手疼痛”,文中没有提及,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“因为赢得了比赛而自豪”,虽然尼古拉斯更早的到达船上,但是并没有说他因为赢得比赛自豪,该选项属于过度推断。4. 【选项释义】Penny called Nicholas a “little monkey” because _. 佩妮叫尼古拉斯“小猴子”是因为_。A. he had played tricks on her in the water A. 他在水里捉弄了她B. he had let her think he couldnt swim B. 他让她以为他不会游泳C. he had dived in and chased her C. 他跳进水里追她D. he had pretended he didnt like swimming D. 他假装不喜欢游泳【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到第三段第一、二句“佩妮追着他喊道。我以为你不会游泳呢!(I thought you couldnt swim!)”以及第四段“你小猴子!她说。我还说要教你游泳呢。”由此可推断佩妮以为尼古拉斯不会游泳。因此选B。【干扰项排除】A选项“他在水里捉弄了她”,文中没有提及,该选项属于无中生有;C选项“他跳进水里追她”,曲解原文,属于过度推断;D选项“他假装不喜欢游泳”,文中没有提及,该选项属于无中生有。5. 【选项释义】What did Nicholas Wakefield find funny? 尼古拉斯韦克菲尔德觉得什么好笑?A. The TV men and photographers hadnt been able to find him. A. 电视记者和摄影师都没能找到他。B. Pennys way of getting into the boat. B. 佩妮上船的方式。C. He was going to give concerts for a few weeks under the name of Nicky Field. C. 他打算用尼基菲尔德的名字开几周的演唱会。D. He was just going to be an ordinary person for a few weeks. D. 他只打算做几个星期的普通人。【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到文章最后一段倒数第三行“在世界各地的电视演播室里,他受到了贵宾待遇。但现在,仅仅几个星期,他就一点也不特别,而且只是擅长游泳。他会喜欢的!不知何故,这一切似乎都只是一个绝妙的笑话。”由此可推断,尼古拉斯以前是一个名人,但是现在他仅仅是一个只擅长游泳的普通人,这一点让他感到好笑。因此选D。【干扰项排除】A选项“电视记者和摄影师都没能找到他。”,文中只是提到以前无论他走到哪里,都得保护他不受记者和摄影师的骚扰,但没有说现在电视记者和摄影师都没能找到他,该选项属于过度推断;B选项“佩妮上船的方式。”,文中没有提及,该选项属于无中生有;C选项“他打算用尼基菲尔德的名字开几周的演唱会。”,文中只是说他可以作为尼基菲尔德参加比赛,没有说开演唱会,该选项属于无中生有。13. 翻译题It is the existence of and the ability to control precisely the two independent charge-transport mechanisms that make possible all junction semiconductor devices.【答案】正是精确控制两个独立电荷传输机制的存在和能力使连接所有半导体器件成为可能。14. 填空题Directions: Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks of the following passage. Change the form if necessary. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET.but demonstrate capable with happen average environmentally difference isolate measure There are two factors which determine an individuals intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born (1). Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others.(2) no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what (3) to the individualthe sort of environment in which he is brought up. If an individual is handicapped(4), it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is (5).The importance of environment in determining an individuals intelligence can be (6) by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark X. Being identical. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an (7) community with poor educational opportunities. John, however, was educated in the home well-to-do parents who had been to college. This environmental (8)continued until the twins were in their late teens. When they were given tests to(9) their intelligence, Johns IQ was 125, twenty-five points higher than the(10) and fully forty points higher than his identical brother.【答案】1.【答案】with2.【答案】but3.【答案】happens4.【答案】environmentally5.【答案】capable6.【答案】demonstrated7.【答案】isolated8.【答案】difference9.【答案】measure10.【答案】average【解析】but但是;然而conj. demonstrate证明;证实v.capable有能力的adj. with和在一起;具有prep.happen发生;出现v. average平均水平n.environmentally环境地adv. difference差异;不同之处n.isolate孤立;分离;隔离v. measure测量v.1. 【答案】with【解题思路】分析题目可知,空格处he is born修饰brain。此题考查固定搭配,be born with表示“天生具有”。在句中指他天生具有的大脑。符合句意。因此填with。【句意】第一种是他与生俱来的大脑。2. 【答案】but【解题思路】分析题目可知,空格处上文句意为“人类的大脑差别很大,有些人比其他人更有能力。”空格处下文句意为“不管一个人的大脑有多好,除非他有机会学习,否则他的智力水平就会很低。”上文提到有些人的大脑比其他人的好,而下文指不管大脑有多好,除非学习不然智力会低。由此可知该处存在转折关系。且空格后是一个完整的句子。因此该处缺一个表示转折的连词,因此填but。【句意】但是,不管一个人的大脑有多好,除非他有机会学习,否则他的智力水平就会很低。3. 【答案】happens【解题思路】分析题目可知,空格处在what引导的表语从句中做谓语,因此空格处应填一个动词。空格处句意为:所以第二个因素是个体他成长的环境。固定搭配happen to sb表示“发生到某人身上”;从句中what做主语,谓语动词一般用单数形式。所以填happens。【句意】所以第二个因素是个体发生了什么他成长的环境。4. 【答案】environmentally【解题思路】分析题目可知,空格处应填副词修饰前面的形容词“handicapped”。由句意“如果一个人患有残疾,他的大脑很可能无法发育。”可知,该处填入environmentally,表示由环境影响造成的残疾。environmentally符合句意,且对应上文。因此填environmentally。【句意】如果一个人因环境影响患有残疾,他的大脑很可能无法发育。5.【答案】capable【解题思路】分析题目可知,空格处缺少一个形容词。且固定搭配be capable of表示“能够”。由句意“他永远不会达到他到达的智力水平。”可知此处填capable表示“能够”符合语境。因此填capable。【句意】他永远达不到他所能达到的智力水平。6. 【答案】demonstrated【解题思路】分析题目可知,空格处位于情态动词后,且有be动词在前,应填入动词的被动形式。由句意“环境在决定一个人智力方面的重要性可以从同卵双胞胎Peter和Mark X的案例历史中得到。”可知空格处填入demonstrate的被动形式demonstrated表示“证明;证实”符合语境。因此填demonstrated。【句意】环境在决定一个人智力方面的重要性可以从同卵双胞胎Peter和Mark X的案例历史中得到证明。7. 【答案】isolated【解题思路】分析题目可知,空格处位于定冠词an后,应填一个形容词且以元音音素开头。所以该处应填入isolate的形容词形式,isolated“偏远的;孤立的”。由句意“彼得的父母智力低下,生活在一个社区,受教育的机会很少。”可知,空格处填入isolated“偏远的;孤立的”符合语境。因此填isolated。【句意】彼得是由智力低下的父母在一个教育机会很少的孤立社区抚养长大的。8.【答案】difference【解题思路】分析题目可知,空格处缺少名词。上文讲到“彼得的父母智力低下,生活在一个与世隔绝的社区,受教育的机会很少。马克的父母都上过大学,家境富裕。他还是个孩子的时候,就有人念书给他听,把他送进好学校,给他一切机会去激发他的智力。”空格处意味“环境的”上文表明二人生活环境的差异。因此空格处填入difference“差异;不同之处”符合语境。因此填difference。【句意】这种环境差异一直持续到双胞胎十八九岁的时候,那时他们接受了测试,以衡量他们的智力。9.【答案】measure【解题思路】分析题目可知,空格处缺少动词。由句意“当他们接受测试智力时”可知,空格处填入measure“测量”符合语境。因此填measure。【句意】当测试他们的智力时10.【答案】average【解题思路】分析题目可知,空格处缺少名词。由句意“约翰的智商是125,比高25分,比他的同卵兄弟整整高40分。”可知,空格填入average“平均水平”符合语境。因此填average。【句意】约翰的智商是125,比平均水平高25分,比他的同卵兄弟整整高40分。15. 单选题My father had returned from his business visit to London when I came in, rather late, to supper. I could tell at once that he and my mother had been discussing something. In that half-playful, half-serious way I knew so well, he said, “How would you like to go to Eton?”“You bet,” I cried quickly catching the joke. Everyone knew it was the most expensive, the most famous of schools. You had to be entered at birth, if not before. Besides, even at 12 or 13, I understood my father. He disliked any form of showing off. He always knew his proper station in life, which was in the middle of the middle class, our house was semi-detached; he had shrunk from joining the aristocratic Royal Liverpool Golf Club and approached a smaller one instead; though once he had acquired a second-hand Rolls-Royce at a remarkably low price, he felt embarrassed driving it, and quickly changed it for an Austin 1100.This could only be his delightful way of telling me that the whole boarding school idea was to be dropped. Alas! I should also have remembered that he had a liking for being different from everyone else, if it did not conflict with his fear of drawing attention to himself.It seemed that he had happened to be talking to Graham Brown of the London office, a very nice fellow, and Graham had a friend who had just entered his boy at the school, and while he was in that part of the world he thought he might just as well phone them. I remember my eyes stinging and my hands shaking with the confusion of my feelings. There was excitement, at the heart of great sadness.“Oh, he doesnt want to go away,” said my mother, “You shouldnt go on like this.” “Its up to him,” said my father. “He can make up his own mind.”1. If a father wants to send his son to Eton, he had better apply for it _.2. The house they lived in was _.3. His father sold his Rolls-Royce because _.4. The writers father enjoyed being different as long as _.5. What was the writers reaction to the idea of going to boarding-school?问题1选项A.as soon as his son is bornB.when his son is 12 or 13C.even before his son is bornD.only if his son is clever问题2选项A.the best they could affordB.right for their social positionC.near the Golf ClubD.rather small问题3选项A.it made him feel uneasyB.it was too old to be efficientC.it was too expensive to ownD.he needed money then问题4选项A.it enabled him to show offB.it didnt involve him in argumentsC.it was understood as a jokeD.there was no danger of his showing off问题5选项A.He was very unhappy.B.He had mixed feelings.C.He was delighted.D.He didnt believe it.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1. 【选项释义】If a father wants to send his son to Eton, he had better apply for it _. 如果一个父亲想送他的儿子去伊顿公学,他最好在_就申请。A. as soon as his son is born A. 儿子一出生B. when his son is 12 or 13 B. 儿子12岁或13岁时C. even before his son is born C. 儿子出生前D. only if his son is clever D. 除非他的儿子聪明的时候【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到第二段“如果出生前没有,那么你必须在出生时登记。(You had to be entered at birth, if not before.)”由此可知如果没有在出生前登记,那么必须在出生时登记。由此可推断,最好在出生前就申请。因此选C。【干扰项排除】A选项“儿子一出生”,根据推断,最好是在出生前登记,该选项属于反向干扰;B选项“儿子12岁或13岁时”,根据推断,最好是在出生前登记,该选项属于反向干扰;D选项“除非他的儿子聪明的时候”,曲解原文,该选项属于过度推断。2. 【选项释义】The house they lived in was _. 他们住的房子_。A. the best they could afford A. 是他们能负担得起的最好的房子B. right for their social position B. 与他们的社会地位相称C. near the Golf Club C. 在高尔夫俱乐部附近D. rather small D. 相当小【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到第二段第六句“他总是知道自己在生活中应有的地位(his proper station in life),也就是中产阶级的中间阶层,我们的


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