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2022年考博英语-中国科学院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Physical exercise has the capacity to be used to attempt to control emotional feelings, to ( )the calories consumed in food and to control body size.问题1选项A.make upB.pass onC.work offD.mark down【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。 make up “构成,编造”;pass on “传递”;work off “发泄,排除”;mark down “降低价格,记下”。句意为:体育运动有以下作用:可以用于控制情绪,排除从食物中所吸收的卡路里,并且控制体重。选项C符合句意。2. 单选题The first thing we did was look for errors in our experimental design and for every conceivable ( )that could have led us astray.问题1选项A.expositionB.scenarioC.illustrationD.scheme【答案】B【解析】考察名词辨析。exposition 博览会,展览会;scenario 方案,可能的情景 ;illustration 例证,图解; scheme计划。句意:我们首先要做的事就是查找实验设计中的错误和可能误导我们走人歧途的每一个能想到的可能情景。选项B符合句意。3. 单选题( ) of organic foods-a term whose meaning varies greatly-frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.问题1选项A.CaptivesB.AddictsC.ContestantsD.Advocates【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。captive “俘虏”;addict “吸毒成瘾的人;入迷的人”;contestant “竞争者”;advocate “拥护者”。句意:有机食品这个术语的意义至今多样,它的_宣称这类食品比其他食品更加安全,更加有营养。选项D符合题意。4. 翻译题The first edition of Thomas Kuhns The Structure of Scientific Revolutions appeared in 1962. (1)His vision revolutionized the way we think about science,and it has given us a new way to look at change in “science” itself.(2)Whereas previous visions of science saw science as an accumulation of all that had been learned over history, Kuhn envisioned science as having,at any one time, a worldview, or “paradigm (范式)”,of its environment.Kuhn (库恩) postulated that most scientists engage in “ normal science ” that often results in solid, but relatively incremental gains, which nevertheless accumulate and collectively contribute to research and subsequent scientific knowledge forward. When anomalies arise, some individual(s) step(s) out of the paradigm, and propose( s) a new principle or law. (3)If the scientific community accepts the proposed change, then science experiences a “paradigm shift”,and new science proceeds with that new paradigm.Paradigm shifts are important, and a necessary part of life. Things do change, and we have to adjust and adapt to that change. Perhaps not surprisingly, important paradigm shifts often come from the young. (4)It usually takes a long time to effect a paradigm shiftoften as much as 20-25 yearswhich,perhaps not so coincidently,is about the life of a generation.(5)A relatively recent white paper emanating from MIT justifiably argues that the intersections of arrays of scientists,engineers, mathematicians,as well as individuals with a host of many other professional talents, will be the next Kuhnian scientific revolution and in fact,the “Third” biomedical revolution. This new revolution is broadly known as Convergence.【答案】(1)他的视角彻底改变了我们思考科学的方式,给了我们一个全新的方式来看待“科学”自身的变化。(2)然而过去,人们把科学当作人类在历史长河中所学到的全部知识的积累过程,而库恩则把科学看成在任一时刻对环境的一种世界观,或者“范式”。(3)如果科学界认可了有些人所提出的变化,那么科学就将经历“范式转移”,而新的科学将按照新的范式向前发展。(4)引发范式转移通常需要很长时间往往长达2025年也许并非巧合,这大约相当于一代人。(5)最近一份出自麻省理工学院的详情报告理由充分。它认为各类科学家、工程师、数学家以及个人与其他专业人才的交汇将成为下一场库恩意义上的科学革命,事实上也就是“第三次”生物医学革命。5. 填空题The British government turns its attention to the dire state of vocational training. Budget cuts are never pleasant. Yet the past few years have been particularly hard, says Gerry McDonald, the chief executive of New City College in east London. (71)Since 1990, funding for primary and secondary schools has soared. (72) But there has been no such increase in cash for further education, the mostly vocational courses for over-16s.On March 8th Philip Hammond, the chancellor, turned his attention to the sector. After announcing funding to pave the way for new selective grammar schools, he promised a big injection of cash for further education and confirmed a shake-up of the chaotic way in which it is organized. By 2022, colleges will get an additional 500m ($ 600m) a year, a 19% increase in the 16- to 19- year-old vocational-education budget.Britain has historically put little emphasis on further education. (73) That may help explain why productivity growth has stalled, and why British youngsters are less literate and numerate than their peers in other rich countries.Employers moan that skilled workers are scarce, especially in industries like engineering and IT. The sector has struggled with shoddy qualifications. The six in ten 18-year-olds who do not take A-levels, academic school-leaving qualifications, are poorly served by a hotchpotch of some 13,000 courses of varying quality.In 2015, the government commissioned Lord Sainsbury to examine the state of technical education in England. (74) Many of the courses are too basic to be of much use. Mr. Hammond now aims to clear up this muddle.Following Lord Sainsburys recommendations, the government will introduce 15 subject areas, grouping together topics such as social care or transport and logistics. Students will work towards “T-levels” (for “technical”), developed with firms. (75) The extra funding will provide more work placements. And those who go on to take degree-equivalent qualifications will have access to loans to cover the cost of living.A. Universities have been given the right to raise their incomes by levying tuition fees on students.B. His institution is the result of a merger of three local colleges that have pooled resources in the past year partly to cut costs.C. His report, published in 2016, despaired that a wannabe plumber had to choose between 33 qualifications, offered at three different levels, by five awarding organizations.D. Organizations will compete for the right to award the qualification.E. In 2012 it placed 16th out of 20 member countries of the OECD in a ranking of the proportion of 20- to 45-year-olds who finished education with a vocational qualification.F. Some would rather the reforms offered a broader education to those going down a vocational path, with more of a focus on ensuring competency in maths and English.【答案】71.B72.A73.E74.C75.D【解析】【选项释义】A. Universities have been given the right to raise their incomes by levying tuition fees on students. A. 大学被赋予通过向学生征收学费来提高收入的权利。B. His institution is the result of a merger of three local colleges that have pooled resources in the past year partly to cut costs. B. 他的机构是由三所当地学院合并而成的,这些学院在过去的一年里集中了资源,部分原因是为了削减成本。C. His report, published in 2016, despaired that a wannabe plumber had to choose between 33 qualifications, offered at three different levels, by five awarding organizations. C. 他在2016年发表的报告中,对一个想当水管工的人必须在五个授予机构提供的三个不同级别的三十三个资格证书中做出选择感到绝望。D. Organizations will compete for the right to award the qualification. D. 各组织将为授予学历的权利而竞争。E. In 2012 it placed 16th out of 20 member countries of the OECD in a ranking of the proportion of 20- to 45-year-olds who finished education with a vocational qualification. E. 2012年,在经合组织二十个成员国中,在完成教育并获得职业资格的二十至四十五岁的人的比例排名中,它名列第十六位。F. Some would rather the reforms offered a broader education to those going down a vocational path, with more of a focus on ensuring competency in maths and English. F. 一些人希望改革能够为那些走上职业道路的人提供更广泛的教育,更加注重确保数学和英语的能力。71.【考查点】上下文关联。【解题思路】第一段说到“预算削减(Budget cuts)从来不是令人愉快的。”,介绍了英国职业培训方面预算削减的情况,B选项中的“cut costs(削减成本)”和上文的“Budget cuts(预算削减)”相对应。因此B选项“他的机构是由三所当地学院合并而成的,这些学院在过去的一年里集中了资源,部分原因是为了削减成本。”正确。72.【考查点】上下文关联。【解题思路】本段说到“对中小学(primary and secondary schools)的资助大幅增加。但是用于继续教育(further education)的资金却没有增加。”,介绍了政府对不同类型学校的资金资助情况,A选项中的“Universities(大学)”也属于一种学校类型。因此A选项“大学被赋予通过向学生征收学费来提高收入的权利。”正确。73.【考查点】上下文关联。【解题思路】上文说到“英国历来很少重视(put little emphasis on)继续教育。”,E选项中的“在二十个成员国中名列第十六位”就是这一情况带来的结果。因此E选项“2012年,在经合组织二十个成员国中,在完成教育并获得职业资格的二十至四十五岁的人的比例排名中,它名列第十六位。”正确。74.【考查点】上下文关联。【解题思路】上文说到“2015年,政府委托塞恩思伯里勋爵调查英格兰的技术教育状况。”,C选项中的“His report, published in 2016(他在2016年发表的报告)”和上文的“2015年”相对应。因此C选项“他在2016年发表的报告中,对一个想当水管工的人必须在五个授予机构提供的三个不同级别的三十三个资格证书中做出选择感到绝望。”正确。75.【考查点】上下文关联。【解题思路】下文说到“而那些继续获得同等学历(qualifications)的人将获得贷款以支付生活成本。”,由此可知空格处应该再说为学生提供学历,D选项中的“award the qualification(授予学历)”和上文的“go on to take degree-equivalent qualifications(继续获得同等学历)”相对应。因此D选项“各组织将为授予学历的权利而竞争。”正确。6. 单选题She depicted the _ life of human beings, and particularly their moral stresses and strains.问题1选项A.outerB.innerC.superiorD.inferior【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. outer 外表的,外边的 B. inner 内部的,内心的C. superior 更好的,更高的 D. inferior 较差的,较低的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】空格处作定语修饰下文的“life(生活)”,表示她描绘了人们什么样的生活,由“moral stresses and strains(道德压力和紧张)”可知,这是对此种生活的举例,道德压力和紧张都属于人的内心精神状态,所以本句说的应该是人的内心世界。inner指私密的、没有展示给他人的部分,因此B选项inner“内部的,内心的”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项outer“外表的,外边的”指远离中心或在某物的外部,与题干语义相矛盾,应该是“内心世界”而不是“外表世界”;C选项superior“更好的,更高的”指在品质上更好或在级别上更高,不能和“moral stresses and strains(道德压力和紧张)”相对应;D选项inferior“较差的,较低的”指在品质上更差或在级别上更低,不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】她描绘了人类的内心世界,特别是他们的道德压力和紧张。7. 单选题What is perhaps of great importance is the fact that she challenged the decision of her employers and won the case( ) .问题1选项A.in the extremeB.to the pointC.against all oddsD.around the comer【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。in the extreme “非常,极度”;to the point “ 中肯,切题”;against all odds “困难重重”;around the comer “即将到来”。语境为:最重要的或许在于,她敢于质疑雇主的决定,并且克服重重困难最终获得胜利。选项C符合句意。8. 单选题When Chelsea caught a ( ) disease, none of his friends were allowed to visit him.问题1选项A.conspicuousB.contagiousC.consequentD.captivating【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。conspicuous “显著的;显而易见的”;contagious “感染性的”;consequent “随之发生的”;captivating “迷人的;有魅力的”。句意:Chelsea得了_病,他的朋友们都不允许来看望他。根据后半句可知Chelsea得的是传染病。因此选项B符合题意。9. 单选题Many foreign students have the ( )belief that British English is somehow more pure and perfect than American English.问题1选项A.indistinctB.subjectiveC.erroneousD.communistic【答案】C【解析】考察形容词辨析。indistinct “不清楚的,模糊的”;subjective “主观的”;erroneous “错误的”;communistic “共产主义的”。句意:英式英语较美式英语更加纯正、更加完美。根据常识,这一观点是错误的。选项C符合句意。10. 单选题Bill was sitting and daydreaming so his mother told him to _ down to earth and to do his homework.问题1选项A.goB.comeC.narrowD.boil【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. go 去,走 B. come 来,到C. narrow 变窄,缩小 D. boil 沸腾,烧开【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】本句的主干部分是“Bill was sitting and daydreaming(比尔正坐着做白日梦)”,so引导了一个结果状语从句,说明导致的结果是妈妈叫他去做某事,和“daydreaming(白日梦)”相对立的应该是面对现实。come down to earth是固定搭配,意为“回到现实,面对现实”,因此B选项come“来,到”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项go“去,走”,go down to指延续至,一直到某处;C选项narrow“变窄,缩小”,narrow down to指缩小到某个范围;D选项boil“沸腾,烧开”,boil down to指归结为,归根结底;均不能和“earth(土地)”构成固定搭配。【句意】比尔正坐着做白日梦,所以他妈妈叫他面对现实,去做家庭作业。11. 单选题Other skeptics point out that such a peaceful rise has no ( )in human history.问题1选项A.referenceB.allusionC.inferenceD.precedent【答案】D【解析】考察名词辨析。reference 参考,参照; allusion 暗指,典故; inference 推理,推断;precedent先例。句意:其他怀疑论者指出,这样的和平崛起在人类历史上还没有先例。选项D符合句意。12. 单选题Packages are so widespread that they slip _ conscious notice.问题1选项A.belowB.beforeC.beneathD.beyond【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. below 在下面 B. before 在之前C. beneath 低于,次于 D. beyond 超过,超越【考查点】固定搭配。【解题思路】本句的主干部分是“包装很普遍(Packages are widespread)”,so that引导了一个结果状语从句,表示包装如此普遍导致的结果是什么。既然是很普遍、常见的包装,那么人们就不会注意到它。beneath notice是固定搭配,意为“不值得注意,无足轻重”,因此C选项beneath“低于,次于”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项below“在下面”指低于某事物的水平或地位,B选项before“在之前”指处于某事物前面的位置,D选项beyond“超过,超越”指对某事物来说太远或太超前,均不能构成相应的固定搭配。【句意】包装是如此普遍,以至于它们不会被人们所注意。13. 单选题Culture is transmitted largely by language and by the necessity for people in close contact to cooperate. The more extensive the communications network, the greater the exchange of ideas and beliefs and the more alike people becomein toleration of diversity if nothing else. Members of a culture or a nation are generally in closer contact with one another than with members of other cultures or nations. They become more like each other and more unlike others. In this way, there develops “ national character”,which is the statistical tendency for a group of people to share values and follow similar behavior patterns.Frequently, the members of one culture will interpret the “national characteristics” of another group in terms of their own values. For example, the inhabitants of a South Pacific island may be considered “lazy” by citizens of some industrialized nations. On the other hand, it may be that the islanders place a great value on social relationships but little value on “productivity”,and crops grow with little attention. The negative connotation of the label “lazy” is thus unjustified from the point of view of the island culture.Stereotypes, such as “lazy”,“inscrutable,” and “dishonest” give people the security of labels with which to react to others in a superficial way, but they are damaging to real understanding among members of different cultures. People react more to labels than to reality. A black American Peace Corps volunteer, for instance, is considered and called a white man by black Africans. The “we-they” distinction applies to whatever characteristic the “ wes have and the “ theys do not haveand the characteristics attributed to the “theys” are usually ones with a negative value.The distinction becomes most obvious in times of conflict. For this reason, it is often suggested the only thing that might join all men together on this planet would be an invasion from outer space. “We”,the earthlings, would then fight “them”,the outsiders.Given the great diversitiesreal and imaginedamong people of the world, is there any foundation for hope that someday all men might join together to form a single and legitimate world government? The outcome will probably depend on the political evolution of mankind.1.What makes people more tolerant of diversity between different groups?2.“National character” is built among people who( ).3.To some industrialized nations, the mentioned South Pacific islanders are( ).4.With stereotypes, people tend to( ).5.What is true about the black American Peace Corps volunteer?6.It is possible to form a single and legitimate world government only when( ).问题1选项A.Extensive communications.B.Language development.C.Close cooperation.D.Direct interactions.问题2选项A.like each otherB.share the same valuesC.speak the same languageD.think in the same way问题3选项A.idleB.carefreeC.inefficientD.well-organized问题4选项A.react to each other on a regular basisB.see different cultures in different waysC.take their own culture as the best of allD.describe other cultures with labels问题5选项A.He was wronged by his fellow African Americans.B.He was considered as a distinguished volunteer.C.He was discriminated against by the whites.D.He was excluded from the black Africans.问题6选项A.people are willing to abandon their “national character”B.people of different nations hold similar political viewsC.human beings as a whole have one common enemyD.human beings are able to contact beings in outer space.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D第6题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第一段第二句。“The more extensive the communications network, the greater the exchange of ideas and beliefs and the more alike people become(交际网络越广泛,思想和信仰的交流就越多,人与人之间的相似之处也就越多。)”,从而得出本题答案。2.细节事实题。根据题干信息。可将信息点定位至原文第一段最后一句。 “In this way, there develops national character, which is the statistical tendency for a group of people to share values and follow similar behavior patterns(这样,就形成了“民族性”,这是一群人分享价值观和遵循相似行为模式的统计趋势)”,即可得出本题答案。3.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第二段。“For example, the inhabitants of a South Pacific island may be considered lazy by.(例如,南太平洋岛屿的居民可能被认为是“懒惰的”)”,从而得出本题答案。4.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第三段第一句。根据 “give people the security of labels with which to react to others(给人们安全的标签,让他们对他人做出反应)”,即可得出本题答案。5.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第三段第三句。根据“A black American Peace Corps volunteer, for instance, is considered and called a white man by black Africans.(例如,美国和平队的黑人志愿者被非洲黑人认为是白人,并被称为白人。)” 即可得出本题答案。6.细节推断题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文最后一段。“The outcome will probably depend on the political evolution of mankind.(其结果可能将取决于人类的政治演变。)”从而得出本题答案。14. 单选题The drill ship was able to maintain a steady position on the oceans surface and drill in very deep waters, ( ) samples of sediments and rock from the ocean floor.问题1选项A.suspendingB.locatingC.dispensingD.extracting【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。suspend “延缓,推迟”;locate “位于”;dispense “免除;分配”;extract “提取;提炼”。句意:钻探船能够在海面保持稳定的位置,并能够钻进深海,从海底_沉积物和岩石样本。根据句意可知选项D符合题意。15. 单选题One of the largest earthquakes ever recorded hit on Boxing Day 2004. The resulting tsunami devastated huge swaths of the Indian Ocean coastline and left an estimated quarter of a million people dead across Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. Aid agencies quickly arrived to help battered and traumatised survivors.Mental health care was a massive part of the emergency response but the World Health Organization(WHO) promptly did something it has never done before or since. It specifically denounced a type of psychological therapy and recommended that it shouldnt be used. The therapy was a single session treatment called “psychological debriefing”,which involved working with disaster victims to encourage people to supposedly “ process ” the intense emotions by talking through them in stages. It was intended to prevent later mental health problems by helping people resolve difficult emotions early on. The only trouble was that it made things worse. Studies had shown that people given post-disaster psychological debriefing were subsequently more likely to suffer mental health problems than people who had had no treatment at all.Guidance from the worlds most influential health authority had little effect, and the therapy was extensively used. The reluctance to do things differently was tied up with some of the least-appreciated facts about our reactions to disaster. In our trauma-focused society, it is often forgotten that the majority of people who experience the ravages of natural disaster, become the victims of violence or lose loved ones in tragedy will need no assistance from mental health professionals.Most people will be shaken up, distressed and bereaved, but these are natural reactions, not in themselves disorders. Only a minority of people一 rarely more than 30% in well-conducted studies and often considerably lesswill develop psychological difficulties as a result of their experiences, and the single most common outcome is recovery without the need of professional help. But regardless of the eventual outcome, you are likely to be at your most stressed during the disaster and your stress levels will decrease afterwards even if they dont return to normal. Your body simply cannot maintain peak levels of anxiety.These are important facts to bear in mind because, from the point of view of the disaster therapist,psychological debriefing seems to work一stress levels genuinely drop. But what the individual therapist cant see is that this would happen more effectively, leaving less people traumatised, if they did nothing.1.In Paragraph 1, the underlined word “battered” means( ).2.In Paragraph 2, “psychological debriefing” is close to( ).3.What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?4.Psychological debriefing was still widely used because( ).5.Paragraph 4 indicates that( ).6.According to Paragraph 5,we should bear in mind that( ).问题1选项A.bruisedB.shockedC.torturedD.destroyed问题2选项A.neurotherapyB.behavior therapyC.physical therapyD.psychotherapy问题3选项A.The emergency response did not involve psychological debriefing.B.Mental therapy reduced the incidence of emotional problems.C.Psychological intervention caused more serious emotional problems.D.Psychological intervent


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