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2022年考博英语-西南交通大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into English.1.由于没有具体证据可供利用,为探寻戏剧的起源,人们首先只能凭推测。2.对于很多人而言,罗马至多不过是对希腊更大规模地模仿和延续,希腊是发明者,而罗马则是研究和发展的分支。3.大多数时候,仅仅是因为无法核实身份,这些惹是生非的个体躲在一个个假名字后面,保护自己不受其行为的影响。4.园林不只是房屋的补充。园林满足了更高层次的生活需求,而这种功能只有艺术才能实现。5.更进一步说,也有人认为这个问题与乐观与悲观的争论无关,我们必须转变看待和思考问题的方式。【答案】1. People can only rely on speculation for exploring the origin of drama because there is no any specific evidence available for use.2. For many people, Rome at most is nothing more than a large-scale imitation and continuation of Greece. Greece is the inventor while Rome is a branch of research and development.3. Most of the time, just because identities cannot be verified, these troublemakers hide behind fake names to protect themselves from being affected their actions.4. A gardens is more than a complement to a houses. Gardens meet the needs of a higher level of life, and this function can only be realized by art.5. Furthermore, some people think that this issue has nothing to do with the debate on optimism and pessimism. We must change the way of viewing and pondering a problem.2. 单选题The presidents( )remarks in his speech met with a lot of attacks from other countries.问题1选项A.offensiveB.impressiveC.permissiveD.expressive【答案】A【解析】句意:总统在演讲中的攻击性言论遭到了许多来自其他国家的攻击。考查形容词辨析。offensive 攻击的,冒犯的,令人不适的;impressive 令人赞叹的,令人钦佩的;permissive 许可的,自由的,放任的;expressive 表现的,有表现力的。根据题干关键词“遭到了许多来自其他国家的攻击”可知A符合句意。3. 单选题We enjoyed the holiday ( ) the expense.问题1选项A.exceptB.except forC.besidesD.in addition to【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨析。A、B、C、D四个选项都有“除之外”的意思,但C项与D项表示的意思包括“除去的部分”;而A项与B项表示的意思不包括“除去的部分”;所以可以根据题干意思可以排除C、D两个选项。另外由于the holiday与the expense的主语不是同一个,而except 后面接的词应与前面共用主语,所以本题应该选择B项。句意:除费用外,我们都很享受这个假期。4. 单选题In much of the American South in the 1950s, the first rows of seats on city buses were for white people only. Black people sat in the(61)of the bus. Both groups could sit in a middle area(62), black people sitting in that part of the bus were (63)to leave their seats if a white person wanted to sit there.Rosa Parks and three other black people(64)in the middle area of the bus when a white person got on the bus and wanted a seat. The bus driver(65)that all four black people leave their seats so the white person would not have to sit next to any of(66). The three other blacks got up, but Mrs. Parks (67). She was arrested.Some popular stories about that(68)include the statement that Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat because her feet were tired. But she(69)said in later years that this was(70).What she was really(71)she said, was accepting unequal treatment. She explained later that this seemed to be the place for her to stop being pushed(72)and to find out what human rights she had, if any.A group of black activist women in Montgomery was known(73)the Womens Political Council. The group was working to oppose the(74)of black bus passengers. Blacks had been arrested and even killed for(75)orders from bus drivers. Rosa Parks was not the first black person to refuse to(76)a seat on the bus for a white person. But black groups in Montgomery considered her to be the right citizen around(77)to build a protest because she was one of the finest citizens of the city.The womens group immediately(78)all blacks in the city to refuse to ride on city buses on the day of Mrs. Parkss trial, Monday, December 15. The result was that forty thousand people walked and(79)other(80)on that day.问题1选项A.middleB.frontC.backD.left问题2选项A.HoweverB.Even thoughC.ConsideringD.Now that问题3选项A.acceptedB.expectedC.exceptedD.receipted问题4选项A.were seatingB.seatedC.were seatedD.seating问题5选项A.commendedB.demandedC.recommendedD.reminded问题6选项A.itB.theirsC.themD.his问题7选项A.refusedB.agreedC.admittedD.promised问题8选项A.accidentB.caseC.affairD.incident问题9选项A.her ownB.on her ownC.herselfD.by herself问题10选项A.falserB.forgeC.excitingD.distinguished问题11选项A.tiredB.tiring aboutC.tired inD.tired of问题12选项A.hardB.offC.UDPD.around问题13选项A.asB.topC.forD.with问题14选项A.maltreatB.mistreatmentC.untreatmentD.intreatment问题15选项A.implementingB.violatingC.submittingD.yielding问题16选项A.give upB.give inC.give ofD.give out问题17选项A.whoB.whoseC.whoeverD.whom问题18选项A.called upB.called forthC.called forD.called in问题19选项A.to userB.usingC.being usedD.used问题20选项A.transmissionB.transportationC.transferringD.transaction【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B第6题:C第7题:A第8题:D第9题:C第10题:A第11题:D第12题:D第13题:A第14题:B第15题:B第16题:A第17题:D第18题:C第19题:D第20题:B【解析】第1题:考查名词辨析。前句句意为:前排的位置是留给白人的。所以该句表示:黑人坐后排,故选C。第2题:考查连词辨析。空格前句句意为:中间区域的座位所有人都可以坐。空格后句句意为:当白人需要坐的时候,黑人就需要让座,由此可知前后为转折的关系,故选A。第3题:考查固定搭配。be expected to 被期望做某事。第4题:考查固定搭配。Be seated 坐下,位于。第5题:考查动词辨析。commend 称赞,表扬;demand 要求,需要,recommend 推荐,建议;remind 提醒。该处句意为:白人在很多方面有优先权,在公交车上,司机有权力要求黑人给白人让座。故选B。第6题:语法题。考查人称代词。空格处要填的词指代前文中的all four black people,故选C。第7题:考查动词辨析。refuse 拒绝;agree 同意,承认;admit 承认,容许;promise 许诺。根据下文中的She was arrested (她被捕了)可知这里表示“拒绝了让座”。第8题:考查名词辨析。accident 事故,意外;case 情况,案例;affair 事情,事务;incident 事件。此空格指代让座事件,故选D。第9题:考查上下文语义。 此处表示“她本人对这件事的解释”,人称代词+反身代词表示 “某人自己”,因此选C项。第10题:考查形容词辨析。根据转折连词but可知,一些相关的传言是伪造的,故选A。第11题:考查固定搭配。be tired of 厌烦。第12题:考查短语辨析。push hard 用力推;push off 离开,走开;push up增加,提高;push around 把差来遣去(或呼来唤去)。句意:她后来解释说,这里似乎是她停止受人摆布的地方,也是可以看看究竟有什么人权的地方(若有的话)。第13题:考查固定搭配。Be known as表示“以.知名; 被认为是; 称为”,符合句意。第14题:考查名词辨析。Be known as 被称为。根据下文中的 Blacks had been arrested and even killed for.(黑人被逮捕,甚至被杀害)可知该团体是反对“虐待黑人”,故选B项。第15题:考查动词辨析。句意:黑人因违反公交司机的命令而被捕,甚至被杀。故选B。第16题:考查动词辨析。give up 放弃;交出;give in屈服;让步;give of 献出;give out分发,发出。此处表示“放弃座位”,故选A。第17题:语法题。考查从句的连接词。句子中的around 77 to build a protest作定语修饰the right citizen,且先行词指人故选D。第18题:考查固定搭配。call for 要求,提倡。这里可以理解为“号召”。第19题:语法题。考查时态。句子中walked是过去时,所以后面的动词也要用一般过去时。第20题:考查名词辨析。Transmission传递;传送;transportation运输;运输系统;transferring 转移;传递 ;transaction交易;事务。根据上文中的refuse to ride on city buses “拒绝乘坐城市巴士” 可知此处是表示“选择乘坐其他交通工具”,故选B。5. 单选题( )man can now create radioactive elements, there is nothing he can do to reduce their radioactivity.问题1选项A.AsB.WhetherC.WhileD.Now that【答案】C【解析】句意:虽然人类现在可以制造出放射性元素,但无法降低这些元素的放射性。考查连词辨析。前半句句意为:人类现在可以制造出放射性元素,后半句句意为:无法降低这些元素的放射性。由此可见,前后为转折对比的关系,因此C项“虽然,尽管”正确。6. 翻译题1.中国是世界上的发明大国,但是很多发明无法走出实验室,归根结底是资金问题。2.当然我们还应该充分意识到,大熊猫生存的主要威胁不是来自于大熊猫的繁殖能力,而是来自于人类对大熊猫自然生态环境的破坏。3.他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶。人生需要一种境界:自我安定。4.自幼来自农村且深受“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”陶冶的我,是断然不肯将能吃的剩菜倒掉的。5.太多的医学和研究生教育把学生禁闭在黑暗的房间里,使他们成为被强迫灌输信息的笨人。【答案】1.China, one of the worlds leading innovators, finds itself in the awkward situation of being unable to get many of its inventions out of the labs, which comes down to the problem of funding.2. Of course, we should also be fully aware that the main threat to the survival of the panda species comes not from the poor propagation of the species, but from mankinds destruction of pandas natural habitat.3. Life, it seems to me, needs a placidity of mind. While others may be wining and dining, Im content with plain tea.4. Born in the countryside and always taught to believe profoundly in the need to “treasure each and every grain of rice in the bowl”,I flatly refuse to throw away the leftovers.5. Too many medical students and postgraduates receive education in a closed room, and finally become a passive knowledge-receiving idiot.7. 单选题Some studies confirmed that this kind of eye disease was( )in tropical countries.问题1选项A.prospectiveB.prevalentC.provocativeD.perpetual【答案】B【解析】句意:一些研究证实这种眼病在热带国家是普遍的。考查形容词辨析。prospective 未来的;预期的;prevalent 流行的;普遍的;provocative 刺激的,挑拨的;气人的;perpetual 永久的;不断的。空格处形容词的主语是eye disease(眼病),因此B符合句意。8. 单选题I was deeply impressed by the hostesss( )and enjoyed the dinner party very much.问题1选项A.hostilityB.indignationC.hospitalityD.humanity【答案】C【解析】句意:女主人的热情好客给我留下了深刻的印象,我非常喜欢这次宴会。考查名词辨析。hostility 敌意;战争行动;indignation 愤慨;愤怒; 义愤;hospitality 好客;殷勤;humanity 人类;人道。由句意“我非常喜欢这次宴会”可知C项正确。9. 单选题The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary for three hours ( ) last night.问题1选项A.at lengthB.in fullC.on endD.in time【答案】C【解析】考查短语词义辨析。选项A:at length “最后,详细地”;选项B:in full “全部,充分,充足”;选项C:on end “连续地;竖着”;选项D:in time “及时”。由题意可知,选项C正确。句意:为了给那本新词典写序,这两位学者昨晚连续花了三个小时。10. 单选题From Christianity and the barbarian kingdoms of the west emerged the medieval version of politics( )in turn evolved the politics of our modern world.问题1选项A.of whichB.from whichC.on whichD.by which【答案】B【解析】句意:从基督教和西方的野蛮王国中出现了中世纪政治的形态,而从该形态中又依次演变出了我们现代世界的政治形态。语法题。考查从句引导词。空格后是一个定语从句。前面的主句中,From Christianity and the barbarian kingdoms of the west是地点状语,因此在定语从句中,from which 作状语与前面的from形成对应,evolved作谓语,the politics of our modern world作主语。11. 单选题Smuggling is a( )activity which might bring destruction to our economy; therefore, it must be banned.问题1选项A.pertinentB.fruitfulC.detrimentalD.casual【答案】C【解析】句意:走私是一种非法活动,可能会破坏经济,因此,必须禁止。考查形容词辨析。pertinent相关的,恰当的;fruitful 富有成效的,多产的; detrimental 有害的,不利的;casual 随便的,非正式的。根据整个句意可知应选择表示负面意义的词,故选C。12. 单选题Her lecture covered a wide( )of topics, ranging from the heated controversy to academic reflection.问题1选项A.extentB.rangeC.collectionD.number【答案】B【解析】句意:她的演讲涉及从激烈的争论到学术反思的广泛话题。考查名词辨析。extent范围;程度(尤指事物延展的范围、高度或距离);range 范围;幅度(尤指认知、知识、经验或能力方面的范围);collection采集;收集;number 数字;号码。这里选择B项比较合适,a wide range of topics表示 “广泛话题”。13. 单选题Women have significant advantages over men in space because they need less food and less oxygen and they( )radiation better.问题1选项A.stand in withB.stand in forC.stand up forD.stand up to【答案】D【解析】句意:在太空中,女性比男性有着显著的优势,因为她们需要的食物和氧气更少,而且她们更能抵抗辐射。考查短语辨析。stand in with 与联合,合谋;stand in for 代替; stand up for 支持,坚持,stand up to 经得起,抵抗。空格处的宾语是 “辐射”,因此D项正确。14. 单选题The younger persons attraction to stereos cannot be explained only( )familiarity with technology.问题1选项A.in quest ofB.by means ofC.in terms ofD.by virtue of【答案】C【解析】句意:年轻人对立体音响的偏爱不能仅仅用对技术的熟悉来解释考查短语辨析。in quest of 探寻;寻求;by means of 用;凭借;in terms of依据;在方面;从角度来;by virtue of 由于;凭借。因此C项符合句意。15. 单选题( )before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.问题1选项A.Had they arrivedB.Would they arriveC.Were they arrivingD.Were they to arrive【答案】D【解析】句意:如果他们能够在我们后天出发之前赶到,我们就能晚上一起聚餐了。语法题。考查虚拟语气。主句部分为should have a wonderful dinner party,因此这里为与将来事实相反的虚拟语气。故从句部分应该是If they were to arrive。从句部分可以省略if,把should/were提前,构成省略倒装。故选D。16. 单选题Did you notice the ( ) on the doctors face when heard that Kino had found the pearl of the world?问题1选项A.appearanceB.expressionC.descriptionD.look【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。选项A:appearance “外貌,外观”;选项B:expression意为“脸色,表现, 表情,态度,腔调”;选项C:description “描述,描写,类型,说明书”;选项D:look意为“样子,面容,看”。根据题意,本题选项B更符合题意,正确。句意:听说Kino找到了世界明珠之后,你注意到医生脸上的表情了吗?17. 单选题We had no way to measure the exact distance we had traveled, but we thought it was( )ten miles.问题1选项A.apparentlyB.appraisablyC.appropriatelyD.approximately【答案】D【解析】句意:我们无法精确测量我们所走的距离,但我们认为大约是十英里。考查副词辨析。apparently 明显地;appraisably 可评估地;appropriately 合适地;approximately 近似地。根据前半句句意“我们无法精确测量我们所走的距离”以及“十英里”可知D符合句意。18. 单选题In the( )of the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose up to $30 million.问题1选项A.faceB.timeC.courseD.event【答案】D【解析】句意:如果项目不成功,投资者损失将高达3000万美元。考查短语辨析。in the face of面对;in the time of 在 时期;in the course of 在期间;在过程中;in the event of 万一;如果。根据后面句意“投资者损失将高达3000万美元”可知D项正确。19. 单选题The president made a ( ) speech at the opening ceremony of the sport meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.问题1选项A.vigorousB.tediousC.flatD.harsh【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。选项A:vigorous “充满活力的”;选项B:tedious “沉闷的, 冗长乏味的”;选项C:flat “单调的,平坦的,不景气的;”;选项D:harsh “严厉的,刺耳的”。由句意可知校长的发言激励了运动员,因此本题选项A更符合题意,正确。句意:校长在运动会的开幕式上发表了充满活力的讲话,极大地鼓舞了运动员。20. 单选题These national parks are very important for preserving many animals, who would ( ) run the risk of becoming extinct.问题1选项A.insteadB.neverthelessC.thereforeD.otherwise【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项instead“代替;反而;相反”;B选项nevertheless“然而,不过”;C选项therefore“因此;所以”;D选项otherwise“否则;另外”。句意:这些国家公园对保护许多动物非常重要,否则这些动物将面临灭绝的危险。前后部分为转折关系,因此D项正确。


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