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2022年考博英语-郑州大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题The lawyer thought that piece of evidence was( )early in the investigation but it turned out to be vital in convicting the man of theft.问题1选项A.unchangeableB.insignificantC.inevitableD.unsuitable【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。unchangeable “无法改变的”;insignificant “无关紧要的”; inevitable “必然的,不可避免的”; unsuitable “不适合的”。根据表转折的连词but可知前后有一个转折关系,后面提到“它(证据)成为指控那个男人盗窃的关键证据”,可知前面的内容是认为这个证据“无关紧要”,因此选项B符合题意。2. 单选题The European online fashion business is fierce. Just ask backers of one-time highfliers like , the urban sportswear retailer that tanked last year, and D, the struggling mens wear specialist. Those once stellar online brands expanded too fast, spent much more than they earned, and then lost their investor support after Internet stocks began plummeting last April. The markets sent online fashion stores a tough message: Come up with business models that generate revenues.A few firms have shown that not all online fashion shops are Internet disasters. Copenhagen-based H, the designer-label discount store, Swedens sportswear vendor Sportus and the Italian shirts store Marco Bracci are doing well in a very tough environment.Haburis distinctive business model is an Internet version of the factory outlet where brand manufacturers sell directly to consumers at lower prices from huge out-of-town shopping malls. A concept used in the U.S. far more than in Europe, and Haburi wants to fill the gap. Michael Vad, Haburis CEO, says that Europes apparel factory outlet sector could yield $ 10 billion in sales annually.According to Vad, national regulations that limit malls outside city centers have hampered the development of this sector. “For the consumer, theres the two-hour drive to the mall, and when you get there you dont know whether youll get the size or color you want,” says Vad. By going online, Haburi aims to cut the retailers costs, save consumers the long drive, and deliver orders within two to five days. Haburi splits net revenue 50-50 with the brand manufacturers.Haburi already has about 30,000 online customers. The additional $12 million invested in Haburi last June indicates investors will still back business-to-consumer Internet companies, but only if they have a solid strategic vision and not just a fashionable whim spurred by Internet hype. So where did Dressmart and go wrong? “They were supposed to run out of money. They were among the companies that only got investment money if they promised very rapid expansion,” observes Ola Ahlvarsson, Stockholm-based CEO of Result Venture Knowledge International, a venture capital firm that controls Sportus. But the rules have changed since Internet stocks dived last year.Apparel is difficult to sell online because people like to feel and touch the clothes they buy. For the online retailer, acquiring the items, inspecting them, cleaning and storing them before shipping orders, plus handling returns, can be expensive. “The cost of customer service in the apparel business is much higher than selling books or even furniture,” says Matthew Nordan, a retail analyst at Forrester Researchs Amsterdam office. Unless linked to a major established operation, an online retailer needs a competitive edge. For example, Italian shirt maker Marco Bracci sells expensive goods for high profits and has cornered a niche market. Dressmart, on the other hand, tried to do too much too soon. Originally it planned to sell only shirts and to make the ordinal Swedish operation profitable before branching out. But within months it tried to go pan-European and sell everything including ties, shoes and sportswear, and to rent physical outlets at airports. Dressmart, on the verge of bankruptcy and searching for a backer, has now scaled back and operates only in Sweden.Ahlvarsson says one-year-old Sportus, currently trading in the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden and Norway, succeeds by keeping costs to a minimum, unlike which spent around $125 million in its brief existence. “B also bought its technology for about $10 million. Thats unrealistic. We spent $300,000 on ours and it works like clockwork,” Ahlvarsson claims. “In the Internet world, they think the guy with the most marketing money will win. It is, in fact, the guy with the best management team and supporting organization.”Despite its apparent success, CEO Vad admits that the recent shakeout in online clothes retailers has affected Haburi. “Were going to postpone our Asian launch. We need to build our brands and get the right sales volume and be a lot smarter,” he says. In other words, the successful online fashion retailers are the ones that stick to their knitting.1. The author says that “Haburi wants to fill the gap”. What does it mean?2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?3. According to the passage, Italian shirt maker Marco Bracci( ).4. Which of the following reasons contributes to the failure of many online fashion businesses?问题1选项A.Haburi will try to make up the loss caused by the plummeted Internet stocks.B.Haburi will use the business concept popular in America and in Europe.C.Haburi will increase its output to make up the need of the customers.D.Haburi will build more out-of-town shopping malls as Americans do.问题2选项A.The fail of these online fashion businesses caused the fall of Internet stocks.B.Online fashion stores learned a tough lesson: online fashion shops are disastrous.C.The online brands have never been successful.D.Those once highfliers like and D have tanked.问题3选项A.has obtained a certain market through its special operationB.has lost its market because of its high cost of expansionC.hasnt made profits because the high cost of expansionD.has now scaled back and operates only in Sweden问题4选项A.They dont have management team and supporting organization.B.Their expansion of operation is too fast before they make profits.C.They dont have enough money to buy new technology.D.No investor is interested in online fashion businesses.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“作者所说的Haburi想去弥补空白是什么意思?”文章第四段提到“Vad看来,对市中心之外的商场进行限制的相关国家法规阻碍了这一方案的发展”(According to Vad, national regulations that limit malls outside city centers have hampered the development of this sector);文章第三段提到Haburi独特的商业模式是一种网络版的工厂直销店,品牌制造商直接在大型城郊购物中心以更低的价格卖给消费者(Haburis distinctive business model is an Internet version of the factory outlet where brand manufacturers sell directly to consumers at lower prices from huge out-of-town shopping malls),由此可知fill the gap的方案就是建立更多的城郊购物中心,选项D符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据文章可知下列哪个选项是正确的?”文章第一段第二句话提到“去问问那些曾经风光一时的企业的支持者就知道了,这些网络品牌包括去年遭遇失败的城市运动服装零售商和陷入困境的男装专营商D”(Just ask backers of one-time highfliers like , the urban sportswear retailer that tanked last year, and D, the struggling mens wear specialist),可知这些风光无限的企业现在遭遇困境,因此选项D符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据文章可知,意大利衬衫制作商Marco Bracci”。文章第六段提到意大利衬衫制作商Marco通过销售高价商品来获取高额利润(For example, Italian shirt maker Marco Bracci sells expensive goods for high profits and has cornered a niche market),由此可知,Marco通过销售奢侈品占据了一定的市场,因此选项A符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“以下哪个原因导致了许多在线时尚企业失败?”文章第六段介绍了Dressmart,提到Dressmart急于拓展欧洲市场(Dressmart, on the other hand, tried to do too much too soon. Originally it planned to sell only shirts and to make the ordinal Swedish operation profitable before branching out. But within months it tried to go pan-European and sell everything),由此可知它们失败的原因就在于急切想要扩张业务,因此选项B符合题意。3. 单选题During the famine of 1943, millions of Chinese peasants( )to the cities because they could not survive in the rural areas.问题1选项A.emigratedB.estimatedC.migratedD.immigrated【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。emigrate “移民,移居”;estimate “估计,估价”;migrate “移动;移居;随季节而移居”;immigrate “移入”。根据原因状语“因为他们无法在农村存活”可知他们选择移居城市。emigrate一般指移民出境;immigrate一般指移民入境。而从农村到城市不属于这二者,因此选项C符合题意。4. 单选题Scientists believe that a conclusion which is drawn readily before all of the relevant data are collected, analyzed and contemplated is called( ).问题1选项A.insincereB.premiseC.prematureD.presumption【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。insincere “不诚恳的”,形容词;premise “前提,假设”; premature “过早发生的事物;早产儿”; presumption “假定,推定”。根据conclusion “结论”及 before all of the relevant data are collected, analyzed and contemplated “在所有相关数据被收集、分析和考虑之前”可知“称为推定”符合语境,因此选项D符合题意。5. 单选题When the first of the two Viking landers touched down on Martian soil on July 20, 1976, and began to send camera images back to Earth, the scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory could not suppress a certain nervous anticipation, like people who hold a ticket to a lottery they have a one-in-a-million chance of winning. The first photographs that arrived, however, did not contain any evidence of life. What revealed itself to them was merely a barren landscape littered with rocks. The view resembled nothing so much as a flat section of desert in fact, the winning entry in a contest at J. P. L. for the photograph most accurately predicting what Mars would look like as a snapshot taken in a particularly arid section of the Mojave Desert.The scientists were soon ready to turn their attention from visible life to microorganisms. The twin Viking landers carried three experiments designed to detect current biological activity and one to detect organic compounds, because researchers thought it possible that life had developed on early Mars just as it is thought to have developed on Earth, through the gradual chemical evolution of complex organic molecules(分子).To detect biological activity, Martian soil samples were treated with various nutrients that would produce characteristic by-products if life forms were active in the soil. The results from all three experiments were inconclusive. The fourth experiment heated a soil sample to look for sign of organic material but found none, an unexpected result because at least organic compounds from the steady bombardment of the Martian surface by meteorites (限星)were thought to have been present.The absence of organic material, some scientists speculated, was the result of intense ultraviolet radiation penetrating the atmosphere which was at one time rich in carbon dioxide and thus thick enough to protect its surface from the harmful ray of the Sun, the carbon dioxide had gradually left the atmosphere and been converted into rocks. This means that even if life had gotten a start on early Mars, it could not have survived the exposure to ultraviolet radiation when the atmosphere thinned. Mars never developed a protective layer of ozone as Earth did.Despite the disappointed Viking results, there are those who still keep open the possibility of life on Mars. They point out that the Viking data cannot be considered the final word on Martian life because the two landers only sampled two limited and uninteresting sites. The Viking landing sites were not chosen for what they might tell of the planets biology. They were chosen primarily because they appeared to be safe of landing a spacecraft. The landing sites were on part of the Martian plains that appeared relatively featureless from orbital photography.The type of Martian terrain that these researchers suggest may be a possible hiding place for active life has an earthly parallel: the ice-free region of southern Victoria land. Antarctica, where the temperatures in some dry valley average below zero. Organisms known as endoliths, a form of blue-green algae (藻类)that has adopted to this harsh environment, were found living inside certain porous rocks in these Antarctic valleys. The argument based on this discovery is that if life did exist on early Mars, it is possible that it escaped worsening condition by similarly seeking too dry, even compared with Antarctic valleys, to sustain any life whatsoever.Should Mars eventually prove to be completely barren of life, as some suspect, then this would have a significant impact on the current view of the chemical origin of life. It could be much more difficult to get life started on a planet than scientists thought before the Viking landings.1. The major purpose of the passage is to( ).2. The author used the evidence from the four Viking experiments (paragraph 2) to establish that( ).3. The author suggests that important difference between Mars and Earth is that unlike Earth, Mars( ).4. In paragraph 5, the researchers argument that life may exist in Martian rocks rests on the idea that( ).问题1选项A.relate an account of an extraordinary scientific achievementB.undermine the prevailing belief that life may exist on MarsC.show the limitations of the scientific investigation of other planetsD.discuss the efforts of scientists to determine whether Martian life exist问题2选项A.meteorites do not strike the surface of Mars as often as scientists had thought.B.there was no experimental confirmation of the theory that life exist on Mars.C.current theory as to how life developed on Earth is probable flawed.D.biological activity has been shown to be absent from the surface of Mars.问题3选项A.could not have sustained life that developedB.possessed at one time an atmosphere rich in carbon dioxideC.is in the path of the harmful rays of ultraviolet radiationD.accumulated organic compounds from the steady bombardment of meteorites问题4选项A.life evolved in the same way on two different planetsB.life developed in the form of blue-green algae on MarsC.organisms may adopt identical survival strategies in comparable environmentsD.endoliths are capable of living in the harsh environment of Mars【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。题目问的是“文章的主要目的是什么?”文章第一段提到科学家们通过图像并没有发现火星上可见的生命,接下来讲述了科学家们通过火星土样也没有发现火星上有微生物存在,然后推测原因,最后一段提到如果火星最后被证明没有生命存在可能带来的影响,由此可知本文主要是讲述了科学家们努力确定火星上有无生命,因此选项D符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“作者使用四个火星实验得来的证据是为了”。文章第二段提到“因为研究人员认为有可能早期火星上的生命就想地球上的生命一样”(because researchers thought it possible that life had developed on early Mars just as it is thought to have developed on Earth),但是在火星土样中没有发现任何迹象(The fourth experiment heated a soil sample to look for sign of organic material but found none),因此选项B“火星上有生命这一理论没有得到实验的证实”符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“作者认为火星和地球之间的重要区别在于不像地球,火星”。文章第三段提到“是强烈的紫外线辐射穿透大气层的结果”(was the result of intense ultraviolet radiation penetrating the atmosphere),最后一句提到“火星没有像地球那样形成一层保护臭氧层”(Mars never developed a protective layer of ozone as Earth did)。选项C“在紫外线辐射的有害射线路径上”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“在第五段中,研究者认为火星岩石上有生命的观点是依靠”。文章第五段提到“基于该发现的论证是如果有生命存在于早期的火星上,那么这些生命就可能通过寻找比南极干谷更干燥的环境来维持生命形式”(The argument based on this discovery is that if life did exist on early Mars, it is possible that it escaped worsening condition by similarly seeking too dry, even compared with Antarctic valleys, to sustain any life whatsoever),选项C“生命体在类似环境中可能采取同样的生存策略”符合题意。6. 单选题Whenever Tom comes across a serious problem, he likes to( )it, namely, to think it about carefully and for a long time.问题1选项A.contendB.contemptC.contemplateD.content【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。contend “主张”;contempt “轻视,蔑视,耻辱”,名词;contemplate “沉思,注视”;content “使满足”。根据 think it about carefully and for a longtime (仔细并长时间地思考它)可知“沉思”符合,因此选项C符合题意。7. 单选题Parents often faced the( )between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.问题1选项A.dilemmaB.paradoxC.junctionD.premise【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。dilemma “困境;进退两难”;paradox “悖论”; junction “连接”;premise “前提,假定”。根据between doing what they felt and what could stand可知家长是在这两种做法为难,因此选项A符合题意。8. 单选题Having weighed up all the factors the department finally agreed to receive all the( )to the committee.问题1选项A.nominationsB.hypothesesC.rejectionD.resistance【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。nomination “任命;提名”; hypotheses “假定,臆测”,hypothesis 的复数形式;rejection “拒绝”; resistance “阻力,电阻”。由the department (部门)与committee (委员会)可知这里是“任命”的意思,选项A符合题意。9. 单选题The leaders of the two countries feel it desirable to( )funds from armaments to health and education.问题1选项A.divertB.changeC.convertD.derive【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。divert “转移”; change “改变”;convert “使转变”; derive “源于”。根据空格处后面的“fromto”可知是将资金从一个地方转到另一个地方,因此选项A符合题意。10. 翻译题Translate the following part into English.建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、关于民族未来的长远大计。面对生态系统退化的严峻形势,我们必须树立尊重自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、文化建设、社会建设各个方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国, 实现中华民族的永续发展。【答案】Promoting ecological progress is a long-term task of vital importance to the peoples wellbeing and Chinas future. Faced with a deteriorating ecosystem, we must raise our ecological awareness of the need to respect and protect nature. We must give high priority to making ecological progress and incorporate it into all aspects and the whole process of advancing economic, cultural, and social progress, work hard to build a beautiful country, and achieve lasting and sustainable development of the Chinese nation.11. 单选题Fundamentally, income disparity describes two disparate groups: rich and poor. It is hardly news that the rich are getting richer. The underlying story is a familiar one: the wealthiest households own the most assets, namely stocks, and asset prices have risen at a ferocious pace in recent years. Beyond the standard explanation, it is also the case that the emergence of technology, rising productivity, and an expanding global market have brought forth a new upper class among corporations. These newly wealthy firms pay skilled employees well and in an ever-tighter labor market, they are forced to constantly sweeten their employees compensation.Then there are the poor, where conditions are a little murky. Falling unemployment, anecdotal evidence of rising starting wages for low-level service jobs, and the relative non-event of welfare reform so far suggest that conditions at the low end are improving. Yet at the same time, whole communities under siege by crime and hopelessness cannot be ignored.That said, income inequality as a blanket indictment on our economic system does not fly. Income disparity is the gas that runs our economic engine. The ability to someday earn more, to live at a higher standard, is what gets people out of bed in the morning, particularly in our consumer-oriented economy. Income disparity only becomes a problem if it widens to the extent that the labor force believes that greater wealth can only be achieved by the already wealthy.Indeed, it is unreasonable to state that income disparity is eroding the labor forces will to improve productivity and move ahead. Increasing labor force participation, record homeownership, surging consumer confidence and spending, near-record levels of immigration, and urban renewal are all anecdotal evidence that hopes are high. All types of people are flourishing in the New Economy and there is sufficient evidence to suggest that most still want their shot at the brass ring.So why are there still very poor households in this country? There are many reasons. Our economy is shifting towards the production of higher value goods and services. Unskilled labor is not valued to the degree that it once was, and unskilled workers are paid accordingly. There has also been a recent surge of immigration into the U.S. Many migrants to this country, particularly those who are unskilled or language challenged, require time to be absorbed into our economy. If skills are lacking, it may take a generation or two to move ahead.It is also important to remember that it is not the ultimate goal of every person to be fabulously rich. One of the fundamentals of economics is that one decides how hard to work, where to work, and what risks to take. Monetary


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