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2022年考博英语-对外经济贸易大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题The global economy is in its worst downturn since the 1930s. WTO economists foresee a bumpy year ahead. Their forecast for 2020 estimates that the volume of global merchandise trade will tumble by between 13 and 32 per cent compared to the previous year. The depth of the fall will depend on two main factors: one, how long it takes to bring the pandemic under control; and two, the policies governments implement - domestically and at the international level - to mitigate its economic consequences.This underscores why international cooperation to keep global markets open for goods and services is more important than ever. As the world fights the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining open supply lines will facilitate access to medical products and food. Restricting trade and disrupting established supply chains will make it harder to ramp up the manufacture of much-needed protective equipment, testing kits, ventilators and other essentials. In the longer run, a turn towards protectionism will slow down the global economic recovery, to the detriment of all countries, most damagingly for the poorest.Whether to safeguard public health or to revive economic activity, it is only through collective action that we can respond effectively to the COVID-19 crisis. It is essential that governments and international organizations work together. The WTO is committed to doing its part to foster such cooperation. One key aspect of this is transparency - we have stepped up monitoring and information-sharing to allow all participants in world trade to keep track of COVID-related measures governments have introduced to facilitate or restrict trade. The WTO will also serve as a forum for members to share views and coordinate action on trade policies as economies emerge from the crisis.Prior to the pandemic, the year 2019 had been marked by strong activity at the WTO in terms of trade negotiations. Talks on reducing fisheries subsidies registered further progress, and members continued discussions on a range of issues in agriculture. In parallel with these multilateral negotiations, groups of WTO members took substantial steps forward in initiatives seeking to write new rules for e-commerce, facilitating investment for development, domestic regulation of trade in services, and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The initiatives, which remain open to the entire membership, drew interest from a growing number of members.Members will determine how and when to take these negotiating processes forward in light of the public health and economic situation. In a similar vein, they are already deliberating on options for holding our 12th Ministerial Conference, which could not be held as originally scheduled in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, in June 2020 because of the pandemic.Discussions on the ongoing process of WTO reform also gained momentum over the course of the year. Further progress will now also have to take account of the evolving health and economic situation. The reform process has nevertheless always been aimed at strengthening and improving the functioning of the system to make the WTO more effective and more responsive to members needs. Amid the social and economic distress shared by billions of people, some of these needs have become painfully clear. A key goal of WTO reform must be to ensure that the organization is properly equipped to contribute to the economic recovery of all members.A key concern is the proper functioning of the WTOs dispute settlement system, given the impasse in the appointment of Appellate Body members. The importance WTO members attach to the institutions dispute settlement function was underscored by the highest-ever level of activity seen in 2019, with 23 dispute settlement reports and decisions issued during the course of the year. At the same time, late in the year, members could not reach consensus on a set of proposals put forward by the then-chair of the Dispute Settlement Body in an attempt to address concerns about the functioning of the Appellate Body. I encourage members to consider the compromises they would be willing to make to maintain a vital two-step review process for the settlement of trade disputes and to avoid the prospect of blocked rulings and unilateral retaliation.Another important function of the WTO is our work to assist developing countries to gain a better understanding of how best to make the multilateral trading system and the WTO rulebook work for them. In 2019, the WTO organized training courses for over 18,000 government officials, enhancing their know-how and skills to help their respective countries play a more active role in world trade. The WTO also hosted the Global Review of Aid for Trade, a WTO-led initiative aimed at improving the trading capacity of developing and least-developed countries. The three-day event brought over 1,500 participants to our headquarters to share ideas and look at examples of how targeted technical and financial support has helped countries use trade to bolster economic diversification and empowerment.Other events held at the WTO in 2019 included our annual Public Forum, which attracted a record number of participants - over 2,500 from 126 countries - to discuss how trade should adapt to a changing world. The first-ever World Cotton Day brought ministers and key players in the cotton industry to WTO headquarters to address the challenges faced by cotton farmers and the importance of the sector in contributing to poverty reduction in developing countries. The WTO also hosted an International Forum on Food Safety and Trade alongside the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization.Cooperation and solidarity among governments and international organizations will be essential for the world to unite to tackle the coronavirus pandemic and prepare the foundations for economic revival. Trade will have a vital role to play in making a strong, sustainable and socially inclusive recovery. We at the WTO are committed to doing our part.1. What is the meaning of the underlined word mitigate in Paragraph 1?2. When and where was the 12th Ministerial Conference originally scheduled?3. Which genre might this passage belong to?4. Which issue is not mentioned in this passage?5. According to the passage, how can we respond effectively to the COVID-19?6. Which word could be used to describe the tone of the passage?7. Which of the following is not true about the WTOs dispute settlement system ?8. We could draw from the passage except that ( ).问题1选项A.alleviateB.makeC.createD.find out问题2选项A.In Turkey, in 2020B.In Kazakhstan, in 2021C.In Kazakhstan, in 2020D.In Turkey, in 2021问题3选项A.A novelB.A speechC.A news reportD.A memoir问题4选项A.trade negotiationsB.fisheries subsidiesC.multilateral trading systemD.government procurement问题5选项A.government policiesB.a turn towards protectionismC.collective actionD.WTO reform问题6选项A.humorousB.cool-headedC.agitativeD.distressed问题7选项A.There is some impasse in the appointment of Appellate Body members.B.The importance of its function was underscored in 2019.C.It could not reach consensus on a set of proposals.D.It has nothing to do with the settlement of trade disputes now.问题8选项A.protectionism will most damagingly destruct economic recovery in the poorest countries.B.transparency is the most important factor to have international cooperation.C.in 2019 the WTO had been very active in promoting trade negotiations.D.the issue of developing economy status is slightly discussed in the passage【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:C第5题:C第6题:B第7题:D第8题:D【解析】1.词义题。对于mitigate一词的理解可参考其所在句意:(全球商品贸易量)下降的深度将取决于两个主要因素:一是控制疫情需要多长时间;二是为了其带来的经济影响,政府在国内和国际层面实施的政策。由此推测,mitigate表示 “减轻,缓和”之意,故选A项。2.细节事实题。第五段指出:In a similar vein, they are already deliberating on options for holding our 12th Ministerial Conference, which could not be held as originally scheduled in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, in June 2020 because of the pandemic(同样,他们已经在审议召开我们第十二届部长级会议的备选方案。由于这一流行病,我们无法按照原定计划于2020年6月在哈萨克斯坦努尔苏丹举行第12届部长级会议)。3.主旨大意题。本片文章主要讲的是世贸组织对2019年所做工作的总结以及采取的新冠肺炎相关措施,因此本篇属于B项“演讲稿”。4.细节事实题。题目问的是:以下哪项未被文章提及?A:贸易谈判。B:渔业补贴。C:多边贸易体系。D:政府采购业务。第四段指出:在大流行之前,2019年世界贸易组织在贸易谈判方面开展了大量活动。有关减少渔业补贴的谈判取得进一步进展,委员继续就农业方面的一系列问题进行讨论。在这些多边谈判的同时,世贸组织成员团体在寻求为电子商务制定新规则、促进发展投资、服务贸易的国内监管以及中小微企业方面采取了实质性步骤。这些倡议仍然向全体成员开放。因此,四个选项中,未被文章提及的是D项“政府采购业务”。5.细节事实题。第三段首句指出:Whether to safeguard public health or to revive economic activity, it is only through collective action that we can respond effectively to the COVID-19 crisis (无论是维护公众健康还是重振经济活动,只有通过集体行动,我们才能有效应对COVID-19危机),因此C项正确。6.观点态度题。文章是比较正式的发言稿,文章条理清晰地分析了世贸组织对2019年所做工作的总结以及应采取的新冠肺炎相关措施,因此选B项“沉着的,头脑冷静的”。7.判断推理题。A:在任命上诉机构成员方面出现了僵局。第七段第一句指出:A key concern is the proper functioning of the WTOs dispute settlement system, given the impasse in the appointment of Appellate Body members (考虑到在任命上诉机构成员方面的僵局,一个关键问题是世贸组织争端解决机制的正常运作),由此可知A项正确。B:其功能的重要性在2019年得到了强调。第二句指出:The importance WTO members attach to the institutions dispute settlement function was underscored by the highest-ever level of activity seen in 2019(世界贸易组织成员对该机构争端解决职能的重视程度在2019年达到了有史以来最高水平),因此B项正确。C:它未能就一套提议达成协商一致意见。后面指出:At the same time, late in the year, members could not reach consensus on a set of proposals put forward by the then-chair of the Dispute Settlement Body(与此同时,在当年年底,各成员未能就争端解决机构当时的主席提出的一套建议达成共识),因此C项正确。D:它与当前贸易争端的解决毫无关系。D项过于绝对,并且不符合第一句所述,因此D项不正确,答案选D。8.判断推理题。A:保护主义将最严重地破坏贫穷国家的经济复苏。第二段指出:In the longer run, a turn towards protectionism will slow down the global economic recovery, to the detriment of all countries, most damagingly for the poorest (从长远看,转向保护主义将减缓全球经济复苏,对所有国家都不利,对最贫穷国家的危害最大)。因此A项正确。B:透明是进行国际合作的最重要因素。第三段指出:It is essential that governments and international organizations work together. The WTO is committed to doing its part to foster such cooperation. One key aspect of this is transparency(各国政府和国际组织必须共同努力。世界贸易组织致力于为促进此类合作作出自己的贡献。其中一个关键方面就是透明度),因此B项正确。C:2019年,世界贸易组织积极推动贸易谈判。第四段指出:Prior to the pandemic, the year 2019 had been marked by strong activity at the WTO in terms of trade negotiations(在大流行之前,2019年世界贸易组织在贸易谈判方面开展了大量活动),因此C项正确。D:发展中的经济地位问题在文章中略加讨论。文章并未讨论此问题,因此答案选D项。2. 翻译题Translate the following passage from English into ChineseIt is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition. It would probably be a kinder world: without demands, without abrasions, without disappointments. People would have time for reflection. Such work as they did would not be for themselves but for the collectivity. Competition would never enter in, conflict would be eliminated, tension become a thing of the past. The stress of creation would be at an end. Art would no longer be troubling, but purely celebratory in its functions. Longevity would be increased, for fewer people would die of heart attack or stroke caused by tumultuous endeavor. Anxiety would be extinct. Time would stretch on and on, with ambition long departed from the human heart.There is a strong view that holds that success is a myth, and ambition therefore a sham. Does this mean that success does not really exist? That achievement is at bottom empty? That the efforts of men and women are of no significance alongside the force of movements and events?That not all success, obviously, is worth esteeming, nor all ambition worth cultivating?【答案】一个缺少抱负的世界会是什么样的,这不难想象。它可能会是一个更友好的世界:没有欲望,没有摩擦,没有失望。人们将有时间进行反思。他们所做的工作并不是为了他们自己,而是为了集体。竞争将永远不会出现,冲突将会消除,紧张局面将成往事。产生的压力将会结束。艺术将不再煞费苦心,它的作用纯粹是为了庆祝。人的寿命将会更长,因为由激烈拼争引起的心脏病和中风所导致的死亡将减少。焦虑将会消失。时光飞逝,而抱负早已远离人心。有一种流行的观点认为,成功是一种神话,因此抱负是虚无缥缈的。这是否意味着成功并不真实存在?成就最终都是徒劳的?男性与女性的努力,以及政治运动与重大历史事件的力量,都是毫无意义的吗?显然,并不是所有的成功都值得敬仰,也不是所有的抱负都值得追求?3. 问答题From its origin in Europe as witty sketches, caricature grew through the eighteenth and A Bnineteenth century, becoming enormously popular in the United States early in this century. In C D1920s and 1930s especially, this lively form of illustration appeared in newspapers and magazines throughout the country. The caricaturists in this era drew their portraits of important figures primarily to entertain.【答案】试题答案:C; countries【解析】考查名词单复数。由“the eighteenth and nineteenth(十八世纪和十九世纪)可知此处对应的名词应用复数形式”,country的复数形式为countries。4. 翻译题Translate the following into ChineseA complex adaptive system (CAS) is a system comprised of heterogeneous agents that interact locally with each other based on local schema, such that the behavior of the system arises as a result of feedback relationships between the agents, and the system evolves as the schemata of the agents adapt based on the feedback.The actual nature of agents will depend on the kind of system under consideration. For example, in chemical systems, the agents may be molecules, while in the case of a colony of ants, the agents are the individual ants. In social systems, the agents are usually taken to be individual human beings or groups of human beings. Since the agents are able to adapt their schemata and their behaviors based on feedback through their interactions with other agents, the system has an adaptive capability.The heterogeneity of agents is important as it accentuates the diversity and plurality that make up the richness of CAS, and is especially important when applying CAS to social systems. It is important to note that no agent can understand the whole system, nor does any single agent or small group of agents direct the behavior of the system. The behavior of the system emerges from the interaction of agents through multiple, nonlinear feedback relationships.【答案】复杂自适应系统(CAS)是一个包括各种各样的要素所组成的系统,这些要素局部地基于局部模式相互作用,以致该系统的行为由于要素之间的反馈关系而出现,并且该系统随着要素模式基于反馈的改变而演化。要素的本质将取决于在考虑中的系统种类。例如,在化学系统中,要素可能是分子,而就一群蚂蚁来说,要素是单个的蚂蚁。在社会系统中,要素通常被认为是人类个体或团体。由于要素能基于通过它们与其它要素的相互作用而产生的反馈来改变它们的基模,因此该系统有一种自适应能力。要素的异质性是重要的,因为它强调构成自适应系统丰富性的多样性和多元性,且当将自适应系统用到社会系统上时,它尤其重要。需要注意的是,没有要素能够理解整个系统,或没有任何单个的要素或小的要素群体管理该系统的行为。该系统的行为来自于要素通过多个非线性反馈关系而进行的相互作用。5. 问答题If ambition (A) is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambitionwealth, distinction, (B) control over ones destiny (C) must be deemed worth of the sacrifices (D) made on ambitions behalf.【答案】C;改成must be deemed worthy of。worthy of值得的6. 填空题Each man is at every moment subjected(1 )several different sets of law but there is only one of these which he is free(2 ) disobey. As a body, he is subjected to gravitation and(3 ) disobey it; if you leave him unsupported in mid-air, he has no more choice about falling(4 ) a stone has. As an organism, he is subjected to various biological laws which he cannot disobey any more than(5) animal can. This is, he cannot disobey those laws which he shares(6 ) other things; but the law which is peculiar(7) his human nature, the law he does not share with animals or vegetables or inorganic things, is the one he can disobey(8) he chooses.This law was(9 ) the Law of Nature because people thought that everyone knew it by nature and did not need to be taught(10) . They did not mean, of course, that you might not find an odd individual here and there(11) did not know it, just as you find a few people who are color-blind or have(12 ) ear for a tune. But taking the race as a(13) , they thought that the human idea of decent behavior was obvious to everyone. There have(14) differences between peoples moralities in different civilizations and ages,(15) these have never amounted(16 )anything like a total difference. Men have differed as regards what people(17) ought to be unselfish to, whether it was only your own family, or your fellow countrymen, or everyone, but they have always agreed that you ought(18) to put yourself first. Men have differed as to whether you should have(19)wife or four, but they have always(20) that you must not simply have any woman you liked.【答案】1.考查介词搭配。be subjected to意为“服从于,受限于”。试题答案:to2.考查介词搭配。根据句中的but可知句子前后表示转折。be free to意为“不受约束”,与前面句意进行对比。试题答案:to3.考查上下文语义。根据后面的“he has no more choice. he cannot disobey”可知他不能违抗重力。试题答案:cannot4.考查比较级。根据前面的“has no more choice”可知此处是将人类与石头进行比较。than意为“与比较”。试题答案:than5.考查不定冠词。“a/an+单数可数名词”表示类别,a用在辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前;an则用在元音因素开头的单数可数名词前。试题答案:an6.考查介词搭配。share with意为“与分享”,与后面的“he does not share with animals”相对应。试题答案:with7.考查介词搭配。be peculiar to意为“为所独有的”。试题答案:to8.考查连词。根据空格前“the one he can disobey”与空格后“he chooses”可知此处表示条件关系,用连词if。试题答案:if9.考查上下文语义。这个法则被称为自然法则,用call的过去分词called。试题答案:called10.考查代词。根据前面的“everyone knew it”可知此处表示不需要被教它,填it。试题答案:it11.考查关系代词。从句中缺少主语且先行词“an odd individual(一个古怪的人)”指人,因此填who。试题答案:who12.考查上下文语义。根据前面的“who are color-blind(色盲)”和空格前的“or”连接两个并列的成分。have no ear for意为“对没有欣赏能力”,与color-blind相对应。试题答案:no13.考查固定搭配。as a whole意为“整体而言”。此处表示“就这个种族整体而言”。试题答案:whole14.考查时态。根据后面的“have never amounted”可知此处应该用现在完成时,be的过去分词为been。试题答案:been15.考查连词。根据前面的difference与后面的have never可知此处表示转折关系,用连词but。试题答案:but16.考查介词搭配。amount to意为“发展成为;共计”。试题答案:to17.考查上下文语义。根据后面的you ought可知此处填对应的代词you。试题答案:you18.考查上下文语义。根据句子开头的转折连词but,但你不应该把自己放在第一位,因此填表示否定的副词not。试题答案:not19.考查上下文语义。根据后面的four可知此处为数词,wife为单数形式,因此填数词one。试题答案:one20.考查上下文语义。根据第18空前面的but they have always agreed that可知此处填agreed,与其相对应。试题答案:agreed7. 单选题Every country with a monetary system of its own has to have some kind of market which A B Cdealers in bills, notes and other forms of short-term credit can buy and sell. D问题1选项A.of its ownB.some kindC.whichD.short-term credit【答案】C【解析】考查介词搭配。原句应为dealers can buy and sell in,需要将介词in提前,由“in+which”引导定语从句。试题答案:C; in which8. 翻译题Translate the following into English20年来,中国从工业化、城镇化加快发展的国情出发,不断丰富可持续发展的内涵,积极应对国内外环境的复杂变化和一系列重大挑战,实现了经济平稳较快发展、人民生活显 著改善,在控制人口总量、提高人口素质、节约资源和保护环境等方面取得了积极进展。 同时,作为一个发展中国家,中国人口众多、生态脆弱、人均资源占有不足,人均国内生产总值尚排在全球百位左右,仍有1.22亿贫困人口,资源环境对经济发展的约束增强,区域发展不平衡问题突出,科技创新能力不强,改善民生的任务十分艰巨。【答案】Over the past 20 years, China, based on its national conditions of being in the accelerated industrialization and urbanization processes, has enriched the connotations of sustainable development, actively responded to the complex changes in the environment at home and abroad and a series of major challenges, and achieved steady and rapid economic development, higher peoples living standards, and remarkable progress in population control, population quality improvement, resources conservation and environmental protection. On the other hand, as a developing country with a large population, China is faced with ecological fragility and inadequate per capita resources. Its per capita gross domestic product (GDP) is still ranked about 100th in the world and there are still 122 million people living in poverty. Moreover, given the severe resources and environment constrains on economic development, pronounced uneven development among regions, and weak scientific and technological innovation capacities, China still faces and arduous task of improving peoples livelihood.9. 单选题Because they were unaware of his interests in the building, they did not understand why he A B felt so bad.C D问题1选项A.unaware ofB.interestsC.feltD.so bad【答案】B【解析】考查名词单复数。interest意为“兴趣”时,为不可数名词。试题答案:B; interest in10. 单选题Greece, economically, is in the black. With very little to export other than such farm products as tobacco


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