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2022年考博英语-外交学院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The funny looking man whom the girl met on the street of Princeton was( ) Albert Einstein.问题1选项A.none butB.none other butC.no other butD.nobody but【答案】B【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项none but“仅有;无;只有才”;B选项none other but与none other than意思相同,意为“不是别人,正是”;C选项no other but没有这种用法;D选项nobody but“除了没有人”。句意:那个女孩在普林斯顿大街上遇到的长相滑稽的男人不是别人,正是阿尔伯特爱因斯坦。因此B选项正确。2. 单选题Critics called the proposal a( )game that is not easily recognizable.问题1选项A.boardB.ballC.homeD.shell【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项board“木板,甲板,膳食,董事长”;B选项ball“球,舞会”;C选项home“家,住宅,产地,家乡,避难所”;D选项shell“壳,贝壳,炮弹,外形”。shell game为固定搭配,意为“骗局”。句意:批评人士称该提议是一场难以辨认的骗局。因此C答案正确。3. 单选题She didnt( )matters; she just told him he was useless.问题1选项A.worsenB.complicateC.decideD.mince【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项worsen“更坏的;更差的;更糟,更坏”;B选项complicate“使复杂化;使恶化;使卷入”;C选项decide“决定;解决;判决;决定,下决心”;D选项mince“切碎;矫揉造作地说;装腔作势;碎步走”。句意:她没有把事情复杂化;她只是说他没用。因此B选项正确。4. 单选题Perhaps the best Washington can do is to remind the Kremlin of the likely geopolitical repercussions of an aggressive, nuclear armed Iran.问题1选项A.insatiabationB.replicationC.ionizationD.reverberation【答案】D【解析】考查近义名词辨析。A选项insatiabation不存在;B选项replication“复制;回答”;C选项ionization“电离;游离;离子化;电离作用”;D选项reverberation“混响;反射;反响;回响”。句意:或许华盛顿能做的最好的事情就是提醒克里姆林宫,一个咄咄逼人、拥有核武器的伊朗可能会产生地缘政治影响。repercussions“反响,影响”,D选项与该词词意最相近,因此D选项正确。5. 单选题It is fashionable in the sixties but definitely passe in the eighties.问题1选项A.clivoseB.demodeC.abrimD.xenial【答案】B【解析】考查近义形容词辨析。A选项clivose“小山的,丘陵的”;B选项demode“陈旧的;老式的”;C选项abrim“充满着的”;D选项xenial“主客关系的;款待的”。句意:那在六十年代是时髦的,但在八十年代肯定是过时了。passe“已过盛年的;过时的;凋谢的”,B选项与该词词意最相近,因此B选项正确。6. 单选题This is a common or( )dispute.问题1选项A.doorB.toiletC.gardenD.kitchen【答案】C【解析】考查固定短语搭配。common or garden“普通的,常见的,一般的”。句意:这是一个常见的争论。因此C选项正确。7. 单选题There is likely to be tension between landlord and tenant, between large landowners and impecunious peasants.问题1选项A.pettyB.modicumC.impoverishedD.frolicsome【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项petty“琐碎的;小气的;小规模的”;B选项modicum“(n.)少量,一点点”;C选项impoverished“穷困的;用尽了的,无创造性的”;D选项frolicsome“嬉戏的,爱闹着玩的”。句意:地主和佃户之间、大地主和贫穷的农民之间可能会出现紧张关系。impecunious“没有钱的;贫穷的”。C选项与该词意思最相近,因此C选项正确。8. 单选题Your attitude should be that of an employee whos there to talk about a new project, rather than the more obsequious attitude of a candidate whos hoping to get an offer.问题1选项A.aggressiveB.servileC.humbleD.confident【答案】B【解析】考查同义形容词辨析。A选项aggressive“侵略性的,好斗的,有进取心的,有闯劲的”;B选项servile“奴隶的,奴性的,卑屈的”;C选项humble“谦逊的,简陋的,(级别或地位)低下的,不大的”;D选项confident“自信的,确信的”。句意:你的态度应该是作为一名正在谈论新项目的员工,而不是一名希望得到工作机会的求职者的奉承态度。Obsequious“谄媚的,奉承的,顺从的”,B选项与该词意思最相近,因此B选项正确。9. 单选题An emergency rights issue by HBOS was a flop: only 8.3% of the British banks shares were taken up by investors.问题1选项A.misfeasanceB.washoutC.flameD.optima【答案】B【解析】考查近义名词辨析。A选项misfeasance“过失;行为失检;不当行为”;B选项washout“冲刷;失败者”;C选项flame“火焰;热情;光辉”;D选项optima“最合适条件;最佳状态”。句意:苏格兰哈里法克斯银行(HBOS)的一次紧急配股发行失败了:投资者只认购了这家英国银行8.3%的股份。flop“彻底失败,不成功;沉重、松散又笨拙的动作”,B选项与该词意思最相近,因此B选项正确。10. 单选题The sea lay like an unbroken mirror all around the pine-girl, lonely shores of Orrs Island. Tall, kingly spruces wore their regal crowns of cones high in air, sparkling with diamonds of clear exuded gum; vast old hemlocks of primeval growth stood darkling in their forest shadows, their branches hung with long hoary moss; while feathery larches, turned to brilliant gold by autumn frosts, lighted up the darker shadows of the evergreens. It was one of those hazy, calm, dissolving days of Indian summer, when everything is so quiet that the faintest kiss of the Wave on the beach can be heard, and white clouds seem to faint into the blue of the sky, and soft swathing bands of violet vapor make all earth look dreamy, and give to the sharp, clear-cut outlines of the northern landscape all those mysteries of light and shade which impart such tenderness to Italian scenery.The funeral was over, the tread of many feet, bearing the heavy burden of two broken lives, had been to the lonely graveyard, and had come back again, each footstep lighter and more unconstrained as each one went his way from the great old tragedy of Death to the common cheerful walks of life.The solemn black clock stood swaying with its eternal “tick-tock, tick-tock” in the kitchen of the brown house on Orrs Island. There was there that sense of a stillness that can be felt, such as settlers down on a dwelling when any of its inmates have passed through its door for the last time, to go whence they shall not return. The best room was shut up and darkened, with only so much light as could fall through a little heart-shaped hole in the widow-shutter, for except on solemn visits, or prayer-meetings, or weddings, or funerals, that room formed no part of the daily family scenery.The kitchen was clean and ample, with a great open fireplace and wide stone hearth, and oven on one side, and rows of old-fashioned splint-bottomed chairs against the wall. A table scoured to snowy whiteness, and a little work-stand whereon lay the Bible, the Missionary Herald, and the Weekly Christian Mirror, before named, formed the principal furniture. One feature, however, must not be forgotten, a great sea-chest, which had been the companion of Zephaniah through all the countries of the earth. Old, and battered, and unsightly it yet report said that there was good store within of that which men for the most part respect more than anything else; and indeed, it proved often when a deed of grace was to be done, when a woman was suddenly made a widow in a coast gale, or a fishing-smack was run down in the frogs off the banks, leaving in some neighboring cottage a family of orphans, in all such cases, the opening this sea-chest was an event of good omen to the bereaved; for Zephaniah had a large heart and a large hand, and was apt to take it out full of silver dollars when once it went in. So the Ark of the Covenant could not have been looked on with more reverence than the neighbors usually showed to Captain Pennells sea-chest.1. The writer describes Orrs Island in a( )manner.2. According to the passage, the “best room”( )3. From the description of the kitchen we can infer that the house belongs to people who( ).4. The passage implies that( ).5. From the description of Zephaniah we can tell that he( )问题1选项A.emotionally appealing, imaginativeB.rational, logically preciseC.factually detailed, objectiveD.vague, uncertain问题2选项A.has its many windows boarded up.B.has had the furniture removed.C.is used only on formal and ceremonious occasions.D.is the busiest room in the house.问题3选项A.never have guestsB.like modern religiousC.probably religiousD.dislike housework问题4选项A.few people attended the funeralB.fishing is a secure vocationC.the Island is densely populatedD.the house belonged to the deceased问题5选项A.was physically a very big man.B.preferred the lonely life of a sailor.C.always stayed at home.D.was frugal and saved a lot of money.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.判断推理题。文章第一段作者在描写奥尔岛及周围环境时,用了大量关乎情感色彩的形容词和动词加以述说,充分调动读者的想象,引起感官上的共鸣。A选项“情感上有吸引力,富有想象力”;B选项“理性的,逻辑上精确的”;C选项“事实详细的,客观的”;D选项“模糊不清的”。因此A选项正确。2.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“The best room was shut up and darkened, with only so much light as could fall through a little heart-shaped hole in the widow-shutter, for except on solemn visits, or prayer-meetings, or weddings, or funerals, that room formed no part of the daily family scenery.(最好的一间屋子关得严严的,昏暗的,只有从百叶窗上一个心形的小洞透进来的光线,因为除了在庄严的拜访、祈祷会、婚礼或葬礼上,这间屋子是不构成家庭日常生活的一部分的。)”,由此可知A选项“它的许多窗户都用木板封住了”;B选项“已经把家具搬走了”以及D选项“是家里最忙的房间”都不正确,C选项“只在正式和隆重的场合使用”符合题意。因此C选项正确。3.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章第四段“A table scoured to snowy whiteness, and a little work-stand whereon lay the Bible, the Missionary Herald, and the Weekly Christian Mirror, before named, formed the principal furniture. (一张擦得雪白的桌子,一个小针线架,上面放着事先提到的圣经传教士传令报和基督教镜报,构成了这里的主要陈设。)”,由此可推断出房子的主人可能是位宗教信徒。A选项“很少有客人”;B选项“喜欢现代宗教”;D选项“不喜欢做家务”说法都不够确切,C选项“可能是宗教信徒”符合题意,因此C选项正确。4.判断推理题。联系全文,随处可见笔墨众多的环境静态描写,而描写房子时并未提到有人物活动的动态描写。因此可推断出该房子是死者的。A选项“很少有人参加葬礼”;B选项“捕鱼是一份有保障的职业”;C选项“这个岛人口密集”都不准确,只有D选项“该房子属于死者”符合题意,因此D选项正确。5.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章最后一段“One feature, however, must not be forgotten, a great sea-chest, which had been the companion of Zephaniah through all the countries of the earth.(然而,有一件事不能忘记,那就是一个航海用的大箱子,这是西番雅周游世界的伙伴。)”,由此可推断出Zephaniah可能是个水手,且游历全球时只有一个从海底捞起来的箱子做伴,略显孤独。A选项“他身材魁梧”;C选项“总是待在家里”;D选项“他很节俭,省了很多钱”说法都不准确,B选项“宁愿过水手的孤独生活”准确,因此B选项正确。11. 翻译题17世纪后期至18世纪末,是中国清代的鼎盛时期,史称“康乾盛世”。那个时期,中国的工业产量位居世界前列。但正是在这个时候,欧洲诸国先后开始了近代资产阶级革命和产业革命,社会生产力迅速发展,后来居上。而中国当时的政治者对这一历史性大变革却茫然无知,仍沉迷于盲目自大之中,视西方科学技术为“奇技淫巧”。“康乾盛世”之后的100多年,中国的发展大大落后了,国际地位急剧衰落,沦为半殖民地,备受外强欺辱。中华人民共和国成立后,中国人民掌握了自己的命运,民族的独立和解放使中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。但在20世纪60、70年代世界经济蓬勃发展和新科技革命浪潮兴起的时代,中国搞了长达10年的“文化大革命”,错失了又一次发展良机。值得欣慰的是,从70年代末开始,我们纠正了过去的错误,选择了改革开放的正确道路,对内实行改革,对外实行开放,开放也是改革。改革开放使我们抓住了新的历史机遇,实现了近30年的高速发展,综合国力显著增强,人民生活得到很大改善,国际地位不断上升。【答案】In the late 17 century to the end of 18th Century, Chinese Qing Dynasty was in its heyday, known as the Golden Age of “Kangxi and Qianlong”. During this period, Chinas industrial production has been at the forefront on the world stage. But it was at this time that European countries began the modern bourgeois revolution and industrial revolution, which rocket the rapid development of social productivity in the western world, leaving the rest of the world out of sight behind. However, Chinese politicians at that time were completely ignorant of this historic change, and still indulged in blind arrogance, regarding western science and technology as “diabolic tricks and wicked craft”. During the past 100 years from that time onward, China fell far behind in development, suffered a sharp decline in its international status, was reduced to a semi-colony and subjected to bullying and humiliation from foreign powers.Since the funding of the Peoples Republic of China, accompanying with the national independence and liberation, Chinese people have become the master of their own destiny. All this has brought tremendous changes to China. However, in the 1960s and 1970s, when the world economy was booming and the new wave of scientific and technological revolution was emerging, China conducted the decade-long “Cultural Revolution” and missed another good opportunity for development. The good news is that since the end of 1970s, with the implementation of reforming domestically and opening-up to the world we have corrected the mistakes of the past, directing the whole nation to the right way of reform and opening-up. Under the guidance of reform and opening-up policy, we seized the new historical opportunity to promote a rapid social development in the last 30 years. This policy not only heighten chinas comprehensive powers and peoples living standards, but also the growing international clout.12. 单选题He was always declining their invitations on the( )of ill health.问题1选项A.groundsB.reasonC.excuseD.cause【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。根据题干可知考查on the ground of“以为理由,根据”。句意:他总是以身体不好为由拒绝他们的邀请。因此A选项正确。13. 单选题According to the conditions of my scholarship, after finishing my degree( ).问题1选项A.my education will be employed by the universityB.employment will be given to me by the universityC.the university will employ meD.I will be employed by the university【答案】D【解析】考查被动语态。该句强调的对象是“我”,因此主句的主语必须是“我”。句意:根据我奖学金的条件,在结束学习之后,我将被这所大学录用。A选项强调的是“my education”;B选项强调的是“employment”;C选项强调的是“the university”;只有D选项强调的是“I”。因此D选项正确。14. 单选题The snow seems to have set( ) for the evening.问题1选项A.uponB.inC.aboutD.down【答案】B【解析】考查短语辨析。A选项set upon“袭击;挑拨,唆使;开始”;B选项set in“开端;来临;到来”;C set about选项“开始着手;考虑”;D选项set down“放下;记下;登记;写下”。句意:晚上似乎要下雪了。因此B选项正确。15. 单选题( )of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and drifted to the South.问题1选项A.To be freeB.To freeC.FreeingD.Freed【答案】D【解析】考查非谓语动词作状语用法。非谓语动词形式有以下几种:不定式(短语),现在分词(短语),过去分词(短语),不定式作状语可以用来修饰动词,说明目的、结果、原因、程度;修饰形容词,帮助说明它的意义;修饰整个句子,表示说话人对所说的话抱的态度,或其他东西。现在分词短语作状语,可表示行为方式或伴随发生的情况、时间、原因。过去分词作状语可表示动作发生时的背景或情况、原因、时间和条件。题干意思为:摆脱了冰层的束缚,那气球腾空而起,飘向南方。这里的状语属于条件状语,该用过去分词来表示,因此D选项正确。16. 单选题My classmates stood there looking uneasily at me, puzzling why I hadnt got annoyed this time when I couldnt get my own( ).问题1选项A.wayB.wishC.willD.desire【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项way“方法;道路;方向;行业;习惯”;B选项wish“希望,愿望;祈求,心愿;祝愿,祝福;想要的东西,希望的事;请求,要求”;C选项will“意志,决心;心愿;遗嘱;意旨;愿意;想要;决心要;用意志力使;遗赠”;D选项desire“(n.)欲望;要求,心愿(v.)想要;要求;希望得到;渴望”。根据固定搭配get ones own way“随心所欲,想怎样就怎样”可知该题选way。句意:我同学站在那儿,不安地看着我,似乎在疑惑为什么我这次没有因为没有用自己的方式处理问题而焦虑。因此A选项正确。17. 单选题Prices for bikes at that store run( )250 dollars.问题1选项A.as high asB.as high toC.so high toD.so high as【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。as high as/to都意为“高达”,但是后面明确接的是高达的数字时,用to。as虽然也是高达,但是用在两者作为比较的时候用的,如Tom is as high as his sister. 句意:那家商店的自行车价格高达250美元。因此B选项正确。18. 单选题Nicks new novel proves he isnt just a flash in the( ).问题1选项A.skyB.panC.houseD.dark【答案】B【解析】考查固定短语搭配。a flash in the pan“昙花一现,转瞬即逝,多用来形容某事持续时间短”。句意:尼克的新小说证明他并不是昙花一现。因此B选项正确。19. 单选题This should be a( )for you, we all know you will finish it in time.问题1选项A.cakeholeB.cakewalkC.catchallD.catcall【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项cakehole“嘴巴”;B选项cakewalk“步态竞赛,一种步态舞,易如反掌之事”;C选项catchall“装杂物的容器,总受器,分沫器”;D选项catcall“嘘声,不满之声,喝倒彩”。句意:这对你来说应该是轻而易举的事,我们都知道你会按时完成的。因此B选项正确。20. 单选题The film was given the absent( ).问题1选项A.treatmentB.boardC.applauseD.comment【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项treatment“治疗,疗法,处理,对待”;B选项board“董事会,木板,甲板,膳食”;C选项applause“欢呼,喝彩,鼓掌欢迎,掌声”;D选项comment“评论,意见,批评,描述”。be given the absent treatment指被冷落。句意:这部影片受到了观众冷落。因此A选项正确。


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