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2022年考博英语-中国科学技术大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题If it were only necessary to decide whether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to find the gifted few and take them as far as they can go, our task would be fairly simple. The public school system, however, has no such choice, for the jobs must be carried on at the same time. Because we depend so heavily upon science and technology for our progress, we must produce specialists in many fields. Because we live in a democratic nation, whose citizens make the policies for the nation, large numbers of us must be educated to understand, to support, and when necessary, to judge the work of experts. The public school must educate both producers and users of scientific services.In education, there should be a good balance among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wise judgment. Such balance is defeated by too much emphasis on any one field. This question of balance involves not only the relation of the natural science, the social sciences, and the arts but also relative emphases among the natural sciences themselves.Similarly, we must have a balance between current and classical knowledge. The attention of the public is continually drawn to new possibilities in scientific fields and the discovery of new knowledge; these should not be allowed to turn our attention away from the sound, established materials that form the basis of courses for beginners.1. According to the first paragraph, the task of education is fairly complicated because _.2. Which of the following points is NOT INCLUDED in the passage?3. It can be inferred from the passage that _.4. The best title for this passage might be _.问题1选项A.the current public school system is too complicated to be understoodB.the public school system has no choice of what to teachC.it is difficult to decide whether elementary science should be taught in public schoolsD.the educators have to take care of both ordinary and gifted students问题2选项A.One of the major tasks of education is to discover the most promising students.B.In order to teach effectively, educators are requested to lay emphasis on one particular field.C.Some subjects have been over-emphasized in public schools.D.The progress of the society cannot merely rely on inventors.问题3选项A.sufficient attention should be given to basic knowledgeB.students should learn more up-to-date knowledgeC.lack of scientific knowledge will lead to poor relations between producers and users of scientific servicesD.students are getting to know the importance of a good balance among the branches of knowledge问题4选项A.Current System in EducationB.Educational Situation in Public SchoolC.Balance in EducationD.Importance of Teaching Science and Technology【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C【解析】第1题:【选项释义】According to the first paragraph, the task of education is fairly complicated because _. 根据第一段,教育的任务相当复杂,因为_。A. the current public school system is too complicated to be understood A. 目前的公立学校系统太复杂了,难以理解B. the public school system has no choice of what to teach B. 公立学校系统对于所教内容没有选择的自由C. it is difficult to decide whether elementary science should be taught in public schools C. 很难决定是否应该在公立学校教授基础科学D. the educators have to take care of both ordinary and gifted students D. 教育工作者必须既照顾普通学生也照顾有天赋的学生【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干中信息词task of education定位到第一段第一、二句,该处讲到“如果只需要决定是大规模地向每个人教授基础科学,还是找到少数有天赋的人,并让他们走得尽可能远,我们的任务就相当简单了(task would be fairly simple)。然而,公立学校系统没有这样的选择,因为工作必须同时进行(jobs must be carried on at the same time)。”,可知教育复杂在同时教育在某方面普通的学生和有天赋的学生,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“目前的公立学校系统太复杂了,难以理解”:文中没有提到公立学校系统复杂,属于无中生有;B选项“公立学校系统对于所教内容没有选择的自由”:学校不能选择教什么样的学生,而不是不能选择教什么知识,属于偷换概念;C选项“很难决定是否应该在公立学校教授基础科学”:已经做出了决定,并且这个决定是必须的,那就是在公立学校教授基础科学,属于反向干扰。第2题:【选项释义】Which of the following points is NOT INCLUDED in the passage? 以下哪一点文中没有包含在内?A. One of the major tasks of education is to discover the most promising students. A. 教育的主要任务之一是发现最有前途的学生。B. In order to teach effectively, educators are requested to lay emphasis on one particular field. B. 为了有效地教学,教育工作者被要求着重于一个特定的领域。C. Some subjects have been over-emphasized in public schools. C. 公立学校过分强调某些科目。D. The progress of the society cannot merely rely on inventors. D. 社会的进步不能仅仅依靠发明家。【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】此题定位到第一段第三句“由于我们的进步如此依赖科学技术,我们必须培养许多领域的专家(must produce specialists in many fields)。”,可知教育工作者不只教授一个特定领域的内容,和文章内容不符,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“教育的主要任务之一是发现最有前途的学生”:对应第一段第一、二句“如果只需要决定是大规模地向每个人教授基础科学,还是找到少数有天赋的人(find the gifted few)工作必须同时进行(jobs must be carried on at the same time)。”,可知发现有天赋的学生是教育的主要任务之一,和文章内容相符,属于反向干扰;C选项“公立学校过分强调某些科目”:对应第二句第一、二句“知识的各个分支之间应该有一个良好的平衡(good balance)过分强调任何一个领域都会打破这种平衡(balance is defeated by too much emphasis on any one field)。”,以及第三段第二句“公众的注意力不断被吸引到科学领域的新可能性和新知识的发现(drawn to new possibilities in scientific fields and the discovery of new knowledge)。”,可知过分强调科学领域让知识的各个分支之间打破了平衡,符合文章内容,属于反向干扰;D选项“社会的进步不能仅仅依靠发明家”:对应第一段最后一句“公立学校必须教育科学服务的生产者和使用者(both producers and users of scientific services)。”,可知社会的进步不仅仅依靠发明家,符合文章内容,属于反向干扰。第3题:【选项释义】It can be inferred from the passage that _. 从文章中可以推断出_。A. sufficient attention should be given to basic knowledge A. 应该对基础知识给予足够的重视B. students should learn more up-to-date knowledge B. 学生应该学习更多的最新知识C. lack of scientific knowledge will lead to poor relations between producers and users of scientific services C. 科学知识的缺乏将导致科学服务的生产者和使用者之间的不良关系D. students are getting to know the importance of a good balance among the branches of knowledge D. 学生们逐渐认识到各个知识分支之间保持良好平衡的重要性【答案】A【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】此题定位到第三段最后一句,该处讲到“这些不应该让我们的注意力从为初学者建立课程基础这一事情(established materials that form the basis of courses for beginners)转移开。”,可知应该重视基础知识,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“学生应该学习更多的最新知识”:对应第三段第一、二句“我们必须在现有知识和经典知识之间取得平衡(balance between current and classical knowledge)。公众的注意力不断被吸引到科学领域的新可能性和新知识的发现(the discovery of new knowledge)。”,需要平衡经典知识和新知识的学习,然而现在更多注意力放在了新知识,可知学生应该学习更多经典知识,属于偷换概念;C选项“科学知识的缺乏将导致科学服务的生产者和使用者之间的不良关系”:第一段第三句提出科学知识的作用,也就是“由于我们的进步如此依赖科学技术(depend so heavily upon science and technology),我们必须培养许多领域的专家。”;第四句提出广泛教育的作用,也就是“我们中的许多人必须接受教育,以便于理解、支持并在必要时评判专家的工作(understand, to support, and when necessary, to judge the work of experts)”;第五句点出科学知识教育和广泛教育结合的重要性,也就是这两种知识服务于“教育科学服务的生产者和使用者”。综上所述,科学知识和广泛教育的缺乏都会导致生产者和使用者之间的不良关系,属于以偏概全;D选项“学生们逐渐认识到各个知识分支之间保持良好平衡的重要性”:文章没有提到学生的观点,属于无中生有。第4题:【选项释义】The best title for this passage might be _. 这篇文章最好的标题是_。A. Current System in Education A. 现行教育制度B. Educational Situation in Public School B. 公立学校的教育情况C. Balance in Education C. 教育的平衡D. Importance of Teaching Science and Technology D. 科学技术教学的重要性【答案】C【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】第一段通过点出教育的现状引出第二段的观点,也就是一边教育科学技术领域的专家(specialists in many fields),一边让许多人接受教育(large numbers of us must be educated to understand)以维持社会制度的运行;第二段进一步提出需要在知识的各个分支之间保持平衡(a good balance among the branches of knowledge);第三段讲需要在新知识和经典知识之间保持平衡(balance between current and classical knowledge),并且提出现在的教育已经失衡。综上所述,本文讲述了教育失衡的具体表现,并且呼吁重视教育平衡,因此C选项正确。A选项“现行教育制度”,B选项“公立学校的教育情况”和D选项“科学技术教学的重要性”:是文章的部分内容,不能概括全文,属于偷换概念。2. 单选题Although recent years have seen substantial reductions in noxious pollutants from individual motor vehicles, the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing consequently, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone (generated by photochemical reactions with hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust) that exceed legally established limits. There is a growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle emissionsshort of a massive shift away from the private automobileis to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner burning fuels such as compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas is ethanol, or methanol.All of these alternatives are carbon-based fuels whose molecules are smaller and simpler than those of gasoline. These molecules bum more cleanly than gasoline, in part because they have fewer, if any, carbon-carbon bonds, and the hydrocarbons they do emit are less likely to generate ozone. The combustion of larger molecules, which have multiple carbon-carbon bonds, involves a more complex series of reactions. These reactions increase the probability of incomplete combustion and are more likely to release uncombusted and photo chemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the atmosphere. On the other hand, alternative fuels do have drawbacks. Compressed natural gas would require that vehicles have a set of heavy fuel tanksa serious liability in terms of performance and fuel efficiencyand liquefied petroleum gas faces fundamental limits on supply.Ethanol and methanol, on the other hand, have important advantages over other carbon-based alternative fuels: they have a higher energy content per volume and would require minimal changes in the existing network for distributing motor fuel. Ethanol is commonly used as a gasoline supplement, but it is currently about twice as expensive as methanol, the low cost of which is one of its attractive features. Methanols most attractive feature, however, is that it can reduce by about 90 percent the vehicle emissions that from ozone, the most serious urban pollutant.Like any alternative fuel, methanol has its critics. Yet much of the criticism is based on the use of “gasoline clone” vehicles that do not incorporate even the simplest design improvements that are made possible with the use of methanol. It is true, for example, that a given volume of methanol provides only about one-half of the energy that gasoline and diesel fuel do; other things being equal, the fuel tank would have to be somewhat larger and heavier. However, since methanol-fueled vehicles could be designed to be much more efficient than “gasoline clone” vehicles fueled with methanol, they would need comparatively less-fuel. Vehiclesincorporating only the simplest of the engine improvements that methanol makes feasible would still contribute to an immediate lessening of urban air pollution.1. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with _.2. According to the passage, incomplete combustion is more likely to occur with gasoline than with an alternative fuel because _.3. The author describes which of the following as the most appealing feature of methanol?4. It can be inferred that the author of the passage most likely regards the criticism of methanol in the last paragraph as _.问题1选项A.reconciling contradictory points of view about the nature of a problemB.identifying the strengths of possible solutions to a problemC.discussing a problem and arguing in favor of one solution to itD.outlining a plan of action to solve a problem and discussing the obstacles blocking that plan问题2选项A.combustion of gasoline involves an intricate series of reactionsB.the combustion of gasoline releases photo chemically active hydrocarbonsC.gasoline molecules have a simple molecular structureD.gasoline is composed of small molecules问题3选项A.It is substantially less expensive than ethanol.B.it has a higher energy content than other alternative fuels.C.Its use would make design improvements in individual vehicles feasible.D.Its use would substantially reduce ozone levels.问题4选项A.flawed because of the assumptions on which it is basedB.inapplicable because of an inconsistency in the critics argumentsC.misguided because of its exclusively technological focusD.inaccurate because it ignores consumers concerns【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A【解析】第1题:【选项释义】The author of the passage is primarily concerned with _. 本文作者主要关注的是_。A. reconciling contradictory points of view about the nature of a problem A. 调和关于问题本质的矛盾观点B. identifying the strengths of possible solutions to a problem B. 确定问题解决方案的优点C. discussing a problem and arguing in favor of one solution to it C. 讨论某个问题并提出解决方案D. outlining a plan of action to solve a problem and discussing the obstacles blocking that plan D. 列出解决问题的行动计划,并讨论阻碍该计划的障碍【答案】B【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】第一段提出人们日益认识到减轻汽车对环境的污染(reductions in vehicle emissions),唯一有效的方法是把传统燃料换成清洁燃料(replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner burning fuels);第二段总体对比了传统燃料和清洁燃料的优缺点;第三段讲了甲醇和乙醇的优势(Ethanol and methanol.have important advantages);第四段通过反驳甲醛批评者,来说明甲醛的优点。综上所述,作者提出了使用清洁能源来解决车辆对环境的污染问题,并且通过各个角度阐述其优点,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“调和关于问题本质的矛盾观点”:文中没有提到问题本质的矛盾观点,属于无中生有;C选项“讨论某个问题并提出解决方案”:这是第一段的内容,后文是在讲述解决方案的优点,不足以概括全文,属于以偏概全;D选项“列出解决问题的行动计划,并讨论阻碍该计划的障碍”:文中没有列出一步一步的行动计划,以及该计划的阻碍,属于无中生有。第2题:【选项释义】According to the passage, incomplete combustion is more likely to occur with gasoline than with an alternative fuel because _. 根据文章,与替代燃料相比,汽油更容易不完全燃烧,原因是_。A. combustion of gasoline involves an intricate series of reactions A. 油的燃烧涉及一系列复杂的反应B. the combustion of gasoline releases photo chemically active hydrocarbons B. 油燃烧释放出光化学活性碳氢化合物C. gasoline molecules have a simple molecular structure C. 油分子的分子结构简单D. gasoline is composed of small molecules D. 油由小分子组成【答案】A【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干中信息词incomplete combustion定位到第二段第三、四句,该处讲到“有多个碳碳双键的大分子燃烧涉及更复杂的一系列反应(complex series of reactions)。这些反应增加了不完全燃烧的可能性(These reactions increase the probability of incomplete combustion)。”,可知汽油不容易完全燃烧的原因是涉及一系列复杂的反应,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“油燃烧释放出光化学活性碳氢化合物”:对应第二段第四句“这些反应增加了不完全燃烧的可能性,并且更有可能(and are more likely)将未燃烧的和光化学活性碳氢化合物释放到大气中。”,本选项说的是汽油不完全燃烧导致的后果,而不是原因,属于本末倒置;C选项“油分子的分子结构简单”:对应第二段第一句“所有这些替代品都是碳基燃料(carbon-based fuels),它们的分子比汽油的更小、更简单(simpler than those of gasoline)。”,可知分子结构简单的是汽油替代燃料,而不是汽油,属于张冠李戴;D选项“油由小分子组成”:对应第二段第一句“所有这些替代品都是碳基燃料(carbon-based fuels),它们的分子比汽油的更小、更简单(smaller and simpler than those of gasoline)。”,可知分子小的是汽油替代燃料,而不是汽油,属于张冠李戴。第3题:【选项释义】The author describes which of the following as the most appealing feature of methanol? 作者描述以下哪项是甲醇最吸引人的特性?A. It is substantially less expensive than ethanol. A. 比乙醇便宜得多。B. it has a higher energy content than other alternative fuels. B. 比其他替代燃料能量含量更高。C. Its use would make design improvements in individual vehicles feasible. C. 其使用将使改进个别车辆设计成为可能。D. Its use would substantially reduce ozone levels. D. 其使用将大大降低臭氧水平。【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干中信息词most appealing feature定位到第三段最后一句,该处讲到“甲醇最吸引人的特点(Methanols most attractive feature)是,它可以减少约90%的车辆臭氧排放(reduce by about 90 percent the vehicle emissions that from ozone)。”,可知甲醇最吸引人的是可以降低臭氧排放,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“比乙醇便宜得多”:对应第三段第二句“甲醇的经济实惠(low cost)是其吸引人的特点之一(one of its attractive features)”,可知便宜是吸引人的特点之一,而不是最吸引人的特点,属于本末倒置;B选项“比其他替代燃料能量含量更高”:对应第三段第一句“乙醇和甲醇相对于其他碳基替代燃料有重要的优势(important advantages),它们的单位体积能量含量更高(higher energy content per volume)。”,能量含量高是甲醇的优点,但不是最突出的优点,属于本末倒置;C选项“其使用将使改进个别车辆设计成为可能”:对应第三段第一句“乙醇和甲醇相对于其他碳基替代燃料有重要的优势(important advantages),它们对现有的汽车燃料分配网络改变很小(minimal changes)。”,文中指的是使用甲醇对现有车辆设计的影响很小,不是针对个别车辆,也不是需要更多改进设计,属于偷换概念。第4题:【选项释义】It can be inferred that the author of the passage most likely regards the criticism of methanol in the last paragraph as _. 可以推断,文章的作者最有可能认为最后一段对甲醇的批评_。A. flawed because of the assumptions on which it is based A. 有缺陷,因其假设前提B. inapplicable because of an inconsistency in the critics arguments B. 不可采纳,因为批评者论点不一C. misguided because of its exclusively technological focus C. 有误导性,因为只关注技术D. inaccurate because it ignores consumers concerns D. 不准确,因为没有考虑到消费者的担忧【答案】A【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干中出处提示词定位到最后一段,第二句讲到“然而,许多对甲醇的批评是基于汽油克隆汽车,这种汽车即便是在最简单的设计上的改进,也无法与甲醇的使用相结合。”,可知作者认为批评者观点的立足点站不住脚,立足点也就是“汽油克隆”汽车的这个假设,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“不可采纳,因为批评者论点不一”:文中只提到一种观点,属于曲解原文;C选项“有误导性,因为只关注技术”:作者没有认为批评者只关注技术,并且观点有误导性,属于曲解原文;D选项“不准确,因为没有考虑到消费者的担忧”:这里没有提到消费者,属于无中生有。3. 单选题As more and more African Americans moved away from segregated housing, they had less connection to the vernacular and more occasion to speak standard American English.问题1选项A.restrictedB.isolatedC.outdatedD.exhausted【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. restricted 限制,限定(数量、范围等) B. isolated (使)隔离,孤立C. outdated (新东西)使过时 D. exhausted 使筋疲力尽【答案】B【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】segregated的意思为“隔离并区别对待(不同种族、宗教或性别的人)”,这里指的是这些房屋和其他地方是隔离开的,非裔美国人就住在这片区域,isolated与之词义相近,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】随着越来越多的非裔美国人搬离被隔开的住房,他们与当地方言的联系越来越少,在更多场合中说标准的美式英语。4. 单选题English is the dominant language in Hawaii, but it is infused with Hawaiian words, phrases and pidgin slang.问题1选项A.includedB.affectedC.filledD.spoiled【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. included 包括,包含 B. affected 影响C. filled (使)充满,装满 D. spoiled 破坏,搞坏,毁掉【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】infused的意思为“使具有,注入(某特性)”,这里指夏威夷主要讲英语,但在英语中有非常多的夏威夷词汇、短语和洋泾浜俚语,filled与之词义相近,因此C选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】英语是夏威夷的主导语言,但它满是夏威夷词汇、短语和洋泾浜俚语。5. 单选题A program to deregulate the economy involved the removal of many legal and governmental restrictions that were regarded as hindrances to free competition.问题1选项A.stimuliB.phasesC.parametersD.obstacles【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. stimuli 促进因素,激励因素,刺激物 B. phases 阶段,时期C. parameters 决定因素,规范 D. obstacles 阻碍,绊脚石【答案】D【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】hindrances的意思为“造成妨碍的人(或事物)”,指的是阻碍自由竞争的法律和政策,obstacles与之词义相近,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项词义与之不符。【句意】解除经济管制的计划包括取消许多视为阻碍自由竞争的法律和政策限制。6. 单选题This website provides information and latest news about the latest gadgets with all its uniqueness and shortcomings.问题1选项A.devicesB.advancesC.operationsD.spheres【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. devices 装置,器具,设备 B. advances 进步,进展C. operations 手术 D. spheres 球体,球形【答案】A【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】gadgets的意思为“小器具,小装置”,devices与之词义相近,因此A选项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】本网站提供有关最新产品的资讯和最新消息,并介绍其独特之处和不足之处。7. 填空题In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooperation more than by the “battle of the sexes”. A B C D【答案】D more than改为rather than【解析】【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】by cooperation和by the “battle of the sexes”相对应,形成对立的逻辑关系,rather than符合逻辑。【句意】在这样的家庭中,成长中的男孩和女孩比他们的父母更容易接受平等的观念,并为参与一个以合作为特征的世界做好充分准备,而不是“性别之战”。8. 单选题He first read this book by borrowing it from his Chinese classmate at Oxford. And he was so enchanted. In order to translate it, he even resigned from his chair at Oxford.问题1选项A.contentedB.fascinatedC.frustratedD.astonished【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. contented (尤指因生活好而)满意的,惬意的 B. fascinated 入迷的,极感兴趣的C. frustrated 无效的,没有得到满足的 D. astonished 吃惊的【答案】B【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】enchanted的意思为“着了魔的;极乐的”,在这里指的是看到这本书被深深地吸引,非常高兴和激动,fascinated与之词义相近,因此B选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项词义与之不符。【句意】他第一次读这本书是从他在牛津大学的中国同学那里借来读的,然后就被迷住了。为了翻译这本书,他甚至辞去了牛津大学的教职。9. 单选题As they attempted to board the vessel, Israeli security guards on board opened fire with pistols, forcing the pirates to _.问题1选项A.revoltB.restoreC.retrieveD.retreat【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. revolt 叛逆,违抗 B. restore 恢复(某种情况或感受)C. retrieve 取回,索回 D. retreat 退却,撤退;离开【答案】D【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】pirates和横线处构成主谓搭配关系,指的是以色列保安人员用手枪逼迫海盗_,retreat符合语境,因此D选项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合语境。【句意】当他们试图登船时,船上的以色列保安人员用手枪开火,迫使海盗撤退。10. 填空题We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take into account the factthat children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite


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