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2022年考博英语-中共中央党校考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题We are in the midst of a great investigation of those environmental questions. We do the Earth and ourselves the greatest ( ) in imagining that addressing them lies outside our lives and choices.问题1选项A.gratitudeB.benefitsC.disserviceD.favor【答案】C【解析】名词词义辨析。gratitude“感激”;benefits“利益,好处”;disservice“伤害,帮倒忙”;favor“喜爱,赞赏”。句意:我们正在对那些环境问题展开全面的调查。我们想到地球,确实会发现我们对它和环境带来了巨大的伤害。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题 Broadly speaking, I (1)the experience of would-be public intellectuals into two forms. In the period of the 1960s and 1970s, those working for social justice (2)intellectual work against the background of a world under construction- thought and action remained allied and the link to policy remained (3) for intellectuals to move beyond mere word games. In thel980s and early 1990s, those intellectuals working for social justice in education faced a world under deconstruction - many of (4)projects were dismantled or came under sustained attack. In this later period, detached from action and divorced from policy, the public intellectual was forced into an increasingly abstract position of arguing through words for policies and activities that (5) discourses of disavowal, displacement and derision. This is harsh terrain to occupy and yet there are many examples of people who continued to (6)social justices in race, gender and class terms. I am reminded of a film I watched on the American Civil War. As the South was progressively defeated, (7) land was occupied -just a few towns and strips of land. In the end, the commentator said all that was left was a confederacy of the mind-a collective memory of an aspiration. (8), that has been the fate of movements for social justice and of associated intellectual work (9) the past two decades. But we should not underestimate the confederacy of the mind. For one (10) I will make with great force is that the largest problem the attempted reconstruction of the past two decades(11)-the attempt to demolish the welfare state - is peoples collective memory of good public services, of commitments to provision for all,(12) it be schools or hospitals. The vital task now is to (13), reenergize and reinvent new projects and programs for social justice, for memories and predisposition in Britain remain(14) resilient. We should now be (15) define a new role for the educational researcher in (16) Britain, and do so in ways informed by collective memories of social justice initiatives. This should, hopefully, presage a new investigation of the role of educational researcher as public intellectual, moving us (17) a new phase after the hopeful years of the 1960s and early 1970s and the reversal in the two decades that followed. Now we can hope again there are postmodern prospects (18) I should note that I am not (19) re-establishing some old master narrative of social justice - more (20) voices and visions, a moving mosaic of intentions and plans. 问题1选项A.had dividedB.dividedC.had been dividingD.have been dividing问题2选项A.undertookB.undertakeC.acceptedD.accept问题3选项A.far enoughB.enough farC.close enoughD.enough close问题4选项A.the dearlyB.the most dearlyC.dearlyD.the more dearly问题5选项A.were subject toB.were subjected toC.are subject toD.are subjected to问题6选项A.argue againstB.argue forC.argue withD.argue to问题7选项A.more and moreB.moreC.lessD.less and less问题8选项A.In some wayB.In some waysC.In a wayD.n ways问题9选项A.ofB.forC.inD.by问题10选项A.assertionB.announcementC.allegeD.assessment问题11选项A.will faceB.faceC.facedD.has faced问题12选项A.ratherB.whetherC.eitherD.even问题13选项A.reentrantB.reinvigorateC.reinforceD.reeducated问题14选项A.remarkablyB.remarkingC.remarkedD.remarkable问题15选项A.looking intoB.looking ontoC.looking toD.looking forward to问题16选项A.millenarianB.millenniumC.millennialD.millenary问题17选项A.forward toB.away toC.intoD.onto问题18选项A.for exploringB.to exploreC.with explorationD.for exploration问题19选项A.talking withB.talking aboutC.talking overD.talking to问题20选项A.a lot ofB.a bit ofC.a number ofD.a set of【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A第6题:B第7题:D第8题:B第9题:C第10题:A第11题:D第12题:B第13题:B第14题:A第15题:C第16题:C第17题:C第18题:B第19题:B第20题:D【解析】(1)语法题。根据文章第二句“In the period of the 1960s and 1970s”可知,句子的时态为过去时态,是对过去事情的回忆。又根据broadly speaking “一般说来”,可知,空格中的动作是从过去持续到现在,并且会一直持续下去。所以选用现在完成进行时态。选项D符合题意。(2)动词词义辨析和语法。undertake “从事,承担”;accept “接受”,根据文意:那些为社会正义而工作的人承担着智力工作。所以选用动词undertake,又根据整个文段的时态,选项A符合题意。(3)固定搭配和语法。enough修饰形容词需要后置,选项B和D可排除。又根据上文remained allied“保持同盟关系”,可知下文应该表示与政策相联系,使其保持足够紧密。选项C符合题意。(4)语法题。根据文意many of 表示“在中许多”,可知空格中应该填入最高级,副词dearly的最高级为the most dearly,选项B符合题意。(5)固定搭配和语法。be subjected to“经受”,be subject to “从属于,有倾向”。句意:从属于否认、替换和嘲笑的谈话。又因为整个文段为一般过去时态。选项A符合题意。(6)固定搭配。argue against “反对”;argue for “支持”;argue with “和争论”;没有搭配argue to,选项D可排除。根据句意:在种族、性别、阶级方面继续支持正义。选项B符合题意。(7)推断题。根据文章第三段第二句“As the South was progressively defeated”,可知随着南方逐渐被打败,越来越少的土地被占领-只有一些城镇和狭长地带。less and less“越来越少”,more and more“越来越多”。选项D符合题意。(8)固定搭配。in some ways“在某些方面,在某种程度上”;in a way “在某些程度上,有点儿”;没有搭配in some way和in ways,选项A和D可排除。句意:在某种程度上,这就是争取社会正义运功的命运。In some ways起承上启下的作用,选项B符合题意。(9)固定搭配。固定搭配“in the past two decades”意思为“在过去的二十年”,选项C符合题意。(10)名词词义辨析。assertion “断言,声明”;announcement “公告”;allege “断言,宣称”;assessment “评定,估价”。句意:我们不应该低估“思想联盟”,我用我最大的力量去声明的一点是,选项A符合题意。(11)语法题。根据时态标志词the past two decades “在过去的二十年”,可知句子的时态为现在完成时态,强调过去的动作对现在产生影响,选项D符合题意。(12)逻辑关系。rather “宁可,宁愿”;whetheror “无论还是”;eitheror “或者或者(两者之一)”;even “甚至”。句意:承诺给所有人提供粮食,无论是学校还是医院。选项B符合题意。(13)词汇题。reentrant “可再入的”;reinvigorate “使再振作”;reinforce “加强”;reeducated “接受再教育的”。句意:现在最重要的任务是重振、再激励和改造社会正义的新项目和计划。选项B符合题意。(14)语法题。根据空格后的resilient形容词,词意为“有弹力的,能迅速恢复的”,可知空格中应该填入副词,用来修饰形容词,选项A符合题意。(15)固定搭配。look into “调查,窥视”;look to “注意,指望”;look onto “朝看”;look forward to“期望,期待”。句意:我们现在应该注意为研究教育者定位一个新的角色。选项C符合题意。(16)形近词辨析和语法。millenarian “一千的”;millennium “一千年”;millennial “千年的”;millenary “千年,一千”。根据上文提到的新计划的完成,可知项目和计划的完成需要上千年,名词Britain前应该用形容词,所以选项C符合题意。(17)固定搭配。根据搭配moveinto “将移入”,选项C符合题意。(18)语法题。根据时间状语now,可知文章提到的是现在对未来的希望,所以用不定式表将来,在句子中作目的状语。选项B符合题意。(19)固定搭配。talk with “和交谈”;talk about “谈论关于”,talk over “谈论,说服”;talk to “和说话”。句意:我们不是在谈论关于重新建构一些关于社会正义的旧事讲述。选项B符合题意。(20)固定搭配和语法。a lot of “许多,大量”;a bit of “一点点”;a number of “大量的”;a set of “一组,一套”。根据文意more a set of voices and visions “更多的是一些声音和愿景”,选项D符合题意。3. 翻译题If there is any truth in what has been said about the need of forming. A theory of experience at education may be intelligently conducted upon the basis of experience, it is clear that the next thing in order in this discussion is to present the principles that are most significant in framing this theory. I shall not, therefore, apologize for engaging in a certain amount of philosophical analysis, which otherwise might be out of place. I may, however, reassure you to some degree by saying that this analysis is not an end in itself but is engaged in for the sake of obtaining criteria to be applied later in discussion of a number of concrete and, to most persons, more interesting issues.I have already mentioned what I called the category of continuity, or the experiential continuum.This principle is involved, as 1 pointed out, in every attempt to discriminate between experiences that are worthwhile educationally and those that are not. It may seem superfluous to argue that this discrimination is necessary not only in criticizing the traditional type of education but also in initiating and conducting a different type. Nevertheless, it is advisable to pursue for a little while the idea that it is necessary. One may safely assume. I suppose, that one thing which has recommended the progressive movement is that it seems more in accord with the democratic ideal to which our people is committed than do the procedures of the traditional school, since the latter have so much of the autocratic about them. Another thing which has contributed to its favorable reception is that its methods are humane in comparison with the harshness so often attending the policies of the traditional school.The question I would raise concerns why we prefer democratic and humane arrangements to those which are autocratic and harsh.And by “why”, I mean the reason for preferring them, not just the causes which lead us to the preference. One cause may be that we have been taught not only in the schools but by the press, the pulpit, the platform, and our laws and law-making bodies that democracy is the best of all social institutions. We may have so assimilated this idea from our surroundings that it has become a habitual part of our mental and moral make-up. But similar causes have led other persons in different surroundings to widely varying conclusions- to prefer fascism, for example. The cause for our preference is not the same thing as the reason why we should prefer it.It is not my purpose here to go in detail into the reason. But I would ask a single question: Can we find any reason that does not ultimately come down to the belief that democratic social arrangements promote a better quality of human experience, one which is more widely accessible and enjoyed than do non-democratic and anti-democratic forms of social life? Does not the principle of regard for individual freedom and for decency and kindliness of human relations come back in the end to the conviction that these things are tributary to a higher quality of experience on the part of a greater number than arc methods of repression and coercion or force?Is it not the reason for our preference that we believe that mutual consultation and convictions reached through persuasion make possible a better quality of experience than can otherwise be provided on any wide scale?【答案】如果正如之前所说,对于理论形成的需要是真实的话,教育经验理论可以在过往经验的基础上进行明智的指导,那么很清楚的是,在这个讨论中,接下来要做的就是提出构建这个理论框架最重要的原则。正如我提出的一样,这个原则涉及于每一次尝试区分有教育价值的经历和没有教育价值的经历中。我认为有一点是确定的,推进这项进步运动,在于它似乎比传统学校的程序更符合我国人民所致力于的民主理想,因为传统学校有太多的专制思想。而对于“为什么”,我指的是偏向于后者的原因,而不仅仅是导致我们偏向后者的原因。我们可能已经从周围环境中吸收了这种观念,以至于它已经成为我们心理和道德构成的一部分。我们能找到任何最终不会归结为民主社会促进提升人类经验中的更好品质,这种体验比非民主和反民主的社会生活形式更容易理解和享受这一信仰的原因吗?我们相信通过说服而达成的相互协商和信任,可能比通过其他方式在任何情况下提供更好的经验质量,这难道不是我们偏向的理由吗?4. 单选题Moscow seems to be moving past its old fear of an expanded NATO. Though Russia does not want to join NATO Putin and other politicians have made it clear that they consider Russia capable of ensuring its own security - it is placing a new ( )on fostering tie with its NATO neighbors.问题1选项A.premiumB.preludeC.preponderanceD.preamble【答案】A【解析】形近异义词辨析。premium “额外费用”;prelude “前奏,序幕”;preponderance “优势,多数”;preamble “序文,先兆”。又根据固定搭配place a new premium on “鼓励,重视”,句意:普京和其他政客已经明确表示,他们认为俄罗斯有能力确保自己的安全-俄罗斯注重加强与北约邻国的关系。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题The conferences participants were also under no illusion about what was ( ): the Second World War had not yet ended, and frictions between the United States and the Soviet Union were already growing.问题1选项A.in vainB.at troubleC.at stakeD.at odd【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。in vain “徒劳”;at trouble “陷 入困境”;at stake “在紧要关头”;at odds “争执”。句意:这次会议的与会者对紧急情况不存在幻想:第二次世界大战还没有结束,美国和苏联之间的矛盾在加剧。选项B符合题意。6. 单选题Reaching a deal on tax reform would be a huge undertaking, ( ) with potential political pitfalls that could doom it.问题1选项A.triteB.rifeC.revelingD.trifling【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。trite “陈腐的,平庸的”;rife “普遍的,流行的”;reveling “陶醉的”;trifling“微不足道的”。句意:就税收改革达成协议是一项艰巨的任务,通常会充满潜在的政治风险,可能会使其失败。又根据固定搭配rife with“充满,充斥着”。选项B符合题意。7. 单选题Just as the United States must change, so too must those economies that have previously relied on exports ( ) weaknesses in their own demand.问题1选项A.to offsetB.by offsettingC.in offsettingD.offsetting【答案】A【解析】固定搭配。根据固定搭配rely on sth. to do “依靠做某事”,句意:正如美国必须做出的改变一样,那些经济体以前也依赖出口来找消除内需不足的弱点。选项A符合题意。8. 问答题The US administration has switched hesitancy for populism in proposing size and activity limits on Americas largest banks. While details are still missing, possibly because no one really knows how to implement size limits or curbs on proprietary trading, the intent is clearbankers must pay. It is hard to have much sympathy for the bankers, who have brought the publics ire on themselves through incompetence and then through an outrageous haste to pay themselves. Yet outrage is a poor guide to public policy. Beyond being punitive, will the administrations proposals help reduce financial system risk?Consider size limit first. The idea is to ensure institutions are no longer too big to fail. But how to define size? Whether you use assets, capital or profits there will be problemsbanks will try to economize on whatever measure is limited. Crude asset size limits, for example, would probably ensure a lot of financial activity is hidden from the regulator, only to come back to light (and to balance sheets) at the worst of times. There are many legal ways to mask size. Banks can offer guarantees to assets placed in off-balance sheet vehicles, much like the conduits of the recent crisis. If, instead, capital is the measure, then we will be pushing banks to economize on it as much as possible, hardly a recipe for safety. And if it is profits, we will be inviting healthy banks to park profits elsewhere, while rewarding sickly ones by allowing them to expand indefinitely.Even if we do settle on a definition, it is not clear that being large is necessary or sufficient for an entity to be a systemic risk. Bear Stems would not be large by most calculations, though it was considered connected enough to be saved. But Vanguard, the mutual fund group, manages more than $l, 000bn in assets and would probably not qualify as systemic. Not all large financial entities are equally troubling; would we include the mutual funds operated by a bank in its size?Also, being big has its virtues. Some larger banks are better at diversifying and attracting managerial talent (including risk managers). While a poorly managed $2,000bn bank creates immense problems for the system, the problems could be even greater with 100 banks of $20bn in size, each of which has taken similar risks. What is important is not size per se but the concentration and correction of risk in the system as well as the size of exposure relative to capital.Instead of imposing a blanket ban on institutions growing beyond a certain size, regulators should use more subtle mechanisms such as prohibiting mergers of large banks or encouraging the break-up of large banks that seem to have a propensity for getting into trouble. While there are always concerns about whether regulators will use these sorts of powers arbitrarily, they are no more difficult for legislators and courts to oversee than are powers based on anti-competitive considerations.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?2.How does the public think of big banks in the US? Why?3.What is the main idea of the third paragraph?4.What does the example of Bear Stems show?5.What does the phrase large banks that seem to have a propensity for getting into trouble mean in the last paragraph?【答案】1.Implementing size limits on Americas largest banks is not the proper solution to financial risk.2.It is hard to have much sympathy for the bankers, because they have brought the publics ire on themselves through incompetence and then through an outrageous haste to pay themselves.3.It is not clear that being large is necessary or sufficient for an entity to be a systemic risk.4.Crude asset size limits, for example, would probably ensure a lot of financial activity is hidden from the regulator, only to come back to light (and to balance sheets) at the worst of times, because there are many legal ways to mask size.5.Large banks are more likely to get into trouble over their assets management.9. 单选题The area where conventional microeconomics would raise eyebrows if not ring alarm bells is how capitalist development of Internet-related industries has ( ) generated considerable market concentration at almost every level.问题1选项A.inexorablyB.yearninglyC.placablyD.relentingly【答案】A【解析】副词词义辨析。inexorably “无情地,不可阻挡地”; yearningly “思念地,渴望地”;placably “易安抚地”;relentingly “仁慈地”。句意:该地区的微观经济可能会引人侧目,如果不敲响警钟,互联网相关产业的资本主义发展如何在几乎所有层面上不可阻挡地产生了相当大的市场集中度。选项A符合题意。10. 单选题He has a wonderful brain, despotic, violent, and inexhaustible, meant for a soldier, by what chance converted to letters, ( ) there is not a style nor a tint not known to him, yet with an English appetite for action and heroes.问题1选项A.XB.in whichC.from whichD.for which【答案】B【解析】语法题。根据句子结构,可知考查非限定性定语从句。非限定性定语从句中关系词不能省,选项A可排除。又因为先行词为letters,固定短语in letters “在信件中”,选项B符合题意。11. 单选题Not all decisions are alike. (1) is every decision made in the same manner. Although some actions you undertake (2) their basis from newly made decisions, there are other instances(3) decision-making does not really take place. The latter, according to Deacon and Firebaugh, may involve routine, programmed, impulsive or intuitive action. When you wake up in the morning and prepare to attend class, do you consciously make decisions about (4)things as which, side of your hair to comb first, how to brush your teeth, or which shoe to (5)first? Probably (6). Although you may have made a conscious decision about what you were going to wear to class, you probably(7) any time in making a decision about how to get ready to attend class. Every individual has certain habits or routine behaviors. Although they originated from decisions made (8) in your life, you no longer consciously make these decisions each time you undertake this type of action. Routine plans or actions serve a useful purpose in your daily life and management. How long would it take you to get up, get ready, and walk to class if you had to make separate decisions for each action you take? You use routine plans or actions as resource to make (9)decisions.In addition to the habitual behaviors or routines you follow, you also have certain specific actions you undertake in a (10) situations. These are called programmed decisions. Programmed decisions are different from routines. Routine plans or actions are patterns of behavioral actions repeatedly undertaken on a consistent and regular basis. Programmed decisions, (11), utilize your past experience in a similar situation For instance, you know you are going to have a test. Your method of studying for this test will be done (12) your knowledge of a similar experience. The degree of success (13) achieved will be a determinant in how, when, where, and the length of time you study for this test.Programmed decisions, like routines, are a(n) (14) in your management. When the action undertaken proves .to be successful you repeat the same action the next time a similar situation occurs. The successful achievement, (15) the satisfaction you received, determines when and the extent to which you modify the original decision (16)employing it again in(17) situations.Both routine and (18) decisions serve useful purposes. They act as resources by (19) the need to make new decisions. They also evaluate managerial actions. The success you achieve enables you to bypass or (20)the use of the decision-making process.问题1选项A.NotB.NoC.NorD.Never问题2选项A.to deriveB.deriveC.derivingD.derived问题3选项A.whenB.thatC.whichD.Wh


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