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2022年考博英语-首都经济贸易大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Nowadays, a cellphone service is available to everyone, everywhere. Probably thousands of people have already been using it, but I just discovered it, so Im going to claim it and also name it: Fake Foning.The technology has been working well for me at the office, but there are infinite applications. Virtually in any public space.Say you work at a big university with lots of talky faculty members buzzing about. Now, say you need to use the restroom. The trip down the hall will take approximately one hour, because a person cant walk into those talky people without getting pulled aside for a question, a bit of gossip, a new read on a certain line of Paradise Lost.So, a cellphone. Any cellphone. Just pick it up. Dont dial. Just hold that phone to your face and start talking. Walk confidently down the hall engaged in fake conversation, making sure to tailor both the topic and content to the person standing before you whom you are trying to evade.For standard colleague avoidance, I suggest fake chatting about fake business:“Yes, Im glad you called, because we really need to hammer out the details. Whats that? Yes, I read Page 12, but if you look at the bottom of 4, I think you can see the problem begins right there.”Be engaged in your fake fone conversation. Make eye contact with the people passing, nod to them, gesture keen interest in talking to them at a later time, point to your phone, shrug and move on.Shoppers should consider fake foning anytime they spot a talky neighbor in the produce department pinching (用手捏) unripe peaches. Without your phone at your face, youd be in for a 20-minute speech on how terrible the world is.One important caution about fake foning. The other day I was fake foning my way past a colleague, and he was actually following me to get my attention. I knew he wanted to ask about a project I had not yet finished. I was trying to buy myself some time, so I continued fake foning with my doctor. “So I dont need the operation? Oh, doctor, that is the best news.”And then: Brrrrrrng! Brrrrrmg! Brrrrrmg! My phone started ringing, right there while it was planted on my face. My colleague looked at me, and I at him, and naturally I gasped. “What is the matter with this thing?” I said, pulling the phone away to look at it, and then putting it back to my ear.“Hello? Are you still there?”Oops.1.Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?2. What is faking foning?3. In the authors opinion, in order to make foning look real one has to4. What does the last example show?5. After his phone suddenly began ringing, the author问题1选项A.Cellphone service is popular among people.B.Fake foning is a new cellphone service.C.Cellphone has much use in office.D.Fake foning is a new discovery.问题2选项A.A device newly produced.B.A strategy to avoid people.C.A service provided everywhere.D.A skill of communication.问题3选项A.talk about interesting matters.B.hold the phone while walking.C.appear absorbed in conversation.D.behave politely to people passing by.问题4选项A.One has to be careful while fake foning.B.One effective way is to fake fone ones doctor.C.Fake foning may not deceive people.D.Fake foing is always quite successful.问题5选项A.immediately started talking to the caller.B.immediately started talking to his colleague.C.put the phone away and stopped talking.D.continued with his faking conversation.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.推理判断题。本题要找出说法错误的选项,可采用排除法。文章第一句提到任何人在任何地方都可以使用手机服务,因此选项A“手机服务对人们来说很普遍”正确。B选项说fake foning是一项新的手机服务,明显错误。而由文章第二段可知,这种方法在办公室非常有用,故C项正确。文章第一段第二句指出可能已经有相当多的人在用这种方法了,但作者才刚刚发现,故D项正确。因此本题正确答案应为B项。2.推理判断。本题询问fake foning的含义,这正是文章的主题。虽然原文没有给出fake foning的确切定义,但通过原文内容推理可知,fake foning就是假装接听手机的意思。而foning也假借了ph的发音,其含义其实就是phoning。由原文第四段和第五段可以看出,这种假装接电话的目的是colleague avoidance,故B选项正确。其余选项均为对文中语句的混淆解释。3.推理判断题。题干询问“为了让假接手机看起来更真实,作者认为应该怎么做”。由原文第四段最后一句可知,要根据你想要避开的人而改变谈论的主题和内容,因此不能只谈论有趣的话题,故A项错误。而“走路的时候拿着手机”显然也不能单纯地提高真实性,故B项错误。根据原文第七段可知,要专注接听电话,对路过的人只需用眼神交流一下,点点头,同时还要指指电话,表示在讲电话,只能以后再聊,但并不能推断出这种礼貌地回应能让假接手机看起来更真实,故D项错误。只有C项“装成投入到交谈中的样子(没有注意到旁人)”最真实,最符合题意。因此,本题正确答案为C选项。4.推理判断题。题干询问文中最后一个例子的含义,其实也就是询问最后四段的主旨。这个例子是讲作者有一次在假装接电话时,正好有一个电话打进来,作者只好急中生智,装成手机出问题断线了,而自己还不知道后面又继续通话,可见假接电话也要多加小心,故A选项正确。在这个例子中,作者只是刚好假装在和医生通话,故B选项错误。C选项认为fake foning可能欺骗不了别人,是片面的,作者就很巧妙地化解了尴尬局面,成功骗了同事。选项D说假装接电话总是成功的,根据最后这个例子来看这也未必,还是需要小心的。因此本题正确答案为A选项。5.细节事实题。根据倒数第三段可知,当电活铃突然响起时,作者正好与同事四目相对,但是作者并未惊慌,只是很自然地说道:“这东西出什么毛病了?”同时拿开手机看了一下,然后重新放回耳边说到:“喂喂喂,还在吗?”由此可以看出,作者是对同事说了一句话,因此本题正确答案为B选项。2. 翻译题Translate the following into Chinese.Most people benefit from international trade, for the same general reasons that most people benefit from the division of labor within nations and within localities. By participating in a broader community within which individuals and groups sell what they can produce with the greatest (comparative) efficiency, people can secure a far greater quantity and variety of goods than each individual could possibly obtain if he had to produce every one himself. There are, of course, many instances when blocking or limiting trade can bring advantages to particular groups at the expense of the broader society. But the more these groups succeed in enforcing such restrictions, the lower the standard of living and the slower the pace of economic growth for the community as a whole.As with communities, so too with nations. Specific interests can gain from import restrictions and economic theory even recognizes cases in which a trade barrier might leave an entire nation better off albeit at the expense of other nations. In most circumstances, however, open trade - by maximizing economic efficiency enhances the welfare and the standard of living of the nation and of the wider world.【答案】大多数人从国际贸易中获益,这跟大多数人从国家内部和地方内部的分工中获益的原因大致相同。通过参与一个更广泛的社区,这个社区中个人与团体以最高的(相对)效率出售他们所能生产的产品,人们获得的商品数量与种类远远超过自己能生产的。当然,在很多情况下,组织或者限制贸易能够给某些特定群体带来好处,代价是整个社会的利益。但是,这些团体越是成功地执行这些限制,整个社区的生活水平就越低,经济增长的速度就越慢。 社区如此,国家也是如此。特定的利益能够从进口限制中获得,经济理论甚至承认,在某些情况下,贸易壁垒可能常会使国家经济变得更好,尽管是以别国利益为代价。然而,在大多情况下,开放贸易通过最大化经济效率提高国家和更广泛世界的福利和生活水平。 3. 单选题Doctors believe that secondhand smoke may cause lung cancer in people who do not smoke. Nonsmokers often breathe in the smoke from other peoples cigarettes. This is secondhand smoke. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that about fifty-three thousand people die in America each year as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke.The smoke that comes from a lit cigarette contains many different poisonous chemicals. In the past, scientists did not think that these chemicals harm a nonsmokers health. Recently, though, scientists expressed their opinion after they studied a large group of nonsmokers. They discovered that even nonsmokers had unhealthy amounts of these toxic chemicals in their bodies. As a matter of fact, almost all of us breathe tobacco smoke at times, whether we realize it or not. For example, we cannot avoid secondhand smoke in restaurants, hotels, and other public places. Even though many public places have nonsmoking areas, smoke flows in from the areas where smoking is permitted.It is even harder for children to avoid secondhand smoke. In America, nine million children under the age of five live in homes with at least one smoker. Research shows that these children are sick more often than the children who live in homes where no one smokes. The damaging effects of secondhand smoke on children also continue as they grow up. The children of smokers are more than twice as likely to develop lung cancer when they are adults as the children of nonsmokers. The risk is even higher for the children who live in homes where both parents smoke.1.It can be inferred that about fifty-three thousand people die in American ( ).2.Non-smokers get harmed by smokers( ).3.Which of the following statement is NOT true?4.Which of the following is not listed as a negative effect imposed by secondhand smoking on children?5.Which group of children suffer from secondhand smoking to the greatest extent?问题1选项A.because of smokingB.though they dont smokeC.because their parents smokeD.though their parents dont smoke问题2选项A.because of the poisonous smoke they breathe inB.if they live togetherC.when there is no non-smoking area in the public utilitiesD.though the poisonous chemicals contained in the smoke dont harm them问题3选项A.Non-smokers may be passively involved in secondhand smoking.B.Some non-smokers may die of lung cancer because of secondhand smoking.C.We all, more or less, suffer from secondhand smoking.D.Secondhand smoking is even more harmful than smoking itself.问题4选项A.They are more likely to be sick.B.They are more likely to develop mental disease.C.They tend to have the bad affect as they grow up.D.They are more likely to develop lung cancer.问题5选项A.Children under the age of five living in homes with no smokers.B.Children under the age of five living in homes with one parent smoking.C.Children under the age of five living in homes with two parents smoking.D.Children under the age of five living away from their parents.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.推理判断题。题干要求推断美国53,000人死亡的原因。根据关键词fifty-three thousand定位到文章第一段最后一句可知,这些人的死因是由于exposure to secondhand smoke,即“暴露于二手烟中”,由此可以推断死亡者本人不抽烟,故B项“尽管他们不吸烟”正确。而A项“由于吸烟”和C项“因为他们的父母吸烟”明显错误;D选项“尽管他们的父母不抽烟”属于过度推断。因此本题正确答案为B项。2.细节事实题。根据题干Non-smokers可定位到原文第二段第四句,再根据下一句.almost all of us breathe tobacco smoke at times, whether we realize it or not可知,不管我们有没有意识到,我们几乎都吸入烟草的烟,所以非吸烟者身体受损的原因是“因为他们吸入有毒的烟”,故A项正确。B选项原文没有提及,C选项与第二段最后一句不符,故排除;D选项根据第二段第三句“甚至非吸烟者身体内有过量的这些化学物质”可以排除。3.细节事实题。题干要求找出错误选项。A选项“非吸烟者也许会被动吸入二手烟”,根据常识可判断正确;根据第一段最后一句可知非吸烟者可能死于二手烟,所以B选项“有些非吸烟者可能因为吸二手烟而死于肺癌”正确;根据第二段 almost all of us breathe tobacco smoke at times, whether we realize it or not可知,C选项“我们都多多少少遭受二手烟的痛苦”正确;D选项“二手烟比抽烟本身伤害更大”在原文中并未提及,属于无中生有。因此本题答案为D项。4.细节事实题。题干要求判断四个选项中哪一个不是二手烟对孩子的消极影响。根据题干定位至原文最后一段。由these children are sick more often than the children who live in homes where no one smokes可知,这些孩子比家里没有人吸烟的更容易生病,故A选项正确,可排除;B选项“他们更可能患心理疾病”在原文中并未提及。根据原文倒数第三句可知,C选项“孩子们长大了也会受二手烟的影响”正确,可排除。根据原文最后一句“父母吸烟的孩子长大后患肺癌的概率是父母不吸烟的孩子的两倍多”可知,D选项“一些非吸烟者可能由于二手烟死于肺癌”正确, 可排除。故本题正确答案为B。5.推理判断题。题干要求判断以下那种孩子受二手烟的伤害最大。根据关键词children定位至最后一段可知,“父母都抽烟的孩子患肺癌的风险更高”。A选项为“5岁以下生活在无人抽烟的家庭的孩子”;B选项为“5岁以下生活在父亲或母亲一方抽烟的家庭的孩子”;C选项为“5岁以下生活在父母都抽烟的家庭的孩子”;D选项“5岁以下不和父母一起生活的孩子”。因此,本题正确答案为C项。4. 单选题This( )to the study of diseases is technically referred to as epidemiological.问题1选项A.methodB.solutionC.meansD.approach【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。由句意可知,to the study of diseases修饰空缺处的名词,A、C、D三个选项都可以表示“方法,方式”,但是只有approach可以与to搭配表示“.的方法”,method和means后不接to。solution表示“解决方案”,与句意不符,可排除。因此,本题正确答案为D项。【句意】这种疾病研究方法在技术上称之为流行病学法。5. 单选题Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on( ).问题1选项A.responseB.impulseC.instinctD.consciousness【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析题。A选项response“反应,回答”;B选项impulse“冲动”;C选项instinct“本能,直觉”;D选项consciousness“意识,知觉”。句意:人类的行为主要是学习的产物,而动物的行为主要依靠本能。选项C符合句意。6. 单选题Reebok executives do not like to hear their stylish athletic shoes called footwear for yuppies.They contend that Reebok shoes appeal to diverse market segments, especially now that the company offers basketball and childrens shoes for the under 18 set and walking shoes for older customers not interested in aerobics or running.The executives also point out that through recent acquisitions they have added hiking boots, dress and casual shoes, and high-performance athletic footwear to their product lines, all of which should attract new and varied groups of customers.Still, despite its emphasis on new markets, Reebok plans few changes in the up market retailing network that helped push sales to 1 billion annually, ahead of all other sports shoe marketers.Rebook shoes, which arc priced from $27 to $85, will continue to be sold only in better specialty, sporting goods, and department stores, in accordance with the companys view that consumers judge the quality of the brand by the quality of its distribution.In the past few years, the Massachusetts-based company has imposed limits on the number of its distributors (and the number of shoes supplied to stores), partly out of necessity.At times the unexpected demand for Reeboks exceeded supply, and the company could barely keep up with orders from the dealers it already had.These fulfillment problems seem to be under control now, but the company is still selective about its distributors.At present, Reebok shoes are available in about five thousand retail stores in the United States.Reebok has already anticipated that walking shoes will be the next fitness-related craze, replacing aerobics shoes the same way its brightly colored, soft leather exercise footwear replaced conventional running shoes.Through product diversification and careful market research, Reebok hopes to avoid the distribution problems Nike came across several years ago, when Nike misjudged the strength of the aerobics shoe craze and was forced to unload huge inventories of running shoes through discount stores.1. One reason why Reeboks managerial personnel dont like their shoes to be called “footwearof yuppies” is that( ).2.Reeboks view that “consumers judge the quality of the brand by the quality of its distribution” (Line 5, Para.2) implies that( ).3.Reebok once had to limit the number of its distributors because( ).4.Although the Reebok Company has solved the problem of fulfilling its orders, it( ).5.What lesson has Reebok learned from Nikes distribution problems?问题1选项A.they believe that their shoes are popular with people of different age groupsB.new production lines have been added to produce inexpensive shoesC.“yuppies” usually evokes a negative imageD.the term makes people think of prohibitive prices.问题2选项A.the quality of a brand is measured by the service quality of the store selling itB.the quality of a product determines the quality of its distributorsC.the popularity of a brand is determined by the stores that sell itD.consumers believe that first-rate products are only sold by high-quality stores问题3选项A.its supply of products fell short of demandB.too many distributors would cut into its profitsC.the reduction of distributors could increase its share of the marketD.it wanted to enhance consumer confidence in its products问题4选项A.does not want to further expand its retailing networkB.still limits the number of shoes supplied to storesC.is still particular about who sells its productsD.Still carefully chooses the manufacturers of its products.问题5选项A.A company should not sell its high quality shoes in discount stores.B.A company should not limit its distribution network.C.A company should do follow-up surveys of its products.D.A company should correctly evaluate the impact of a new craze on the market.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干可以定位到第一段第二句活They contend that Reebok shoes appeal to diverse market segments, especially now that the company offers basketball and childrens shoes for the under 18 set and walking shoes for older customers not interested in aerobics or running. “他们认为,锐步关注的是多元化的细分市场,特别是因为公司在为18岁以下顾客制造篮球鞋和童鞋的同时,也为不爱做有氧运动或跑步的老年顾客提供步行鞋。”,由此可知锐步关注的是多元化的细分市场。所以A项正确。2.判断推理题。根据题干可以定位在文章第二段的Reebok plans few changes in the up market retailing network. “锐步计划对高端市场零售网络进行一些调整。”和 Rebook shoes, which are priced from $27 to $85, will continue to be sold only in better specialty, sporting goods, and department stores.“价格在27美元到85美元之间的Rebook运动鞋将继续只在更好的专业产品、体育用品和百货商店出售”。故D项“消费者认为一流的产品只会在高质量的店铺被售卖。”符合题意。3.细节事实题。根据题干定位在文章第三段In the past few years, the Massachusetts-based company has imposed limits on the number of its distributors (and the number of shoes supplied to stores), partly out of necessity. At times the unexpected demand for Reeboks exceeded supply, and the company could barely keep up with orders from the dealers it already had.。过去几年,这家总部位于马萨诸塞州的公司对其分销商的数量(以及供应给商店的鞋的数量)进行了限制,这在一定程度上是出于必要。有时锐步的需求超出了供应,难以满足经销商的订单。由此可知A项 “供不应求”。4.细节事实题。根据题干可以定位在文章第三段中的 These fulfillment problems seem to be under control now, but the company is still selective about its distributors. 这些问题现在似乎得到了控制,但公司仍然对经销商很挑剔。”由此可知C项 “对于让谁来销售他们的产品仍然挑剔”符合题意,答案选C。5.细节事实题。根据题干可以定位到最后段中的 Through product diversification and careful market research, Reebok hopes to avoid the distribution problems Nike came across several years ago, when Nike misjudged the strength of the aerobics shoe craze and was forced to unload huge inventories of running shoes through discount stores. “通过产品多样化和仔细的市场调查,锐步希望避免耐克几年前遇到的分销问题,当时耐克误判了健美鞋热潮的强度,被迫通过折扣店出售大量库存的跑鞋。”由此可知D项 “企业应该正确估计市场上新热潮的影响”。符合题意。因此选D。7. 单选题In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth the total ( )for living expenses.问题1选项A.acceptableB.availableC.advisableD.applicable【答案】B【解析】句意:通常,一个学生花在住房上的费用应控制在可支配生活费总额的五分之一以内。考查形容词辨析。acceptable 可接受的,令人满意的;available 可获得的,可购得的,有空的;advisable 明智的,可取的;applicable 适用的,可实施的。故B符合句意。8. 单选题10. In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe( )Europe into a great war.问题1选项A.insertedB.pitchedC.plungedD.imposed【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。insert “插入,嵌入”后接in/ into/ between;pitch “用力扔,投,抛”;plunge“使陷入(某种状态),把抛进”,常和介词into搭配使用; impose “迫使,把强加于”,常和介词on/upon搭配使用。句意:1914年,发生在东欧一个偏僻地区的一件微不足道的小事使欧洲陷入了一场大战。根据题干介词into 可知只有C项符合。答案选C。9. 单选题Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular ( ).问题1选项A.gapsB.rateC.lengthD.intervals【答案】D【解析】句意:学生或老师可以每隔一段时间就进行一次短途旅行,到海岛附近美丽的沙滩上去。考查短语辨析。at.rate 以速度:at intervals 不时,每隔一段时间; at length 详尽地; at gap,无此搭配。故选D。10. 单选题People buy insurance in order to( )a small, certain, tolerable loss for a large, uncertain,catastrophic one.问题1选项A.returnB.substituteC.instituteD.predict【答案】B【解析】考查固定词组搭配。固定搭配substitute .for.表示“用代替”。A选项return表示“返回,报答,回击”;C选项institute表示“实行,授予(学位),提起(诉讼)”;D选项predict表示“预言,预测”。【句意】人们买保险是为了用一个可以确定和容忍的小损失来替代大的、不确定的、灾难性的损失。11. 单选题Mutualism is a type of symbiosis that occurs when two unlike organisms live together in a state that is mutually beneficial. It can exist between two animals, between two plants, or between a plant and an animal. Mutualism is unlike the symbiotic state of commensalism in that commensalism is a one-sided state in which a host gives and a guest takes, while in mutualism both partners live on a give-and-take basis.In the African wilds, the zebra and the ostrich enjoy a symbiotic relationship that enhances the ability of these large land animals to survive. Both serve as prey for the lion, and neither has the capability alone to withstand an attack from this fierce hunter. However, when the zebra and the ostrich collaborate in their defense by alerting each other to possible danger from an approaching predator, the lion is rarely able to capture more than the oldest or feeblest of the herd. The complementary physical strengths and weaknesses of the ostrich and the zebra allow them to work in coordination to avoid succumbing to the lion. The ostrich, the largest flightless bird in the world, possesses great speed and keen eyesight, which enable it to spot large predatory animals long before they are able to position themselves to attack. The zebra, with a running speed equal to that of the ostrich, has excellent hearing and a good sense of smell but lacks the sharp eyesight of the ostrich. When os


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